VBScript pulse (0 & 1) - vbscript

How to generating pulse using VBScript?
I tried with Timer function, but no idea how to use it.
t1 = Timer
temp = Int(t1)
Seconds = temp mod 60
strTime = String(2 - Len(Hours), "0") & Hours & ":"
strTime = strTime & String(2 - Len(Minutes), "0") & Minutes & ":"
strTime = strTime & String(2 - Len(Seconds), "0") & Seconds


CDate format creating problems in diff date [duplicate]

I have last boot time from WMI and it looks as '20141103113859.220250+060'. i want to convert it to number of days and time from the current time.
is it possible?
From Help
Use the SWbemDateTime object to convert these to regular dates and times.
Windows 2000/NT and Windows 98/95: SWbemDateTime is not available. To convert WMI dates to FILETIME or VT_DATE format or to parse the date into component year, month, day, hours, and so on, you must write your own code.
Set dtmInstallDate = CreateObject( _
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
"Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each strOS in objOS
dtmInstallDate.Value = strOS.InstallDate
Wscript.Echo dtmInstallDate.GetVarDate
To get help.
Install the Windows SDK but just choose the documentation.
Next simple function should work for any argument in valid CIM_DATETIME format.
Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmDate)
WMIDateStringToDate = ( Left(dtmDate, 4) _
& "/" & Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) _
& "/" & Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) _
& " " & Mid(dtmDate, 9, 2) _
& ":" & Mid(dtmDate,11, 2) _
& ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13, 2))
End Function
An example:
InstallDate (wmi): 20141205231553.000000+060
InstallDate: 2014/12/05 23:15:53
However, a wmi query could return Null, e.g. VarType(dtmDate)=1 for a particular instance of a date; in next script is the function modified:
option explicit
Dim strWmiDate
strWmiDate = "20141103113859.220250+060"
Wscript.Echo strWmiDate _
& vbNewLine & WMIDateStringToDate(strWmiDate) _
& vbNewLine & DateDiff("d", WMIDateStringToDate(strWmiDate), Now) _
& vbNewLine _
& vbNewLine & WMIDateStringToDate(Null) _
& vbNewLine & DateDiff("d", WMIDateStringToDate(Null), Now)
Function WMIDateStringToDate(byVal dtmDate)
If VarType(dtmDate)=1 Then
WMIDateStringToDate = FormatDateTime( Now) 'change to whatever you want
' to keep script locale independent:
' returns ANSI (ISO 8601) datetime format (24 h)
' yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
WMIDateStringToDate = Left(dtmDate, 4) _
& "-" & Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) _
& "-" & Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) _
& " " & Mid(dtmDate, 9, 2) _
& ":" & Mid(dtmDate,11, 2) _
& ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13, 2)
End If
End Function
==>cscript 29535638.vbs
2014-11-03 11:38:59
09.04.2015 15:36:38
#Serenity has given this same answer while i was writting, but ...
Option Explicit
WScript.Echo getLastBootUpTime()
WScript.Echo WMIDate2Date( "20141103113859.220250+060" )
WScript.Echo GetElapsedTime( getLastBootUpTime(), Now )
Function WMIDate2Date( ByVal WMIDate )
With WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
.Value = WMIDate
WMIDate2Date = .GetVarDate(False)
End With
End Function
Function getLastBootUpTime()
Dim oOS
For Each oOS In GetObject( "winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("Select LastBootUpTime from Win32_OperatingSystem")
getLastBootUpTime = WMIDate2Date(oOS.LastBootUpTime)
End Function
Function GetElapsedTime( ByVal Date1, ByVal Date2 )
Dim seconds, aLabels, aValues, aDividers, i
aLabels = Array( " days, ", ":", ":", "" )
aDividers = Array( 86400, 3600, 60, 1 )
aValues = Array( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
i = 0
seconds = Abs( DateDiff( "s", Date1, Date2 ))
Do While seconds > 0
aValues(i) = Fix( seconds / aDividers(i) )
seconds = seconds - aValues(i) * aDividers(i)
aValues(i) = CStr(aValues(i)) & aLabels(i)
GetElapsedTime = Join(aValues, "")
End Function
You won't get around splitting the WMI date string to make it to a date string that VBScript understands. Try this:
wmiDate = "20141103113859.220250+060"
' note i am using date format: [m/d/Y H:m:s]
' if you prefer other format, i.e. [d.m.Y H:m:s] switch mid offsets
fromDate = Mid(wmiDate,5,2) & "/" & Mid(wmiDate,7,2) & "/" & Left(wmiDate,4)
fromTime = Mid(wmiDate,9,2) & ":" & Mid(wmiDate,11,2) & ":" & Mid(wmiDate,13,2)
toDate = Date & " " & Time
response.write(DateDiff("d",fromDate & " " & fromTime,toDate) & " Days<br />")
response.write(DateDiff("h",Date & " " & fromTime,toDate) & " Hours<br />")
It uses Mid()and Left()functions to split WMI date into the needed parts for VBScript. Then the DateDiff() function will deliver the interval difference first for d= days and then for h= hours. You will notice when calculating hours i just used the time part of the WMI string, since we already calculated days difference, we only want hours left over.
Interesting article explaining VBScript Date and Time (Iso Formats)
As a comment was so kindly remarking the date format i used and the result of the hour calculation, i added a comment line explaining the date format i used (i used m/d/Y H:m:s but depending on your local, you might prefer d.m.Y H:m:s then you need to swap the Mid() offsets to get the right order). I also appended the current Time to the toDate and in the hour calculation prepended the current Date to calculate the correct time difference.

WScript.Echo output command in cmd

I need some assistance with outputting an error in CMD.
We have a timesheet system that is failing to add holidays into the users time sheets, it's done via a script. here is the portion of the script in question.
sql = "select h_user,h_date1,h_hrs,h_approved,hol_default from holidays,hol_type,logins_users where userid=h_user and h_type=hol_id and h_date1='" & today & "' order by h_type desc"
'WScript.Echo Sql
ar.Open Sql, cnn ', adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If Not (ar.EOF And ar.BOF) Then 'found some holidays
While Not ar.EOF
count = count + 1
user = ar.Fields("h_user").Value
datestr = ar.Fields("h_date1").Value
hours = ar.Fields("h_hrs").Value
approved = ar.Fields("h_approved").Value
defaulthours = ar.Fields("hol_default").Value
If hours = 8 Then actualhours = defaulthours
If hours = 4 Then actualhours = defaulthours / 2
If hours = 0 Then actualhours = 0
sqlstr = "select * from timesheets where ts_user=" & user & " and ts_hrs in(" & hours & "," & defaulthours &") and ts_date='" & today & "' and ts_job=20"
ar1.Open sqlstr, cnn
If Not (ar1.EOF And ar1.BOF) Then
'record exists
sqlstr = "update timesheets set ts_eduser=0,ts_eddate=now() where ts_user=" & user & " and ts_hrs=" & actualhours & " and ts_date='" & today & "' and ts_job=20"
'no record
sqlstr = "insert into timesheets (ts_user,ts_date,ts_hrs,ts_approved,ts_job,ts_cruser,ts_crdate) values (" & user & ",'" & today & "'," & actualhours & "," & approved & ",20,0,Now())"
End If
cnn.Execute("insert into tracking (t_user,t_query) values (0,'" & addslashes(sqlstr) & "')")
End If
message = message & count & " holidays entries added" & vbCrLf
count = 0
Set ar1 = Nothing
Set ar2 = Nothing
Set ar1 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Set ar2 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
For n = 0 To 28
daystr = DateAdd("d", n, Now())
today = Mid(daystr, 7, 4) & "-" & Mid(daystr, 4, 2) & "-" & Left(daystr, 2)
What I need to do is specifically output the results of defaulthours in a cmd window to allow me to inspect the error in the data it's retrieving.
I realise it's a WScript.Echo command but I've tried several variations and it stops the script from running.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
Run the script with cscript.exe instead of the default interpreter (wscript.exe).
cscript //NoLogo C:\path\to\your.vbs
cscript.exe prints WScript.Echo messages to the console instead of displaying message popups.
Alternatively you could replace WScript.Echo with WScript.StdOut.WriteLine, which will require cscript and raise an error otherwise (because WScript.StdOut is not available in wscript).

vbscript: how to convert a date into days and time

I have last boot time from WMI and it looks as '20141103113859.220250+060'. i want to convert it to number of days and time from the current time.
is it possible?
From Help
Use the SWbemDateTime object to convert these to regular dates and times.
Windows 2000/NT and Windows 98/95: SWbemDateTime is not available. To convert WMI dates to FILETIME or VT_DATE format or to parse the date into component year, month, day, hours, and so on, you must write your own code.
Set dtmInstallDate = CreateObject( _
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
"Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each strOS in objOS
dtmInstallDate.Value = strOS.InstallDate
Wscript.Echo dtmInstallDate.GetVarDate
To get help.
Install the Windows SDK but just choose the documentation.
Next simple function should work for any argument in valid CIM_DATETIME format.
Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmDate)
WMIDateStringToDate = ( Left(dtmDate, 4) _
& "/" & Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) _
& "/" & Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) _
& " " & Mid(dtmDate, 9, 2) _
& ":" & Mid(dtmDate,11, 2) _
& ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13, 2))
End Function
An example:
InstallDate (wmi): 20141205231553.000000+060
InstallDate: 2014/12/05 23:15:53
However, a wmi query could return Null, e.g. VarType(dtmDate)=1 for a particular instance of a date; in next script is the function modified:
option explicit
Dim strWmiDate
strWmiDate = "20141103113859.220250+060"
Wscript.Echo strWmiDate _
& vbNewLine & WMIDateStringToDate(strWmiDate) _
& vbNewLine & DateDiff("d", WMIDateStringToDate(strWmiDate), Now) _
& vbNewLine _
& vbNewLine & WMIDateStringToDate(Null) _
& vbNewLine & DateDiff("d", WMIDateStringToDate(Null), Now)
Function WMIDateStringToDate(byVal dtmDate)
If VarType(dtmDate)=1 Then
WMIDateStringToDate = FormatDateTime( Now) 'change to whatever you want
' to keep script locale independent:
' returns ANSI (ISO 8601) datetime format (24 h)
' yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
WMIDateStringToDate = Left(dtmDate, 4) _
& "-" & Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) _
& "-" & Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) _
& " " & Mid(dtmDate, 9, 2) _
& ":" & Mid(dtmDate,11, 2) _
& ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13, 2)
End If
End Function
==>cscript 29535638.vbs
2014-11-03 11:38:59
09.04.2015 15:36:38
#Serenity has given this same answer while i was writting, but ...
Option Explicit
WScript.Echo getLastBootUpTime()
WScript.Echo WMIDate2Date( "20141103113859.220250+060" )
WScript.Echo GetElapsedTime( getLastBootUpTime(), Now )
Function WMIDate2Date( ByVal WMIDate )
With WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
.Value = WMIDate
WMIDate2Date = .GetVarDate(False)
End With
End Function
Function getLastBootUpTime()
Dim oOS
For Each oOS In GetObject( "winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("Select LastBootUpTime from Win32_OperatingSystem")
getLastBootUpTime = WMIDate2Date(oOS.LastBootUpTime)
End Function
Function GetElapsedTime( ByVal Date1, ByVal Date2 )
Dim seconds, aLabels, aValues, aDividers, i
aLabels = Array( " days, ", ":", ":", "" )
aDividers = Array( 86400, 3600, 60, 1 )
aValues = Array( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
i = 0
seconds = Abs( DateDiff( "s", Date1, Date2 ))
Do While seconds > 0
aValues(i) = Fix( seconds / aDividers(i) )
seconds = seconds - aValues(i) * aDividers(i)
aValues(i) = CStr(aValues(i)) & aLabels(i)
GetElapsedTime = Join(aValues, "")
End Function
You won't get around splitting the WMI date string to make it to a date string that VBScript understands. Try this:
wmiDate = "20141103113859.220250+060"
' note i am using date format: [m/d/Y H:m:s]
' if you prefer other format, i.e. [d.m.Y H:m:s] switch mid offsets
fromDate = Mid(wmiDate,5,2) & "/" & Mid(wmiDate,7,2) & "/" & Left(wmiDate,4)
fromTime = Mid(wmiDate,9,2) & ":" & Mid(wmiDate,11,2) & ":" & Mid(wmiDate,13,2)
toDate = Date & " " & Time
response.write(DateDiff("d",fromDate & " " & fromTime,toDate) & " Days<br />")
response.write(DateDiff("h",Date & " " & fromTime,toDate) & " Hours<br />")
It uses Mid()and Left()functions to split WMI date into the needed parts for VBScript. Then the DateDiff() function will deliver the interval difference first for d= days and then for h= hours. You will notice when calculating hours i just used the time part of the WMI string, since we already calculated days difference, we only want hours left over.
Interesting article explaining VBScript Date and Time (Iso Formats)
As a comment was so kindly remarking the date format i used and the result of the hour calculation, i added a comment line explaining the date format i used (i used m/d/Y H:m:s but depending on your local, you might prefer d.m.Y H:m:s then you need to swap the Mid() offsets to get the right order). I also appended the current Time to the toDate and in the hour calculation prepended the current Date to calculate the correct time difference.

Find time with millisecond using VBScript

I want to get time with millisecond
Currently using Timer() method but it just give access upto second
Any idea?
Please make sure i don't want to convert second into millisecond want to get with millisecond
In fact Timer function gives you seconds with milliseconds. Integer part of returned value is the number of seconds since midnight and the fraction part can be converted into milliseconds - just multiply it by 1000.
t = Timer
' Int() behaves exactly like Floor() function, i.e. it returns the biggest integer lower than function's argument
temp = Int(t)
Milliseconds = Int((t-temp) * 1000)
Seconds = temp mod 60
temp = Int(temp/60)
Minutes = temp mod 60
Hours = Int(temp/60)
WScript.Echo Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds
' Let's format it
strTime = String(2 - Len(Hours), "0") & Hours & ":"
strTime = strTime & String(2 - Len(Minutes), "0") & Minutes & ":"
strTime = strTime & String(2 - Len(Seconds), "0") & Seconds & "."
strTime = strTime & String(4 - Len(Milliseconds), "0") & Milliseconds
WScript.Echo strTime
This uses the standard dateserial in vbs
'get a timeserial with milliseconds
d1= date+ timer/86400
Wscript.echo datestamp(d1)&" "& timestamp(d1)
function datestamp(d)
datestamp=year(d) &"/"& month(d) & "/" & day(d)
end function
function timestamp(d)
timestamp=right("00" & h,2)&":"& right("00" & m,2)& ":" & right("00" & s,2)& ","& _
right("000"& 86400000*(d-timeserial(h,m,s)-ymd),3)
end function
Building upon MBu's answer, here's a Sub version. Sprinkle calls to this around your code for messages in the immediate window, so you can see where delays are happening.
' *** Debug.Print the time with milliseconds, and a message of your choice
Private Sub DebugPrintTime(strWhereFrom As String)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim sglTimer As Single
Dim sglWholeSecs As Single
Dim Millisecs As Variant ' as a variant, Len() will give the length of string representation of this value
Dim Seconds As Variant
Dim Minutes As Variant
Dim Hours As Variant
Dim strTime As String
sglTimer = timer
sglWholeSecs = Int(sglTimer)
Millisecs = Int((sglTimer - sglWholeSecs) * 1000)
Seconds = sglWholeSecs Mod 60
sglWholeSecs = Int(sglWholeSecs / 60)
Minutes = sglWholeSecs Mod 60
Hours = Int(sglWholeSecs / 60)
strTime = String(2 - Len(Hours), "0") & Hours & ":"
strTime = strTime & String(2 - Len(Minutes), "0") & Minutes & ":"
strTime = strTime & String(2 - Len(Seconds), "0") & Seconds & "."
strTime = strTime & String(3 - Len(Millisecs), "0") & Millisecs
Debug.Print strTime, strWhereFrom
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in Sub DebugPrintTime" & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & strWhereFrom
End Sub

Convert Seconds to Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds in VBScript

Is there a function to convert a specified number of seconds into a week/day/hour/minute/second time format in vbscript?
eg: 969234 seconds = 1wk 4days 5hrs 13mins 54secs
Dim myDate
dim noWeeks
dim noDays
dim tempWeeks
dim pos
myDate = DateAdd("s",969234,CDate(0))
tempWeeks = FormatNumber(myDate / 7,10)
pos = instr(tempWeeks, ".")
if pos > 1 then
tempWeeks = left(myDate, pos -1)
end if
noWeeks = Cint(tempWeeks)
noDays = Cint(((myDate / 7) - noWeeks) * 7)
wscript.echo noWeeks & "wk " & noDays & "days " & datepart("h", myDate) & "hrs " & datepart("n", myDate) & "mins " & datepart("s", myDate) & "secs"
No built in function to do that.
Here is a quick and dirty one:-
Function SecondsToString(totalSeconds)
Dim work : work = totalSeconds
Dim seconds
Dim minutes
Dim hours
Dim days
Dim weeks
seconds = work Mod 60
work = work \ 60
minutes = work Mod 60
work = work \ 60
hours = work Mod 24
work = work \ 24
days = work Mod 7
work = work \ 7
weeks = work
Dim s: s = ""
Dim renderStarted: renderStarted = False
If (weeks <> 0) Then
renderStarted = True
s = s & CStr(weeks)
If (weeks = 1) Then
s = s & "wk "
s = s & "wks "
End If
End If
If (days <> 0 OR renderStarted) Then
renderStarted = True
s = s & CStr(days)
If (days = 1) Then
s = s & "day "
s = s & "days "
End If
End If
If (hours <> 0 OR renderStarted) Then
renderStarted = True
s = s & CStr(hours)
If (hours = 1) Then
s = s & "hr "
s = s & "hrs "
End If
End If
If (minutes <> 0 OR renderStarted) Then
renderStarted = True
s = s & CStr(minutes)
If (minutes = 1) Then
s = s & "min "
s = s & "mins "
End If
End If
s = s & CStr(seconds)
If (seconds = 1) Then
s = s & "sec "
s = s & "secs "
End If
SecondsToString = s
End Function
You wantto use timer pseudo-variable :
start = timer
Rem do something long
duration_in_seconds = timer - start
wscript.echo "Duration " & duration_in_seconds & " seconds."
