I have problems populating data from database.
I query inside views
$list = $this->ctrlzxc->queryZXC($zxc['id']); //query
<?php foreach($list as $li): ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
its not populating the result.
I have been working on the maga menu. I got the collection in phtml like:
<?php $_helper = Mage::helper('catalog/category') ?>
<?php $_categories = $_helper->getStoreCategories() ?>
<?php $currentCategory = Mage::registry('current_category') ?>
Now I have to add the filter to show specific categories. Like I have an array(1,2,3,4) of categories that i want to show. so how can I apply filter to this Helper.
Any one have any suggestion please answer.
The first answer is correct but it's not efficient as it consumes unnecessary database round trips. #Karan's code issues a query to the database for every id. Just imagine if the number of category ids to be filtered were 50 or above.
My example would be this:
$catIds = array(1,2,3,4);
$catCollection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('id', $catIds)->addAttributeToFilter('is_active',1);
foreach($catCollection as $category){
echo $category->getName()." ";
This will reduce the database roundtrip to just one.
use this code
<?php $catids[]=array(1,2,3,4);
foreach($catids as $id):
$_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($id);
echo $_category->getName();
and don't forget to link my answer if it was helpful
I'm using the code below to get a list of categories on the same level as the current page (by listing the subcategories of this category's parent). It works great when Flat Categories are off. Once I enable Flat Categories, the H2 works correctly, but the list changes to display the root's subcategories instead of this page's parent's subcategories. What am I doing wrong, and why does it act this way?
$_category = $this->getCurrentCategory();
$parentCategoryId = $_category->getParentId();
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($parentCategoryId);
$helper = Mage::helper('catalog/category');
$parentCategory = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($parentCategoryId);
<h2><?php echo $parentCategory->getName(); ?></h2>
<?php foreach ($collection as $cat):?>
<?php if($_category->getIsActive()): ?>
<li <?php
if ($cat->getId() == $_category->getId()) {
echo 'class="current"';
<?php echo $cat->getName();?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach;?>
Yes, I've flushed the cache and indexes.
I don't completely know why ->getCategories($id) is not "flat-safe", but using Stefan's suggestion helped me find an alternate method for this instead.
My new lines at top look like this:
$_category = $this->getCurrentCategory();
$parentCategoryId = $_category->getParentId();
$helper = Mage::helper('catalog/category');
$parentCategory = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($parentCategoryId);
$collection = $parentCategory->getChildrenCategories();
... which works regardless of 'flat catalog' on or off.
I'm using a module for displaying grouped configurable products and all options are showing except custom options. They are displaying on the configurable product page but that's it. I'm trying to use the code in app\design\frontend\blank\blank\template\catalog\product\view\options.phtml in my custom configurable.phtml but $_options is showing up null. Here is the code used to retrieve $_options
<?php $_options = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getOptions()) ?>
<?php if (count($_options)):?>
and after the javascript
<?php foreach($_options as $_option): ?>
<?php echo $this->getOptionHtml($_option) ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: echo dlkghflghf;?>
<?php endif; ?>
The dlkghflghf is displaying so i know $_options is not showing up. Any suggestions?
Your custom configurable.phtml is a template of what block? You can use a block that extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Options or you can set your own method for options like the method from Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Options, you also need to have a method getProduct():
public function getOptions()
return $this->getProduct()->getOptions();
I have a list of store categories, and everything is working well except for one thing. I would like the list of categories to omit any that are set as 'Include in Navivation Menu = No'.
I can tell at this point that this attribute is not being loaded, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out where to place the filter. Currently, I am getting my category list via:
<?php $_helper = Mage::helper('catalog/category') ?>
<?php $_categories = $_helper->getStoreCategories() ?>
Followed by:
<?php foreach ($_categories as $_category) : ?>
<?php $_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_category->getId()) ?>
At this point, I have my category objects how I want them. But if I run a debug on these objects, the 'include_in_menu' attribute is not listed.
So for some reason:
<?php $_subCategory->getIncludeInMenu() ?>
Was not working for me after I ran:
<?php foreach($_parentCategory->getChildrenCategories() as $_subCategory) : ?>
The object was still the same model, but ['include_in_menu'] was no longer part of the object. I don't like this solution, but I just reconverted the object back:
<?php $_subCategory = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_subCategory->getId()) ?>
And then it worked fine. Not sure why getting the children would strip down the object, but it does.
I have few frontend modules which has own sidebar menu link. I want to create those links in actions class of module:
public function preExecute()
$items['plan/new'] = 'Create Plan';
$items['plan/index'] = 'Plans Listing';
$this->getResponse()->setSlot('sidebar', $items);
Slot file sidebar.php
<?php slot('sidebar') ?>
<?php foreach($items as $url => $title) : ?>
<li><?php echo link_to($url, $title) ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php end_slot() ?>
<?php if (has_slot('sidebar')): ?>
<div id="sidebar"><?php include_slot('sidebar') ?></div>
<?php endif ?>
but my output is Array, how can I render my slot?
You seem to be mixing slots and partials. In your action, you set your slot to an array, later you call include_slot, and the string representation is Array, that is correct.
You should pass items via $this->items = $items, then in your action see if isset($items) is true, and call include_partial("sidebar", array("items" => $items)) if neccesary. This will look for a file called _sidebar.php.
For more detailed information of how this stuff works, read the Inside the View Layer: Code fragments part of the sf1.4 book.