Check if two mathematical expressions are equivalent - algorithm

I came across a question in an interview. I tried solving it but could not come up with a solution. Question is:
First Part: You are given two expressions with only "+" operator, check if given two expressions are mathematically equivalent.
For eg "A+B+C" is equivalent to "A+(B+C)".
Second Part : You are given two expressions with only "+" and "-" operators, check if given two expressions are mathematically equivalent.
For eg "A+B-C" is equivalent to "A-(-B+C)".
My thought process : I was thinking in terms of building an expression tree out of the given expressions and look for some kind of similarity. But I am unable to come up with a good way of checking if two expression trees are some way same or not.
Can some one help me on this :) Thanks in advance !

As long as the operations are commutative, the solution I'd propose is distribute parenthetic operations and then sort terms by 'variable', then run an aggregator across them and you should get a string of factors and symbols. Then just check the set of factors.

Aggregate variable counts until encountering an opening brace, treating subtraction as addition of the negated variable. Handle sub-expressions recursively.
The content of sub-expressions can be directly aggregated into the counts, you just need to take the sign into account properly -- there is no need to create an actual expression tree for this task. The TreeMap used in the code is just a sorted map implementation in the JDK.
The code takes advantage of the fact that the current position is part of the Reader state, so we can easily continue parsing after the closing bracket of the recursive call without needing to hand this information back to the caller explicitly somehow.
Implementation in Java (untested):
class Expression {
// Count for each variable name
Map<String, Integer> counts = new TreeMap<>();
Expression(Srring s) throws IOException {
this(new StringReader(s));
Expression(Reader reader) throws IOException {
int sign = 1;
while (true) {
int token =;
switch (token) {
case -1: // Eof
case ')':
case '(':
add(sign, new Expression(reader));
sign = 1;
case '+':
case '-':
sign = -sign;
add(sign, String.valueOf((char) token));
sign = 1;
void add(int factor, String variable) {
int count = counts.containsKey(variable) ? counts.get(variable) : 0;
counts.put(count + factor, variable);
void add(int sign, Expression expr) {
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : expr.counts.entrySet()) {
add(sign * entry.getVaue(), entry.getKey());
void equals(Object o) {
return (o instanceof Expression)
&& ((Expression) o).counts.equals(counts);
// Not needed for the task, just added for illustration purposes.
String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : expr.counts.entrySet()) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb.append(" + ");
sb.append(entry.getValue()); // count
sb.append(entry.getKey()); // variable name
return sb.toString();
Compare with
new Expression("A+B-C").equals(new Expression("A-(-B+C)"))
P.S: Added a toString() method to illustrate the data structure better.
Should print 1A + 1B + -1C for the example.
P.P.P.P.S.: Fixes, simplification, better explanation.

You can parse the expressions from left to right and reduce them to a canonical form for comparison in a straightforward way; the only complication is that when you encounter a closing bracket, you need to know whether its associated opening bracket had a plus or minus in front of it; you can use a stack for that; e.g.:
function Dictionary() {
this.d = [];
Dictionary.prototype.add = function(key, value) {
if (!this.d.hasOwnProperty(key)) this.d[key] = value;
else this.d[key] += value;
} = function(other) {
for (var key in this.d) {
if (!other.d.hasOwnProperty(key) || other.d[key] != this.d[key]) return false;
return this.d.length == other.d.length;
function canonize(expression) {
var tokens = expression.split('');
var variables = new Dictionary();
var sign_stack = [];
var total_sign = 1;
var current_sign = 1;
for (var i in tokens) {
switch(tokens[i]) {
case '(' : {
total_sign *= current_sign;
current_sign = 1;
case ')' : {
total_sign *= sign_stack.pop();
case '+' : {
current_sign = 1;
case '-' : {
current_sign = -1;
case ' ' : {
default : {
variables.add(tokens[i], current_sign * total_sign);
return variables;
var a = canonize("A + B + (A - (A + C - B) - B) - C");
var b = canonize("-C - (-A - (B + (-C)))");


Find anagram of input on set of strings..?

Given a set of strings (large set), and an input string, you need to find all the anagrams of the input string efficiently. What data structure will you use. And using that, how will you find the anagrams?
Things that I have thought of are these:
Using maps
a) eliminate all words with more/less letters than the input.
b) put the input characters in map
c) Traverse the map for each string and see if all letters are present with their count.
Using Tries
a) Put all strings which have the right number of characters into a trie.
b) traverse each branch and go deeper if the letter is contained in the input.
c) if leaf reached the word is an anagram
Can anyone find a better solution?
Are there any problems that you find in the above approaches?
Build a frequency-map from each word and compare these maps.
Pseudo code:
class Word
string word
map<char, int> frequency
Word(string w)
word = w
for char in word
int count = frequency.get(char)
if count == null
count = 0
frequency.put(char, count)
boolean is_anagram_of(that)
return this.frequency == that.frequency
You could build an hashmap where the key is sorted(word), and the value is a list of all the words that, sorted, give the corresponding key:
private Map<String, List<String>> anagrams = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
void buildIndex(){
for(String word : words){
String sortedWord = sortWord(word);
anagrams.put(sortedWord, new ArrayList<String>());
Then you just do a lookup for the sorted word in the hashmap you just built, and you'll have the list of all the anagrams.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
*Program for Find Anagrams from Given A string of Arrays.
*Program's Maximum Time Complexity is O(n) + O(klogk), here k is the length of word.
* By removal of Sorting, Program's Complexity is O(n)
* **/
public class FindAnagramsOptimized {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] words = { "gOd", "doG", "doll", "llod", "lold", "life",
"sandesh", "101", "011", "110" };
// Space Complexity O(n)
// Time Complexity O(nLogn)
static Set<String> getAnaGram(String[] allWords) {
// Internal Data Structure for Keeping the Values
class OriginalOccurence {
int occurence;
int index;
Map<String, OriginalOccurence> mapOfOccurence = new HashMap<>();
int count = 0;
// Loop Time Complexity is O(n)
// Space Complexity O(K+2K), here K is unique words after sorting on a
for (String word : allWords) {
String key = sortedWord(word);
if (key == null) {
if (!mapOfOccurence.containsKey(key)) {
OriginalOccurence original = new OriginalOccurence();
original.index = count;
original.occurence = 1;
mapOfOccurence.put(key, original);
} else {
OriginalOccurence tempVar = mapOfOccurence.get(key);
tempVar.occurence += 1;
mapOfOccurence.put(key, tempVar);
Set<String> finalAnagrams = new HashSet<>();
// Loop works in O(K), here K is unique words after sorting on
// characters
for (Map.Entry<String, OriginalOccurence> anaGramedWordList : mapOfOccurence.entrySet()) {
if (anaGramedWordList.getValue().occurence > 1) {
return finalAnagrams;
// Array Sort works in O(nLogn)
// Customized Sorting for only chracter's works in O(n) time.
private static String sortedWord(String word) {
// int[] asciiArray = new int[word.length()];
int[] asciiArrayOf26 = new int[26];
// char[] lowerCaseCharacterArray = new char[word.length()];
// int characterSequence = 0;
// Ignore Case Logic written in lower level
for (char character : word.toCharArray()) {
if (character >= 97 && character <= 122) {
// asciiArray[characterSequence] = character;
if (asciiArrayOf26[character - 97] != 0) {
asciiArrayOf26[character - 97] += 1;
} else {
asciiArrayOf26[character - 97] = 1;
} else if (character >= 65 && character <= 90) {
// asciiArray[characterSequence] = character + 32;
if (asciiArrayOf26[character + 32 - 97] != 0) {
asciiArrayOf26[character + 32 - 97] += 1;
} else {
asciiArrayOf26[character + 32 - 97] = 1;
} else {
return null;
// lowerCaseCharacterArray[characterSequence] = (char)
// asciiArray[characterSequence];
// characterSequence++;
// Arrays.sort(lowerCaseCharacterArray);
StringBuilder sortedWord = new StringBuilder();
int asciiToIndex = 0;
// This Logic uses for reading the occurrences from array and copying
// back into the character array
for (int asciiValueOfCharacter : asciiArrayOf26) {
if (asciiValueOfCharacter != 0) {
if (asciiValueOfCharacter == 1) {
sortedWord.append((char) (asciiToIndex + 97));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < asciiValueOfCharacter; i++) {
sortedWord.append((char) (asciiToIndex + 97));
// return new String(lowerCaseCharacterArray);
return sortedWord.toString();

How to decode protobuf binary response

I have created a test app that can recognize some image using Goggle Goggles. It works for me, but I receive binaryt protobuf response. I have no proto-files, just binary response. How can I get data from it? (Have sent some image with bottle of bear and got the nex response):
TuborgLogo9 HoaniText���;�)b���2d8e991bff16229f6"�
need to get string "Tuborg" and if possible type - "Logo"
You can decode with protoc:
protoc --decode_raw < msg.bin
This will show you the top level fields. Unfortunately it can't know the exact details of field types. long/int/bool/enum etc are all encoded as Varint and all look the same. Strings, byte-arrays and sub-messages are length-delimited and are also indistinguishable.
Some useful details here:
If you follow the code in the UnknownFieldSet.mergeFrom() you'll see how you could try decode sub-messages and falling back to strings if that fails - but it's not going to be very reliable.
There are 2 spare values for the wiretype in the protocol - it would have been really helpful if google had used one of these to denote sub-messages. (And the other for null values perhaps.)
Here's some very crude rushed code which attempts to produce a something useful for diagnostics. It guesses at the data types and in the case of strings and sub-messages it will print both alternatives in some cases. Please don't trust any values it prints:
public static String decodeProto(byte[] data, boolean singleLine) throws IOException {
return decodeProto(ByteString.copyFrom(data), 0, singleLine);
public static String decodeProto(ByteString data, int depth, boolean singleLine) throws IOException {
final CodedInputStream input = CodedInputStream.newInstance(data.asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
return decodeProtoInput(input, depth, singleLine);
private static String decodeProtoInput(CodedInputStream input, int depth, boolean singleLine) throws IOException {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("{ ");
boolean foundFields = false;
while (true) {
final int tag = input.readTag();
int type = WireFormat.getTagWireType(tag);
if (tag == 0 || type == WireFormat.WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
foundFields = true;
protoNewline(depth, s, singleLine);
final int number = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(tag);
s.append(number).append(": ");
switch (type) {
case WireFormat.WIRETYPE_VARINT:
case WireFormat.WIRETYPE_FIXED64:
ByteString data = input.readBytes();
try {
String submessage = decodeProto(data, depth + 1, singleLine);
if (data.size() < 30) {
boolean probablyString = true;
String str = new String(data.toByteArray(), Charsets.UTF_8);
for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
if (c < '\n') {
probablyString = false;
if (probablyString) {
s.append("\"").append(str).append("\" ");
} catch (IOException e) {
s.append('"').append(new String(data.toByteArray())).append('"');
s.append(decodeProtoInput(input, depth + 1, singleLine));
case WireFormat.WIRETYPE_FIXED32:
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Invalid wire type");
if (foundFields) {
protoNewline(depth - 1, s, singleLine);
return s.append('}').toString();
private static void protoNewline(int depth, StringBuilder s, boolean noNewline) {
if (noNewline) {
s.append(" ");
for (int i = 0; i <= depth; i++) {
I'm going to assume the real question is how to decode protobufs and not how to read binary from the wire using Java.
The answer to your question can be found here
Briefly, on the wire, protobufs are encoded as 3-tuples of <key,type,value>, where:
the key is the field number assigned to the field in the .proto schema
the type is one of <Varint, int32, length-delimited, start-group, end-group,int64. It contains just enough information to decode the value of the 3-tuple, namely it tells you how long the value is.

How to get out of repetitive if statements?

While looking though some code of the project I'm working on, I've come across a pretty hefty method which does
the following:
public string DataField(int id, string fieldName)
var data = _dataRepository.Find(id);
if (data != null)
if (data.A == null)
data.A = fieldName;
return "A";
if (data.B == null)
data.B = fieldName;
return "B";
// keep going data.C through data.Z doing the exact same code
Obviously having 26 if statements just to determine if a property is null and then to update that property and do a database call is
probably very naive in implementation. What would be a better way of doing this unit of work?
Thankfully C# is able to inspect and assign class members dynamically, so one option would be to create a map list and iterate over that.
public string DataField(int id, string fieldName)
var data = _dataRepository.Find(id);
List<string> props = new List<string>();
if (data != null)
Type t = typeof(data).GetType();
foreach (String entry in props) {
PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(entry);
if (pi.GetValue(data) == null) {
pi.SetValue(data, fieldName);
return entry;
You could just loop through all the character from 'A' to 'Z'. It gets difficult because you want to access an attribute of your 'data' object with the corresponding name, but that should (as far as I know) be possible through the C# reflection functionality.
While you get rid of the consecutive if-statements this still won't make your code nice :P
there is a fancy linq solution for your problem using reflection:
but as it was said before: your datastructure is not very well thought through
public String DataField(int id, string fieldName)
var data = new { Z = "test", B="asd"};
Type p = data.GetType();
var value = (from System.Reflection.PropertyInfo fi
in p.GetProperties().OrderBy((fi) => fi.Name)
where fi.Name.Length == 1 && fi.GetValue(data, null) != null
select fi.Name).FirstOrDefault();
return value;
ta taaaaaaaaa
like that you get the property but the update is not yet done.
var data = _dataRepository.Find(id);
If possible, you should use another DataType without those 26 properties. That new DataType should have 1 property and the Find method should return an instance of that new DataType; then, you could get rid of the 26 if in a more natural way.
To return "A", "B" ... "Z", you could use this:
return (char)65; //In this example this si an "A"
And work with some transformation from data.Value to a number between 65 and 90 (A to Z).
Since you always set the lowest alphabet field first and return, you can use an additional field in your class that tracks the first available field. For example, this can be an integer lowest_alphabet_unset and you'd update it whenever you set data.{X}:
lowest_alphabet_unset = 0;
In DataField:
lowest_alphabet_unset ++;
switch (lowest_alphabet_unset) {
case 1:
/* A is free */
/* do something */
return 'A';
case 7:
/* A through F taken */
data.G = fieldName;
return 'G';
N.B. -- do not use, if data is object rather that structure.
what comes to my mind is that, if A-Z are all same type, then you could theoretically access memory directly to check for non null values.
start = &data;
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++){
if ((typeof_elem) *(start + sizeof(elem)*i) != null){
*(start + sizeof(elem)*i) = fieldName;
return (char) (65 + i);
not tested but to give an idea ;)

What does ExpressionVisitor.Visit<T> Do?

Before someone shouts out the answer, please read the question through.
What is the purpose of the method in .NET 4.0's ExpressionVisitor:
public static ReadOnlyCollection<T> Visit<T>(ReadOnlyCollection<T> nodes, Func<T, T> elementVisitor)
My first guess as to the purpose of this method was that it would visit each node in each tree specified by the nodes parameter and rewrite the tree using the result of the elementVisitor function.
This does not appear to be the case. Actually this method appears to do a little more than nothing, unless I'm missing something here, which I strongly suspect I am...
I tried to use this method in my code and when things didn't work out as expected, I reflectored the method and found:
public static ReadOnlyCollection<T> Visit<T>(ReadOnlyCollection<T> nodes, Func<T, T> elementVisitor)
T[] list = null;
int index = 0;
int count = nodes.Count;
while (index < count)
T objA = elementVisitor(nodes[index]);
if (list != null)
list[index] = objA;
else if (!object.ReferenceEquals(objA, nodes[index]))
list = new T[count];
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
list[i] = nodes[i];
list[index] = objA;
if (list == null)
return nodes;
return new TrueReadOnlyCollection<T>(list);
So where would someone actually go about using this method? What am I missing here?
It looks to me like a convenience method to apply an aribitrary transform function to an expression tree, and return the resulting transformed tree, or the original tree if there is no change.
I can't see how this is any different of a pattern that a standard expression visitor, other than except for using a visitor type, it uses a function.
As for usage:
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> addLambdaExpression= (a, b) => a + b;
// Change add to subtract
Func<Expression, Expression> changeToSubtract = e =>
if (e is BinaryExpression)
return Expression.Subtract((e as BinaryExpression).Left,
(e as BinaryExpression).Right);
return e;
var nodes = new Expression[] { addLambdaExpression.Body }.ToList().AsReadOnly();
var subtractExpression = ExpressionVisitor.Visit(nodes, changeToSubtract);
You don't explain how you expected it to behave and why therefore you think it does little more than nothing.

Basic Recursion, Check Balanced Parenthesis

I've written software in the past that uses a stack to check for balanced equations, but now I'm asked to write a similar algorithm recursively to check for properly nested brackets and parenthesis.
Good examples: () [] ()
Bad examples: ( (] ([)]
Suppose my function is called: isBalanced.
Should each pass evaluate a smaller substring (until reaching a base case of 2 left)? Or, should I always evaluate the full string and move indices inward?
First, to your original question, just be aware that if you're working with very long strings, you don't want to be making exact copies minus a single letter each time you make a function call. So you should favor using indexes or verify that your language of choice isn't making copies behind the scenes.
Second, I have an issue with all the answers here that are using a stack data structure. I think the point of your assignment is for you to understand that with recursion your function calls create a stack. You don't need to use a stack data structure to hold your parentheses because each recursive call is a new entry on an implicit stack.
I'll demonstrate with a C program that matches ( and ). Adding the other types like [ and ] is an exercise for the reader. All I maintain in the function is my position in the string (passed as a pointer) because the recursion is my stack.
/* Search a string for matching parentheses. If the parentheses match, returns a
* pointer that addresses the nul terminator at the end of the string. If they
* don't match, the pointer addresses the first character that doesn't match.
const char *match(const char *str)
if( *str == '\0' || *str == ')' ) { return str; }
if( *str == '(' )
const char *closer = match(++str);
if( *closer == ')' )
return match(++closer);
return str - 1;
return match(++str);
Tested with this code:
const char *test[] = {
"()", "(", ")", "", "(()))", "(((())))", "()()(()())",
"(() ( hi))) (())()(((( ))))", "abcd"
for( index = 0; index < sizeof(test) / sizeof(test[0]); ++index ) {
const char *result = match(test[index]);
printf("%s:\t", test[index]);
*result == '\0' ? printf("Good!\n") :
printf("Bad # char %d\n", result - test[index] + 1);
(): Good!
(: Bad # char 1
): Bad # char 1
: Good!
(())): Bad # char 5
(((()))): Good!
()()(()()): Good!
(() ( hi))) (())()(((( )))): Bad # char 11
abcd: Good!
There are many ways to do this, but the simplest algorithm is to simply process forward left to right, passing the stack as a parameter
FUNCTION isBalanced(String input, String stack) : boolean
IF isEmpty(input)
RETURN isEmpty(stack)
ELSE IF isOpen(firstChar(input))
RETURN isBalanced(allButFirst(input), stack + firstChar(input))
ELSE IF isClose(firstChar(input))
RETURN NOT isEmpty(stack) AND isMatching(firstChar(input), lastChar(stack))
AND isBalanced(allButFirst(input), allButLast(stack))
ERROR "Invalid character"
Here it is implemented in Java. Note that I've switched it now so that the stack pushes in front instead of at the back of the string, for convenience. I've also modified it so that it just skips non-parenthesis symbols instead of reporting it as an error.
static String open = "([<{";
static String close = ")]>}";
static boolean isOpen(char ch) {
return open.indexOf(ch) != -1;
static boolean isClose(char ch) {
return close.indexOf(ch) != -1;
static boolean isMatching(char chOpen, char chClose) {
return open.indexOf(chOpen) == close.indexOf(chClose);
static boolean isBalanced(String input, String stack) {
input.isEmpty() ?
: isOpen(input.charAt(0)) ?
isBalanced(input.substring(1), input.charAt(0) + stack)
: isClose(input.charAt(0)) ?
!stack.isEmpty() && isMatching(stack.charAt(0), input.charAt(0))
&& isBalanced(input.substring(1), stack.substring(1))
: isBalanced(input.substring(1), stack);
Test harness:
String[] tests = {
for (String s : tests) {
System.out.println(s + " = " + isBalanced(s, ""));
()[]<>{} = true
(< = false
]} = false
()< = false
(][) = false
{(X)[XY]} = true
The idea is to keep a list of the opened brackets, and if you find a closing brackt, check if it closes the last opened:
If those brackets match, then remove the last opened from the list of openedBrackets and continue to check recursively on the rest of the string
Else you have found a brackets that close a nerver opened once, so it is not balanced.
When the string is finally empty, if the list of brackes is empty too (so all the brackes has been closed) return true, else false
ALGORITHM (in Java):
public static boolean isBalanced(final String str1, final LinkedList<Character> openedBrackets, final Map<Character, Character> closeToOpen) {
if ((str1 == null) || str1.isEmpty()) {
return openedBrackets.isEmpty();
} else if (closeToOpen.containsValue(str1.charAt(0))) {
return isBalanced(str1.substring(1), openedBrackets, closeToOpen);
} else if (closeToOpen.containsKey(str1.charAt(0))) {
if (openedBrackets.getLast() == closeToOpen.get(str1.charAt(0))) {
return isBalanced(str1.substring(1), openedBrackets, closeToOpen);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return isBalanced(str1.substring(1), openedBrackets, closeToOpen);
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final Map<Character, Character> closeToOpen = new HashMap<Character, Character>();
closeToOpen.put('}', '{');
closeToOpen.put(']', '[');
closeToOpen.put(')', '(');
closeToOpen.put('>', '<');
final String[] testSet = new String[] { "abcdefksdhgs", "[{aaa<bb>dd}]<232>", "[ff{<gg}]<ttt>", "{<}>" };
for (final String test : testSet) {
System.out.println(test + " -> " + isBalanced(test, new LinkedList<Character>(), closeToOpen));
abcdefksdhgs -> true
[{aaa<bb>dd}]<232> -> true
[ff{<gg}]<ttt> -> false
{<}> -> false
Note that i have imported the following classes:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
public static boolean isBalanced(String str) {
if (str.length() == 0) {
return true;
if (str.contains("()")) {
return isBalanced(str.replaceFirst("\\(\\)", ""));
if (str.contains("[]")) {
return isBalanced(str.replaceFirst("\\[\\]", ""));
if (str.contains("{}")) {
return isBalanced(str.replaceFirst("\\{\\}", ""));
} else {
return false;
Balanced Parenthesis (JS)
The more intuitive solution is to use stack like so:
function isBalanced(str) {
const parentesis = {
'(': ')',
'[': ']',
'{': '}',
const closing = Object.values(parentesis);
const stack = [];
for (let char of str) {
if (parentesis[char]) {
} else if (closing.includes(char) && char !== stack.pop()) {
return false;
return !stack.length;
console.log(isBalanced('{[()]}')); // true
console.log(isBalanced('{[(]]}')); // false
console.log(isBalanced('([()]')); // false
And using recursive function (without using stack), might look something like so:
function isBalanced(str) {
const parenthesis = {
'(': ')',
'[': ']',
'{': '}',
if (!str.length) {
return true;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const char = str[i];
if (parenthesis[char]) {
for (let j = str.length - 1; j >= i; j--) {
const _char = str[j];
if (parenthesis[_char]) {
return false;
} else if (_char === parenthesis[char]) {
return isBalanced(str.substring(i + 1, j));
} else if (Object.values(parenthesis).includes(char)) {
return false;
return true;
console.log(isBalanced('{[()]}')); // true
console.log(isBalanced('{[(]]}')); // false
console.log(isBalanced('([()]')); // false
* As #Adrian mention, you can also use stack in the recursive function without the need of looking backwards
It doesn't really matter from a logical point of view -- if you keep a stack of all currently un-balanced parens that you pass to each step of the recursion, you'll never need to look backwards, so it doesn't matter if you cut up the string on each recursive call, or just increment an index and only look at the current first character.
In most programming languages, which have non-mutable strings, it's probably more expensive (performance-wise) to shorten the string than it is to pass a slightly larger string on the stack. On the other hand, in a language like C, you could just increment a pointer within the char array. I guess it's pretty language-dependent which of these two approaches is more 'efficient'. They're both equivalent from a conceptual point of view.
In the Scala programming language, I would do it like this:
def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
def process(chars: List[Char], myStack: Stack[Char]): Boolean =
if (chars.isEmpty) myStack.isEmpty
else {
chars.head match {
case '(' => process(chars.tail, myStack.push(chars.head))
case ')' => if (myStack.contains('(')) process(chars.tail, myStack.pop)
else false
case '[' => process(chars.tail, myStack.push(chars.head))
case ']' => {
if (myStack.contains('[')) process(chars.tail, myStack.pop) else false
case _ => process(chars.tail, myStack)
val balancingAuxStack = new Stack[Char]
process(chars, balancingAuxStack)
Please edit to make it perfect.
I was only suggesting a conversion in Scala.
I would say this depends on your design. You could either use two counters or stack with two different symbols or you can handle it using recursion, the difference is in design approach.
func evalExpression(inStringArray:[String])-> Bool{
var status = false
var inStringArray = inStringArray
if inStringArray.count == 0 {
return true
// determine the complimentary bracket.
var complimentaryChar = ""
if (inStringArray.first == "(" || inStringArray.first == "[" || inStringArray.first == "{"){
switch inStringArray.first! {
case "(":
complimentaryChar = ")"
case "[":
complimentaryChar = "]"
case "{":
complimentaryChar = "}"
return false
// find the complimentary character index in the input array.
var index = 0
var subArray = [String]()
for i in 0..<inStringArray.count{
if inStringArray[i] == complimentaryChar {
index = i
// if no complimetary bracket is found,so return false.
if index == 0{
return false
// create a new sub array for evaluating the brackets.
for i in 0...index{
if evalExpression(inStringArray: subArray){
// if part of the expression evaluates to true continue with the rest.
for _ in 0...index{
status = evalExpression(inStringArray: inStringArray)
return status
PHP Solution to check balanced parentheses
* #param string $inputString
function isBalanced($inputString)
if (0 == strlen($inputString)) {
echo 'String length should be greater than 0';
$stack = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($inputString); $i++) {
$char = $inputString[$i];
if ($char === '(' || $char === '{' || $char === '[') {
array_push($stack, $char);
if ($char === ')' || $char === '}' || $char === ']') {
$matchablePairBraces = array_pop($stack);
$isMatchingPair = isMatchingPair($char, $matchablePairBraces);
if (!$isMatchingPair) {
echo "$inputString is NOT Balanced." . PHP_EOL;
echo "$inputString is Balanced." . PHP_EOL;
* #param string $char1
* #param string $char2
* #return bool
function isMatchingPair($char1, $char2)
if ($char1 === ')' && $char2 === '(') {
return true;
if ($char1 === '}' && $char2 === '{') {
return true;
if ($char1 === ']' && $char2 === '[') {
return true;
return false;
$inputString = '{ Swatantra (() {} ()) Kumar }';
It should be a simple use of stack ..
private string tokens = "{([<})]>";
Stack<char> stack = new Stack<char>();
public bool IsExpressionVaild(string exp)
int mid = (tokens.Length / 2) ;
for (int i = 0; i < exp.Length; i++)
int index = tokens.IndexOf(exp[i]);
if (-1 == index) { continue; }
if(index<mid ) stack .Push(exp[i]);
if (stack.Pop() != tokens[index - mid]) { return false; }
return true;
#indiv's answer is nice and enough to solve the parentheses grammar problems. If you want to use stack or do not want to use recursive method you can look at the python script on github. It is simple and fast.
def balanced_parentheses(expression):
stack = list()
left = expression[0]
for exp in expression:
if exp not in BRACKET_LIST:
skip = False
for bracket_couple in TUPLE_OPEN_CLOSE:
if exp != bracket_couple[0] and exp != bracket_couple[1]:
if left == bracket_couple[0] and exp == bracket_couple[1]:
if len(stack) == 0:
return False
skip = True
left = ''
if len(stack) > 0:
left = stack[len(stack) - 1]
if not skip:
left = exp
return len(stack) == 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
