I am developing an application which has a tree view and an interactive report. Based on the value selected in the tree node, i will refresh the report to show the node specific data.
Now, I want to hide some of the columns in the interactive report,for some tree node values. Is it possible to do it in APEX?
I am using Oracle APEX 5.1.
Any help would be appreciated!!
Finally figured out how to do this.Added server side condition for those columns of interactive report that we want to hide based on the condition.
Everytime the report is refreshed the server side condition is executed.
so im trying to create an interactive report using apex. Usually, it will automatically create CRUD operation in the report. But somehow, the edit button (pencil and paper icon) in my interactive report is gone and i don't know how to fix nor adding them manually. Before it was gone, I changed my IR to Classical report since after i upload the table, APEX doesn't show all the columns (only 8 out of 9 column showed). And after that, I return the table into IR since all the column showed, but this is where the problem started.
Any thoughts?
go to report's Attributes properties tab (on the right hand side of the Page Designer screen)
set the Link property to "Link to Custom target"
target will be "page in this application"
choose it from list of values (or type it manually, if you know its number)
as you'll want to pass item(s) value(s) from the report to form page, set items
That's all.
I have created a Master-Detail page in my Oracle APEX application. Basically i have a list of rows from one table and I can add values to it though a form. That works correctly, validations also work (every column from Master form can be accessed by adding ":" in front and that works in this case). I also have an option to edit click pencil icon in front of every row which lets me to update current row and also displays the Detail part of that row. Detail part is a list of values from another table that is connected to the first one using foreign key (Master-Detail: one to many). It is automatically displayed as interactive grid, so when editing my Master table value I can also add new rows to Detail table, but the validations don't work for Detail table. I tried accessing it's columns the same way as before, but it just doesn't work (tried to add PL/SQL expression validation:
:column >= 0
but that didn't work. How can I enable the validation for interactive grid, because I've looked into some resources about it, but they just show the first way, that doesn't work for me?
For a validation on an Interactive Grid you need to set the attribute "Editable Region" for the validation to your interactive grid. That works ok for me. I tried with a Master Detail on Dept (Master) and Emp (Detail) with a validation on detail of :SAL > 1000
I'm using APEX 5 for the first time and trying to link users to the same page from an interactive report column.
The page being linked to will display different data, depending on which row user clicked.
I don't know what data to depend on to generate the new page, my thoughts are to write (a href) statements but not sure how variables are supposed to be stored this way.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
Wrong approach, in my opinion.
You should have done this:
create a new page
choose the "Report" page type
choose "Report with Form on table"
It'll create both Interactive Report and a "linked" Form which will be used for the purpose you described. You don't even have to write a single line of code, Apex will do everything for you. You'd just click the icon at the beginning of the Interactive Report row, and it'll lead you to the Form and display values related to that very row.
I am currently working in Oracle APEX version 5.1.2. I have created an interactive grid in my application that queries data from a table stored in the Oracle database. The data being queried is just several different URLs that refer to different pages in my application. So in other words, in each cell of one of the columns in the interactive grid there is a URL.
Then on a different page in the same application, I have created an interactive report that queries all of the data from the interactive grid. One of the columns in that interactive report is set to type "Link" and the link attribute is set to #LINK#. So each cell in that column contains a hyperlink for one of the URLs stored in the interactive grid.
The problem is that when I click on the hyperlink, I lose my session state and and am redirected to the login page. When I do then login, I am directed to the page in the application that the link was supposed to direct me to. The link only works if I hard code my current session ID in the URL in the database. But I'm trying to find a suitable substitution string for the session ID so that I don't have to hard code the session ID. I have tried the substitution strings &SESSION. and :APP_SESSION and &APP_SESSION. and V('SESSION') and nothing has worked.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to achieve this so that I don't lose my session state?
Thank you in advance.
Apparently there is no problem with the url formed.
Could you inspect the element and display the generated html on the page?
I think you should not fill in the "link attributes" field, it should be blank.
Click "Target" and there put the value #LINK# in the "URL" field.
I am currently working with Interactive Grids in Oracle Apex version 5.1.2 and I am having trouble figuring out how to add a row that automatically fills in one of the cells in the new row with a certain value, like the person's username or current date. I know in version 5.1.4 there is a section in the "Column Attributes" that allows me to put in a "Default value", but unfortunately I have to work in version 5.1.2 for this project. Does anyone know of a way to program the interactive grid so that every time I click the "Add Row" button it automatically fills in one of the cells in the new row with a certain predetermined value? Thank you in advance.
I'm on 5.1.1 and its Editable interactive grid offers the Default section in column's properties, so I believe that they didn't remove that functionality in 5.1.2 and then restored it in 5.1.4.
In other words, did you carefully check what's offered?