grep return the string in between words - bash

I am trying to use grep to filter out the RDS snapshot identifier from the rds describe-db-snapshots command output below:
how to return the exact output as in
tried using
grep -Eo ",rds:"
but not able to

Following awk may also help you on same.
awk 'match($0,/^"rds[^"]*/){print substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-1)}' Input_file

Your grep -Eo ",rds:" is failing for different reasons:
You did not add a " in the string to match
Between the comma and rds you need to match the character.
You are trying to match the comma that can be on the previous line
Your sample input is 2 lines (with a newline in between), perhaps the real input is without the newline.
You want to match until the next double quote.
You can support both input-styles (with/without newline) with
grep -Eo '(,|^)"rds:[^"]*' rdsfile |cut -d'"' -f2
You can do this in one command with
sed -rn 's/.*(,|^)"(rds:[^"]*).*/\2/p' rdsfile
EDIT: Manipulting stdout and not the file is with similar commands:
yourcommand | grep -Eo '(,|^)"rds:[^"]*' |cut -d'"' -f2
# or
yourcommand | sed -rn 's/.*(,|^)"(rds:[^"]*).*/\2/p'
You can also test the original commands with yourcommand > rdsfile.
You might notice that rdsfile is missing data that you have seen on the screen, in that case add 2>&1
yourcommand 2>&1 | grep -Eo '(,|^)"rds:[^"]*' |cut -d'"' -f2
# or
yourcommand 2>&1 | sed -rn 's/.*(,|^)"(rds:[^"]*).*/\2/p'


Sed output a value between two matching strings in a url

I have multiple urls as input
How can I create a sed command to simply return only the file ID
desired output:
Looks like I need to start between /d/ and stop at /view but I'm not quite sure how to do that.
I've tried? sed -e 's/d\(.*\)\/view/\1/'
I was able to do this with cut -d '/' -f 8
also awk -F/ '{print $8}' file worked, thanks!
Your command was almost right:
# Wrong
sed -e 's/d\(.*\)\/view/\1/'
# better, removing unmatched stuff including the / after the d
sed -e 's/.*d\/\(.*\)\/view.*/\1/'
# better: using # for making the command easier to read
sed -e 's#.*d/\(.*\)/view.*#\1#'
# Alternative:Using cut when you don't know which field /d/ is
some_straem | grep -Eo '/d/.*/view' | cut -d/ -f3

Print all the instances of a matching pattern in a file

I've been trying to print all the instances of a matching pattern from file.
Input file:
I'd want to print everything between "id":" and ",.
Expected output:
I'm using the command
grep -Eo 'id\"\:\"[^"]+"\"\,*' | grep -Eo '^[^"]+'
Am I missing anything here?
What went wrong is the place of the comma in the first grep:
grep -Eo 'id.\:.[^"]+"\,"' inputfile
You need to do something extra for getting the desired substring.
grep -Eo 'id.\:.[^"]+"\,"' inputfile | cut -d: -f2 | grep -Eo '[^",]+'
I used cut, that would be easy for your example input.
cut -d'"' -f4 < inputfile
You have alternatives, like using jq, or
sed -r 's/\{"id":"([^"]*).*/\1/' inputfile
or using awk (solution now like cut but can be changed easy)
awk -F'"' '{print $4}' inputfile

Parse file by splitting string in file and get desired output using single command

I'm using bash to look into file and parse the results. Can someone tell me how to use cut/awk to split the string and get desired output by using single command? I can get through individual cut and get the below output (with 2 commands and concatenation) but i want to do using single command instead of two commands.
1/98 | (PASSED) | 21:20:20
Tried code:
str1=`cat test.log | tail -1 | cut -d '|' -f 1`
str2=`cat test.log | tail -1 | cut -d '|' -f 2 | sed -e 's/''/g'`
str3="${str1} | ${str2}"
1/98 | (PASSED) stackoverview.questions.Password_01
Since this is a simple substitution on an individual line it's better suited to sed than awk and not at all appropriate for cut:
$ sed 's/\(.*| [^ ]* \)com\.yahoo\.qa\.java\.projects\.\([^(]*\).*/\1\2/' file
1/98 | (PASSED) stackoverview.questions.Password_01
Following single awk may help you in same.
awk 'END{sub(/com\.yahoo\.qa\.java\.projects\./,"",$4);print $1,$2,$3,$4}' Input_file
OR for all kind of awks following may help you in same too.(As per SIR ED's suggestions):
awk '{value=$0} END{split(value, a," ");sub(/\./,"",a[4]);print a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]}' Input_file
Using awk
$ awk -F "com[.]yahoo[.]qa[.]java[.]projects[.]" 'sub(/\(\).*/,"",$2)' file
1/98 | (PASSED) stackoverview.questions.Password_01

Printing a substring from log

I have a log line of the following format:
2016-08-04 19:12:02,537 INFO ...<Thread-4> - Got a message [......|clientTradeId=xxxxxxx|timeInForce=xxxx|.....TradeResponseMessage]
I would need to extract all line with the 'Got a message' key phrase;and then print out just the 'clientTradeId=xxxxxxx' part of the resulting shortlist.
How do I achieve this with scripting(grep and cut? - or is there a better option)
Considering data is in file data.log
grep -F "Got a message" data.log | grep -Po "clientTradeId=[^| ]+"
using cut
grep -F "Got a message" data.log | cut -f2 -d'|'
UPDATED COMMAND thanks #BenjaminW:
sed -rn 's/.*(clientTradeId=[0-9]*).*/p' file
Haven't used sed, but I have used regex.
Looking at the documentation for sed
cat file | sed '/.*(clientTradeId=[0-9]*).*/\1/'
What this does is pipe the file to sed, then, using regex, select the part that you wanted, then output it (I hope).

How to grep and cut at the same time

Having trouble with grepping and cutting at the same time
I have a file test.txt.
Inside the file is this syntax
File: blah.txt Location: /home/john/Documents/play/blah.txt
File: testing.txt Location /home/john
My command is ./delete -r (filename), say filename is blah.txt.
How would i search test.txt for blah.txt and cut the /home/john/Documents/play/blah.txt out and put it in a variable
grep -P "^File: blah\.txt Location: .+" test.txt | cut -d: -f3
Prefer always to involse as less as possible external command for your task.
You can achive what you want using single awk command:
awk '/^File: blah.txt/ { print $4 }' test.txt
Try this one ;)
filename=$(grep 'blah.txt' test.txt | grep -oP 'Location:.*' | grep -oP '[^ ]+$')
./delete $filename
