As you can see on screens, when I try to use just "Debug Sampler" I get "Authorization" issue in other sampler. But when I use "Debug PostProcessor" all looks fine. Who can describe first behavior? Thanks a lot!
JMeter 4.0 | Java 8
If you put Debug Sampler than according to scoping rules
Other elements are hierarchical. An Assertion, for instance, is hierarchical in the test tree. If its parent is a request, then it is applied to that request. If its parent is a Controller, then it affects all requests that are descendants of that Controller. In the following test tree:
Pre Processors are same as Assertion example,
all Pre Processors are processed before Sampler (e.g. Debug).
When you put Debug PostProcessor, it doesn't trigger any other elements and therefore in your case access_token and token_type, which are pre processors , execute only when you add Debug Sampler and generate an error because it recreate token when you not expected it.
You can move pre processors under Authorization request so it will be executed only before it
I am using JMeter 5.5 to put load on some webpages.
I have some webpage navigation flow recorded and I am using The Transaction Controller with the "Generate parent sample" checkbox checked to represent a webpage navigation (load). Underneath the Transaction Controller are the some HTTP Request samplers with "Retrieve All Embedded Resources" checked.
I want to ignore the first and last minute of script execution so I am using a JSR223 Postprocessor with code to conditionally ignore the samples based on the current time in the execution.
This works well if I don't use the Transaction controller, but when I use the prev.setIgnore() function and the sampler being ignored is underneath a Transaction controller with the "Generate parent sample" checkbox checked, then in the "View Results Tree" listener (and also in the JMeter Dashboard) I get an empty parent sample with Load time:0; Connect Time:0; Latency:0. This impacts my metrics in the final generated report.
Is there any way to ignore the Parent sample as well (remove it from the reporting) or can I achieve the goal in a different way?
Thanks in advance.
I think you need to replace prev.setIgnore() with prev.getParent().setIgnore()
In general ignoring samples with Groovy is not something I would recommend to do as it causes extra overhead, I would rather suggest using
either Filter Results Tool
or JMeter Plugins Command Line Tool
or use jmeter.reportgenerator.start_date and end_date properties in case of using HTML Reporting Dashboard
I have made a TestPlan in JMeter. I want to test a failure scenario i.e. the test should pass if failure happens. How can I do this in JMeter?
I have added a Thread group, a configuration, an httprequest and a tree listener.
When I run the test (send a signin request of an invalid user), I get ab error from server (200 OK with error message as message body).
I can't find where (and how) I should check the response. Is it in Listeners?
The JMeter builtin solution is Assertions
Assertions are used to perform additional checks on samplers, and are processed after every sampler in the same scope. To ensure that an Assertion is applied only to a particular sampler, add it as a child of the sampler.
In a general case, Response Assertion with your expected text/regex
response assertion control panel lets you add pattern strings to be compared against various fields of the request or response. The pattern strings are:
Contains, Matches: Perl5-style regular expressions
Equals, Substring: plain text, case-sensitive
You also have more specific assertions as JSON Assertion
component allows you to perform validations of JSON documents
JMeter provides Assertions so you can conditionally fail the request if it doesn't contain the data you expect to be there and contains the data which should not be there.
For example this configuration checks the response for absence of error line:
More information: How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps
My Jmeter test plan is setting a token variable using a Regular Expression Extractor (a Post-Processor element), but upon a while this variable is not expanded in its value and as consequent ${token} is sent to the REST API under actual test.
I added Constant Delay Timer elements in between each request a user (thread) sends and it seems to overcome the problem to a great extend but not entirely. I still get some Bad Request from the API side.
I provide a screen capture
And a second screen capture showing the full test plan (or a large portion of it)
Can someone please explain why this happening and somehow resolve it ?
It might be the case your Regular Expression Extractor fails to find the value therefore it falls back to the default (undefined) value of ${token}
My expectation is that under the load your application cannot properly respond, to wit response doesn't contain the token. You can double check it using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
You can temporarily enable saving of response data by adding the next lines to file:
and next time you run your test in command-line non-GUI mode JMeter will keep response data for all samplers. You should be able to examine the responses and add a Response Assertion to ensure that the token is present in the POST LOGIN sampler response data
Following the JMeter step-by-step documentation
It says;
What should I see in the "view results tree"?
How do I know if things are okay or not?
What does it mean if nothing shows in the results tree?
Validate is a feature which appeared in JMeter 3.0, it basically runs your Test Plan with 1 user in 1 iteration with no pauses if there are Timers in your test plan.
In View Results Tree listener you should see all executed requests including request and response details.
If request is successful (by default JMeter treats HTTP status codes below 400 as successful) - it will be "green", otherwise it will appear as red.
If there is nothing in View Results Tree it means either that no requests were executed or you put it into wrong place, View Results Tree listener obeys JMeter Scoping Rules so it should be at the same level as your Samplers (or higher)
I want to run code at the beginning that sets up variables, but as far as I can tell, the options for running code are:
Sampler: Appears in JMeter reports and screws up my numbers.
Pre-processor/Post-processor/Assertion: Must be attached to existing sampler.
Timer: This works sometimes, but it appears that if you have your timers higher in the tree than your samplers, they just get ignored.
Listener: Runs after your samplers (I want this code to run before everything else).
Is there a way to run code without modifying reports or attaching it to a sampler?
Add Test Action sampler to the place in the Test Plan where you want to run your code
Add JSR223 PreProcessor as a child of the Test Action sampler
Tick Cache compiled script if available box
Put your code into Script area
This is something you're looking for as
Test Action sampler will not be reflected in the load report:
Each sampler (except Test Action) generates one or more sample results.
Currently Groovy is the best scripting option available in JMeter
See Execution order:
Configuration elements
Sampler ...
For example of Configuration element
The User Defined Variables Configuration element is different. It is processed at the start of a test, no matter where it is placed.
Inside it you can execute JMeter functions which include numerous options as to read from CSV, execute groovy or beanshell code...
You can add your action as a Sampler (no matter JSR223 or anything else) and then add a PostProcessor that will mark this Sampler's result as ignored. It can be done with JSR223 PostProcess with groovy script:
You can also control whether or not to ignore this sample based on the conditions.