spring boot take interface as bean impletation - spring

when I config spring boot 1.5 with mybatis multi-datasource, the classic error "Parameter 0 of constructor in SimsCardTypeController required a single bean, but 2 were found:aImpl,A" come out.
here is the related classes:
public class SimsCardTypeController extends RestBase {
private A simsCardTypeService;
private HttpServletRequest request;
public SimsCardTypeController(A simsCardTypeService, HttpServletRequest request) {
this.simsCardTypeService = simsCardTypeService;
this.request = request;
public class RestBase {}
interface A{}
class AImpl implements A{}
I don't know any possible config leading Spring take A as a bean. How can I debug this situation?

This is a problem with mybatis scan, mybatis transform A interface to a mapper.I share a tip to debug the similar problem:
1.qualify the strange interface A to the bean which Spring ask for
public SimsCardTypeController(#Qualifier(value="A")A simsCardTypeService, HttpServletRequest request){}
2. add breakpoint in the body,you can see what the simsCardTypeService exact is. In my case,it's something like xxMapper, so I can relate it to mybatis scan.


Autowiring of Service and Service Implementation class

Following are my code
public class EmployeeController {
EmployeeService empService;
public EmployeeController (EmployeeService Impl empServiceImpl) {
this.empService = empServiceImpl;
public interface EmployeeService {
public List<EmployeeDTO> getAllEmployeeDetails()
public class EmployeeServiceImpl {
public List<EmployeeDTO> getAllEmployeeDetails(){
//methods business logic and repo call goes here
When I start my server I am getting below error.
Parameter 1 of constructor in
com.app.in.controller.EmployeeController required a bean of type
'com.app.in.service.EmployeeServiceImpl' that could not be found
My understanding might be wrong. If I annotate the EmployeeSeriveImpl class also with #Service then it working.Is that is the correct way to do it ? My question is the service interface is annotated with #Service still why its implementation is also required to annotation. Please let me know if I miss something in that ? What is the standard method to solve this issue ?
You can get your dependency injected using a constructor. And #Autowired is optional in this case.
This is your example, but with a few corrections:
public class EmployeeController {
// private final is a good practice. no need in #Autowire
private final EmployeeService empService;
// this constructor will be used to inject your dependency
// #Autowired is optional in this case, but you can put it here
public EmployeeController (EmployeeService empServiceImpl) {
this.empService = empServiceImpl;
I assume you have an interface EmployeeService and class EmployeeServiceImpl which implements that interface and is Spring Bean.
Something like this:
public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {}
Why this #Service is needed? When you put this annotation on your class, Spring knows this is a bean that Spring should manage for you (container will create an instance of it and inject it wherever it is needed).
Check Spring docs to get more details about Dependency Injection.
The Spring team generally advocates constructor injection, as it lets you implement application components as immutable objects and ensures that required dependencies are not null.

Spring Boot | MyBatis project structure can't wire layers

Can't wire layers in Spring Boot | MyBatis application. The problem is probably happening when Service layer uses Mapper.
Controller method sample:
public class MessageController {
private MessageService messageService;
#RequestMapping(value = "messages", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getMessages(ModelMap modelMap) {
return "messages";
Service class:
public class MessageService {
#Autowired // Not sure if I can use Autowired here.
private MessageMapper messageMapper;
public MessageService() {
public Collection<Message> selectMessages() { return
messageMapper.selectAll(); }
MyBatis Mapper:
public interface MessageMapper {
#Select("select * from message")
Collection<Message> selectAll();
It feels like I'm having some fundamental knowledge based mistake. Probably managing external libraries.
Here's maven pom.xml. Looks kind of overloaded, I faced a lot of errors managing different spring-boot packages. Starter for autoconfiguration included.
Here's the project structure:
I'm sure DB connection is working well, I'm able to track changes in MySQL Workbench while Spring Boot is executing schema.sql and data.sql. But somehow, MyBatis mapper methods throw NullPointerException and page proceeds with exit code 500. Seems like they can't connect.
MessageService isn't managed by spring.
You have to annotate the MessageService class with #Service annotation (also, after adding this annotation you can indeed use #Autowired inside the service class)
public class MessageService {
private MessageMapper messageMapper;
public Collection<Message> selectMessages() {
return messageMapper.selectAll();
and wire it to the controller with
private MessageService messageService
and use it in a method like this
#RequestMapping(value = "messages", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getMessages(ModelMap modelMap) {
modelMap.addAttribute(MESSAGE, messageService.selectMessages());
return "messages";

Spring Boot, DI possible using interface, but not possible in Spring?

Spring docs says that currently interface DI is not possible. See here: http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/core-concepts-dependency-injection-to-the-rescue.html
I've just started working with Spring boot and I made a simple webapp where I've used DI using interfaces. I can't find the reason on web. Why Spring Boot has this feature while Spring doesn't have!
Please help me in understanding the concept.
Dao Imple.
public class AbcDaoImpl implements AbcDaoInt{
JdbcTemplate jdbc;
public int selectABC(String user, String password){
// some db query
Dao Interface
public interface AbcDaoInt{
int selectABC(String user, String password);
public class adapter {
AbcDaoInt abcDao;
public Map<String, Object> abc(String user, String password) {
int abcId = abcDao.selectABC(user, pwd);
There is no difference between spring and spring-boot regarding DI.
It is possible to use an interface for a field and to inject an implementation into that field.
I do not understand what the linked page means by
Interface Injection - This is not implemented in Spring currently
it seems to b wrong our outdated.
what exactly are you gonna do with injecting an interface . isn't interfaces are supposed to be implemented by a java class so whenever you are injecting a interface that means some class implementing the interface should be injected.
this is how you should do it, you have to enable component scan on the package where these classes are present then enable annotaions in order to use annotations.
<context:component-scan base-package="" />
public interface singleInterface{
void someMethod();
class B implements singleInterface{
public void someMethod(){
System.out.println(“from b class”);
class A implements singleInterface{
public void someMethod(){
System.out.println(“from A class”);
singleInterface bInterface;
bInterface.someMethod();//print from b class.
singleInterface aInterface;
aInterface.someMethod();//print from a class.
this works on spring boot and on spring mvc you dont have to enable component scan in spring boot.

ContainerRequestFilter + #Autowired + Null for DAO

I am implementing the Basic auth for RestEasy API. I tried to implement javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter with annotation #Provider. Everything looks clean until i tried #Autowired my DAO class in my implementation class. Initially, i hard coded my Username & Password in the implemented class and it works. Finally, i started integrating with my DAO class to get those values from DB. But #Autowired annotation is returning null for my DAO. I tried googling and tried lot of option, but still i am getting null for that DAO.
I have annotated my DAO class with #Repository.
public class SecurityInterceptor implements javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter {
private SecurityDao securityDao;
public class SecurityDaoImpl implements SecurityDao {
Can someone help me in this issue?
Thanks in advance!
Edit -
public class RestApplication extends Application{
public Set<Object> getSingletons()
Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<Object>();
singletons.add(new SecurityInterceptor());
return singletons;
I think i see same issue in this post also.Spring autowired dao is null. Did anyone have solution for this issue? Please let me know. Thanks

Spring. Dynamic dependency injection

I have the following problem.
I have a generic class A
public class A<T, DAO extends JpaRepository<?, ?>>
protected DAO daoObject;
and there I am trying inject a genreic DAO-object of the JpaRepository-type.
If I have only one implemetation of injected object(of JpaRepository), then there is no problem, but if I have more then one, then spring doesn't know which object it is to inject and throws an exception.
The question is: How can I dynamish based on generic information, inject the correct object?
Thank you.
public interface IRegisteredUserDAO extends JpaRepository<RegisteredUser, String> {
public interface IMailLogDao extends JpaRepository<MailLog, Long> {
findByTo(String to);
and i used it so
public class RegisteredUserVM extends YBTableViewModel<RegisteredUser, IRegisteredUserDAO>
public class MailLogVM extends YBTableViewModel<MailLog, IMailLogDao>
You should be able to do this using the latest Spring 4 RC1. Versions before that do not support generic injection at all. See this ticket and related commits for details.
You can use Spring's #Qualifier annotation to inject the correct bean:
protected DAO daoObject;
Here the bean with qualifier value "IRegisteredUserDAOImpl" is wired.
