I have a renderer:
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
canvas: canvas,
antialias: false,
alpha: true
And a ShaderMaterial:
const material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: { ... },
transparent: true,
blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
vertexShader: renderVert,
fragmentShader: renderFrag
And i have a fragment shader (simplified here):
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(0.0), 0.2);
But the alpha is not taken into account and the shader renders all colours fully opaque. Also with another blending mode still doesn't work as expected. Why?
I have written a points example according to official example, but the result is not happy:
The point is Rectangular, rather than circular!
Here is my material code:
let material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
uColor: { value: new THREE.Color(0xffffff) },
uPointTexture: { value: new THREE.TextureLoader().load(require('./res/spark1')) }
vertexShader: _me.vertex_shader,
fragmentShader: _me.fragment_shader,
transparent: true
After some try, like: blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending, fog: false...I found is related to depthTest property, after I set false, result is below:
see, black square disappeared!Here is final code:
let material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
uColor: { value: new THREE.Color(0xffffff) },
uPointTexture: { value: new THREE.TextureLoader().load(require('./res/spark1')) }
vertexShader: _me.vertex_shader,
fragmentShader: _me.fragment_shader,
depthTest: false,
transparent: true
I'm getting some artifacts on the top and bottom sides on some of my sprites. These are the shaders I am using, if that matters. I'm using v76.
And I'm building these sprites like this:
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
textureLoader.load('path/to/image.png', function(texture) {
texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.anisotropy = 16;
var geometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(15, 15);
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
map: texture,
color: 0xffffff,
transparent: true,
alphaTest: 0.2,
side: DoubleSide,
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
mesh.castShadow = true;
mesh.receiveShadow = true;
mesh.customDepthMaterial = new ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: { texture: { type: 't', value: this.material.map } },
vertexShader: vertexShader,
fragmentShader: fragmentShader,
Don't set your textures to wrap with THREE.RepeatWrapping. This can leave artifacts on texture edges meant to be used as sprites.
I have a .obj and .mtl which load textures from .tga files. This all seems to work / look fine in 3D modeling software, but when loaded with three.js (THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true })) some of the object's children, (specifically between the knees and the calves, but not, for example, the pockets and legs), seem to have a transparent jagged gap / empty triangles.
(Tried turning on antialiasing, changing the overdraw value, turning off transparency, etc.)
Loader function:
threejsHelper.helpers.loadObject('objects/pants/MaleBaggyPants.obj', 'objects/pants/MaleBaggyPants.mtl', {
blinn1SG: (new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, transparent: false, opacity: 1.0, overdraw: 0.5, map: threejsHelper.helpers.loadTexture(app.manager, 'objects/pants/button.tga') })),
blinn2SG: (new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, transparent: false, opacity: 1.0, overdraw: 0.5, map: threejsHelper.helpers.loadTexture(app.manager, 'objects/pants/back.tga') })),
blinn4SG: (new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, transparent: false, opacity: 1.0, overdraw: 0.5, map: threejsHelper.helpers.loadTexture(app.manager, 'objects/pants/front.tga') })),
blinn5SG: (new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, transparent: false, opacity: 1.0, overdraw: 0.5, map: threejsHelper.helpers.loadTexture(app.manager, 'objects/pants/pocket.tga') })),
blinn6SG: (new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, transparent: false, opacity: 1.0, overdraw: 0.5, map: threejsHelper.helpers.loadTexture(app.manager, 'objects/pants/back.tga') })),
blinn7SG: (new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, transparent: false, opacity: 1.0, overdraw: 0.5, map: threejsHelper.helpers.loadTexture(app.manager, 'objects/pants/front.tga') }))
}, function (object) {
object.rotation.x = (-90*Math.PI/180);
object.rotation.z = (-90*Math.PI/180);
app.ready = true;
Helper functions:
loadTexture: function (manager, path) {
var texture;
if (path.split('.').pop() == 'tga') {
var loader = new THREE.TGALoader();
texture = loader.load(path);
} else {
texture = new THREE.Texture();
var loader = new THREE.ImageLoader(manager);
loader.load(path, function (image) {
texture.image = image;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
return texture;
loadMaterial: function (mtlPath, textures, complete) {
var loader = new THREE.MTLLoader();
loader.load(mtlPath, function (materials) {
if (!!materials.materials) {
for (var key in materials.materials) {
if (key in textures) {
materials.materials[key] = textures[key];
loadObject: function (objPath, mtlPath, textures, complete) {
app.helpers.loadMaterial(mtlPath, textures, function (materials) {
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
loader.load(objPath, function (object) {
You seem to have extra vertices along the seem on both the objects which I think will screw with the triangulation.
Remove these vertices that are not needed and I'm 99% sure it will fix your problem.
I also noticed the model is at a very small scale.
I had the same problem. Some triangle didn't properly render on Threejs while it properly rendered on my OpenGL app.
I solved this trouble by using Uint32Array instead of Uint16Array to define the index of the geometry. I just put this line of code and everything worked like a charm.
const indices = new Uint32Array(faceDict.index);
I have set a transparent map, though, not all parts are transparent.
I'm using a transparent PNG image as the material map, though it shows background as seen here:
new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map: texture, transparent: true, alphaTest: 0})
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true, alpha: true});
renderer.preserveDrawingBuffer = true;
renderer.premultipliedAlpha = false;
Because I needed transparency for every face on its own I switched from MeshBasicMaterial to ShaderMaterial.
I draw my geometry twice:
First my filled trianges
and then a wireframe to get a border for every triangle.
Is there a better way to archive this?
With MeshBasicMaterial it looks fine:
But if I switch to ShaderMaterial: (Opacity is reduced to .3 so that you can see the wireframe)
Is there a way to tell webgl which shader "comes first"?
My MeshBasicMaterial:
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color(0xa5a5a5),
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
transparent: true,
opacity: .99
var materialLines = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color(0x0),
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
wireframe: true
My ShaderMaterial:
var attributes = {
customColor: { type: 'c', value: [] },
customOpacity: { type: 'f', value: []}
var shaderMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
attributes: attributes,
vertexShader: document.getElementById('vertexshader').textContent,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById('fragmentshader').textContent,
blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
depthTest: false,
transparent: true,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
shaderMaterial.linewidth = 5;
var uniforms = {
color: { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color(0x0) }
var ShaderMaterialLines = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: document.getElementById('vertexshaderline').textContent,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById('fragmentshaderline').textContent,
depthTest: false,
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
wireframe: true
with my shaders:
<script type="x-shader/x-vertex" id="vertexshader">
attribute vec3 customColor;
attribute float customOpacity;
varying vec3 vColor;
varying float vOpacity;
void main() {
vColor = customColor;
vOpacity = customOpacity;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" id="fragmentshader">
varying vec3 vColor;
varying float vOpacity;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4( vColor, vOpacity);
<script type="x-shader/x-vertex" id="vertexshaderline">
uniform vec3 color;
varying vec3 vColor;
void main() {
vColor = color;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" id="fragmentshaderline">
varying vec3 vColor;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4( vColor, 1.0);
Edit 1:
What exactly are you trying to achieve?
I want to draw a 3D object that consist of triangles.
I want to have the possibility to control transparency and color for every triangle.
What are the requirements?
The user should see every triangle edge / a border around every triangle.
Each triangle surfaces can have a different color (based on the color of the three corners) and alpha / transpareny value.
The user can set every triangle to invisible (opacity = 0.0), visible (opacity = 1.0) or something between.(Only the triangle surface not the border)
What is your question?
What is the best way to draw triangles with a border in black or whatever color.
What is the best way to get transparency for every triangle( but keep the border).
EDIT - answer updated. WireframeHelper has been deprecated.
You want your mesh to have both a transparent material and a wireframe.
To render a border around each triangle, use WireframeGeometry, and make sure your mesh material has transparent = true.
Transparent objects are rendered last, so the entire wireframe will show.
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
scene.add( mesh );
// wireframe
var geometry2 = new THREE.WireframeGeometry( geometry ); // or EdgesGeometry
var material2 = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x000000, transparent: true } );
var wireframe = new THREE.LineSegments( geometry2, material2 );
mesh.add( wireframe );
three.js r.84