I need to take a file name and an integer N, and return the first N unique words in the file given. Let us say that input.txt has this content:
I like pancakes in my breakfast. Also, I like pancakes in my dinner.
The output of running this with N = 13 could be
I know how to open the file and read line by line, but beyond that, I don't know how to take the unique words out if the lines.
Let's first create a test file.
str =<<END
We like pancakes for breakfast,
but we know others like waffles.
FName = 'temp'
File.write(FName, str)
#=> 65 (characters written)
We need to return an array containing the first nbr_unique unique words from the file named file, so let's write a method that will do that.
def unique_words(fname, nbr_unique)
<code needed here>
You need to add unique words to an array that will be returned by this method, so let's begin by creating an empty array and then return that array at the end of the method.
def unique_words(fname, nbr_unique)
arr = []
<code needed here>
You know how to read a file line-by-line, so let's do that, using the class method IO::foreach1.
def unique_words(fname, nbr_unique)
arr = []
File.foreach(fname) do |line|
<code need here to process line>
The block variable line equals "We like pancakes for breakfast,\n" after the first line is read. Firstly, the newline character needs to be removed. Examine the methods of the class
String to see if one can be used to do that.
The second line contains the word "we". I assume "We" and "we" are not to be regarded as unique words. This is usually handled by converting all characters of a string to either all lowercase or all uppercase. You can do this to each line or to each word (after words have been extracted from a line). Again, look for a suitable method in the class String for doing this.
Next you need to extract words from each line. Once again, look for a String method for doing that.
Next we need to determine if, say, "like" (or "LIKE") is to be added to the array arr. Look at the instance methods for the class Array for a suitable method. If it is added we need to see if arr now contains nbr_unique words. If it does we don't need to read any more lines of the file, so we need to break out of foreach's block (perhaps use the keyword break).
There's one more thing we need to take care of. The first line contains "breakfast,", the second, "waffles.". We obviously don't want the words returned to contain punctuation. There are two ways to do that. The first is to remove the punctuation, the second is to accept only letters.
Given a string that contains punctuation (a line or a word) we can create a second string that equals the original string with the punctuation removed. One way to do that is to use the method String#tr. Suppose the string is "breakfast,". Then
"breakfast,".tr(".,?!;:'", "") #=> "breakfast"
To only accept letters we could use any of the following regular expressions (all return "breakfast"):
"breakfast,".gsub(/[a-zA-Z]+/, "")
"breakfast,".gsub(/[a-z]+/i, "")
"breakfast,".gsub(/[[:alphaa:]]+/, "")
"breakfast,".gsub(/\p{L}+/, "")
The first two work with ASCII characters only. The third (POSIX) and fourth work (\p{} construct) with Unicode (search within Regexp).
Note that it is more efficient to remove punctuation from a line before words are extracted.
Extra credit: use Enumerator#with_object
Whenever you see an object (here arr) initialized to be be empty, manipulated and then returned at the end of a method, you should consider using the method Enumerator#with_object or (more commonly), Enumerable#each_with_object. Both of these return the object referred to in the method name.
The method IO::foreach returns an enumerator (an instance of the class Enumerator) when it does not have a block (see doc). We therefore could write
def unique_words(fname, nbr_unique)
File.foreach(fname).with_object([]) do |line, arr|
<code need here to process line>
We have eliminated two lines (arr = [] and arr), but have also confined arr's scope to the block. This is not a big deal but is the Ruby way.
More extra credit: use methods of the class Set
Suppose we wrote the following.
require 'set'
def unique_words(fname, nbr_unique)
File.foreach(fname).with_object(Set.new) do |line, set|
<code need here to process line>
When we extract the word "we" from the second line we need to check if it should be added to the set. Since sets have unique elements we can just try to do it. We won't be able to do that because set will already contain that word from the first line of the file. A handy method for doing that is Set#add?:
#=> nil
Here the method returns nil, meaning the set already contains that word. It also tells us that we don't need to check if the set now contains nbr_unique words. Had we been able to add the word to the set, set (with the added word) would be returned.
The block returns the value of set (a set). The method Set#to_a converts that set to an array, which is returned by the method.
1 Notice that I've invoked the class method IO::foreach by writing File.foreach(fname)... below. This is permissible because File is a subclass of IO (File.superclass #=> IO). I could have instead written IO.foreach(fname)..., but it is more common to use File as the receiver.
Using the oliver.txt
write a method called count_paragraphs that counts the number of paragraphs in the text.
In oliver.txt the paragraph delimiter consists of two or more consecutive newline characters, like this: \n\n, \n\n\n, or even \n\n\n\n.
Your method should return either the number of paragraphs or nil.
I have this code but it doesn't work:
def count_paragraphs(some_file)
file_content = open(some_file).read()
count = 0
file_content_split = file_content.split('')
file_content_split.each_index do |index|
count += 1 if file_content_split[index] == "\n" && file_content_split[index + 1] == "\n"
return count
# test code
p count_paragraphs("oliver.txt")
It's much easier to either count it directly:
or count the separators and add one:
file_content.scan(/\n\n+/).count + 1
To determine the number of paragraphs there is no need to construct an array and determine its size. One can instead operate on the string directly by creating an enumerator and counting the number of elements it will generate (after some cleaning of the file contents). This can be done with an unconventional (but highly useful) form of the method String#gsub.
def count_paragraphs(fname)
(File.read(fname).gsub(/ +$/,'') << "\n\n").gsub(/\S\n{2,}/).count
First let us construct a text file.
Now is the time
for all good
Rubiest to take
a break.
Oh, happy
One for all,
all for one.
# " \n\nNow is the time\nfor all good\nRubiest to take\na break.\n \n \nOh, happy\nday.\n\nOne for all,\nall for one.\n\n \nAmen!\n"
Note the embedded spaces.
FNAME = 'temp'
File.write(FNAME, str)
#=> 128
Now test the method with this file.
#=> 4
One more:
#=> 61
The first step is deal with ill-formed text by removing spaces immediately preceding newlines:
File.read(fname).gsub(/ +$/,'')
#=> "\n\nNow is the time\nfor all good\nRubiest to take\na break.\n\n\nOh, happy\nday.\n\nOne for all,\nall for one.\n\n\nAmen!\n"
Next, two newlines are appended so we can identify all paragraphs, including the last, as containing a non-whitespace character followed by two or more newlines.1.
Note that files containing only spaces and newlines are found to contain zero paragraphs.
If the file is known to contain no ill-formed text, the operative line of the method can be simplified to:
(File.read(fname) << "\n\n").gsub(/\S\n{2,}/).count
See Enumerable#count and IO#read. (As File.superclass #=> IO, read is also in instance method of the class File, and seems to be more commonly invoked on that class than on IO.)
Note that String#gsub without a block returns an enumerator (to which Enumerable#count is applied),
Aside: I believe this form of gsub would be more widely used if it merely had a separate name, such as pattern_match. Calling it gsub seems a misnomer, as it has nothing to do with "substitution", "global" or otherwise.
1 I revised my original answer to deal with ill-formed text, and in doing so borrowed #Kimmo's idea of requiring matches to include a non-whitespace character.
How about a loop that memoizes the previous character and a state of being in or outside of a paragraph?
def count_paragraphs(some_file)
paragraphs = 0
in_paragraph = false
previous_char = ""
File.open(some_file).each_char do |char|
if !in_paragraph && char != "\n"
paragraphs += 1
in_paragraph = true
elsif in_paragraph && char == "\n" && previous_char == "\n"
in_paragraph = false
previous_char = char
This solution does not build any temporary arrays of the full content so you could parse a huge file without it being read into memory. Also, there are no regular expressions.
The rescue was added because of the "Your function should return either the number of paragraphs or nil" which did not give a clear definition of when a nil should be returned. In this case it will be returned if any exception happens, for example if the file isn't found or can't be read, which will raise an exception that will be catched by the rescue.
You don't need an explicit return in Ruby. The return value of the last statement will be used as the method's return value.
How do I get the first word from each line? Thanks to help from someone on Stack Overflow, I am working with the code below:
File.open("pastie.rb", "r") do |file|
while (line = file.gets)
next if (line[0,1] == " ")
labwords = line.split.first
print labwords.join(' ')
It extracts the first word from each line, but it has problems with spaces. I need help adjusting it. I need to use the first method, but I don't know how to use it.
If you want the first word from each line from a file:
first_words = File.read(file_name).lines.map { |l| l.split(/\s+/).first }
It's pretty simple. Let's break it apart:
Reads the entire contents of the file and returns it as a string.
Splits a string by newline characters (\n) and returns an array of strings. Each string represents a "line."
.map { |l| ... }
Array#map calls the provided block passing in each item and taking the return value of the block to build a new array. Once Array#map finishes it returns the array containing new values. This allows you to transform the values. In the sample block here |l| is the block params portion meaning we're taking one argument and we'll reference it as l.
|l| l.split(/\s+/).first
This is the block internal, I've gone ahead and included the block params here too for completeness. Here we split the line by /\s+/. This is a regular expression, the \s means any whitespace (\t \n and space) and the + following it means one or more so \s+ means one or more whitespace character and of course, it will try to match as many consecutive whitespace characters as possible. Passing this to String#split will return an array of substrings that occur between the seperator given. Now, our separator was one or more whitespace so we should get everything between whitespace. If we had the string "A list of words" we'll get ["A", "list", "of", "words"] after the split call. It's very useful. Finally, we call .first which returns the first element of an array (in this case "the first word").
Now, in Ruby, the evaluated value of the last expression in a block is automatically returned so our first word is returned and given that this block is passed to map we should get an array of the first words from a file. To demonstrate, let's take the input (assuming our file contains):
This is line one
And line two here
Don't forget about line three
Line four is very board
Line five is the best
It all ends with line six
Running this through the line above we get:
["This", "And", "Don't", "Line", "Line", "It"]
Which is the first word from each line.
Consider this:
def first_words_from_file(file_name)
lines = File.readlines(file_name).reject(&:empty?)
lines.map do |line|
puts first_words_from_file('pastie.rb')
I've created a web framework that uses the following function:
def to_class(text)
text.gsub(/(_|-)/, '')
To turn directory names that are snake_cased or hyphen-cased into PascalCased class names for your project.
Problem is, the function only removed _ and -, and doesn't capitalize the next letter. Using .capitalize, or .upcase, is there a way to achieve making your snake/hyphen_/-cased names into proper PascalCased class names?
gsub(/(?:^|[_-])([a-z])?/) { $1.upcase unless $1.nil? }
This splits the _-cased string into an array; capitalizes every member and glues the array back to a string:
def to_pascal_case(str)
p to_pascal_case("snake_cased") #=>"SnakeCased"
Your code does not work for several reasons:
The resulting object of the capitalize method is discarded - you
should do something like text.capitalize! or text = text.capitalize.
But the capitalize method just upcases the first letter of the string,
not the first letter of every word.
Rails has a similar method called camelize. It basically capitalizes every part of the string consisting of [a-z0-9] and removes everything else.
You can probably golf it down to something smaller, but:
txt = 'foo-bar_baz'
txt.gsub(/(?:^|[-_])([a-z])/) { |m| m.upcase }.gsub(/[-_]/, '') # FooBarBaz
In the book I'm reading to learn Rails (RailsSpace) , the author creates two functions (below) to turn all caps city names like LOS ANGELES into Los Angeles. There's something I don't get about the first function, below, however.
Namely, where does "word" come from? I understand that "word" is a local/block variable that disappears after the function has been completed, but what is being passed into/assigned to "word." IN other words, what is being split?
I would have expected there to have been some kind of argument taking an array or hash passed into this function...and then the "each" function run over that..
def capitalize_each
space = " "
split(space).each{ |word| word.capitalize! }.join(space)
# Capitalize each word in place.
def capitalize_each!
replace capitalize_each end
Let's break this up.
turns the string into a list of would-be words. (Actually, if the string has two spaces in a row, the list will have an empty string in it. but that doesn't matter for this purpose.) I assume this is an instance method in String; otherwise, split wouldn't be defined.
.each { |word| word.capitalize! }
.each takes each thing in the list (returned by split), and runs the following block on it, passing the thing as an arg to the block. The |word| says that this block is going to call the arg "word". So effectively, what this does is capitalize each word in the string (and each blank string and lonely bit of punctuation too, but again, that's not important -- capitalization doesn't change characters that have no concept of case).
glues the words back together, reinserting the space that was used to separate them before. The string it returns is the return value of the function as well.
At first I thought that the method was incomplete because of the absence of self at the beginning but it seems that even without it split is being called over the string given, space would simply be a default separator. This is how the method could look with explicit self.
class String
def capitalize_each(separator = ' ')
self.split(separator).each{|word| word.capitalize!}.join(separator)
puts "LOS ANGELES".capitalize_each #=> Los Angeles
puts "LOS_ANGELES".capitalize_each('_') #=> Los_Angeles
The string is being split by spaces, i.e. into words.
So the 'each' iterator goes through all the words, one by one, each time the word is in the 'word' object. So then for that object (word) it uses the capitalize function for it. Finally it all gets joined back together With Spaces. So The End Result is Capitalized.
These methods are meant to be defined in the String class, so what is being split is whatever string you are calling the capitalize_each method on.
Some example usage (and a slightly better implementation):
class String
def capitalize_each
split(/\s+/).each{ |word| word.capitalize! }.join " "
def capitalize_each!
replace capitalize_each
puts "hi, i'm a sentence".capitalize_each #=> Hi, I'm A Sentence
Think of |word| word.capitalize! as a function whch you're passing into the each method. The function has one argument (word) and simply evaluates .capitalize! on it.
Now what the each method is doing is taking each item in split(space) and evaluating your function on it. So:
"abcd".each{|x| print x}
will evaluate, in order, print "a", print "b", print "c".
To demystify this behavior a bit, it helps to understand exactly what it means to "take each item in __". Basically, any object which is enumerable can be .eached in this way.
If you're referring to how it gets into your block in the first place, it's yielded into the block. #split returns an Array, and it's #each method is doing something along the lines of:
for object in stored_objects
yield object
This works, but if you want to turn one array into another array, it's idiomatically better to use map instead of each, like this:
(Without the trailing !, capitalize makes a new string instead of modifying the old string, and map collects those new strings into a new array. In contrast, each returns the old array.)
Or, following gunn's lead:
class String
def capitalize_each
self.split(/\s/).map{|word|word.capitalize}.join(' ')
"foo bar baz".capitalize_each #=> "Foo Bar Baz"
by default, split splits on strings of spaces, but by passing a regular expression it matches each individual space characters even if they're in a row.
What is the best way to validate a gets input against a very long word list (a list of all the English words available)?
I am currently playing with readlines to manipulate the text, but before there's any manipulation, I would like to first validate the entry against the list.
The simplest way, but by no means the fastest, is to simply search against the word list each time. If the word list is in an array:
if word_list.index word
#manipulate word
If, however, you had the word list as a separate file (with each word on a separate line), then we'll use File#foreach to find it:
if File.foreach("word.list") {|x| break x if x.chomp == word}
#manipulate word
Note that foreach does not strip off the trailing newline character(s), so we get rid of them with String#chomp.
Here's a simple example using a Set, though Mark Johnson is right,
a bloom filter would be more efficient.
require 'set'
WORD_RE = /\w+/
# Read in the default dictionary (from /usr/share/dict/words),
# and put all the words into a set
WORDS = Set.new(File.read('/usr/share/dict/words').scan(WORD_RE))
# read the input line by line
STDIN.each_line do |line|
# find all the words in the line that aren't contained in our dictionary
unrecognized = line.scan(WORD_RE).find_all { |term| not WORDS.include? term }
# if none were found, the line is valid
if unrecognized.empty?
puts "line is valid"
else # otherwise, the line contains some words not in our dictionary
puts "line is invalid, could not recognize #{unrecognized.inspect}"
are you reading the list from a file?
can't you have it all in memory?
maybe a finger tree may help you
if not, there's not more than "read a chunk of data from the file and grep into"
Read the word list into memory, and for each word, make an entry into a hash table:
def init_word_tester
#words = {}
File.foreach("word.list") {|word|
#words[word.chomp] = 1
now you can just check every word against your hash:
def test_word word
return #words[word]