How to change mac app name from executable? - macos

I have a mac app. Let's say the app is, and runs an executable called myapp. In the docker, when you hover over the icon, it says 'myapp'. I would like to change this so that the hover over says something different, such as My App.
This isn't a question how to do it once I'm on the mac, but how to build the app in such a way that this is the default behavior. I am constructing the .app on a Linux machine. Is this something that can be set in Info.plist or similar?
(I'm specifically wanting to have the display name have a whitespace in it, as it is two words, else I would change the executable name itself)

Unfortunately, Dock uses file system name. So you should change .app name to "My"


Mac OSX: How to associate a directory as bundle

I am writing an app for Maverick.
The app creates a folder under /user/document, named "folder.db".
All the user related files will be in a folder "folder.db".
I would like to associate my app with "folder.db" directly, so that clicking on it would open my app and not the Finder.
How to achieve that?
Note: I tried to play with the UTI settings in xcode but not luck...
First .db is generally used for databases. So probably not a good idea. What you are looking for is a package or bundle in Cocoa terms. In Cocoa you want to look for the fileWrapper methods. Those create package/bundle files that are folders with a special flag bit set to make it act like an opaque file in Finder
You might want to study NSWorkSpace, NSFileManager, NSBundle, NSDocument and NSOpenPanel and NSSavePanel.
Those will get you on the path.

Add mouse right click option in Mac OS X like windows

I have requirement to add mouse right click option in folder or file list like windows explorer. Requirement is like below:
"There are some files with particular extension showed in Finder/folder list in Mac OS X. When user click on file with that particular extension I need to show my .exe or .app name which can open that file".
I want to know how to achieve this functionality in Mac OS X. In windows it is game of registry but I am not sure how to achieve same in Mac OS X.
You get this in the Info.plist file in your app bundle by specifying file extensions your application can open in the CFBundleDocumentTypes array.
I tried that option. It is working fine and I am getting my application icon with that extension file and also my application is there in Default handler. But now issue is that this application I have created thru Qt and in main function of my application I am getting only application path in argv and argc and not the selected file. So let me know how to achieve this. If more information is required then please let me know. Thank you for valueable answer

How Can I Change the Icon for an Existing Shortcut in shell script

I have installed my flash application using packagemaker installer. I have created short cut to desktop using shell Script. Now i want to change the default short cut Icon. Please tell me shell script to change the short cut icon.
MAC OS 10.7.2
Mac OS X doesn't have "shortcut files". It has either alias files or symbolic links (symlinks).
I imagine that you created a symlink, since you're working from a shell. Symlinks can't have custom icons. They have almost no real data or metadata of their own.
I don't know of a way to set an icon for an alias file (or any other file) from the shell. My first thought was AppleScript, which you can use from a shell via the osascript command. But I find that the Finder's AppleScript support does not include working with file icons. There's a definition of an icon family class, but it's marked as "NOT AVAILABLE YET".

Creating an installer for my Mac application

I have this Mac application that consists of 2 files:
I would like to put them in:
~/Library/Application Support/MyProg/
I would also like the installer to look like them fancy DMG installers (like Skype's).
Now, I am a newbie when it comes to Mac but I am willing to learn whatever it takes.
I know the dmg installers are actually drags and drops; does that mean that if my application doesn't consist of a real application (it is a plug in - there's no shortcut to put in the Applications folder) then I can't do it?
I was thinking about calling the icon on the left MyProg and the icon on the right COMP_NAME and that dragging MyProg to COMP_NAME simply put the 2 files I described in the places I described for them.
Is there's any way to achieve this or should I just go with PackageMaker and drop the fancy dmg idea (I really like the fancy installers)?
I've seen several plugins like this that use PackageMaker, but wrap the package in a .dmg (that is, you mount the .dmg and all it has on it is a .pkg file).

Mac OS X, application's developer name?

I have created an app for mac os x using xcode 4
In the build settings I see my name (the mac os x registered user's name)
Anyhow, I want to share the app but I don't want other to know that I created this app
So, is there a way to find out who created the app ?
If there's is how can I remove my name from the app ?
It has some smell, to distribute an application anonymously. Anyway: You can change the information of your application by editing the Info.plist file inside your .app-bundle.
Right-click your application and select "Show package contents" from the context-menu. Open the folders and search for the "Info.plist" file. Open the file with TextWrangler, BBEdit oder the PropertyFile-Editor of XCode and search for your name. You can then simply replace it with anything else.
But remember:
An application should never ever been distributed without informations on the developer. The described method will only remove all "visible" informations on you. Informations on you that are part of the compiled binary won't be changed by this.
