Spring Oauth2 not working on JBOSS 6.10 enterprise - spring

I tested the Sparklr demo for Spring OAuth 2 on this server Jboss Enterprise 6.1.0 and I get a 404 for /oauth/token. The same war works great on tomcat 8, get a token back no problem.
Do you know how I can fix this server to work with Spring OAuth 2? Or why the same war behaves differently on the two different servers?
Here is the source for the Sparklr demo.

I tried it on the new Jboss EAP 7.10 and Sparklr demo is working great. Fortunately we upgraded the jboss and this fixed it.


Couldnt read app configuration in PCF from bitbucket after upgrading spring & java versions

Pivotal Spring cloud config service doesnt work with Java 11 and spring boot 2.1.1.RELEASE and spring web: 5.1.3.RELEASE. I am getting "Error requesting access token". Any pointers to resolve this issue?
I don't believe that Spring Cloud Services is compatible with Spring Boot 2.1 or Java 11 at the time I write this.
Note: Version 2.0.x of the SCS client dependencies is not compatible with Spring Boot 2.1.x.
I can't provide you any guarantees, but it probably a safe bet that it will support both of those at some point in the future. For now, use Spring Boot 2.0 & Java 8 for best results, or at least to sanity check that things are working as you'd expect.
Hope that helps!

Can I deploy a spring-boot 2.0 WAR on a Tomcat 8.0.x?

spring-boot 2.0 has been available for a week now. The blog posts mention that there's now a Tomcat 8.5 baseline for embedded tomcat.
Does that also mean I need to have a Tomcat 8.5 if I use WAR deployment of my spring-boot 2.0 application, or would a Tomcat 8.0.x still work?
The official Spring Boot 2.0.0 documentation points to Tomcat 8.5 as the baseline version for embedded servers.
Spring Framework 5.0 itself requires Servlet 3.1+ containers and Tomcat 8.5+ for both embedded and war deployments.
Although deploying Spring MVC applications to a Tomcat 8.0.x server might still work, it won't be officially supported by Spring Framework nor Spring Boot.

Spring Security Context is not propagated to the new Thread if using request.startAsync on JBoss AS 7

I tried to use async request processing in my Spring and Spring Security based web application running on JBoss AS 7, but the security context is not propagated to the new Thread in my controller.
I used the very same code as described in
To see the simple reproducer, navigate to https://github.com/trepel/async-request-error
I am using Spring 4.2.1, Spring Security 4.0.2. I tried with other version combinations, but still no luck. However it works on other containers (tested on Tomcat 7, Tomcat 8, and WildFly 10). Unfortunately I need to use JBoss AS 7.
Thanks you for your hints.

Breakpoint does not work in a websocket deployed in Wildfly 8.x

I am having a problem deploying my spring websocket service in a Wildfly 8.x server.
I have two Java services running in the wildfly server, one of them is working great but the other one (the websocket one), despite is deployed correctly does not stop in the breakpoints. In fact, when I set the breakpoint it seems as if the server was off.
The deployment folder of my wildfly server created the two directories, one of each services.
I am using jdk 1.8 and Maven 3.2.3.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Embedding OSGi on Weblogic Server 10.3.3

I am new to OSGi, and trying to configure Equinox/Felix on Weblogic Server. But nowhere can I find any information of any OSGi container embedded in Weblogic Server. So my questions are-
1. Has anyone configured Equinox or Felix with Weblogic Server? Is it supported?
2. SpringDM supports tomcat and jetty, does it support Weblogic too?
3. Can I deploy a Spring MVC application as a bundle without using SpringDM? OSGi container could be Felix/Equinox; and app server is Weblogic 10.3.3
Appreciate any help/samples/references to understand OSGi support in Weblogic.
Thanks in advance
please have a look to this question I've raised several months ago: WebLogic and OSGi. I also updated the question. Since version 12.1.2, Weblogic supports OSGi out of the box.
