Pass liquibase parameters to gradle liquibase 'update' task - gradle

I want to pass username, password and url liquibase parameters as a command line parameters to gradle's liquibase update task.
I have followed liquibase-gradle-plugin to configure the plugin.
What I actually want to achieve is, pass these database parameters at runtime instead of hardcoding them in file.
I can do this by exporting these three values as environment variables and access them in build.gradle. But I want to achieve this using commandline parameters.
I tried
gradle update --url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/liquibase_cmd_test --username=### --password=### -PrunList=main
but it gives error as
Unknown command-line option '--url'.

I think that underneath gradle is Java, so you should be able to do something like this. The -D argument sets a system property.
gradle -Dliquibase.url=<your url> -Dliquibase.username=<username> -Dliquibase.password=<password> update -PrunList=main


How to set name of the artifacts produced from Gradle to values passed from Jenkins pipeline

I am trying to setup a Jenkins pipeline to trigger builds using gradle for multiple environments.My requirement is that the artifacts produced when I run gradlew clean build should produce artifacts with name indicating the environment for which the pipeline was run. Example my-application-dev.jar
The value of the environment would be selected by the user when build will be triggered.
What is the optimal way to achieve this ? Does build allow to configure any such property via command line or do I need to define a task in my build.gradle and define properties within that task for which I will pass value from command line
There are basically two ways.
The first one is to pass these naming-relevant pieces of information to the gradlew process, e.g. via -D or -P properties.
Then you need the Gradle build to be aware of these parameters and craft the artifact names it produces accordingly.
The second one is arguably better and more contained. You simply rename the artifacts produced by the gradlew command after it completes, in the Jenkinsfile. This works well if the pipeline decides what to do with these artifacts (e.g. publish to a repository) as opposed to the gradle script doing it (in which case you would most likely be better off using the first method).

What happen after "./gradlew {package}-rpm"

I am new to bigtop architecture, I would like to know
how does bigtop know the real build command to launch for this specific package after ./gradlew {package}-rpm, I assume there must be some kind of configs define the real build command. (The package is a maven based project)
Thank you.
I'm not familiar with Bigtop, but I am familiar with Gradle. See here for the Gradle task definition that you're referring to:
The command that the task will execute is given under the exec directive: rpmbuild <command>. command is an array of arguments defined just above that directive. Most of its arguments are derived from the config object, which is basically a nested map (like a JSON object) produced by Groovy's ConfigSlurper, which reads the input BOM file as if it were a Groovy file.
"Slurp" the BOM configuation into the config object
For each "component" defined within the config configuration, produce a set of tasks (${package}-rpm and others)
When configuring the ${package}-rpm task, use the BOM configuration to derive the command arguments using the logic provided within the task closure
Upon execution, run rpmbuild with the aforementioned command arguments

Set task properties (or command line args) using Gradle Tooling API

I want to use the Gradle Tooling API to invoke Gradle from an Eclipse plugin through the Buildship plug-ins. I am able to run basic tasks without problems.
One of my use cases is to execute the gradle init task in a new project folder, but to work non-interactively I have to pass the --type command line argument (or set the type property) on the init task. I can't find any way in the tooling API to set the properties of a task or to pass a task-specific command line argument.
I have tried BuildLauncher.addArgument("--type", "plain") but this is interpreted as an argument to Gradle itself, which is invalid.
How can I pass the --type plain argument to the init task?
After reading the docs here, I discovered you can set the task arguments via the Gradle command line build arguments. The important bit in the docs is:
Also, the task names configured by BuildLauncher.forTasks(String...) can be overridden if you happen to specify other tasks via the build arguments.
In my case I wanted to run gradle tasks --all via the tooling api. To get this working, I don't specify the task to run via forTasks(), I simply do not call that method. I set the task to run as part of the arguments via withArguments(). (In this case the arguments will be tasks --all).
I assume this should work the same for the init task.

Not able to pass the dynamic value from eclipse to POM

Passing the version to POM.xml.
It shows warning. 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant.
I have to remove this.
I have one Ant project and another maven project. I made one runconfiguration for Ant project where I made one variable with some value suppose 13.2.1
by opting external tool configuration that variable come in list able to pass that variable like -Dversion="${versionjar}".
its working perfactly.
since this versionjar is already set in eclipse. I want to use this while I want to run the maven project by runconfiguration.
want to pass in create manage and runconfiguration like in goal section install -Dversion="${versionjar}" but its not working .
I have to set this variable here also by add button.
How can I pass the variable from eclipse command line like :install -version="${version}"? version is vailable in eclipse variable list while "${version}" is properly send to pom when it is hard coded.
"${version}" is not resolving when send in goals section of run configuration
I'm facing problem when passing the eclipse variable from command line configuration.
in POM

Providing system properties via command line with dot in the name in Gradle

We are migrating our project from Maven to Gradle. Our CI uses system properties like -Dwebdriver.type=firefox to set certain behaviour thus we don't want to hardcode such props in file etc. Is there a way to provide a system property with a dot in the name using command line?
If you run the following:
logger.lifecycle(" ${['']}")
It should give you the expected output.
