Determine if video stream is a live stream - ffmpeg

Is there a way to use ffprobe or ffmpeg to determine if a given stream (for instance http://server/stream or rtmp://server/stream...) is an on-going live stream or is fixed stream (i.e. recorded in the path with no live updates)?

Check if the processing speed exceeds the stream framerate.
ffmpeg -i stream -f null -
Let it run for a minute or so.
You can also seek into the stream,
ffmpeg -ss 60 -i stream -preset superfast -t 5 test.mp4
For pre-recorded content, this should happen quicker than the seek duration, and the start should be the seek point requested. ffmpeg may start at the latest time available if the seek can't be exactly fulfilled.


FFMPEG bottleneck in relaying data from a dshow camera to stdout PIPE without any processing or conversion

I have a USB camera (FSCAM_CU135) that can encode the video to MJPEG internally and it supports DirectShow. My goal is to retrieve the binary stream of the encoded video as it is (without decoding or preview) and send it to my program for further processing.
I choose to use FFMPEG to read the MJPEG stream and pipe to stdout so that I can read it using Python's subprocess.Popen .
ffmpeg -y -f dshow -vsync 2 -rtbufsize 1000M -video_size 1920x1440 -vcodec mjpeg -i video="FSCAM_CU135" -vcodec copy -f mjpeg pipe:1
At this resolution, the camera is able to capture and transmit at 60 fps.
In this case, I expect FFMPEG to pass the data as fast as possible with no calculation.
With the output of FFMPEG I can tell how fast it moves the data from rtbuffer to the output pipe.
With just one camera, FFMPEG works with no problem and move the data at 60 fps.
However, when I run 2 cameras simultaneously, the cameras still generate data at 60 fps but FFMPEG can only move the data around 55 fps. This means that I am unable to consume the video in realtime and the buffer consumption will be larger over time.
I guess that FFMPEG didn't just simply move the data but did some processing such as searching for the beginning, the end, and the timestamp of each video frame so that it can count frames and report.
Is there a way to force FFMPEG to not doing those things and focus on passing the data only to make it faster?
If I purely use directshow API without FFMPEG, can it be faster?

FFmpeg - Fragmented MP4 with non-fixed frame rate

I'm creating a fragmented MP4 for the use of playing in Media Source Extensions.
The command line is: ffmpeg.exe -probesize 10000000 -r 10 -i - -vcodec copy -an -f mp4 -reset_timestamps 0 -blocksize 30000 -movflags empty_moov+default_base_moof+frag_keyframe -loglevel debug -
The source of the video is an IP camera streaming H.264.
The configured and expected frame rate is 10FPS but there is no guarantee for 10FPS, for example a frame may get dropped occasionally, or the camera may just not play nice with what it declares.
I have simulate a 10% p-frames drops to emphasize the following issue:
With the above command, the output video plays faster than real-time and this is a problem because the whole pipe is a live stream.
With the 10% frame drop simulation, the effective playback rate it 1.1x.
I don't want to obligate to a fixed frame rate because there is no guarantee for a fixed-rate.
If I remove the -r 10 flag entirely, the MP4 seems to the playing at 2x-3x speed.
Is there a way building the MP4 timestamps in a more dynamic way? for example, giving it the RTP timestamp or somehow telling ffmpeg to build the MP4 with the timestamp of the "feed" time?

Speed of the x265 and ffmpeg HEVC based encoding

I'm trying to perform a real-time encoding of a video using HEVC with ffmpeg. I'm able to achieve the required performance when running the x265 encoder separately without the support of ffmpeg. This way the my system can perform the encoding at 30 frames per second. However, my requirement is to create a MPEG-TS stream with the encoded content and therefore, the video is encoded with the ffmpeg as follows:
ffmpeg -s:v 1280x720 -i input.yuv -c:v libx265 -x265-params crf=20:keyint=25:fps=25:preset=ultrafast -f mpegts out.ts
Strangely, the performance of the encoding is reduced drastically and I'm only able to achieve an encoding performance of just 10 frames per second.
Is this a problem of the multiplexing process within ffmpeg?. Could someone please help me to resolve this issue.
This is can be a reason q factor in FFmpeg. You need to compare q value of FFmpeg and x265 bin. This is my guess.

ffmpeg drop frames on purpose to lower filesize

Our security system records and archives our IP cameras streams with ffmpeg -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -i rtsp://192.168.x.x:554/mpeg4 -c copy -t 60 my_input_video.avi
I run it with crontab every minute so it creates videos of 60 seconds (~15Mb) for each camera every minute. When an intrusion occurs, the camera sends a picture through FTP and a script called by incrontab:
1- forwards immediately the picture by email
2- selects the video covering the minute the intrusion occured, compress it with h264 (to ~2,6Mb) and sends it by email
It is working really well but if a thief crosses the path of various cameras, the connection to the SMTP server is not fast enough so video emails are delayed. I'd like to compress the videos even more to avoid that. I could lower the resolution (640x480 to 320x240 for example) but sometimes 640x480 is handy to zoom on something which looks to be moving...
So my idea is to drop frames in the video in order to lower the filesize. I don't care if the thief is walking like a "stop motion Lego" on the video, the most important is I know there is someone so I can act.
mediainfo my_input_video.avi says Frame rate = 600.000 fps but it is of course wrong. FPS sent by IP cameras are always false because it varies with the network quality; this is why i use "-use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1" in my command to record the streams.
with ffmpeg -i my_input_video.avi -vcodec h264 -preset ultrafast -crf 28 -acodec mp3 -q:a 5 -r 8 output.avi the video is OK but filesize is higher (3Mb)
with ffmpeg -i my_input_video.avi -vcodec h264 -preset ultrafast -crf 28 -acodec mp3 -q:a 5 -r 2 output.avi the filesize is lower (2,2Mb) but the video doesn't work (it is blocked at the first frame).
Creating a mjpeg video (mjpeg = not interlaced frames) in the middle of the process (first exporting to mjpeg with less frames and then exporting to h264) creates same results.
Do you know how I can get my thief to walk like a "stop motion Lego" to lower the filesize to a minimum?
Thanks for any help
What are your constraints file size wise? 2.6MB for 60 seconds of video seems pretty reasonable to me, thats about 350kbps, which is pretty low for video quality.
You need to specify the video bitrate -b:v 125000 (125kbps, should drop you to about 900kb) to control the bitrate/s you want the video encoded at. Your not giving FFMpeg enough hints as to how you want the video handled, so its picking arbitrary values you don't like. As you drop the frame rate, its just using up the buffers allocating more bits to each frame. (one big thing you need to keep in mind with this is, as you stretch the video out over a longer time period the more likely the scene will change significantly require an I frame (full encoded frame vs frame based on previous frame) so reducing the frame rate will help some, but may not help as much as you'd think).
Your "(it is blocked at the first frame)." is most likely an issue with you trying to start decoding a stream when it is not at an I frame and not an issue with your settings.

Audio stream shorter than video stream

I generate a bunch of videos by looping .PNG inputs along with .AMR audio.
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i slide001.png -i slide001.amr -vcodec rawvideo -acodec pcm_s16le -t 5 slide001.avi
Eventually I join the .AVIs using Mencoder. I haven't had much success trying to join them with FFmpeg.
It seems that because the .AMR's actual duration is shorter than the 5 seconds I specified for example, when the time comes to join the .AVIs, the audio stream will be out of sync (ahead of the video).
I suspect I need to find a way of padding the audio with silence or specifying its duration somehow so that the audio and video streams in my .AVIs are of equal length before joining them.
Any ideas?
I ended up solving this by using the SoX audio processor in addition to ffmpeg:
The command I use is
sox slide001.wav slide001padded.wav pad 0 3
The above adds 3s of silence to the end of the audio. When ffmpeg's "-t 5" duration command is applied in the video creation, it trims the extra silence so that the video and audio streams are the same length.
This works only when the audio is shorter than the video. You need to add enough silence so that the audio duration equals or exceeds the video duration.
