Processing data swapped over files BASH - bash

First, I would like to apologize for my extremely basic knowledge about coding. Then I hope that I will be able to express myself correctly about my issue. Do no hesitate to ask for further clarifications or anything else...
I'm encountering troubles postprocessing data...
My goal is to recombine data which were swapped.
EDIT : here is a .rar folder containing my test example which works and the one that I try to make working... (do not be afraid by the time it requires to process the data)
EDIT 2 : Here is what I expect on paper (Its my TestReorder3OK folder in my rar archive)
enter image description here
Script :
# Definir le nombre de replica
rm torder*
for repl in `seq 0 $NP1`
echo $repl
# colle la colonne 2 du fichier .lammps dans un fichier rep_0, puis dans la seconde boucle, la colonne 3 dans rep_1, etc.
awk -v rep=$repl '{r2=rep+2;print $r2}' < log.lammps > rep_$repl
# cree une boucle dans la boucle
for a in `cat rep_$repl`
head -$i screen.$repl.temp | tail -1 >> torder.$a
head -$j ccccd2_H_${repl}_col.bak2 | tail -3 >> ccccd2_H_${a}_temp_col.bak2
log.lammps file
1 0 1 2
2 1 0 2
3 1 2 0
Starting at column 2, this file contains the number associated to the inputs below. Here is an expanded explanation :
column 2 has three values : 0, 1 and 1 ; the 0 is associated to the first three lines of the file ccccd2_H_0_col.bak2, the next three ones are associated the 1 and the last three ones again to the value 1.
column 3 has also three values : 1, 0 and 2 ; the 1 is associated to the first three lines of the file ccccd2_H_1_col.bak2, the next three ones are associated the 0 and the last three ones again to the value 2.
Same story for column 4.
Now what I want, is that every set of three lines associated to the 0 value go into a single file. Every set of three lines associated to the 1 value go into another single file, and the sets of three lines associated to the 2 value to a last file.
Inputs :
blank line
N a b c
C d e f
N g h i
C j k l
N m n o
C p q r
blank line
N s t u
C v w x
N y z a
C b c d
N e f g
C h i j
blank line
N k l m
C n o p
N q r s
C t u v
N w x y
C z a b
Outputs : These are the desired outputs and the one that I get for simple test files
blank line
N a b c
C d e f
N y z a
C b c d
N w x y
C z a b
blank line
N g h i
C j k l
N m n o
C p q r
N s t u
C v w x
blank line
N e f g
C h i j
N k l m
C n o p
N q r s
C t u v
This works fine on small test files (as shown here), but not on my real system. For my real system, I have the log.lammps file that contains 14 rows and 10,001 lines, and my input files that contain 121,121 lines (so 10,001 * block of 121 lines). It creates files 10 times larger with more data than it should.
Can you enlighten me about my issue ? I think this is linked to the difference of line number from my files containing a single row and the files containing cartesian coordinates, but I really don't understand the link nor the way to solve it...
Thank you in advance...

I think I understand what you're trying do do now and this GNU awk script (for ARGIND, ENDFILE and inbuilt open file management) will do it:
$ cat ../tst.awk
ARGIND == 1 {
for (inFileNr=2; inFileNr<=NF; inFileNr++) {
outFileNrs[inFileNr,NR] = $inFileNr
ENDFILE { RS = "" }
{ print ORS $0 > ("ccccd2_H_" outFileNrs[ARGIND,FNR] "_temp_col") }
$ ls
ccccd2_H_0_col.bak2 ccccd2_H_1_col.bak2 ccccd2_H_2_col.bak2 log.lammps
$ cat log.lammps
1 0 1 2
2 1 0 2
3 1 2 0
$ paste ccccd2_H_0_col.bak2 ccccd2_H_1_col.bak2 ccccd2_H_2_col.bak2 | sed 's/\t/\t\t/g'
N a b c N s t u N k l m
C d e f C v w x C n o p
N g h i N y z a N q r s
C j k l C b c d C t u v
N m n o N e f g N w x y
C p q r C h i j C z a b
$ awk -f ../tst.awk log.lammps ccccd2_H_0_col.bak2 ccccd2_H_1_col.bak2 ccccd2_H_2_col.bak2
$ ls
ccccd2_H_0_col.bak2 ccccd2_H_1_col.bak2 ccccd2_H_2_col.bak2 log.lammps
ccccd2_H_0_temp_col ccccd2_H_1_temp_col ccccd2_H_2_temp_col
$ paste ccccd2_H_0_temp_col ccccd2_H_1_temp_col ccccd2_H_2_temp_col | sed 's/\t/\t\t/g'
N a b c N g h i N e f g
C d e f C j k l C h i j
N y z a N m n o N k l m
C b c d C p q r C n o p
N w x y N s t u N q r s
C z a b C v w x C t u v


Removing last non-printable line from a text file with bash

I am visualizing occult characters from a text file with od -c. Here I show you the tail of this output:
0014120 . f a s t q . g z \t N o n e \n N
0014140 s a m p \t S s a m p l e 3 3 4 _
0014160 1 1 1 0 1 9 \t s a m p I _ S 1 3
0014200 _ L 0 0 1 _ R 1 _ 0 0 1 . f a s
0014220 t q . g z \t N O n e m _ S 1 3 _
0014240 L 0 0 1 _ R 2 _ 0 0 1 . f a s t
0014260 q . g z \t N o n e \n
I have removed the last newline character from the file applying truncate command, but I am not able to remove the last occult line. I would like to get this:
0014120 . f a s t q . g z \t N o n e \n N
0014140 s a m p \t S s a m p l e 3 3 4 _
0014160 1 1 1 0 1 9 \t s a m p I _ S 1 3
0014200 _ L 0 0 1 _ R 1 _ 0 0 1 . f a s
0014220 t q . g z \t N O n e m _ S 1 3 _
0014240 L 0 0 1 _ R 2 _ 0 0 1 . f a s t
0014260 q . g z \t N o n e
Do you know what do I need to get it?
Thanks in advance
You can try something like:
awk '{if ($2!="") print}' input_file
this will check if second token is not empty string (as it is on the last line) and if it is not print the line

ls command, default (alphabetical) sorting order

here a piece of code :
$> ls
` = _ ; ? ( ] # \ % 1 4 7 a B d E g H J l M o P r S u V x Y
^ > - : ' ) { $ & + 2 5 8 A c D f G i k L n O q R t U w X z
< | , ! " [ } * # 0 3 6 9 b C e F h I K m N p Q s T v W y Z
I'm printing all ASCII character, each element is a folder, and I'm trying to understand the default sorting order of the ls command.
I understand that's there is a case insensitive comparison to sort alphabetic character, with digit coming first.
I've some trouble to understand how special character are sorted, and I'm not able to find something clear. I was thinking it could be related to the ASCII table, but when we see how things are ordered it really make no sens with it... Where is this order coming from ?

Replacing PIPE (|) symbol in hive

Hello i have a text containing pipe (|) symbol and i want to replace it with space. This is the text in the column description
PTI|Capricorn|No DM|#TeamIK|#shaneRWatson33 ❤
Boom Boom❤
Striving to be a better human!
I have tried the regexp_replace function like this
regexp_replace(description,'|',' ')
This command returns this value
| T r u e C r i c k e t L o v e r | M € $ $ ! |
P T I | C a p r i c o r n | N o D M | # T e a m I K | # s h a n e R W a t s o n 3 3 ❤
B o o m B o o m ❤
S t r i v i n g t o b e a b e t t e r h u m a n !
L o v e h i m w h o l e a s t D e s e r v e s I t , T h a t ' s i t ❤
It is not replacing the pipe (|) symbol. Kindly help.
Try this:
select regexp_replace(description,'\\|',' ') from table;
Since a pipe character is an OR operator in regex in must be escaped. In Java flavored regex, two escape characters, back slashes, must be used.
Try this one add \ in your regexp_replace function
insert overwrite table_name select regexp_replace(id,'\\|',' ') from table_name

Concatenate last columns from multiple files of one type

I am trying to cat the last 2 columns of multiple text files side by side. The files are in a directory of various types of files. All files have >2 columns, but no guarantee all files have the same number of columns.
For example, if I have:
1 a b J H
2 b c E E
3 c d L L
4 d e L L
5 e f O O
1 a b M B
2 b c O E
3 c d O E
I want:
The closest I've got is:
awk '{print $(NF-1), "\t", $NF}' *.txt
Which is almost what I want.
For the concatenation, I was thinking something like here for concatenation
pr -m -t one.txt two.txt
awk 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$(NF-1)" "$NF;next}{print $(NF-1),$NF,a[FNR]}' file2.txt file1.txt
> cat temp2
1 a b M B
2 b c O E
3 c d O E
> cat temp1
1 a b J H
2 b c E E
3 c d L L
4 d e L L
5 e f O O
> awk 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$(NF-1)" "$NF;next}{print $(NF-1),$NF,a[FNR]}' temp2 temp1
join -a1 -a2 one.txt two.txt | cut -d' ' -f4,5,8,9

Which function/algorithm for this merging and filling operation?

I have written R code that merges two data frames based on first column and for missing data adds the value from above. Here is what is does:
Two input data frames:
1 a
2 b
3 c
5 d
1 e
4 f
6 g
My code gives this output:
1 a e
2 b e
3 c e
4 c f
5 d f
6 d g
My code is however inefficient as it is not vectorized properly. Are there some R functions which I could use? Basically a function I am looking for is that fills in missing values / NA values and takes the value from previous element and puts it in place of NA.
I looked through reference book of R, but could not find anything.
Here is a solution making use of zoo::na.locf
a <- data.frame(id=c(1,2,3,5), v=c("a","b","c", "d"))
b <- data.frame(id=c(1,4,6), v=c("e", "f", "g"))
n <- max(c(a$id, b$id))
an <- merge(data.frame(id=1:n), a, all.x=T)
bn <- merge(data.frame(id=1:n), b, all.x=T)
an$v <- na.locf(an$v)
bn$v <- na.locf(bn$v)
data.frame(an$id, an$v, bn$v) an.v bn.v
1 1 a e
2 2 b e
3 3 c e
4 4 c f
5 5 d f
6 6 d g
