How to implement google reCaptcha v2 in spring framework - spring

My reCaptcha in the registration screen is not working anymore since the google has been shutdown reCaptcha v1 .
Can somebody tell me how to implement reCaptcha v2 in my spring application. Does anyone know any documentation link?

The documentation can be found here.
Beside that there is an open source project for easy reCAPTCHA integration in Spring: With the simplest use case you just have to set the captcha validated URLs in your app config file, and you are ready to go.


Can I use speech to text google api in local django project?

I am a beginner and have not experience in integrating API and project.
I am going to use speech to text google API for my project.
So I develop the project and when it completed, I have a plan to deploy it.
I want to know """ Can I test google API on localhost"""
I will appreciate if you answer for me.
Yes, we can use Google API for converting speech to text on the localhost.
please follow this doc.

Should reCaptcha V3 work with automation frameworks like cypress?

I'm currently migrating an application from reCAPTCHA V2 to V3. I'm using cypress ( automation framework to test a signup page. I'm surprised that after implementing it, even with reCAPTCHA V3 turned on, all my test cases passed. It was getting a scope of 0.9.
Is this expected or could is reCAPTCHA V3 to work with these types of automation or is this an unsolved vulnerability with V3? I don't think I'll want to continue with V3 if something like this can easily pass the reCAPTCHA.
I followed the following guides to implement recaptcha

Working with Googles API's in front end or backend?

I just started to work with Google API's (Calendar and Gmail for now). I already got both examples working on both my Frontend (React) and my Backend (Java - Spring).
I have the following doubt, If I want to enable users to be able to send email's using the oficial API not javax.mail should that be done on the Backend or it can be done on Frontend? Since the official documentation only shows examples on Java and Python.
If the answer is on Backend how will users be able to authenticate via OAuth2 If they are "not supposed" to see server-side information.
Ok for does looking for an answer. I found the following guide...
Basically you can get a client-side one time access code which is send to server-side where it can get a long-live access_token in order to have offline access once correct authentication has happened.

Google Sign-in and Google Sheets API V4

I am trying without success to "Add Google Sign-In to Your Web App" and then use Node.js with Google Sheets API V4 to be able allow my app to use the sheets api on behalf of the user (with scope:
I'm really confused on how to achieve this. Reading through most of the documentation from OAuth2 doesn't clarify me best practices to achieve this with the Google Sign-In button.
Furthermore, I haven't found any documentation/guides related to this. I was hoping someone can guide me towards the right direction.
P.S: I managed to use the sheets api by following the Node.js quickstart for Sheets API, which allows me to achieve authorization through console, however I believe using the Sign-In button might simplify the process while making a nicer UX.
Google Sign-In is like what it says, for signing-in. However, it's not enough to authorize you to use Sheets API methods because if you read the Authorize Requests docs, it clearly states that you need to use OAuth2 plus there are scopes to consider (read-only, read/write, etc).
You are correct to follow the guidelines where you used OAuth2.0. Just create your own custom button. Grab a Google button image in the web and use that.

Google Campaigns tracking with Spring Web flow

I am using Spring Web Flow for one of my clients and by default the Post-Redirect-Get (PRG) configuration is switched on for the website. The client now wants to enable Google Campaigns to allow them to track the campaigns they launching. But, due to the PRG configuration, the information is lost during the redirect. We have already tried to switch-off the PRG configuration but it results in issues in other flow. Is there is any solution which has been suggested for Spring Web flow to track the Google Campaigns.
Thanks in advance.
P.S: We are currently using spring-webflow-2.0.9 and spring MVC 2.5.6
We have been able to solve the problem by doing a workaround.The steps are given below.
To add a check in the application filter to look for all the Google Campaigns related data like utm_source / utm_medium / utm_campaign.
Once found them in filter, then store it in Application Cookie, on the server side.
In the page where the tracking needs to be added, add the JavaScript to check if these Cookies have been set.
If the cookies are set then we called _setCampValue() method, using the Javascript mentioned in the link extga.js
This JS sets the __utmz cookie, which Google Analytic uses for identifying the campaigns.
Please find the link of blog from which we have taken the javascript to modify the __utmz cookie used by Google Campaigns.
