How to automate batch testing in Microsoft LUIS by sending text in a csv file in python - azure-language-understanding

Like sending questions through a CSV file and getting the mapped intent and entities which can be used for validation in LUIS

We can use batch testing to test or validate using the files through UI i.e Currently it is not supported programmatic API. Hope this helps!!


Batch create documents in firestore (with direct api)

I'm trying to update an existing firestore google apps script library to also allow for batch create documents. Now, I understand the existing library as explained very well here. I'm testing with postman and am able to create documents.
Now I would like to create multiple document with a batch write.
But I find the Google Documentation quite hard to read. So I was looking for a simple example how the body request looks of a batch write, could someone provide this for me?
I read a comment by LaughDonor here that it should be using these endpoints:
Begin Transaction - I have this working and received a transaction token
Commit Transaction - could someone provide me with an example of what a Write object would look?
Rollback Transaction

Upload pdf files from bot with Bot Framework Composer

I want to select a pdf file from the bot and send it through a Web Api but I have not obtained any documentation, if you could support me with this it would be very helpful.
Thank you.
You can send a PDF, but you cannot send a local fie. It has to be uploaded somewhere or encoded. So, sending with activity and contentUrl of either data:image/png;base64,${imageBase64} or
Please see more info explained in this comment. Also be aware that different channels behave differently with attachments (See end of conversation in that same thread).
Edit: Actually, the change to be able to send a binary is currently in the works. Please watch here.

Get responses form a specific Google Form PHP / Laravel

I try to access to a Google Form but the API is in Google Apps Scripts. So we can't access it with a PHP script.
I'm using Laravel and this package could do the job but it's not compatible anymore :
How can I execute a Google Apps Script to get responses (with files uploaded by user) in a specific Google Form ?
Any ideas ?
There are two possible ways that you could do this:
Consider deploying the Script as a Web App. In particular, have a look at the section Deploying a script as a web app. Deploying scripts in this way allows you to do GET or POST requests to execute the code inside Google Scripts on demand.
Look at using the App Scripts API. I've previously used this API to build multiple Google Forms rather than building each one manually.

How to get Email messages in .msg format from Microsoft Exchange server using C#

I have a requirement that i need to pull the ".msg" files from one of the exchange server's public folder and save them in a network path.
I read a lot about Exchange Web Services Managed API, but I don't think there is a direct way to get ".msg' file. We can either retrieve ".eml" file or read subject, body, recipients separately and generate ".msg" file. But both the options are not straight forward.
Can anyone suggest me a best way to achieve this using .net code using C#.
Not sure about the actual files but can you use the Exchange Web API to get the text of the message.

Data from web-page to a text box in application?

I saw a program(RAPGET) which downloads a file from RapidShare for the given link?
I like to design a program like this which gets the information about weather-forecast from a web-page and it should display in the textbox in vb6?
You can call a web service from VB6. Here's "the easy way" to do it.
Or you can ncheck out the replies to this previous SO question.
You can use winHttp component that ship with winxp and above. It ships as a package called BITS [background intelligent transfer service]. Using this you can make calls to Http and Ftp servers. So this will enable your VB6 application to act as an HttpClient which will receive the data from the weather server.
Second thing is the server. You must know in which format you are getting the data from the server. Is it plain text ?, Soap ? or XML ? once you identify the format of data transport you can receive the data from the server using winHttp and parse them in your application and fetch the desired data.
