xampp on Mac H/S 10.13.5 cannot see web files anymore - macos

I've been working in XAMPP on Mac. I created a folder for my websites under htdocs (same folder as dashboard). Recently upgraded to High Sierra 10.13.4 and SublimeText started acting weird - it would hang up when saving a new file and I would have to force-quit to get it to stop. I decided it would take less time to copy-paste files into that folder. During one copy-paste operation, finder hung and I had to force-quit finder. Now, the files in the website folders are "missing" - actually just invisible. I can't see them, but they are still there when I open the browser. I just can't see them or modify them anymore.
I've search everywhere for this issue and have come up short. Any suggestions on where to search next?


XCode does not open at all on Mac Mini

I bought an M1 Mac Mini recently and tried to use XCode on it, but it does not open at all.
I tried re-install it and delete ~/Library/Developer directory, it seems nothing works.
This is my first Mac device and if I give more detail about what I mean by 'does not open at all' - it does nothing even if I double click the XCode from Applications directory or the bar at the bottom that has other installed applications showing on it(sorry, I don't know how this is called).
I can see the little grey dot under the icon which means it is running somehow, but nothing comes up on the screen. Then the grey dot goes away after few minutes with nothing happening.
How do I resolve this problem?
Making sure that the application itself is in the right place would be my first approach. Did you download Xcode from the App Store?
Here’s a link to someone with the same issue asking on the Apple developers forum
Go to applications folder, right click, "get info" and then “Open using Rosetta”. Check the box.

MPLAX X IDE v5.40 won´t start

I am using macOs Catalina, previously I had been using MPLAP X IDE v5.40 (the most recent) with no problems.
Yesterday I tried to open the app but the screen goes black, then recover its previous state and the icon (just the icon not the splash screen) appears in the dock then after 2 -3 seconds the screen goes black again and the icon disappear. I thoght I have a corrupted installation but I already unistalled and reinstalled both java and the MPLAB with no success.
I hope someone can help me.
You can often correct a bunch of these problems by deleting the cache, and if that doesn't work, delete the user directory.
To find their locations, go to the Help/About dialog box.
Deleting the cache usually just means that startup may be a little slower. Deleting the user directory means you will lose your setting, so MPLAB will start as a new installation and perhaps will ask you if you want to import the settings from an older version;

Xcode and MacOS Sierra issues

I use 2 Macs with the same project coming from a git repository.
On the first one, no problem: everything compiles and run smoothly.
On the second new one with a fresh install of MacOS Sierra, I have a issues as soon as I am starting opening the project with Xcode.
Sometimes it stops responding instantly (I have to force exit), sometimes it doesn't compile when it should...
What may be the causes of these problems?
Are you opening your project from your Document or your Desktop folder or some subfolders?
If yes, then go to your OS settings, iCloud / iCloud Drive options. Make sure that those folders are NOT checked, or just move your project folder outside of those Document / Desktop folders.
iCloud synchronization of Xcode folders are not working properly yet.

Flash Builder 4.7 Crashes on Mavericks: Finder & ADL

As the title states, anytime I use flash builder to open a Finder dialog to search for files, Flash Builder crashes. It is very consistent. In more detail, when trying to link to an SWC or other project file Flash Builder (FB) tries to open a nonexistent folder on the file system (see image below). After FB fails to open a file once, the second time the prompt is opened the program crashes (if the prompt even opens).
The ADL (the device simulator) is also very buggy now. When left alone for a few minutes after running a test the next test often fails. Seems to be hanging.
Things I have done to attempt to fix the issue:
I have uninstalled FB 4.7 and reinstalled.
Attempted to use Flash Builder in freshly installed form.
Updated Java (JDK) to most recent version
Configured using AIR 3.4, 3.9, 4.0
I have changed Finder to open to a different directory instead of seeing 'All my
Screenshot of what Flash Builder tries to do before it crashes. Searching for swc's in a non-existant folder? Is there some way to change this folder? I have tried changing workplaces.
Screenshot of ADL after debugging several times. Have to force close it each time.

prohibitory sign on application icon (broken folder) on Snow Leopard

I have prepared a disk image with my application,which i want to install in Applications folder. When i copy the application from the disk image to the applications folder, i see that first it gets generic application icon (sometimes my application icon with a prohibitory sign (or broken folder) ). It becomes executable application after a couple of seconds (some 10 seconds)
I wonder if somebody has experienced something similar?
EDIT: On my customer computer with Snow Leopard the application stayed with a prohibitory sign (broken folder) . How do i fix it? It worked on Leopard
Yes this happens to me too. That is (supposed to be) the appearance of an app that cannot run on your particular platform, e.g. an Intel program on a PPC machine. Not sure why it does it to legit apps, but it seems to go away after a while (perhaps after it is run once?)
As I suspected it was a permissions problem. When build an installer with a Packager all items have to have a root as owner and wheel as group for permissions.
Why it stays that way is another question (perhaps related to caching?), but the reason for a copied application temporarily displaying as broken is simple: it is broken. That is, while it is being copied, it is incomplete, and therefore "broken". When the copy is complete, the application icon should update to indicate a good application.
If it doesn't this might be because the copy failed for some reason, or because the intermediate result is cached. In that case try refreshing by simple closing the Finder window and reopening it.
