Disassamble ELF file - debugging area where specific string of binary is loaded - debugging

I would like to disassamble / debug an elf file. Is it somehow possible to track the function where a specific string in the elf file is called?
So I mean, I have a string where I know it is used to search for that string in a file. Is it somehow possible with e.g. gdb to debug exactly that position in the executable?
Or is the position of the string in the elf file, somehow visible in the objdump -d output?

In order to do that you need a disassembler - objdump just dumps the info - it might not give you enough information as some analysis is needed before you can tell where it is being used. What you need is to get the XREFs for the string you have in mind.
If you open your binary in the disassembler it will probably have the ability to show you strings that are present in the binary with the ability to jump to the place where the string is being used (it might be multiple places).
I'll showcase this using radare2.
Open the binary (I'll use ls here)
r2 -A /bin/ls
and then
to display all the strings. There's a lot of them so here's an extract
000 0x00004af1 0x100004af1 7 8 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii COLUMNS
001 0x00004af9 0x100004af9 39 40 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii 1#ABCFGHLOPRSTUWabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwx
002 0x00004b21 0x100004b21 6 7 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii bin/ls
003 0x00004b28 0x100004b28 8 9 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii Unix2003
004 0x00004b31 0x100004b31 8 9 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii CLICOLOR
005 0x00004b3a 0x100004b3a 14 15 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii CLICOLOR_FORCE
006 0x00004b49 0x100004b49 4 5 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii TERM
007 0x00004b60 0x100004b60 8 9 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii LSCOLORS
008 0x00004b69 0x100004b69 8 9 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii fts_open
009 0x00004b72 0x100004b72 28 29 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii %s: directory causes a cycle
let's see where this last one is being used. If we move to the location where it's defined 0x100004b72. We can see this:
;-- str.s:_directory_causes_a_cycle:
; DATA XREF from 0x100001cbe (sub.fts_open_INODE64_b44 + 378)
And here we see where it's being referenced -> DATA XREF. We can move there (s 0x100001cbe) and there we see how it's being used.
⁝ 0x100001cbe 488d3dad2e00. lea rdi, str.s:_directory_causes_a_cycle ; 0x100004b72 ; "%s: directory causes a cycle"
⁝ 0x100001cc5 4c89ee mov rsi, r13
⁝ 0x100001cc8 e817290000 call sym.imp.warnx ;[1]
Having the location you can put a breakpoint there (r2 is also a debugger) or use it in gdb.


SoftQuad DESC or font file binary

I read this question but it doesn't helped me. I am solving a challenge where I have two files, first one was .png which gave me upper half part of an image, second file is SoftQuad DESC or font file binary I am sure that this file should somehow convert into .png file to complete the image. I googled and got hint about magic bytes but I am unable to match the bytes.
These are the first two rows of output of xxd command
00000000: aaaa a6bb 67bb bf18 dd94 15e6 252c 0a2f ....g.......%,./
00000010: fe14 d943 e8b5 6ad5 2264 1632 646e debc ...C..j."d.2dn..
These are the last two rows of output of xxd command
00001c10: 7a05 7f4c 3600 0000 0049 454e 44ae 4260 z..L6....IEND.B`
00001c20: 82

netsh add sslcert parameter is incorrect from cmd

Note that, while there is a lot on this issue already, it invariably covers either using this from powershell (where braces and dashes can be an issue) or a typo in the docs where ipport is followed by a colon.
I am in cmd
C:> netsh http add sslcert ipport= appid={12345678-db90-4b66-8b01-88f7af2e36bf} certhash=‎1234567890
The parameter is incorrect.
In actual usagge I'm using the correct certhash I got from my certificate store - not the obviously fake one above
So what is going on? Is there a way to get more info?
Explained in my comment:
I'm using the correct certhash… Supposedly "The SHA hash of the certificate. This hash is 20 bytes long and specified as a hex
string" instead of fake 1234567890?
However, there is a harmful format symbol Left-To-Right Mark (Unicode
U+200E) after Equals Sign in your certhash=‎1234567890
Screenshot taken from Unicode Analyzer:
Another way to detect invisible characters using my Alt KeyCode Finder script:
==> mycharmap h=‎1
Ch Unicode Alt? CP IME Alt Alt0 IME 0405/cs-CZ; CP852; ANSI 1250
h U+0068 104 …104… 104 0104 Latin Small Letter H
= U+003D 61 …61… 61 061 Equals Sign
‎ U+200E 8206 …14… Left-To-Right Mark
CP862 he-IL 0253 (ANSI 1255) Hebrew
CP720 ar-EG 0253 (ANSI 1256) Arabic
1 U+0031 49 …49… 49 049 Digit One
==> chcp
Active code page: 852

Otool - Get file size only

I'm using Otool to look into a compiled library (.a) and I want to see what the file size of each component in the binary is. I see that
otool -l [lib.a]
will show me this information but there is also a LOT of other information I do not need. Is there a way I can just see the file size and not everything else? I can't seem to find it if there is.
The size command does that, e.g.,
size lib.a
will show the size of each object stored in the lib.a archive. For example:
$ size libasprintf.a
text data bss dec hex filename
0 0 0 0 0 lib-asprintf.o (ex libasprintf.a)
639 8 1 648 288 autosprintf.o (ex libasprintf.a)
on most systems. OS X format is a little different:
$ size libl.a
__TEXT __DATA __OBJC others dec hex
86 0 0 32 118 76 libl.a(libmain.o)
75 0 0 32 107 6b libl.a(libyywrap.o)
Oddly (though "everyone" implements it), I do not see size on the POSIX site. OS X has a manual page for it.

os x screen command,'.screenrc', termcap

I need help in the conceptual area surrounding:
My Goal: is to create a 'correctly' formatted log file via 'screen'.
Symptom: The log file contains hundreds of carriage-return bytes [i.e. (\015) or (\r) ]. I would like to replace every carriage-return byte with a linefeed byte [i.e. (\012) or (\n)].
My Approach: I have created the file: ~/.screenrc and added a 'termcap' line to it with the hope of intercepting the inbound bytes and translating the carriage-return bytes into linefeed bytes BEFORE they are written to the log file. I cycled through nine different syntactical forms of my request. None had the desired effect (see below for all nine forms).
My Questions:
Can my goal be accomplished with my approach?
If yes, what changes do I need to make to achieve my goal?
If no, what alternative should I implement?
Do I need to mix in the 'stty' command?
If yes, how?
Note: I can create a 'correctly' formatted file using the log file as input to 'tr':
$ /usr/bin/tr '\015' '\012' <screenlog.0 | head
Rx: C233F1 01 00 # 254742 ms
Tx: 86F110 41 00 BE 1B 30 13 # 254753 ms
Tx: 86F118 41 00 88 18 00 10 # 254792 ms
Tx: 86F128 41 00 80 08 00 10 # 254831 ms
Rx: C133F0 3E # 255897 ms
Tx: 81F010 7E # 255903 ms
The 'screen' log file ( ~/screenlog.0 ) is created using the following command:
$ screen -L /dev/tty.usbserial-000014FA 115200
$ ls -dl /dev/*usb*
crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 17, 25 Jul 21 19:50 /dev/cu.usbserial-000014FA
crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 17, 24 Jul 21 19:50 /dev/tty.usbserial-000014FA
$ ls -dl ~/.screenrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 scottsmith staff 684 Jul 22 12:28 /Users/scottsmith/.screenrc
$ cat ~/.screenrc
#termcap xterm* 'XC=B%,\015\012' # 01 no effect
#termcap xterm* 'XC=B%\E(B,\015\012' # 02 no effect
#termcap xterm* 'XC=B\E(%\E(B,\015\012' # 03 no effect
#terminfo xterm* 'XC=B%,\015\012' # 04 no effect
#terminfo xterm* 'XC=B%\E(B,\015\012' # 05 no effect
#terminfo xterm* 'XC=B\E(%\E(B,\015\012' # 06 no effect
#termcapinfo xterm* 'XC=B%,\015\012' # 07 no effect
#termcapinfo xterm* 'XC=B%\E(B,\015\012' # 08 no effect
termcapinfo xterm* 'XC=B\E(%\E(B,\015\012' # 09 no effect
$ echo $TERM
$ echo $SCREENRC
$ ls -dl /usr/lib/terminfo/?/*
ls: /usr/lib/terminfo/?/*: No such file or directory
$ ls -dl /usr/lib/terminfo/*
ls: /usr/lib/terminfo/*: No such file or directory
$ ls -dl /etc/termcap
ls: /etc/termcap: No such file or directory
$ ls -dl /usr/local/etc/screenrc
ls: /usr/local/etc/screenrc: No such file or directory
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010)
Processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB
OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.4
Screen(1) Mac OS X Manual Page: ( possible relevant content ):
Screen has a powerful mechanism to translate characters to arbitrary strings depending on the current font and terminal type. Use this feature if you want to work with a common standard character set (say ISO8851-latin1) even on terminals that scatter the more unusual characters over several national language font pages.
Syntax: XC=<charset-mapping>{,,<charset-mapping>}
<charset-mapping> := <designator><template>{,<mapping>}
<mapping> := <char-to-be-mapped><template-arg>
The things in braces may be repeated any number of times.
A tells screen how to map characters in font ('B': Ascii, 'A': UK, 'K': german, etc.) to strings. Every describes to what string a single character will be translated. A template mechanism is used, as most of the time the codes have a lot in common (for example strings to switch to and from another charset). Each occurrence of '%' in gets substituted with the specified together with the character. If your strings are not similar at all, then use '%' as a template and place the full string in . A quoting mechanism was added to make it possible to use a real '%'. The '\' character quotes the special char- acters '\', '%', and ','.
Here is an example:
termcap hp700 'XC=B\E(K%\E(B,\304[,\326\\,\334]'
This tells screen how to translate ISOlatin1 (charset 'B') upper case umlaut characters on a hp700 terminal that has a german charset. '\304' gets translated to '\E(K[\E(B' and so on. Note that this line gets parsed three times before the internal lookup table is built, therefore a lot of quoting is needed to create a single '\'.
Another extension was added to allow more emulation: If a mapping translates the unquoted '%' char, it will be sent to the terminal whenever screen switches to the corresponding . In this special case the template is assumed to be just '%' because the charset switch sequence and the char- acter mappings normally haven't much in common.
This example shows one use of the extension:
termcap xterm 'XC=K%,%\E(B,[\304,\\\326,]\334'
Here, a part of the german ('K') charset is emulated on an xterm. If screen has to change to the 'K' charset, '\E(B' will be sent to the terminal, i.e. the ASCII charset is used instead. The template is just '%', so the mapping is straightforward: '[' to '\304', '\' to '\326', and ']' to '\334'.
The section on character translation is describing a feature which is unrelated to logging. It is telling screen how to use ISO-2022 control sequences to print special characters on the terminal. In the manual page's example
termcap xterm 'XC=K%,%\E(B,[\304,\\\\\326,]\334'
this tells screen to send escape(B (to pretend it is switching the terminal to character-set "K") when it has to print any of [, \ or ]. Offhand (referring to XTerm Control Sequences) the reasoning in the example seems obscure:
xterm handles character set "K" (German)
character set "B" is US-ASCII
assuming that character set "B" is actually rendered as ISO-8859-1, those three characters are Ä, Ö and Ü (which is a plausible use of German, to print some common umlauts).
Rather than being handled by this feature, screen's logging is expected to record the original characters sent to the terminal — before translation.

How to automate task in OllyDBG ? Using Ollyscript or any other tool

How to automate task in OllyDBG? I want to create a script.
I bp on a certain address and go to its stack arguments. There are four stack arguments. I use the address of the 2nd argument and the size from the 4th argument and dump the HEX data into a log file.
For example :
I set a breakpoint at 512A12 and I see the following in stack:
00192003 005DB123 RETURN to program.005DB123 from program.00512A12
00192011 0018F058 - 1st argument
00192028 03F48D78 - 2nd argument
00192032 03F48D78 - 3rd argument
00192036 00000500 - 4th argument
So I dump the data from address starting at 00192028 03F48D78 - 2nd argument where 03F48D78 is the address to start the dump from.
And I use the size from the 4th argument 00192036 00000500 - 4th argument where 500 is the size of the data to be dumped.
The data is saved in a log file. It is a hex data from the dump section in OllyDBG.
Now I want to loop this function and automate it. How can this automation be done in Ollyscript or something else?
Afaik none of existing plugins offer windbg's .writemem functionality
uploaded below is an ollydbg plugin enhanced from anonymouse (openrce blog)
modified cmdline plugin with an added command .writemem
Download and put the dll in ollydbg 1.10 plugin path.
possible crash path fixed (FindModule -> Mod-name can be null if FindModule return null in such cases added "unknown_module" string as modulename for sprintf_s)
This plugin is an enhanced version of modified cmdline plugin for ollydbg 1.10 by anonymouse (openrce blog) and contains one extra command .writemem
enhancements being original source altered considerably to make it compile with visual studio 2010 express (old commands not tested)
one extra command .writemem added (similar to windbg's .writemem)
usage as follows alt+f1 or plugin -> cmdline plugin .
in the dialog box type
writemem [esp+0x4] dword [esp+0x10] c:\dumps
or may be
writemem 0x403085 0x45 f:\foo\blah
first command will dump 0xxxx bytes pointed by [esp+0x10] from address pointed by [esp+0x4] to the preexisting folder c:\dumps
second command will dump 0x45 bytes from 0x402085 to the specified folder
to automate use this command with conditional log breakpoint pass commands to plugin when paused functionality (shift+f4)
in the edit box enter
.writemem <address> <size> <folder path>
when ever the breakpoint is hit the memory contents will be dumped
another snapshot to explain the words better below
This tutorial might help:
Also, you can read some scripts carefully to learn more about Olly scripting.
The actual function I need in the end to complete my task is as following.
Its an encryption / Decyption function
0x1 PUSH EBP - the encrypted data is loaded.
0x5 RETN - the data is decrypted
So the encrypted/decrypted data is loaded in the stack values as I earlier explained.
1 - When bp hits 0x1 PUSH EBP
2 - We goto stack values
3 - We follow the 2nd argument as start address for the chunk of encrypted data and the 4th argument for the size of the data.
4- We dump using wrtiemem from cmdline mod
Also we follow the same for decrypted data
1 - When bp hits 0x5 RETN
2 - We goto stack values
3 - We follow the 2nd argument as start address for the chunk of decrypted data and the 4th argument for the size of the data.
4- We dump using wrtiemem from cmdline mod.
I was wondering if the data could be saved in one text file called encdec.txt
Encrypted HEX Values
Decrypted HEX Values.
For exammple:
ENC - 88 F4 62 71 3D 25 CD 7C 72 76 8E 14 95 0B D1 8B
DEC - 3E 2E BA 24 FA 22 47 A0 00 0F A5 0E F7 B0 9C 32
If the above is done then I need to automate the HEX search and replace values from encdec.txt on the target encrypted file.
So the automation would check the line " ENC - 88 F4 62 71 3D 25 CD 7C 72 76 8E 14 95 0B D1 8B " and search for it on the targeted file and replace the values with hex values in "DEC - 3E 2E BA 24 FA 22 47 A0 00 0F A5 0E F7 B0 9C 32"
