Laravel return from controller and continue routing - laravel

I haven't found an answer whether it is possible to return from a Laravel controller back to routers and continue searching for another route. Or maybe, another approach would be useful to solve this:
The goal is to have blog articles with url following the domain name like this:
so, my route looks like this:
Route::get ('{articleUrl}', 'WEB\BlogController#showArticle');
However, if the article with the requested url doesn't exists, I would like to return back to the router and continue with searching another page. One solution might be to put this route to the end of the router. But, is there a way to return from the controller without a view?

I don't believe that's possible. Moreover, even if it were, I wouldn't recommend it -- your application would waste time searching the database for an article that doesn't exist, and it would go against the router's convention of matching a single route for a given URL.


How to return to another page after finishing process in Laravel?

This is a little bit hard to understand even the title I put. Sorry about that I just do not know how to clearly explain this, but I will try...
So for example I have a controller and inside that controller I have a function which return the data in the table of my database. then in the last column of every row, I make view,add,edit,delete options as links. When a user clicks on the add for example, they will redirect to an add page. After they submit the form of the add page. they should be redirected to the first page that return the data from the table. but the problem is, the variables of foreach loop in the first page do not got recognized by laravel anymore. because they do not got processed since the route does not goes to the controller and to the function that return the data instead it goes to add function.
So I want to know is there anyway to solve this? If you could provide sample code, I would appreciate a lot thanks
From your explanation, I believe the code to go back to the original page after adding, editing etc is simply return redirect()->back(). This will take the user back to the previous page. As for data continuity, one approach would be considering using sessions. They save data globally and can be accessed from any controller once saved. To do this, simply save the data with session(['session_name' => $data]) and to retrieve the data use session('session_name'). Let me know if this helps!
If you want ti redirect after something like a login or an activation process you can do it with something like this:
return redirect()->to('login')
You can specify the path from your web.php file as you can see in my example in 'myPath'
As #DerickMasai correctly pointed out it is better to use named routes instead of hard coding the path itself.
Naming a route can work like so:
Route::get('/login', [LoginController::class, 'index'])->name('login');

Route model binding, Provider, Middleware, constructor or function specific

In most projects, you often have a route where you have multiple params
And you want to make sure that comment 1 is part of posts 1.
You can do these multiple ways.
Abort_if() or Abort_unless()
Like this
abort_if($post->id != $comment->post_id, 403);
abort_unless($post->id == $comment->post_id, 403);
The con is that this needs to be at every controller function that interacts with both comment and post. A lot of repeating code. Not really that DRY
You could make a middleware that does this check, and place it on the desired route.
The con with this one, you'll need to place this at every route you need this, the same thing like the abort option.
Route model binding
This looks like the best option, a global way of querying from the posts model.
The con here, if you bind 'comment' to be always searched in the relation of posts then you will never be able to do
What are your thoughts? Can't really seem to find a best practice nor a definitive answer.

Interesting Laravel routing url problems

I've got (what is to me) an interesting url question.
This is my situation. I have what will be a user populated database, so I cannot be sure how many subareas I will have.
I will always have an area, one or more subareas, and a location that ends my url.
example: /area/subarea1/subarea2/location
This is slightly simplified from what I need. I need to be able to service the following urls as well;
My routes look something like this:
Route::get('area/{subarea1}', 'SubareaController#show');
Route::get('area/{subarea1}/{location}', 'LocationController#show');
Route::get('area/{subarea1}/{subarea2}', 'SubareaController#show2');
Route::get('area/{subarea1}/{subarea2}/{location}', 'LocationController#show2');
So the problem here is that my routes are overriding each other, because they are essentially the same.
My question is this. Is there any way to differentiate these routes when they have the same url structure? And if not, is there a better way to handle multiple subareas between an area, and a location?
Ok I've been tried naming my routes, but I can't seem to be able to use the named routes correctly with all my parameters in the view. I may look into the area/{subarea1}/subarea1/{subarea2}/subarea2 solution, even though I would rather not have the longer URL.
This happens because Laravel has no way to distinguish each route from the other. For example, it would route these 2 url's to the same action:
So you need different paths. Try this:
Route::get('area/subarea1/{subarea1}', 'SubareaController#show');
Route::get('area/subarea1/{subarea1}/location/{location}', 'LocationController#show');
Route::get('area/subarea1/{subarea1}/subarea2/{subarea2}', 'SubareaController#show2');
Route::get('area/subarea1/{subarea1}/subarea2/{subarea2}/location/{location}', 'LocationController#show2');

How to run single controller method from any route in Laravel 4

I really hope my question has been well thought out but here goes.
How do you implement something like
Route::get("/url1", "controller#method");
Route::get("hello/url1", "controller#method");
Route::get("hello/hi/url1", "controller#method");
in Laravel but using something like
Route::get("*/url1", "controller#method");
instead of declaring every route path?
I will explain why this problem has come up. You see the primary url is always changing because its being called from a js file via a location.href call. I could decide to use a primary url variable but its to be deployed via intranet to different servers in organizations and the primary url could change at any time meaning that localhost/project on one system might become localhost:7987/project on another thus breaking the url variable, now thats on one part. On the other hand there are js functions running continuously and when someone navigates to a deeper url, say from localhost/home to localhost/home/event a route call that should be independent of folder breaks
So yeah, I am wondering if theres a way to declare a global route that points to a controller and/or if this is possible in Laravel.
Try this:
Route::get('{something}/url1', 'controller#method')->where('something', '*');
Not sure if that will work, but the idea is that you can use where to pass some Regexp to match selected value from route.

MVC Routing Engine routes same formatted route to different controller actions

Okay, I did my homework and search SO, and indeed I found similar questions but not reporting the behavior I'm getting.
Here is the deal, I have defined a route:
routes.MapRoute("CategoryName", "Category/Name/{text}",
new { controller = "Category", action = "Name", text = "" });
The twist here is the following:
This url:
And this url:
Both url's should go to the same controller method which is public ActionResult Name(string text) but sadly the first url is going to the default Index method, the second is being routed correctly.
I wonder why this happens, as I've been with .net mvc for several years and never experienced this behavior.
As a side note here are some facts:
As it's being route to different methods, I doubt the code inside them has something to do with it.
When manually write the category to something it doesn't exists in the DB as a category name it goes through the Name method.
The routes are placed correctly, as I'm aware the first route that matches the pattern will win.
Even I tried place the CategoryName route first, the behavior is the same.
When writing each link in the Category/Index I use the same #Html.RouteLink() helper, so all the links are formatted the same way.
Thanks in advance!
Are you using the - sign in the failing route?
Maybe you can find more information with the Routing debugger
And maybe you can look at this question: Failing ASP.NET MVC route. Is this a bug or corner case?
Phil Haack also give an possible answer to your problem in: ASP.NET routing: Literal sub-segment between tokens, and route values with a character from the literal sub-segment
