How to refresh time (Carbon) every 1 second in Laravel? - laravel

I am creating a cms app where a user can post their own, of course!
The problem I am facing is when using Carbon. I am using Carbon to make the created_at readable to humans using diffForHumans(). However, the time updates only when I refresh the page.
How can I dynamically refresh the time (Carbon) without having to refresh the page?

Carbon is a PHP package, and PHP renders your templates into HTML/CSS only once as a response when the user requests for a particular page.
What you're looking for instead is to implement this counter in Javascript. Javascript actually runs on the client's browser, whereas PHP is only run on the server itself.


Page redering diffrence Inertia vs. Vue with Laravel Backend

I implemented a simple crud application in two ways.
One with Laravel and Vue and one with Laravel, Vue and Inertia.
When rendering a simple user list in my Vue/Laravel application (either with routing or initial page load), Vue renders the whole page instantly and loads the user list as soon as it receives it from the server. -> good user experience, possibility to implement a loading indication
When rendering the same thing in my inertia application, Vue renders the whole page after the data has been received from the server. Which is a very bad thing for applications with large amounts of data.
Even in my really small/slim application, I felt the difference and figured this out with a simple sleep(3) before returning the view (or Inertia::render) in my UserController.
Is this normal/is there a way to prevent this? Or did I possibly implement inertia poorly?
I'm using inertia.js 0.8.5, inertia-vue 0.5.5 and Vue 2.6.12
Normally, if you want to display lists of users with Inertia, you'd paginate the list server-side with Laravel's built-in pagination. If the page load time is slow, you're probably trying to load too much data/missing eager loads/missing DB indexing/doing some calculation that can be optimized.
You can use Progress Indicator to improve the UX when navigating between Inertia views. Does it make a difference to the user if they see an empty table in an SPA with ajax calls before the data loads vs. seeing a progress bar before the view reloads? IMO not really.
If for some reason in a particular view it's really important to have the table layout (or some other empty data container) displayed, even if it's empty for some time, you can always load the data with ajax in that one-off case. Not all data in an Inertia app needs to be "pushed" to the view from the controller, you can also "pull" it from Vue/React side.

How to code in Laravel so that the requests are executed without refreshing the page?

In Laravel when we using forms to store or delete a resource, the page is refreshed. What is the best technology to avoid refreshing the page while the request is being processed? AJAX, Vue.js, etc?
There are two main ways to handle http requests: synchronously and asynchronously.
Laravel is a PHP framework and therefore uses... PHP, which is a synchronous language. This implies a page refresh for every requests you make. The point is, every PHP framework have this behavior, this is the way PHP works.
So let's answer your question: indeed, you need an asynchronous technology to make a request to the server and get the response without refreshing the page. The technolodgy of choice in this case is Javascript, which will be able to make AJAX calls.
An AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) will, as stated in its name, make an asynchronous request. But an AJAX request is just the way of doing it, it's not really a technology. Yes, javascript frameworks like Vue.js are using AJAX, but that is overkill to just make some AJAX requests.
Using Axios or even jQuery is much easier and will allow you to make a request, grab the answer and modify your page without refresh very quickly :)
The process to achieve what you are looking for is pretty simple:
Use Axios or jQuery to make an AJAX call (an asynchronous request)
Handle this request with Laravel, as you do for every other request
Returns something (or not, it depends of you) to alert your user that something happened
This response will be handled by Javascript
Vue is suitable for small projects where you just want to add a little bit of reactivity, submit a form with AJAX, show the user a modal, display the value of an input as the user is typing, or many other similarly straightforward things. It's scalable and also fantastic for huge project.

Codeigniter Session data lost on the third navigation

This is a really strange problem. I have an application that I build using Codeigniter 3, HMVC, and Ion Auth. It was working well until I migrated it from one server to another. Now the data in the session is cleared after 3 navigations.
I tested it by logging into the application and watching the data field in the ci_session table as I navigated. I made it as simple as possible. I perform a browser refresh from the view I reach after login. On the third refresh, the data disappears from the database for my session and the application sends me back to the login page (application checks to see if the user is logged in). I even waited awhile (less than the 7200) to see if it was a time out and the time between refreshes does not seem to matter. I did not add code, because I do not know what code would help.
Does anyone have an idea what setting may be the cause?
Some time Codeigniter Session not working it has problem with PHP version
Change Your Server PHP Version.

How to reload a page on change in server database

I'm using tastypie + django + backbone.js . My application should be usable by more than one user at a time.
What I want to do is to show all users "live" changes on the database without having the users manually reloading the page.
Anyone around to point me in the right direction?
To get this working in all major browsers you will have to periodically send an AJAX request to your server asking if any changes have occured.
In modern browsers you could make use ob web sockets to setup a PUSH service where the server can push those changes to your application or simply notify you about it.
(If you are using Backbone as an MVC framework anyway you might as well step back from the idea of reloading the page and just request your data using AJAX and use Backbone's View component to render your data into HTML elements)

Including CodeIgniter form in existing page

I would like to include a CodeIgniter comment form in an existing php page. Currently I am including the comment form with
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = "comment/index2/".$page;
require_once($directoryLevelPrefix . "staff/codeigniter/index.php");
However, when codeigniter loads the view to display the results of the form I lose the content on my original php page which contained the form. I have tried adding a redirect after the form data is added to the database to redirect to my original php page e.g.
But I want to pass some variables, such as 'thank you for your comment', and this causes a headers already sent error.
Alternatives might be to use ajax, but I would like the whole page to refresh when the comment is submitted.
I had a similar need and I just loaded the CodeIgniter form in an iframe. This was to put a contact form on a WordPress page. I went with the iframe because my needs were limited to this one form and I felt it didn't require trying to integrate CodeIgniter and WordPress in any way.
One Pro of this method is that the form can be submitted and load a confirmation page, an error page, or even be a multi-page form and all that navigation takes place inside the iframe so you never leave the page that you are on while using the form. Another Pro is that the form is totally portable.
The Cons of course are anything you might not like about using iframes which could be many things based on your needs and preferences.
That is because CodeIgniter is a framework designed to handle displaying entire web pages. You can't just include it, as it tries to send new headers and everything.
Two solutions:
You may be able to load the codeigniter page as the main page, and just include your original php code like a view file. This depends on how your original php file is set up.
You could possibly use cURL to call the page from your own server, to get the html output as a string, then echo it to your current page. This isn't very efficient though.
As C. Scott Asbach mentioned, you could load the whole page in an iframe. Probably not a good idea though, as far as I'm aware iframes are deprecated and make for messy websites.
Probably best is to just try and avoid using CodeIgniter to display a subform in an existing page :-)
