Start Phusion Passenger from Ruby code - ruby

I'd like to start the server from inside my gem code, the way Rails starts Unicorn, Puma, Webrick or whatever with "rails server". I'd like to have a binary like "mygem server" and that would start Passenger.
I tried with backticks but I'd like to avoid spawning another process if it's at all possible. (Also, I lost the stdout from Passenger when I did that.)
Is the command line the only way to start Passenger?

Passanger is a C++ "gem" that actually runs the Ruby layer separated from the root server process.
The developers consider this approach to protect the server from Ruby related issues (I think this isn't necessary, but it's definitely interesting).
This leaves you with a couple of options:
You could use Kernel.exec which replaces the current process with the command line you provide.
You could use another server, such as Puma, Iodine, Agoo or whatever you fancy.
Each server has their advantages and their disadvantages so test and pick and choose.
I know from experience that you can start all of them from within a block of code (or so I recall).


Sinatra - Register startup and shutdown operations

I'm designing a web service using Sinatra and I need to perform certain operations when the service is started and some other operations when the server is stopped.
How can I register those operations to be fully integrated with sinatra?
The answer depends on how you need to perform your operations. Does they need to be ran for each ruby process or do they need to be ran just once for the service. I suppose it's once for all the service and in the case of the latest :
You might be tempted to run some code before your Sinatra app is starting but this is not really the behavior you might expect. I'll explain why just after. The workaround would be adding code before your sinatra class like
require "sinatra"
puts "Starting"
get "/" do
You could add some code to your too btw, would have the same effect but I don't which one is uglier.
Why is this wrong ? Because when you host your web service, many web server instances will be fired and each one will execute the puts method or your "starting" code. This is correct when you want to initialize things that are local to your app instance, like a database connection but not to initialize things which are shared by all of them.
And about the code firing at its end, well you can't (or maybe you could with some really ugly workaround, but you'll end with the same issue you get with the start).
So the best way to handle on and off operations would be to wrap it within your tasks firing your service.
Run some rake task or ruby script that do your initalization stuff
Start your web server
And to stop it
Run a rake task or ruby script that stops the server
Run your rake task or ruby script that does the cleaning operations.
You can wrap those into a single rake task, by starting your app server directly from ruby, like I did there
This way you can easily add some code to get ran before starting the service, still keeping it into a single task. With some plumbing, I guess you can fire multiple thin instances and then allow you to start your cluster of thin (or whatever you use) instances and have still one task to rely on.
I'd say that adding a handler to the SIGINT signal could allow you to run some code before exiting. See for how to do that. You might want to check if Thin isn't already registering a trap for that signal, I'm not sure if this is handled in the library or in the script used to launch thin ( the "thin" executable that gets in your $PATH).
Another way to handle the exit, would be to have a watchdog process, that check if your cluster is running and could ensure the stop code is being ran if no more instances are running.

Can two different .rb files access the same variable?

I have scripts web.rb (sinatra) and rufus.rb (cron using rufus gem) running on the same computer (Win XP). Both are using functions.rb where I have all the functions. I have an array variable $webserver_status where I store history of commands web server performed/is performing. The web server runs some dos commands and php scripts and I want to be sure that only one runs at a time and also give the user some overview what is happening.
I used to run cron jobs (rufus.rb) over http so in fact I access the web server as from the browser. So the status variable was updated correctly. Now I started to call the same code from functions.rb so the variable doesn't show correct server status any more.
Is there any way cron can access the $webserver_status variable directly?
Or I have to update the variable over http? Or some kind of status file on the disk?
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mingw32]
web server runs at all times
I have production and testing version of cron code
See the suggestions I made in this answer. The question was essentially the same unless I'm missing something in your scenario. There are many possible solutions depending on your needs.
Based on your comment, I'm guessing that you want to share memory across two ruby processes or otherwise communicate between processes. Read about IPC in ruby to see how you could make UNIX sockets suit your needs.
It doesn't really make sense to talk about the same variable being accessed in two processes - you have to go via some kind of intermediary whether it's sockets, a database or a file. If this isn't what you want then I suggest you clarify the situation and why you need shared access to the memory rather than something like this.
I think something like this is what you're looking for:
require './functions'
require './functions'
print_value("not apple")
def print_value(value)
puts value
Calling web.rb returns the string Apple.

How to run an EventMachine application on your own production server?

I have just written my first EventMachine application. In development, to start the server, all I do is:
ruby myapp.rb
Which runs my application until I kill it with control+C. In production, this doesn't seem like the right way to do it.
How would I go about running this on my production server?
Check out daemons: - a simple gem written for precisely this use case.
At PostRank we always used God to start/restart our production EventMachine APIs.
I prefer to have a completely external process handling my daemons rather than using something like the daemons library but that's a personnal preference.
You have many solutions out there, here those I know of, all of them will restart your application when it crash more or les quickly and some offer a management interface whether it is a cli or a web interface:
supervisord ( he one I prefer so far
daemontools ( works well but can be anoying to configure
god as mentionned ( Never used it most for this horrible and cryptic config file syntax
And the last one is whatever comes with your linux distrib, init can run an application and restart it when it dies, you have neary no control over it but it can do the job.
You can type "man inittab" to learn more.

How do I start a Rails server programatically from a Ruby script

I want to start my Rails server in a background thread from within a Ruby script. I could use Kernel#system but I want to be able to kill the Rails server when the thread is stopped. Is there a way to execute the Rails server using some Rails API call instead? I'm thinking something it would be nice to be able to put something like Rails.run_server(:port => 3000, ...)
I'm on Windows Server 2008.
Check out the file gems/rails.x.x.x/lib/commands/server.rb. It looks like that's the starting point that script/server uses.
Since script/server is itself a ruby script, it stands to reason that you ought to be able to start a server by doing something similar to what's in server.rb. But I imagine you might have some difficulty getting your ruby environment right...
Note that I'm looking at rails 2.3.8 here, so if you're on 3.whatever your results will probably be different.
I eventually decided to avoid any ickiness and start the rails server in its own process, as detailed in this post. (Being able to kill it plus its child processes consistently was the main blocker and the original reason I'd considered starting it in a thread instead.)

Is Sinatra multi threaded?

Is Sinatra multi-threaded? I read else where that "sinatra is multi-threaded by default", what does that imply?
Consider this example
get "/multithread" do
t1 ={
puts "sleeping for 10 sec"
sleep 10
# Actually make a call to Third party API using HTTP NET or whatever.
"multi thread"
get "/dummy" do
If I access "/multithread" and "/dummy" subsequently in another tab or browser then nothing can be served(in this case for 10 seconds) till "/multithread" request is completed. In case activity freezes application becomes unresponsive.
How can we work around this without spawning another instance of the application?
tl;dr Sinatra works well with Threads, but you will probably have to use a different web server.
Sinatra itself does not impose any concurrency model, it does not even handle concurrency. This is done by the Rack handler (web server), like Thin, WEBrick or Passenger. Sinatra itself is thread-safe, meaning that if your Rack handler uses multiple threads to server requests, it works just fine. However, since Ruby 1.8 only supports green threads and Ruby 1.9 has a global VM lock, threads are not that widely used for concurrency, since on both versions, Threads will not run truly in parallel. The will, however, on JRuby or the upcoming Rubinius 2.0 (both alternative Ruby implementations).
Most existing Rack handlers that use threads will use a thread pool in order to reuse threads instead of actually creating a thread for each incoming request, since thread creation is not for free, esp. on 1.9 where threads map 1:1 to native threads. Green threads have far less overhead, which is why fibers, which are basically cooperatively scheduled green threads, as used by the above mentioned sinatra-synchrony, became so popular recently. You should be aware that any network communication will have to go through EventMachine, so you cannot use the mysql gem, for instance, to talk to your database.
Fibers scale well for network intense processing, but fail miserably for heavy computations. You are less likely to run into race conditions, a common pitfall with concurrency, if you use fibers, as they only do a context switch at clearly defined points (with synchony, whenever you wait for IO). There is a third common concurrency model: Processes. You can use preforking server or fire up multiple processes yourself. While this seems a bad idea at first glance, it has some advantages: On the normal Ruby implementation, this is the only way to use all your CPUs simultaniously. And you avoid shared state, so no race conditions by definition. Also, multiprocess apps scale easily over multiple machines. Keep in mind that you can combine multiple process with other concurrency models (evented, cooperative, preemptive).
The choice is mainly made by the server and middleware you use:
Multi-Process, non-preforking: Mongrel, Thin, WEBrick, Zbatery
Multi-Process, preforking: Unicorn, Rainbows, Passenger
Evented (suited for sinatra-synchrony): Thin, Rainbows, Zbatery
Threaded: Net::HTTP::Server, Threaded Mongrel, Puma, Rainbows, Zbatery, Thin[1], Phusion Passenger Enterprise >= 4
[1] since Sinatra 1.3.0, Thin will be started in threaded mode, if it is started by Sinatra (i.e. with ruby app.rb, but not with the thin command, nor with rackup).
While googling around, found this gem:
which might help you, because it touches you question.
There is also a benchmark, they did nearly the same thing like you want (external calls).
Conclusion: EventMachine is the answer here!
Thought I might elaborate for people who come across this. Sinatra includes this little chunk of code:
server.threaded = settings.threaded if server.respond_to? :threaded=
Sinatra will detect what gem you have installed for a webserver (aka, thin, puma, whatever.) and if it responds to "threaded" will set it to be threaded if requested. Neat.
After making some changes to code I was able to run padrino/sinatra application on mizuno
. Initially I tried to run Padrino application on jRuby but it was simply too unstable and I did not investigate as to why. I was facing JVM crashes when running on jRuby. I also went through this article, which makes me think why even choose Ruby if deployment can be anything but easy.
Is there any discussion on deployment of applications in ruby? Or can I spawn a new thread :)
I've been getting in to JRuby myself lately and I am extremely surprised how simple it is to switch from MRI to JRuby. It pretty much involves swapping out a few gems (in most cases).
You should take a look at the combination JRuby and Trinidad (App Server). Torquebox also seems to be an interesting all-in-one solution, it comes with a lot more than just an app server.
If you want to have an app server that supports threading, and you're familiar with Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, etc, then Trinidad is probably the easiest to migrate to since it's practically identical from the users perspective. Loving it so far!
