How to get data from two tables using web api - model-view-controller

I want to get data from two tables using web api, but I'm receiving an error.
Here is my code:
public List<tblEmpTask> GettblEmpTasks()
var q = (from n in db.tblEmpTasks
join c in db.tblEmployees on n.intEmpCode equals c.intEmpCode
select new
return q;
Here is the error that I'm receiving:
The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'.
and please note that I am using web api. Looking forward to solve this issue.

when selecting an anonymous the function should return List<object>
or instead
use a type to return value such as-
class myType{
string TaskName, //assuming type as string
string dtStart, //assuming type as string
string EmployeeName //assuming type as string
and in LinQ query something like -
select new myType{ TaskName=n.strTaskName, dtStart=n.dtStart, EmployeeName=c.strEmployeeName}
and return as List<myType>


How to map nested projections with native query

I want to map my query result to RequestProjection interface values.
The following code works and return request id and submission date.
I need to return worker name too. I have tried r.worker_name AS workerName and r.worker_name AS worker_name and r.worker_name AS but none of them works.
How can I select and map worker name?
SELECT AS id, r.submission_date AS submissionDate
From Request r
public interface RequestProjection {
Long getId();
Long getSubmissionDate();
Worker getWorker();
interface Worker {
String getName();
You can do this without native query using the constructor expression, read more here Spring JPA native query with Projection gives "ConverterNotFoundException"

OData Get method returns Complex Type

I'm just getting started with OData using Asp.Net Web API.
I declare in WebApiConfig.cs
ODataModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
return builder.GetEdmModel();
In StaffsController.cs
public class StaffsController : ODataController
UnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public StaffsController()
this.unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
public IHttpActionResult Get()
var q = this.unitOfWork.StaffRepository.Data.Select(p => new { p.Name, p.Id, p.Ext });
// Or Grouping here to return a Complex Type
return Ok(q);
It return 406 error, but if I change
var q = this.unitOfWork.StaffRepository.Data.Select(p => new { p.Name, p.Id, p.Ext });
// Or Grouping here to return a Complex Type
var q = this.unitOfWork.StaffRepository.Data;
It works.
I've search on Google for a while but still found nothing. Could you help me out if we can do that or we have other ways to reach that?
The type that you pass into the generic parameter for builder.EntitySet - in your case Staff - needs to match the object that you return from the Get method. Because you used Staff, the variable q needs to be of type IQueryable<Staff>.
The Data property is of this type so it works, but the anonymous type for the version that isn't working obviously isn't so it doesn't work.
Following on from your comment
I want get Staff information list with some statistic data
In order to add different properties to the response, you need to create a new object type that you pass into the builder.EntitySet generic parameter and then create it in Select statement in the controller.
However, what you are doing in the example, seems to be just returning properties that are already on the Staff object. You could use an OData $select statement to do this. For example:

what is a projection in LINQ, as in .Select()

I typically do mobile app development, which doesn't always have .Select. However, I've seen this used a bit, but I don't really know what it does or how it's doing whatever it does. It is anything like
from a in list select a // a.Property // new Thing { a.Property}
I'm asking because when I've seen code using .Select(), I was a bit confused by what it was doing.
.Select() is from method syntax for LINQ, select in your code from a in list select a is for query syntax. Both are same, query syntax compiles into method syntax.
You may see: Query Syntax and Method Syntax in LINQ (C#)
Projection Operations - MSDN
Projection refers to the operation of transforming an object into a
new form that often consists only of those properties that will be
subsequently used. By using projection, you can construct a new type
that is built from each object. You can project a property and perform
a mathematical function on it. You can also project the original
object without changing it.
You may also see:
LINQ Projection
The process of transforming the results of a query is called
projection. You can project the results of a query after any filters
have been applied to change the type of the collection that is
Example from MSDN
List<string> words = new List<string>() { "an", "apple", "a", "day" };
var query = from word in words
select word.Substring(0, 1);
In the above example only first character from each string instance is selected / projected.
You can also select some fields from your collection and create an anonymous type or an instance of existing class, that process is called projection.
from a in list select new { ID = a.Id}
In the above code field Id is projected into an anonymous type ignoring other fields. Consider that your list has an object of type MyClass defined like:
class MyClass
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
Now you can project the Id and Name to an anonymous type like:
Query Syntax:
var result = from a in list
select new
ID = a.Id,
Name = a.Name,
Method Syntax
var result = list.Select(r => new { ID = r.Id, Name = r.Name });
You can also project result to a new class. Consider you have a class like:
class TemporaryHolderClass
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Then you can do:
Query Syntax:
var result = from a in list
select new TemporaryHolderClass
Id = a.Id,
Name = a.Name,
Method Syntax:
var result = list.Select(r => new TemporaryHolderClass
Id = r.Id,
Name = r.Name
You can also project to the same class, provided you are not trying to project to classes generated/created for LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework.
My summary is it takes results (or a subset of results) and allows you to quickly restructure it for use in the local context.
The select clause produces the results of the query and specifies the
"shape" or type of each returned element. For example, you can specify
whether your results will consist of complete Customer objects, just
one member, a subset of members, or some completely different result
type based on a computation or new object creation.
There are a lot of possible uses for this but one is taking a complex object which of many other contains a property that is a string -- say Name -- and allows you to return an enumeration with just the entries of Name. I believe you can also do the opposite -- use that property ( for example) and create / return new type of object while passing in a property or properties.
It means "mapping". Map each element of a sequence to a transformed sequence. I hadn't comprehended its meaning before I looked at the image.
Where does the meaning of the word come from?
Simply, math!

How to use a string in the linq where clause?

I am trying to send a Linq query as a string to a method to be used in a where clause. Since IEnumerable wouldn't work for this, I have converted my IEnumerable to IQueryable and still it throws error. The following is the code:
public static void FilterData(string Query)
if((List<MemberMaintenanceData>)HttpContext.Current.Session["Allmembers"] != null)
//Get the IEnumerable object colection from session
var data = (List<MemberMaintenanceData>) HttpContext.Current.Session["Allmembers"];
//Convert it to IQueryable
IQueryable<MemberMaintenanceData> queryData = data.AsQueryable();
//This line doesn't compile!!
queryData = queryData.Where(Query);
HttpContext.Current.Session["Allmembers"] = queryData.AsEnumerable().ToList();
I intended passing "a => a.AccountId == 1000" as Query
There is a free (and open source) library, provided by Microsoft for parsing strings into Lambda expressions that can then be used in Linq queries. It also contains versions of the standard query operators such as Where() that take a string parameter. You can find it described in Scott Guthries blog post on Dynamic Linq.
For example, you can do queries like this (adapted from a snippet from the Scott guthrie link)
// imagine these have come from a drop down box or some other user input...
string thingToSelectBy = "City";
string citySelectedByUser = "London";
int minNumberOfOrders = 10;
string whereClause = String.Format("{0} = #0 and Orders.Count >= #1", thingToSelectBy);
var query = db.Customers
.Where(whereClause, citySelectedByUser, minNumberOfOrders)
.Select("new(CompanyName as Name, Phone");
The Where clause in thisw code snippet shows how you create a where clause using a parameterised string and then dynamically inject values for the parameters at run time, for example, based on user input. This works for parameters of any type.
In your example, the where clause would be
whereClause = "AccountId = 1000";
So in effect you would be doing something like
var newFilteredQueryData = queryData.Where("AccountId = 1000");
That link also contains the location where you can download the source code and a comprehensive document describing the dynamic query API and expression language.
Given a class such as:
public class foo
public int AccountID {get;set;}
You should be able to do something like this:
Expression<Func<foo, bool>> filter = f => f.AccountID == 1000;
And then pass that as your query. If it is really needed as a string you can do this:
//By Using this library
using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core;
InventoryList = Repository.GetAll(); // IQueryable
string filterString = "UnitPrice > 10 And Qty>100 OR Description.Contains("Dairy")";
var filteredGenericList = InventoryList.Where(filterString);

Nhibernate 3.0 LINQ: Problem returning to IQueryable (non generic version) - doesn't allow ToList()

I am using the latest Nhibernate and i have a linq query to return just 1 column. so I can't use for example IQueryable as there is no entity class - i am returning only 1 column. But return to IQueryable Non Generic version doesn't provide the ToList method
Here is the method
public IQueryable GetCode()
using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction())
var results = (from c in _session.Query<Client>()
select new
Group = c.Code
Of course if i do this (see below) i get the ToList method on my IQueryable
public IQueryable<Client> GetCode()
using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction())
var results = (from c in _session.Query<Client>()
select c;
The problem being is that i need to do DISTINCT and use only 1 column.
Any ideas, i am at a loss
Thanks in advance
When i look at the type that is returned via IQueryable it is
and looking under the base class of what is returned i see an exception
Expression type 10005 is not supported by this SelectClauseVisitor.
Wouldn't the following work?
public IQueryable<X> GetCode() // X = the type of Client.Code
using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction())
var results = (from c in _session.Query<Client>()
select c.Code).Distinct();
The problem here is not just that you can't call ToList on a non-generic IQueryable, but that the entire result is untyped, so you cannot read the Code property of each element either. (This can be worked around with C# 4's dynamic type, but that's not really what you want here.)
In your case, I don't see why you really need to construct an anonymous type just to return a distinct sequence of Code values renamed as Group. Returning the field's value should be sufficient.
If you'd need to return more than just one column, you should create an explicit type, rather than using an anonymous type, so you can say
public IQueryable<ClientGroupAndSomething> GetCode()
using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction())
var results = (from c in _session.Query<Client>()
select new ClientGroupAndSomething
Group = c.Code,
