Make a label a global element - xcode

I have some code to make global variables that I can use to access variables across multiple .swift files. It looks like this:
struct globalValues {
static var test:Double = 1
And then I call it using
globalValues.test = 2
Can I do something similar to an #IBOutlet label?

A label cannot be global because it belongs only to one view controller. Moreover, it is very wrong to talk directly to a label (e.g. to read its text, or even worse to write to its text) from outside the view controller that owns it. Only a view controller should be in any way aware of its views as views.
Instead, your other code needs to figure out how to get a reference to the view controller that has the label. And then the view controller must have accessor functions or public properties that allow other code to talk to it about the data underlying the label in a coherent manner. If the view controller wants to respond by changing the label in some way, that is its business.


Show specific presenter instance to flex panel gwt mvp

I'm still learning GWT, yet already have to face some kind of challenge for a work I have to do. Can't show any specific code so I'll try to explain it well.
Here's the situation: A certain class "Navigator" creates and save the Presenter instances of my architecture to allow reusing them. There is a method show() inside that same class that actually displays the view related but that system only works full screen by calling RootPanel.get().
What i'd like to do is showing that presenter instance's view inside of a flex panel element declared in a class myView (related to a class myPresenter) that basically uses Flex Panel to structure it's content.
To make it maybe more clear:
class myView{
flexPanel.setWidget(secondWidget) //secondWidget to be replaced by a "thirdWidget"
I'd like the secondWidget to be replaced by another one, let's call it thirdWidget, that consists of a specific presenter instance's view.
To resume, I'd like my presenter instance's view to not go full screen but only occupy a certain area of the screen.
The displaying is managed almost entirely programmatically, means very limited use of css files and no use at all of xml ui files.
How can I manage this ?
Use a SimplePanel as a container for your views returned by your Navigation class instead of adding them directly to root panel, and use that instance of SimplePanel where ever you want.

EmberJS: programmatically adding a child view to a collection view without changing underlying content

My EmberJS app is confusing me a lot at the moment. I have a collection view, that in turn defines an itemViewClass of a custom view I have defined in my code. Something like:
App.CarouselView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
itemViewClass: App.SlideView.extend(),
And this CarouselView is rendered inside a template that has a dynamic segment backing it (I hope this makes sense?) . The controller for these dynamic segment is an array controller because the model for these dynamic segments is a collection :) (more confusion, please let me know)
App.SlidesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();
By now all of you have figured that I am basically rendering a bunch of slides inside of a carousel. And these are dynamically backed in the collectionView by setting the property
contentBinding:'controller' // property set in CarouselView, controller corresponds to SlidesController
The confusion begins now. I want to add a slide to the existing set of slides. So I provide a button with an action : 'add' target='view'
In the SlidesView,
add: function(){
var carouselView = this.get('childViews')[0];
// SlidesView has carouselView and another view as it's child, hence this.get('childViews')[0] is carouselView
var newCard = carouselView.createChildView(App.SlideView.extend());
The above piece of code sucks and hurts me bad. I want to basically add a new SlideView to my CarouselView collection programmatically upon a button trigger. But apparently Ember recommends that childViews should not be manipulated directly and I ought to instead change the underlying content.
It states in my console.log that manipulating childViews is deprecated etc.
So essentially I need to add something to my content to my SlidesController content ? However, I don't want to add something to the content, this is just a soft add, that is providing the user with a slide so that he may choose to edit or add something if he wants to. He can always discard it. A hard add that will require me to persist the new slide to the DB will come once the user decides to save this information.

Prism navigation- finding out origin of navigation request?

I have a viewmodel tied to a view used in a region. I'm trying to find a way that when that view is navigated to from a particular view (say view A), it does some work internally, like initializing some lists, setting some stuff, whatever. But if it has been navigated to from view B, it needs to NOT reinitialize everything, and just display the data it already has.
I could pass a parameter I suppose, saying whether this is a new operation or if we are going back to work on the old one, but I thought it would be nicer to be able to state that if we came from this view, we do one thing, and if we came from that one we do another.
If that makes sense :)
You can implement the INavigationAware interface which contains 3 methods. One of these methods is the OnNavigatedTo method. There you can access the journal and check the current entry. From there you should be able to determine if it came from View A or View B.
public void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext)
var journal = navigationContext.NavigationService.Journal;
//use journal.CurrentEntry

Ember.js: How can I decouple my views from my controllers?

I'm trying to restructure tightly coupled portions of an ember.js app, particularly views and templates to controllers.
All the examples I've seen bind views directly to controllers in the view's class definition, or by pass the (global) controller path to the view in the template itself.
The TargetActionSupport mixin (DelegateSupport in sproutcore, I think) seems like a good candidate, but would still require the target (controller) and action to be set in the template itself.
Ideally, I would like to instantiate my views in my controller (somehow), set targets and actions, but also set presentational variables in my templates (ex: static classes, id), but I'm not sure how to accomplish something this, or whether it's the right approach.
You can programmatically instantiate views and insert them into the DOM wherever you'd like:
var view = Ember.View.create();
If you want to eliminate global binding paths, you can pass in a controller reference to the view on instantiation:
var controller = Ember.Object.create({content: {}}),
view = Ember.View.create({
controller: controller,
contentBinding: 'controller.content'
I'd also suggest looking into the Ember StateManager.

Custom MVC Framework: How do I propogate data to a view?

I am creating a custom MVC framework.
I verrrrry loosely modeled it after the codeIgniter framework, but it's ground-up custom for the most part.
I'm at the point where I have URL's routing to the appropriate controller actions, but I'm stuck at the point where I generate a view that can utilize data generated by the controller.
I have views defined (static HTML with inline php ready to populate dynamic data), and I have the destructor of my base controller require()'ing the view in order to populate the browser with the view... here's the code:
public function __destruct()
if ($this->bSuppressView === false)
Basically, when the controller is done executing, the teardown process of the base controller will then include the global header view, the controller's action's view, and then the global footer view, which should populate the webpage with everything for the URL that was requested...
HOWEVER, I cannot access any globally defined variables from the embedded php in the view code. In my bootstrap class, I define a bunch of local variables such as my config variable, etc., but the view seems to consider those variables undefined. Additionally, i'm unsure how to allow the view to access data that the controller may have generated. Where do I "stick" it to make it available to the view?
Let me know if this isn't clear, and i'll update.
UPDATE: I've discovered that while doing it this way, the "environment" of the views is within the controller object, which, as far as I can tell is a great thing! I don't have to propogate anything anywhere but in the controller, and I can use "$this->" in the views to get access to anything public or private from within the controller class!!!
That leaves the question: is this "normally" how it's done in MVC? What's the BEST way to propogate a view? I think this will suit my purposes, and I will post back if I discover a limitation to just treating the embedded view php as "within the scope of the calling controller"...
The way this is generally done, is that the view is actually an object. You pass that object you're variables, and that view object takes the template you gave it, includes it so that it's in the current scope, and grab the output into a variable using output buffering.
To give you a basic idea:
// controller object
// controller base class
$view = new View;
// view class
class View {
function render() {
include $this->resolveTemplate();
$out = ob_get_contents();
return $out;
