I want to create a global String method used as: "string".convert_to_date that I can use it in the same way as "abc".length or "abc".upcase.
How can I define convert_to_date method?
As an alternative to patching you can also define patches via refinements. This will make the patch only available in a certain scope. This isn't necessarily an issue with String.convert_to_date, but in a large scale project it's often recommended to avoid outright monkeypatching, to avoid conflicts with gems' code.
A refinement is defined and used like so:
module StringRefinement
refine String do
def convert_to_date
self + " world"
class SomeClass
using StringRefinement
"hello".convert_to_date # => "hello world"
"hello".convert_to_date # => NoMethodError
you can open up any class in ruby to add methods to it, for your case you can do
class String
def convert_to_date
# do something with the string, self will contain the value of the string
This will make that method available to any string object so make sure you know what you are doing and there are no side effects.
This is called monkey patching, I'm not sure if this is the best way for your use case without more context
If you're just trying to convert string date to date or time object, there already are methods like Time.parse or DateTime.parse
Thanks #Subash and #max pleaner, your answers helped me found a solution. And here is my solution:
in config/initializers/StringRefinementDate.rb:
module StringRefinementDate
def convert_to_date
self + " world"
String.include StringRefinementDate
In models, controllers, and views just use:
"hello".convert_to_date # => "hello world"
This is an example of what I am after:
def already_taken?
# Magic goes here...
Would it be possible to construct a method in a way where I can call it directly on a String object, without having to modify the String class itself?
You could patch the String class with a custom module:
module MyStringPatch
def already_taken?
String.include MyStringPatch
If you want to add methods to any class (String in this case), without monkey-patching it, you should consider using Refinements.
module StringRefinements
refine String do
def already_taken?
puts "yes!"
# in another file...
using StringRefinements
The already_taken? method will only be available in a scope that calls using StringRefinements and nowhere else.
module Access
def last
def start_end
self[0] + last
module StringExt
refine String do
include Access
using StringExt
puts 'abcd'.last # => d
puts 'abcd'.start_end
When a class being refined with too many connected methods, I think it is better to extract them to a module. However, in above example which demos a problem when one method calls another(see the last statement), and it produces following error.
in 'start_end': undefined local variable or method 'last' for "abcd":String (NameError)
Similar issue was solved using a global variable, which also works for my example. But I'm seeking another better way to organize inter-called methods being refined and avoid a global thing.
How would advice a better way to organize those methods?
Here's a general pattern I ended up using. Basically I found no workaround for using global identifiers at some level. But this can be done fairly cleanly by making those globals classes/modules. This will be more clear as an example:
module StringPatches
def self.non_empty?(string)
def non_empty?
def non_non_empty?
refine String do
include StringPatches
class Foo
using StringPatches
puts "asd".non_empty? # => true
puts "asd".non_non_empty? # => false
The class methods on StringPatches don't get exported to using. But since classes/modules are constants (globals) they can be accessed from anywhere.
I'm trying to figure out how to create a sort of "class-less DSL" for my Ruby project, similar to how step definitions are defined in a Cucumber step definition file or routes are defined in a Sinatra application.
For example, I want to have a file where all my DSL functions are being called:
when_string_matches /hello (.+)/ do |name|
I assume it's a bad practice to pollute the global (Kernel) namespace with a bunch of methods that are specific to my project. So the methods when_string_matches and call_another_method would be defined in my library and the sample.rb file would somehow be evaluated in the context of my DSL methods.
Update: Here's an example of how these DSL methods are currently defined:
The DSL methods are defined in a class that is being subclassed (I'd like to find a way to reuse these methods between the simple DSL and the class instances):
module MyMod
class Action
def call_another_method(value)
puts value
def handle(text)
# a subclass would be expected to define
# this method (as an alternative to the
# simple DSL approach)
Then at some point, during the initialization of my program, I want to parse the sample.rb file and store these actions to be executed later:
module MyMod
class Parser
# parse the file, saving the blocks and regular expressions to call later
def parse_it
file_contents = File.read('sample.rb')
instance_eval file_contents
# doesnt seem like this belongs here, but it won't work if it's not
def self.when_string_matches(regex, &block)
MyMod.blocks_for_executing_later << { regex: regex, block: block }
# Later...
module MyMod
class Runner
def run
string = 'hello Andrew'
MyMod.blocks_for_executing_later.each do |action|
if string =~ action[:regex]
args = action[:regex].match(string).captures
The problem with what I have so far (and the various things I've tried that I didn't mention above) is when a block is defined in the file, the instance method is not available (I know that it is in a different class right now). But what I want to do is more like creating an instance and eval'ing in that context rather than eval'ing in the Parser class. But I don't know how to do this.
I hope that makes sense. Any help, experience, or advice would be appreciated.
It's a bit challenging to give you a pat answer on how to do what you are asking to do. I'd recommend that you take a look at the book Eloquent Ruby because there are a couple chapters in there dealing with DSLs which would probably be valuable to you. You did ask for some info on how these other libraries do what they do, so I can briefly try to give you an overview.
If you look into the sinatra code sinatra/main.rb you'll see that it extends Sinatra::Delegator into the main line of code. Delegator is pretty interesting..
It sets up all the methods that it wants to delegate
delegate :get, :patch, :put, :post, :delete, :head, :options, :template, :layout,
:before, :after, :error, :not_found, :configure, :set, :mime_type,
:enable, :disable, :use, :development?, :test?, :production?,
:helpers, :settings
and sets up the class to delegate to as a class variable so that it can be overridden if needed..
self.target = Application
And the delegate method nicely allows you to override these methods by using respond_to? or it calls out to the target class if the method is not defined..
def self.delegate(*methods)
methods.each do |method_name|
define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block|
return super(*args, &block) if respond_to? method_name
Delegator.target.send(method_name, *args, &block)
private method_name
Cucumber uses the treetop language library. It's a powerful (and complex—i.e. non-trivial to learn) tool for building DSLs. If you anticipate your DSL growing a lot then you might want to invest in learning to use this 'big gun'. It's far too much to describe here.
You didn't ask about HAML, but it's just another DSL that is implemented 'manually', i.e. it doesn't use treetop. Basically (gross oversimplification here) it reads the haml file and processes each line with a case statement...
def process_line(text, index)
#index = index + 1
case text[0]
when DIV_CLASS; push div(text)
when DIV_ID
return push plain(text) if text[1] == ?{
push div(text)
when ELEMENT; push tag(text)
when COMMENT; push comment(text[1..-1].strip)
I think it used to call out to methods directly, but now it's preprocessing the file and pushing the commands into a stack of sorts. e.g. the plain method
FYI the definition of the constants looks like this..
# Designates an XHTML/XML element.
# Designates a `<div>` element with the given class.
# Designates a `<div>` element with the given id.
DIV_ID = ?#
# Designates an XHTML/XML comment.
You can use Modules to organize your code. You can add your DSL methods to the Module class using the Module#include method. Here's how RSpec does it. The last two lines being what you are probably looking for. +1 to #meagar about keeping DSL's simple!
Also as #UncleGene points out, RSpec does pollute Kernel with the DSL methods. I'm not sure how to get around that. If there was another DSL with a describe method, it would be hard to determine which describe one was using.
module RSpec
module Core
# Adds the `describe` method to the top-level namespace.
module DSL
# Generates a subclass of {ExampleGroup}
# ## Examples:
# describe "something" do
# it "does something" do
# # example code goes here
# end
# end
# #see ExampleGroup
# #see ExampleGroup.describe
def describe(*args, &example_group_block)
RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe(*args, &example_group_block).register
extend RSpec::Core::DSL
Module.send(:include, RSpec::Core::DSL)
Just define a method called when_string_matches which takes a regex as an argument, tests it against whatever "string" you're talking about, and conditionally yields, passing whatever name is to its block:
def when_string_matches(regex)
# do whatever is required to produce `my_string` and `name`
yield(name) if my_string =~ regex
This is essentially all Ruby DSLs are: Methods with interesting names that often accept blocks.
Maybe this is a stupid idea... I am new to Ruby (and to OOP, so I still dont really know what I am doing most of the time), and I thought of a small, fun project to build, and I am struggling with some concepts.
What I am building is basically a string manipulator. I am building a module with extra methods, and then including that on the String class.
My module has several methods that manipulate the strings in different ways, mostly replacing words, and then return the modified string.
What I want to do in order to make the string manipulation more 'spontaneous' and natural, is to create a "main" method (the one I will be calling from the strings), that randomly selects one of the string manipulation methods, and then returns the string (and then can be called again to apply several manipulations in one go)
How can I do this, or something similar? Hope I explained myself
Here's the random manipulation module, as you described it. something_random is the main method:
module RandomStringManipulation
def something_random
methods = RandomStringManipulation.instance_methods
methods -= [:something_random]
send methods.sample # Ruby >= 1.9 required. See below for Ruby 1.8.
def foo
self + "foo"
def bar
self + "bar"
Mix it into String:
class String
include RandomStringManipulation
Now we can create an empty string, and then do something random to it a few times, printing it out each time:
s = ""
4.times do
s = s.something_random
p s
# => "foo"
# => "foobar"
# => "foobarbar"
# => "foobarbarfoo"
There are two bits that are interesting. The first is this:
methods -= [:something_random]
That removes :something_random from the array methods, preventing the *something_random* method from calling itself. The second interesting bit is this:
send methods.sample
Array.sample (Ruby >= 1.9) selects a random method. send then dispatches that method. In Ruby 1.8, do this instead:
send methods[rand(methods.size)]
If all the code that will be using your functionality is your code, I would make a new class instead of monkey-patching String. Monkey-patching leads to code that is harder to understand and share.
Anyway, given a list of mutator methods, you can easily pick one at random and use Object#send to call it:
module StringMutator
def fold() ... end
def spindle() ... end
def mutilate() ... end
class NiftyString
include StringMutator
def random_change()
im = StringMutator.instance_methods
self.send im[rand im.length]
Learning ruby. I'm under the impression that boolean attributes should be named as follows:
However, I get syntax errors when attempting to do the following:
class MyClass
attr_accessor :my_boolean_attribute?
def initialize
:my_boolean_attribute? = false
Apparently ruby is hating the "?". Is this the convention? What am I doing wrong?
Edit: three-years later; the times, they are a-changin'…
Julik's answer is the simplest and best way to tackle the problem these days:
class Foo
attr_accessor :dead
alias_method :dead?, :dead # will pick up the reader method
My answer to the original question follows, for posterity…
The short version:
You can't use a question mark in the name of an instance variable.
The longer version:
Take, for example, attr_accessor :foo — it's simply conceptually a bit of syntactic sugar for the following:
def foo
def foo=(newfoo)
#foo = newfoo
Furthermore, the question-mark suffix is mostly just a convention to indicate that the return value of a method is a boolean.
The best approximation I can make of what you're going for here…
class MyClass
def initialize
#awesome = true
def awesome?
In this case, there may be a case to be made for using attr_accessor — after all, it may be explicit that you're working directly with a boolean attribute. Generally, I save the question-mark suffix for when I am implementing a method whose boolean return value is based on slightly more complex conditions than just the value of an attribute.
Edit, two years later, after a recent comment:
Ruby enforces certain naming conventions. Symbols in Ruby can't have question marks. Thus invocations of :my_boolean_attribute? both will fail with a NameError. Edit: not correct, just use the quoted syntax for a symbol, e.g., :"my_attribute?"
Symbols are immutable, attempting to assign to one will throw a SyntaxError.
The easiest way to quickly add a "question method" is to use aliasing for your reader method
class Foo
attr_accessor :dead
alias_method :dead?, :dead # will pick up the reader method
The attr_accessor symbol implies that the variable name is #my_boolean_attribute, so that's what you should be setting (not the symbol).
Also, you can't use ? for variables, just method names.
? is convention for methodnames, not variables. You can't use an instance variable named #foo?, however you could use a variable named #foo and name the (manually created) getter method foo? if you wanted to.
Monkey-patching metaprogramming - maybe it can be made more elegant, this is only a quick draft, and I haven't done metaprogramming for a little while...
# inject the convenience method into the definition of the Object class
class Object
def Object::bool_attr(attrname)
class_eval { define_method(attrname.to_s,
lambda { instance_variable_get('#' + attrname.to_s.chop) }) }
class_eval { define_method(attrname.to_s.chop+"=",
lambda { |x| instance_variable_set('#'+attrname.to_s.chop, x) }) }
### somewhere later
class MyClass
bool_attr :my_boolean_attribute?
def initialize
#my_boolean_attribute = true
# yet even more later
foo = MyClass.new
bar = MyClass.new
foo.my_boolean_attribute = 1
puts foo.my_boolean_attribute?
puts bar.my_boolean_attribute?
With this approach, you can be DRY and get the nice questionmark too. You just might need to pick a better name than "bool_attr", like, "bool_attr_accessor" or something similar.
The definitions that I made are a bit cranky, in a sense that the question mark is present in the original symbol. Probably a cleaner approach would be to avoid the questionmark in the symbol name and append it during the definition of the method - should be less confusing.
Oh, and almost forgot to include the obligatory link: Seeing metaclasses clearly
I looked through the answers, and while the accepted answer is on-target, it introduces "extra" noise in the class. The way I'd suggest solving this issue is:
class Animal
attr_writer :can_swim
def initialize(animal_type_name)
#can_swim = true
#animal_type_name = animal_type_name
def can_swim?
def to_s
dog = Animal.new('Dog in a bag')
dog.can_swim = false
puts "Can this #{dog} Swim? --- [#{dog_without_legs.can_swim? ? 'YEP!' : 'NOPE!'}]"