how to pass value dynamically to spring top function - spring

Actually, I wanted to retrieve the Top 500 records in a table. I knew spring data has internal method findTop500 method for it. My question is can this 500 be passed dynamically? Suppose if my requirement changes to get Top1000 I don't want it to modify again.

Assuming you are asking about Spring data-methods
You can use a Pageable object to dynamically set how many entries you want to retrieve.
You can use it like this:
PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(0, maxResults);
List<Record> records = repository.findAll(pageRequest);
List<Record> records = repository.findAllByKey(key, pageRequest);


How to update the content inside of Page object from Spring Data without changing the other properties

after querying from the database using the given getAll(Pageable pageable) method from spring data jpa i become an Page object. What I am doing is modifing the content list inside of this Page object but I am getting stuck here is that I dont know how to set it back to the Page object because Page doesn't have setter method, something like page.setContent(newContent), it has only getter.
Can anyone give me some hints how to set the new content to the Page object without changing the other current properties inside of it?
You need to use PageImpl(List content, Pageable pageable, long total) as example below :
//get paged data
Page<Groups> groups = groupsRepository.
findPagedGroups(pageable, lowerCase(name), lowerCase(description));
// update list
List<Groups> groupsList =;
for (Groups group : groupsList) {
// return new PageImpl
return new PageImpl<>(groupsList, pageable, groups.getTotalElements());

What is the best way to populate Entity from DTO

I'm creating an order service, new to RestServices world.
I need to read the order model into a OrderDTO and persist in the DB.
For that I have a below method:
#PostMapping(produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity<OrderDTO> createOrder(#Valid #RequestBody OrderDTO orderDTO) {
Order order = new Order(orderDTO);
Order createdOrder = orderService.createOrder(order);
OrderDTO createdOrderDTO = new OrderDTO(order);
ResponseEntity<OrderDTO> responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<OrderDTO>(createdOrderDTO, null, HttpStatus.CREATED);
return responseEntity;
Everything working fine, but I have concerns about the current design:
I'm reading an input into DTO
To Store the object I'm converting into Order object which will be persisted by Hibernate
Again to send the response back I'm converting the actual order object into DTO.
finally I will create 4-5 Objects per a request, if my app got 100 request it may run into memory issue.
How i can read the model data and persist efficiently?
In general, prefer DTO because of single responsibility principle, every object have its own responsibility and It's also clearer to separate View/Controller from Model objects
You can sometimes reduce OrderDTO, use an object that is both DTD and real Object,
It'll include DTD properties and also other properties that you can add using builder for example, I'm using #JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) to set only the DTD properties when object is created from request, e.g.:
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Order
You can also use JsonGetter/JsonProperty/JsonSetter to control what expected/returned
#JsonGetter and #JsonSetter are old alternatives to #JsonProperty.
I prefer a Mapper like Mapstruct:
OrderDtoMapper mapper = new OrderDTOMapper();
Order order =, Order.class);
and back:
OrderDTO createdOrderDTO =, OrderDTO.class);
For me the code looks more readable ... and you do not have much to write for, as Mapstruct maps it automatically. Because it looks like you will map quite a lot ;)
Perhaps a mapper is worth a try:
I don't see any issue with the design.
As Nizet pointed out. Objects created are short lived.
Normally DTO and Entity design is followed to keep the UI and Service Layer separate.
In this way, you have the option to filter out sensitive info from being passed to the world like password, pin.
But if you want you can use Order entity directly in Controller class.
I won't suggest that but it's possible.

How to Return all instances of the type with the given ID in JPA SpringBoot?

I'm trying to return (or fetch) all the records from the database based on an ID provided by me. I'm using JPA and i'm aware of findAll() method but it returns all the records without any criteria, I created a custom query and it is only returning a unique value from the table but i want to return all records based on a criteria.
For example, findAllByUserID(String UserID) method should return all the records based on that UserID not just one.
I'd appreciate any help or suggestion.
Have a look at the doc. There you will find the keywords you can use to declare methods in repository interfaces that will generate the according queries:
In your case: If userID is an attribute of your entity you can add a method
List<YourEntity> findByfindAllByUserID(String userId)
to your repository interface.
First, make sure that you're not using any aggregate function in your select query such as DISTINCT()
Then make sure that the the method which is implementing that query is returning a List of you're desired result.
here's how it should look :
#Query("select t from table t where t.code = ?1")
List<Result> findAllByUserID(String UserID);

How to get top results using specifications in spring data jpa?

I am quite new to spring data jpa. I am trying to use specifications while querying database. My question is using crudrepository we can method like :
findTopByUsernameOrderByUpdatedAtDesc(String username);
How can I achieve the same using specifications? I can do basic things like and or in specifications, but not very robust like we can do with criteria etc.
Specification<CustomClass> spec = Specifications.where(specification).and(username);
List<CustomClass> list = findAll(spec);
This was done as follows :
Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(0, 1, Sort.Direction.DESC, "username");
Page oneElementPage = repository.findAll(spec, pageable);
This will sort the data on username column in descending direction and return first result.
You can't express this in a Specification directly. But you can use a Pageable for this:
Page oneElementPage = repository.findAll(spec, new PageRequest(0, 1));
Gives you a Page with a single element.

Spring dynamically select #JsonView with pagination

I want to select the Json View applied to my data depending on an URL parameter. I am trying to implement this using #JsonView annotations, and I tried some solutions (1, 2). The thing is that those solutions are basen on the controller action returning a MappingJacksonValue, but I cannot use that because I am using pagination.
My action:
public ResponseEntity<Page<MyEntity>> findAll(
int viewMode,
Pageable pageable) {
result = service.findAll(pageable);
// Here I would like to apply a Json View to the result set depending
// on the variable viewMode
return new ResponseEntity<Page<MyEntity>>(
/* Resultset with the selected view applied, and paginated */,
To make #JsonView work with pagination, you need to set the following property to true in
spring.jackson.mapper.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION = true
This will cause the mapper to also serialize properties which are not annotated, enabling paging to work.
