SpreadsheetLight does not accept the timespan type - export-to-excel

I'm using spreadsheetlight for exporting datas to excel. I have time values which defined string and i want to convert or parse to Timespan but spreadsheetlight does not accept Timespan value. How can i define Timespan with spreadsheetlight?
Here is my codes:
var longTimeStyle = Document.CreateStyle();
longTimeStyle.Alignment.Horizontal = HorizontalAlignmentValues.Right;
longTimeStyle.FormatCode = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern;
for (int i = 0; i < shiftStatus.Count; i++)
Document.SetCellStyle(i + 2, 7, longTimeStyle);
//shiftStatus[i].PreperationTime is string
Document.SetCellValue(i + 2, 7, shiftStatus[i].PreperationTime);

Here is my solution to this problem:
public string ConvertTimeSpanForExcel(TimeSpan ts)
return String.Format($"{ts.Days} d. {ts.Hours} h. {ts.Minutes} min. {ts.Seconds} sec.");
Document.SetCellStyle(i + 2, 7, ConvertTimeSpanForExcel(shiftStatus[i].PreperationTime));
If you need weeks, months, etc., then develop a method for dividing days and output this result.


Set value for Progress bar in xamarin

I have value of a field coming from server lfrom 1 to 100 which is to show progress of that field. But I checked that we can provide value to progress bar from 0 to1. How can i convert this. I did something like this but didn't work
Int Field = 12;
Decimal d = Field / 100;
Decimal dc = Math.Round(d,1); //to round to one decimal place
return dc;
This is returning 0.
I tried this too:
double d = (double)(Progress / 100);
double dc = Math.Round(d, 1);
return dc;
This is also returning 0.
if you want maximum precision, you can convert an old range of values in a new range maintaining the ratio with this formula:
var OldRange = (OldMax - OldMin);
var NewRange = (NewMax - NewMin);
//i'm using round here has you requested, but its better to dont use it to achieve best results
var NewValue = Math.Round(((OldValue - OldMin) * NewRange) / OldRange) + NewMin, 1);
In your case, taking for example the number 12, this will be:
var OldRange = 99 //(100 - 1);
var NewRange = 1 //(1 - 0);
var NewValue = Math.Round(((12 - 1) * NewRange) / OldRange) + 0, 1);
Concluding the number 12 in the old range is 0.1 in the new range.
Or if you dont care that the old range starts from 1 and the new from 0, you can just divide by 100 and round the value:
Int field = 12;
Decimal d = field / 100;
Decimal dc = Math.Round(d,1); //to round to one decimal place
return dc;
Please note that in c# the divide operator is / and not % (wich is the modulus)
Turns out "/" operator doesn't work in C#
NO, "/" operator do work in C#.
You get a zero because Field / 100; is int/int, the result is 0;
Progress / 100 is the same, int/int get 0;
To make your code work. You can define the field as type Decimal :
Decimal Field = 12;
Decimal d = Field / 100;
Decimal dc = Math.Round(d, 1);
Or cast the 100 to Decimal:
int Field = 12;
Decimal d = Field /(Decimal)100;
Decimal dc = Math.Round(d, 1);
You can see detailed answer in these two threads: why-does-integer-division-in-c-sharp-return-an-integer-and-not-a-float

how to use enum t get multiple values?

I don't know what the right way to do this. But this is what I want.
I have an Enum
I need to say int value in database as number ,
say if select A,c,E
need to say 1=4=16 =21 in database.
Which is ok but
then from 21 how to I retrieve a,c,e
Thanks for help in advance
You could do something like this (pseudo-code, since you didn't say what language you're using):
function getEnums(value:string):enum[]
var result = new enum[];
foreach (var e in Enum.getValues(enum).orderBy(val.toInt()))
if (value == 0)
var eVal = e.toInt();
if (value >= eVal)
value -= eVal;
return result;
Looks like your enum values can be represented by powers of 2.
e.g. 2^0 = 1, 2^1 = 2 .. etc.
So your problem comes down to : Convert decimal to bianry.
If you put the simple logic around that, you could get the respective enums.
e.g. For input 21, you could get 1, 4, 16 ( = 2 power 0, 2, 4)
now you can map them to ENUMs.

Knapsack: how to add item type to existing solution

I've been working with this variation of dynamic programming to solve a knapsack problem:
KnapsackItem = Struct.new(:name, :cost, :value)
KnapsackProblem = Struct.new(:items, :max_cost)
def dynamic_programming_knapsack(problem)
num_items = problem.items.size
items = problem.items
max_cost = problem.max_cost
cost_matrix = zeros(num_items, max_cost+1)
num_items.times do |i|
(max_cost + 1).times do |j|
if(items[i].cost > j)
cost_matrix[i][j] = cost_matrix[i-1][j]
cost_matrix[i][j] = [cost_matrix[i-1][j], items[i].value + cost_matrix[i-1][j-items[i].cost]].max
def get_used_items(problem, cost_matrix)
i = cost_matrix.size - 1
currentCost = cost_matrix[0].size - 1
marked = Array.new(cost_matrix.size, 0)
while(i >= 0 && currentCost >= 0)
if(i == 0 && cost_matrix[i][currentCost] > 0 ) || (cost_matrix[i][currentCost] != cost_matrix[i-1][currentCost])
marked[i] = 1
currentCost -= problem.items[i].cost
i -= 1
This has worked great for the structure above where you simply provide a name, cost and value. Items can be created like the following:
items = [
KnapsackItem.new('david lee', 8000, 30) ,
KnapsackItem.new('kevin love', 12000, 50),
KnapsackItem.new('kemba walker', 7300, 10),
KnapsackItem.new('jrue holiday', 12300, 30),
KnapsackItem.new('stephen curry', 10300, 80),
KnapsackItem.new('lebron james', 5300, 90),
KnapsackItem.new('kevin durant', 2300, 30),
KnapsackItem.new('russell westbrook', 9300, 30),
KnapsackItem.new('kevin martin', 8300, 15),
KnapsackItem.new('steve nash', 4300, 15),
KnapsackItem.new('kyle lowry', 6300, 20),
KnapsackItem.new('monta ellis', 8300, 30),
KnapsackItem.new('dirk nowitzki', 7300, 25),
KnapsackItem.new('david lee', 9500, 35),
KnapsackItem.new('klay thompson', 6800, 28)
problem = KnapsackProblem.new(items, 65000)
Now, the problem I'm having is that I need to add a position for each of these players and I have to let the knapsack algorithm know that it still needs to maximize value across all players, except there is a new restriction and that restriction is each player has a position and each position can only be selected a certain amount of times. Some positions can be selected twice, others once. Items would ideally become this:
KnapsackItem = Struct.new(:name, :cost, :position, :value)
Positions would have a restriction such as the following:
PositionLimits = Struct.new(:position, :max)
Limits would be instantiated perhaps like the following:
limits = [Struct.new('PG', 2), Struct.new('C', 1), Struct.new('SF', 2), Struct.new('PF', 2), Struct.new('Util', 2)]
What makes this a little more tricky is every player can be in the Util position. If we want to disable the Util position, we will just set the 2 to 0.
Our original items array would look something like the following:
items = [
KnapsackItem.new('david lee', 'PF', 8000, 30) ,
KnapsackItem.new('kevin love', 'C', 12000, 50),
KnapsackItem.new('kemba walker', 'PG', 7300, 10),
... etc ...
How can position restrictions be added to the knapsack algorithm in order to still retain max value for the provided player pool provided?
There are some efficient libraries available in ruby which could suit your task , Its clear that you are looking for some constrain based optimization , there are some libraries in ruby which are a opensource so, free to use , Just include them in you project. All you need to do is generate Linear programming model objective function out of your constrains and library's optimizer would generate Solution which satisfy all your constrains , or says no solution exists if nothing can be concluded out of the given constrains .
Some such libraries available in ruby are
LP Solve
OPL follows the LP syntax similar to IBM CPLEX , which is widely used Optimization software, So you could get good references on how to model the LP using this , Moreover this is build on top of the RGLPK.
As I understand, the additional constraint that you are specifying is as following:
There shall be a set of elements, out which only at most k (k = 1 or
2) elements can be selected in the solution. There shall be multiple
such sets.
There are two approaches that come to my mind, neither of which are efficient enough.
Approach 1:
Divide the elements into groups of positions. So if there are 5 positions, then each element shall be assigned to one of 5 groups.
Iterate (or recur) through all the combinations by selecting 1 (or 2) element from each group and checking the total value and cost. There are ways in which you can fathom some combinations. For example, in a group if there are two elements in which one gives more value at lesser cost, then the other can be rejected from all solutions.
Approach 2:
Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach.
Formulate the problem as follows:
Maximize summation (ViXi) {i = 1 to N}
where Vi is value and
Xi is a 1/0 variable denoting presence/absence of an element from the solution.
Subject to constraints:
summation (ciXi) <= C_MAX {total cost}
And for each group:
summation (Xj) <= 1 (or 2 depending on position)
All Xi = 0 or 1.
And then you will have to find a solver to solve the above MILP.
This problem is similar to a constraint vehicle routing problem. You can try a heuristic like the saving algorithm from Clarke&Wright. You can also try a brute-force algorithm with less players.
Considering players have Five positions your knapsack problem would be:-
Knpsk(W,N,PG,C,SF,PF,Util) = max(Knpsk(W-Cost[N],N-1,...)+Value[N],Knpsk(W,N-1,PG,C,SF,PF,Util),Knpsk(W-Cost[N],N-1,PG,C,SF,PF,Util-1)+Value[N])
if(Pos[N]=="PG") then Knpsk(W-Cost[N],N-1,....) = Knpsk(W-Cost[N],N-1,PG-1,....)
if(Pos[N]=="C") then Knpsk(W-Cost[N],N-1,....) = Knpsk(W-Cost[N],N-1,PG,C-1....)
so on...
PG,C,SF,PF,Util are current position capacities
W is current knapsack capacity
N number of items available
Dynamic Programming can be used as before using 7-D table and as in your case the values of positions are small it will slow down algorithm by factor of 16 which is great for n-p complete problem
Following is dynamic programming solution in JAVA:
public class KnapsackSolver {
HashMap CostMatrix;
// Maximum capacities for positions
int posCapacity[] = {2,1,2,2,2};
// Total positions
String[] positions = {"PG","C","SF","PF","util"};
ArrayList playerSet = new ArrayList<player>();
public ArrayList solutionSet;
public int bestCost;
class player {
int value;
int cost;
int pos;
String name;
public player(int value,int cost,int pos,String name) {
this.value = value;
this.cost = cost;
this.pos = pos;
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return("'"+name+"'"+", "+value+", "+cost+", "+positions[pos]);
// Used to add player to list of available players
void additem(String name,int cost,int value,String pos) {
int i;
for(i=0;i<positions.length;i++) {
playerSet.add(new player(value,cost,i,name));
// Converts subproblem data to string for hashing
public String encode(int Capacity,int Totalitems,int[] positions) {
String Data = Capacity+","+Totalitems;
for(int i=0;i<positions.length;i++) {
Data = Data + "," + positions[i];
// Check if subproblem is in hash tables
int isDone(int capacity,int players,int[] positions) {
String k = encode(capacity,players,positions);
if(CostMatrix.containsKey(k)) {
//System.out.println("Key found: "+k+" "+(Integer)CostMatrix.get(k));
// Adds subproblem added hash table
void addEncode(int capacity,int players,int[] positions,int value) {
String k = encode(capacity,players,positions);
CostMatrix.put(k, value);
boolean checkvalid(int capacity,int players) {
// Solve the Knapsack recursively with Hash look up
int solve(int capacity,int players,int[] posCapacity) {
// Check if sub problem is valid
if(checkvalid(capacity,players)) {
//System.out.println("Processing: "+encode(capacity,players,posCapacity));
player current = (player)playerSet.get(players);
int sum1 = 0,sum2 = 0,sum3 = 0;
int temp = isDone(capacity,players-1,posCapacity);
// Donot add player
if(temp>-1) {
sum1 = temp;
else sum1 = solve(capacity,players-1,posCapacity);
//check if current player can be added to knapsack
if(capacity>=current.cost) {
temp = isDone(capacity-current.cost,players-1,posCapacity);
// Add player to util
if(posCapacity[posCapacity.length-1]>0) {
if(temp>-1) {
sum2 = temp+current.value;
else {
sum2 = solve(capacity-current.cost,players-1,posCapacity)+current.value;
// Add player at its position
int i = current.pos;
if(posCapacity[i]>0) {
temp = isDone(capacity-current.cost,players-1,posCapacity);
if(temp>-1) {
sum3 = temp+current.value;
else {
sum3 = solve(capacity-current.cost,players-1,posCapacity)+current.value;
//System.out.println(sum1+ " "+ sum2+ " " + sum3 );
// Evaluate the maximum of all subproblem
int res = Math.max(Math.max(sum1,sum2), sum3);
//add current solution to Hash table
addEncode(capacity, players, posCapacity,res);
//System.out.println("Encoding: "+encode(capacity,players,posCapacity)+" Cost: "+res);
void getSolution(int capacity,int players,int[] posCapacity) {
if(players>=0) {
player curr = (player)playerSet.get(players);
int bestcost = isDone(capacity,players,posCapacity);
int sum1 = 0,sum2 = 0,sum3 = 0;
//System.out.println(encode(capacity,players-1,posCapacity)+" "+bestcost);
sum1 = isDone(capacity,players-1,posCapacity);
sum2 = isDone(capacity-curr.cost,players-1,posCapacity) + curr.value;
sum3 = isDone(capacity-curr.cost,players-1,posCapacity) + curr.value;
// Check if player is not added
if(sum1==bestcost) {
// Check if player is added to util
else if(sum2==bestcost) {
//System.out.println(positions[posCapacity.length-1]+" added");
else {
//System.out.println(positions[curr.pos]+" added");
void getOptSet(int capacity) {
CostMatrix = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
bestCost = solve(capacity,playerSet.size()-1,posCapacity);
solutionSet = new ArrayList<player>();
getSolution(capacity, playerSet.size()-1, posCapacity);
public static void main(String[] args) {
KnapsackSolver ks = new KnapsackSolver();
ks.additem("david lee", 8000, 30, "PG");
ks.additem("kevin love", 12000, 50, "C");
ks.additem("kemba walker", 7300, 10, "SF");
ks.additem("jrue holiday", 12300, 30, "PF");
ks.additem("stephen curry", 10300, 80, "PG");
ks.additem("lebron james", 5300, 90, "PG");
ks.additem("kevin durant", 2300, 30, "C");
ks.additem("russell westbrook", 9300, 30, "SF");
ks.additem("kevin martin", 8300, 15, "PF");
ks.additem("steve nash", 4300, 15, "C");
ks.additem("kyle lowry", 6300, 20, "PG");
ks.additem("monta ellis", 8300, 30, "C");
ks.additem("dirk nowitzki", 7300, 25, "SF");
ks.additem("david lee", 9500, 35, "PF");
ks.additem("klay thompson", 6800, 28,"PG");
//System.out.println("Items added...");
// System.out.println(ks.playerSet);
int maxCost = 30000;
System.out.println("Best Value: "+ks.bestCost);
System.out.println("Solution Set: "+ks.solutionSet);
Note: If players with certain positions are added more than its capacity then those added as util because players from any position can be added to util.

Amazon Interview- Design Meeting Scheduler [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question
Lately, I took an interview. I was asked to design a meeting scheduler, just like in the Microsoft outlook calendar or the gmail calendar.
I proposed that I will create an array of 48 for each day. Every 30 min representing the array entry.
I have to make sure that the next appointment does not collide with a previous meeting.
My solution works fine but it wastes too much memory.
Can anyone please tell me how do I find a better solution to detect collision for meetings.
I don't know all the meetings at the beginning. They will be added randomly later.
Start with an empty list of meetings, each with a start_time and duration. We will maintain a sorted list of meetings by start_time.
To add a meeting to the list, find where it belongs in the list by performing a binary search. Once you find the index, perform two checks to avoid a collision; consider the meetings immediately before and after the to-be-inserted meeting (if they exist).
Assert the before-meeting's start_time + duration does not exceed the new meeting's start_time.
Assert the new meeting's start_time+duration does not exceed the after-meeting's start_time.
If the assertions are satisfied, add the meeting to the list.
This add operation takes O(log(list_size)) time.
Note: This approach assumes that adding a meeting with an overlap is an invalid operation. If overlaps are allowed to exist, you would have to check beyond the meetings immediately preceding/subsequent the new meeting.
We can have a Tree structure (BST) for storing the requests (Request object: start time/end time/date/priority etc.). By doing so, add/delete/search/update operations can be achieved by O(height_of_tree). If we use a balanced tree, we can get the optimized running time. i.e. O(log n) for each of the above mentioned operations.
This approach is better than the sorted list approach as the list is backed by an fixed sized array in case of ArrayList which takes O(n) for copying the elements from old array to new array. If we use a linkedlist, binary search is not possible.
Comments welcome!
Here is my solution which inserts using binary search
public class MeetingScheduler {
static class Meeting implements Comparable<Meeting> {
Date startTime;
Date endTime;
int duration;
public static final int MINUTE = 60000;
//duration in minutes
Meeting(Date startTime, int duration) {
this.startTime = startTime;
this.duration = duration;
this.endTime = new Date(startTime.getTime() + (MINUTE * duration));
public int compareTo(Meeting o) {
if (this.endTime.compareTo(o.startTime) < 0) {
return -1;
}//end time is before the other's start time
if (this.startTime.compareTo(o.endTime) > 0) {
return 1;
}////start time is after the other's end time
return 0;
public String toString() {
return "meeting {" +
"from " + startTime +
", minutes=" + duration +
private List<Meeting> meetings = new ArrayList<Meeting>();
public Meeting bookRoom(Meeting meeting) {
if (meetings.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
int pos = -Collections.binarySearch(meetings, meeting);
if (pos > 0) {
meetings.add(pos-1, meeting);
return null;
} else {
return meetings.get(-pos);
public List<Meeting> getMeetings() {
return meetings;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MeetingScheduler meetingScheduler = new MeetingScheduler();
Meeting[] meetingsToBook = new Meeting[]{
//October 3rd 2014
new Meeting(new Date(2014 - 1900, 10 - 1, 3, 15, 00), 15),
new Meeting(new Date(2014 - 1900, 10 - 1, 3, 16, 00), 15),
new Meeting(new Date(2014 - 1900, 10 - 1, 3, 17, 00), 60),
new Meeting(new Date(2014 - 1900, 10 - 1, 3, 18, 00), 15),
new Meeting(new Date(2014 - 1900, 10 - 1, 3, 14, 50), 10),
new Meeting(new Date(2014 - 1900, 10 - 1, 3, 14, 55), 10)
for (Meeting m : meetingsToBook) {
Meeting oldMeeting = meetingScheduler.bookRoom(m);
if (oldMeeting != null) {
System.out.println("Could not book room for " + m + " because it collides with " + oldMeeting);
System.out.println("meetings booked: " + meetingScheduler.getMeetings().size());
for (Meeting m : meetingScheduler.getMeetings()) {
System.out.println(m.startTime + "-> " + m.duration + " mins");
while the use of a sorted array and binary search is efficient, please note that insert will take o(n) assuming no collision is found since the array needs to slide the meetings over. Not sure if this is the most optimal solution.
If the sorted list is an array, I believe the add operation will take O(n) since you have to shift the meeting that start after the to-be-insert meeting.

ColdFusion VIN number validation code

I am trying to convert this PHP validation code to ColdFusion. However, I cannot get my CF version to correctly validate a VIN. I am hoping someone can shed some light on what I'm missing.
function isVIN(v) {
var i = "";
var d = "";
var checkdigit = "";
var sum = 0;
var weights = [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 10, 0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2];
var transliterations = {
a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3,
d = 4,
e = 5,
f = 6,
g = 7,
h = 8,
j = 1,
k = 2,
l = 3,
m = 4,
n = 5,
p = 7,
r = 9,
s = 2,
t = 3,
u = 4,
v = 5,
w = 6,
x = 7,
y = 8,
z = 9
if (! REFindNoCase("^([\w]{3})[A-Z]{2}\d{2}([A-Z]{1}|\d{1})([\d{1}|X{1})([A-Z]+\d+|\d+[A-Z]+)\d{5}$", ARGUMENTS.v)) {
return false;
if (Len(ARGUMENTS.v) != 17) {
return false;
for (i = 1; i <= Len(ARGUMENTS.v); i++) {
d = Mid(ARGUMENTS.v, i, 1);
if (! isNumeric(d)) {
sum += transliterations[d] * weights[i];
} else {
sum += d * weights[i];
checkdigit = sum % 11;
if (checkdigit == 10) {
checkdigit = "x";
if (checkdigit == Mid(ARGUMENTS.v,8,1)) {
return true;
return false;
(There is a VIN validation function at CFLib.org, but it doesn't work either).
Your function has two issues.
First, the regex is incorrect. Here's a simplified working version:
Note: As per Adam's answer there's a simpler pattern than this.
Second, in your checkdigit comparison the Mid is one out - it seems the 8 should be a 9.
(Presumably this is a language conversion issue due to PHP being 0-indexed whilst CFML is 1-indexed.)
With both of these fixed, the modified function returns true for the VIN WAUBA24B3XN104537 (which is the only sample VIN I could find in a quick search).
Actually the regex is slightly wrong still. I think #PeterBoughton fixed the syntax, but it wasn't actually valid for the task at hand.
Here's the revised section of code, with suitable comments:
var vinRegex = "(?x) ## allow comments
^ ## from the start of the string
## see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_Identification_Number for VIN spec
[A-Z\d]{3} ## World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI)
[A-Z\d]{5} ## Vehicle decription section (VDS)
[\dX] ## Check digit
[A-Z\d] ## Model year
[A-Z\d] ## Plant
\d{6} ## Sequence
$ ## to the end of the string
if (! REFindNoCase(vinRegex, arguments.v)) {
return false;
This could be dramatically simplified to just this:
Using either of these also removes the requirement for the length check, as the regex will enforce that too.
Test code for this modification:
for (vin in [
writeOutput("#vin#: #isVin(vin)#<br />");
I'm gonna update CFLib with the verbose version, as it's easier to understand what's going on, and marry-up to the spec.
