Build issue angular 5 has no exported member 'DSVRowAny' - d3.js

ERROR in node_modules/#types/d3-fetch/index.d.ts(9,10): error TS2305: Module '"F:/AprotechSolutions/ems-beam-webapp/node_modules/#types/d3-dsv/index"' has no exported member
node_modules/#types/d3-fetch/index.d.ts(9,26): error TS2305: Module '"node_modules/#types/d3-dsv/index"' has no exported member 'DSVRowString'.
node_modules/#types/d3-fetch/index.d.ts(9,40): error TS2305: Module '"/node_modules/#types/d3-dsv/index"' has no exported member 'DSVRowAny'.
node_modules/#types/d3-fetch/index.d.ts(9,57): error TS2497: Module '"/node_modules/#types/d3-dsv/index"' resolves to a non-module entity
and cannot be imported using this construct.
node_modules/#types/d3/index.d.ts(24,15): error TS2498: Module '"/node_modules/#types/d3-dsv/index"' uses 'export =' and cannot be used with 'export *'.

Seems, this issue due to update
I have this problem too.
Try to fix lib version to 1.0.31 in your package.json
"devDependencies": {
"#types/d3-dsv": "1.0.31"

It looks like the issue may have been the "latest" tag for #types/d3-dsv switching from the 1.0.x versions (that contain exports for DSVRowString etc.) to 0.4.x (that don't), as described in this GitHub issue. Hopefully there will be a response to the issue that will remove the need for the version pinning.
So, at least for me, it was enough to pin to the latest 1.x.x version, and not necessary to lock to previous version (as suggested in another answer), e.g:
"devDependencies": {
"#types/d3-dsv": "^1.0.32"
Update (28/05/18):
Looks like the issue is temporarily resolved due to the release of version 1.0.33 causing the "latest" tag to point back to the 1.0.x branch. However, as per a comment on the GitHub issue this isn't necessarily a permanent fix, and another release of the 0.4.x code could cause the same issue.

It seems to be resolved, I just built my application without any problems any without the devDependencies for d3-dsv.
There is was an update to the package a couple of hours ago:


Joomla "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0"

Here is a weird problem i'm facing; after updating Joomla to the latest version, website failed to up load but, as i've made a backup manually from these folders:
and all the root files, after restoring the backup still the website is not loading and just says
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0" !
Any suggestion? Thank you.
Apparently, the version of jBlog you are using is loading its attempting to load its own classes twice.
Let's assume the jBlog developers already fixed it and you carelessly ignored the warning to ensure all your extensions are compatible before updating.
Are you able to access administrator? Simply go there and upgrade jBlog including any modules.
Else, the issue lies within a plugin. In order to access the administrator and perform the update, you will need to manually disable the offending plugin.
A simple way is to rename its folder: start from plugins/system then plugins/content hopefully you'll have spotted it by then. Look into the subfolders of each and spot any that may be relevant to jBlog (or grep through the folder to locate the specific string)
If you have console access, simply run
# grep -rl jblogerror plugins/system
and you should see all the files that include such string, just rename their main plugin folder. But you could also do all this through ftp and guessing.

go-swagger restapi/configure_todo_list.go - api.TodoGetHandler undefined error

I am a newbie in go and go-swagger. I am following steps in Simple Server tutorial in
I am using Ubuntu 18.04, swagger v0.25.0 and go 1.15.6.
Following the same steps, there are a few differences of the files generated. For instance,'s has find_todos_okbody.go and get_okbody.go in models but mine does not. Why is that so?
Link to screenshot of my generated files vs
Link to screenshot of generated files by
Starting the server as written in the tutorial go install ./cmd/todo-list-server/ gives me the following error. Can anyone please help with this?
# my_folder/swagger-todo-list/restapi
restapi/configure_todo_list.go:41:8: api.TodosGetHandler undefined (type *operations.TodoListAPI has no field or method TodosGetHandler)
restapi/configure_todo_list.go:42:6: api.TodosGetHandler undefined (type *operations.TodoListAPI has no field or method TodosGetHandler)
The first step in todo-list is swagger init spec .... Which directory should I run this command in? I ran it in a newly created folder in my home directory. However, from the page, it shows the path to be ~/go/src/ I am not sure whether I should use go get ..., git clone ... or create those folders. Can someone advise me?
This is likely the documentation lagging behind the version of the code that you are running. As long as it compiles, the specific files the tool generates isn't so crucial.
This is a compilation error. When you do go install foo it will try to build the foo package as an executable and then move that to your GOPATH/bin directory. It seems that the generated code in restapi/configure_todo_list.go isn't correct for the operations code generated.
All you need to run this tutorial yourself is an empty directory and the swagger tool (not its source code). You run the commands from the root of this empty project. In order not to run into GOPATH problems I would initialise a module with go mod init todo-list-example before doing anything else.
Note that while the todo-list example code exists inside the go-swagger source, it's there just for documenting example usage and output.
What I would advice for #2 is to make sure you're using a properly released version of go-swagger, rather than installing from the latest commit (which happens when you just do a go get), as I have found that to be occasionally unstable.
Next, re-generate the entire server, but make sure you also regenerate restapi/configure_todo_list.go by passing --regenerate-configureapi to your swagger generate call. This file isn't always refreshed because you're meant to modify it to configure your app, and if you changed versions of the tool it may be different and incompatible.
If after that you still get the compilation error, it may be worth submitting a bug report at
Thanks #EzequielMuns. The errors in #2 went away after I ran go get - u -f ./... as stated in
For this generation to compile you need to have some packages in your GOPATH:
You can get these now with: go get -u -f ./...
I think it's an error of swagger code generation. You can do as folloing to fix this:
delete file configure_todo_list.go;
regenerate code.
# swagger generate server -A todo-list -f ./swagger.yml
Then, you can run command go install ./cmd/todo-list-server/, it will succeed.

`Cannot use e "__Schema" from another module or realm.` and `Duplicate "graphql" modules` using ApolloClient

I have a React application with ApolloClient with Apollo-Link-Schema. The application works fine locally but in our staging environment (using GOCD), we get the following error:
Uncaught Error: Cannot use e "__Schema" from another module or realm.
Ensure that there is only one instance of "graphql" in the node_modules
directory. If different versions of "graphql" are the dependencies of other
relied on modules, use "resolutions" to ensure only one version is installed.
Duplicate "graphql" modules cannot be used at the same time since different
versions may have different capabilities and behavior. The data from one
version used in the function from another could produce confusing and
spurious results.
at t.a (instanceOf.mjs:21)
at C (definition.mjs:37)
at _ (definition.mjs:22)
at X (definition.mjs:284)
at J (definition.mjs:287)
at new Y (definition.mjs:252)
at Y (definition.mjs:254)
at Object.<anonymous> (introspection.mjs:459)
at u (NominationsApprovals.module.js:80)
at Object.<anonymous> (validate.mjs:1)
Dependencies are installed with yarn, I've added the resolutions field to the package.json.
"resolutions": {
"graphql": "^14.5.8"
I've checked the yarn.lock and can only find one reference for the graphql package.
npm ls graphql does not display any duplicates.
I thought maybe its a build issue with webpack - I have a different build script for staging, but running that locally I am still able to get the react application to run with that bundle.
Can anyone suggest anything else to help me fix this?
I managed to find the cause of the issue, if this helps anyone else. The issue is not to do with duplicate instances of the package at all, this is a false positive triggered by us using webpack's DefinePlugin to set the process.env.NODE_ENV to staging for our staging build.
However, in webpack the mode (see, which sets the process.env.NODE_ENV, only accepts none, development and production as valid values. This was triggering an env check in the graphql package to fail and trigger this error message.
In our case, we need to differentiate between staging and production as our API endpoint differs based on this, but the solution we implemented is to not rely on the process.env.NODE_ENV, but to assign a custom variable on build (e.g. process.env.API_URL)
I would try to replicate the error locally and debug it:
try this:
rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock
# also remove any lock files if you have package-lock.json too
yarn install
# build the project locally and see if you got the error
I got this problem one time where I was working with Gatsby and 2 different themes where using different versions of GraphQL. Also be more explicit with the version (without caret) and check if the error persist.
do you have a repo youc an share? that would also help us to help you :)
While changing NODE_ENV to production might solve the issue, if you have different variables for each environment and don't want to mess with your metrics this is not an ideal solution.
You said you use webpack. If the build with the issue uses some kind of source-map in your devtool, you might want to disable that to see if the problem persists. That's how I solved this without setting my NODE_ENV to production.
I had a similar problem when trying to run Apollo codegen and was able to fix it by deduping my npm packages. Run this:
rm -rf node_modules && npm i && npm dedupe
I was having this problem so I switched to yarn, and after deleting node_modules and npm lockfile, then running yarn, the problem went away :-).
I ended up here because I use the AWS CDK and the NodejsFunction Construct. I was also using bundling with minify: true.
Toggling minify to false resolved this for me.

Yocto SYSTEMD_SERVICE to install a parameterized service ("#.service")

I need to configure WireGuard to bring up a VPN on boot on an Embedded Linux device.
My recipe installs a /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf pretty much like the examples found through the Internet.
Then I try to enable the service on SystemD like this on my
SYSTEMD_SERVICE = "wg-quick#wg0.service"
But bitbake throws me an error:
ERROR: Function failed: SYSTEMD_SERVICE_my-conf value wg-quick#wg0.service does not exist
I checked the temporary directory and file wg0.conf appears in the correct places but it seems that bitbake's SYSTEMD_SERVICE doesn't know how to expand the "wg0" after # sign.
If I try without the interface name (wg0):
SYSTEMD_SERVICE = "wg-quick#.service"
Bitbake is happy and finalizes my recipe, but it is not what systemd is expecting. Starting a service without an interface makes no sense...
Then I tried another approach and split the "wireguard" package itself from the configuration ("wireguard-conf" package) and added DEPENDS and RDEPENDS on "wireguard".
This got even worse since my recipe does not contain a "wg-quick#.service" file (it comes from the dependency "wireguard").
I don't know how to properly fix it and any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Additional Info
I am using Yocto 2.0.3 in this project (with no hope of updating it).
Thanks to #TomasNovotny comments I managed to compare my "systemd.bbclas" against Github and noticed a change in systemd_populate_packages() that seems to solve the problem.
It works in newer OpenEmbedded (looks like in krogoth, version 2.1 released Apr 2016) and it is introduced by this commit. It works for me in rocko (version 2.4 released Oct 2017). According to j4x's comment, it doesn't work in jethro (version 2.0, Nov 2015).
For older (and currently unsupported OpenEmbeddeds) you can try to backport the patch or handle the symlinks for enabling the service in do_install().
Also please note that SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} variable is package specific, so the _${PN} suffix has to be added (see manual).
I've also tried to enable OpenVPN with my profile (in Yocto rocko) without success.
Finally, I've made it working by providing OpenVPN recipe extension instead of custom one. So, the openvpn_%.bbappend file looks like:
inherit systemd
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "openvpn#clientprofile.service"
do_install_append() {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/openvpn/
ln -sf /data/etc/openvpn/clientprofile.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/openvpn/clientprofile.conf
As you can see, I'm using a symlink to my profile instead of the normal file. You can install a normal OpenVPN profile file instead of making symlink and it also works fine.

Django app in Eclipse won't run after upgrade to django 1.4

After upgrading to Django 1.4, I now get the following error message:
raise ImportError("Could not import settings '%s' (Is it on sys.path?): %s" % (self.SETTINGS_MODULE, e))
ImportError: Could not import settings '' (Is it on sys.path?): No module named py
I read that it might have something to do with pydev 2.4 eg: here, so I upgraded pydev to the latest version, 2.5. I am using eclipse indigo.
I started to have a look at the run cnofiguration, and noticed that the django 1.3 egg was still being referenced. So I went to windows/preferences/pydev/interpreter-python, and the 1.3 egg was being referenced in the system PYTHON path.
To try and correct this, I removed the existing python interpreter, and re-added a new one. My python is run from venv, so I added this. An error comes up:
I don't think this is related, but I can see that /venv/lib has appears in the System PYTHONPATH list, whereas in Windows the folder is called /venv/Lib, so I added this as well. Still the new django egg hasn't been include, so I manually added this under the 'Libraries' window.
However, I'm still receiving the error message.
The app runs fine from the command line.
Figured this out after a few hours of trying different things.
I created a new Django project using the pydev 2.5 just to see what would happen, and I noticed that the 'django settings module' entry (see below) was appname.settings. Previously I had put ''. I removed the entry entirely, which cleared up the first problem.
After this I was getting a 'module appname not found' error, so I tried putting an empty file in the root of my app, which seemed to work.
In a virtualenv, this is usually the case where you forgot to add the /Lib from the base python install during the install process (so, when searching in the PYTHONPATH it's not finding things such as '' or '', etc.
I solved this by adding the following to
import os
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '<django_app_folder>.settings'
os.environ['SERVER_NAME'] = '<name_of_server>'
<django_app_folder> is the name of the folder containing the file.
<name_of_server> needs to be there, but I didn't find that it matters what it's set to.
I had this problem. My project did not have a PyDev - Django property so the other solution here did not work. I think this is because I did not initially create it as a Django project. Instead, what worked was:
right click project > properties > PyDev PYTHONPATH > String substitution variables.
Add a variable named DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Its value should be yourapp.settings (or edit it if it's already there)
