Publish Windows Form application to ftp location - visual-studio

I'm using Visual Studio trying to publish my win form app to ftp location so that the users can download it using a link, and later my app could notify the users to update their application.
I have a shared windows website host, I just created a ftp user with full control over a sub-domain. I can access the sub domain successfully using filezill.
but after many hours I can't publish my test win form app. It give me this error
Failed to connect to '' with the following error:
Unable to create the Web site ''. Request denied for policy reasons.
what I've been missed?


Visual Studio 2017 Web publishing fails if user is non-admin while the same user can be used for VS2015 web publishing on the same web server

I am trying to publish a ASP.NET Core Web project to IIS (remote server) using a non-admin account using Visual Studio 2017 and I have the following error on deploy:
Starting Web deployment task from source:
to Destination: auto(). C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Error : Web deployment task failed. (Connected to the remote computer
("...") using the Web Management Service, but could
not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and
password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the
credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site.
Learn more at:
Make sure the site name, user name, and password are correct. If the
issue is not resolved, please contact your local or server
administrator. Error details: Connected to the remote computer
("...") using the Web Management Service, but could
not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and
password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the
credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site.
Learn more at:
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Publish
failed to deploy.
I have the following configuration for deployment:
Publish method = Web deploy
Server = servername:8172/msdeploy.axd
Site name = Default Web Site/CoreWithAngularTestApi
User name = username
Password = ******
The exact same configuration works when publishing a different application (ASP.NET MVC 5) under the same Web site (Default Web Site), so publishing configuration appears to be correct on the remote server.
Making username a local administrator unblocks the publishing process in Visual Studio 2017.
Also, publishing configuration files (*.pubxml) are virtually identical.
Event viewer on remote server catches the following error:
Only Windows Administrators are allowed to connect using a server
connection. Other users should use the 'Connect To Site or
Application' task to be able to connect.
Process:WMSvc User=username
Question: How can I enabled non-administration web publishing from Visual Studio 2017?
This issue has been fixed:
ASP.NET core project uses a different set of Publish targets (hence the change in behavior from MVC5). This project is available on GitHub -
I managed to figure out why the publish fails with non-admin user. Server setup is correct, but Visual Studio publishing seems to treat ASP.NET Core Web app deployment differently from ASP.NET MVC 5 one.
I had to explicitly specify web site name within the publishing profile xml file. So, instead of:
I put
<MSDeployServiceURL>servername:8172/msdeploy.axd?Site=Default Web Site</MSDeployServiceURL>
NOTE: This problem does not occur when publishing an MVC 5 project within VS2017.

Deploying RDL's through Visual Studio to an SSRS instance on Azure

I am running into an issue with my deployment of SSRS RDL report files to my report server instance which is running on Azure.
The error I get when I deploy my reports is:
I have confirmed that I am able to access the report service URL from my web browser(it brings up the FTP-style directory listing of reports) but still receive this error.
This leads me to believe that I am unable to deploy to this server because of a permissions issue however I am unsure if I am able work around this as I tried going on the report server and creating permissions for my username but since the SSRS instance is not on my work server's domain(its hosted on azure) how would I go about creating permissions for my windows workstation user account(using my corporate domain) on the Azure SSRS instance?
This is quite frustrating as everytime I wish to deploy report changes I must manually copy the RDLs to the report server and upload them using the SSRS web interface one by one.
Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!
According to documentation you'll have to do the steps listed below. This is called the classic deployment model, but they recommend using the Resource Manager instead:
Quoted from here:
SQL Server Data Tools: Remote: On your local computer, create a Reporting Services project in SQL Server Data Tools that contains Reporting Services reports. Configure the project to connect to the web service URL.
Create a .VHD hard drive that contains reports and then upload and attach the drive.
Create a .VHD hard drive on your local computer that contains your reports.
Create and install a management certificate.
Upload the VHD file to Azure using the Add-AzureVHD cmdlet Create and upload a Windows Server VHD to Azure.
Attach the disk to the virtual machine.

Visual studio debug access to external database

I have a question as to how the Visual Studio 2013 debug emulator for Web API works.
I had built a Web API project in Visual Studio 2013 to access a database on an external server. The code was built using VS2013's ASP.NET Web Application project template for a Web API application. Once built, running debug opened a browser window for localhost port 56618, which allowed access from Fiddler to test Http requests.
Once I had the project finished, I published it to a website using Web Deploy to IIS. However, whilst the page would open (now at localhost:9812), an http request would throw an Internal Server Error 500.
Perusing the IIS FailedReqLogFiles, I noticed that the reason that it was failing was that the database server was refusing access to '<Domain>\<machine-name>$'.
I added '<Domain>\<machine-name>$' as a valid login (windows authentication, as the connection string included "Integrated Security=true") on the sql instance with read and write privileges, and the problem was resolved.
The question is, why didn't the Visual Studio debug emulator have the same issue?
Because the emulator was running the website under the context of your own account (e.g. <Domain>\You). Your account had access to the database, so there was no issue.
When you published it to IIS, it started running under the context of a different account (<Domain>\Machine-Name - but there are other variants depending on how IIS is configured, and the version of IIS), which didn't have access to your database.

Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1)

I am getting this error message when i tried to host my mvc website on local IIS server on my PC . and tried to access it from my web browser.
Please help me how to get rid of this problem. I want to host my mvc3 website on my local IIS server
Check whether the user account that is running the application has read and write access to %temp% folder

IIS (w3wp.exe) runs with a User Name of the App Pool that doesn't belong to Users, Groups, or Built-in security principals

The Orchardcms Application works fine accept when trying to Install new modules using the module installer within the dashboard. I get this error below.
Install package failed
Package installation failed: There was an error installing the requested package. This can happen if the server does not have write access to the '~/Modules' or '~/Themes' folder of the web site. If the site is running in shared hosted environement, adding write access to these folders sometimes needs to be done manually through the Hoster control panel. Once Themes and Modules have been installed, it is recommended to remove write access to these folders.
It seems that the installed IIS 7 App Pool (Presumably installed with Orchard in Web Platform Installer) using ApplicationPoolIdentity. w3wp.exe runs with username orchardmain (this is what i named my application I could have left it to default orchard) Though the problem with this that I can't update my NTFS permissions for orchardmain as when trying to add a username in permissions it can't find any Users, Groups, or Built-in security principals with the name OrchardMain.
Is it best practise to change the App Pool to run under an User / Service Account that doesn't behave like this, or is there just a little thing i can do to get this working?
Try using IIS APPPOOL\OrchardMain as the object name when editing permissions.
See this blog post for details.
