Odoo 8 strange behavious using new api to inherit old api model - odoo-8

I added two fields to stock.picking using new api:
class StockPicking(models.Model):
_inherit = "stock.picking"
address = fields.Char(related='partner_id.street', string="Address")
sector = fields.Char(related="partner_id.sector", string="Sector")
Then I added onchange method to load stock pickings in One2Many field defined using tree:
<field name="line_ids" >
<field name="name" />
<field name="partner_id" />
<field name="address"/>
<field name="sector"/>
<field name="state" />
I used a simple domain with search [('id', '<', '10')] then I changed line_ids value but no line was loaded in the web view.
After many times trying to find a log error with no success I changed the code from the new API to the old API:
class StockPicking(osv.osv):
_inherit = "stock.picking"
_columns = {
'address': fields.related('partner_id', 'street', type='char', relation='res.partner', string='Address'),
'sector': fields.related('partner_id', 'sector', type='many2one', relation='sector', string='Sector')
For a reason that I do not know It worked.
Did someone know why this did not work using the new API?


Odoo duplicate many2many fields

A model [m] with a many2many field [m2m]
Field [m2m] have attribute [copy=False]
A form view [v] display the [m] and the field [m2m] with widget [many2many_tags]
I have tested that the python object did return a with False on field [m2m]
but the javascript, keep render the tags on web.
class model(models.Model):
_name = "m"
m2m = fields.Many2many('sale.order', string="SO", copy=False)
XML File
<record ...>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="ref"/>
<field name="so_m2m" widget="many2many_tags" options="{'no_create_edit': True}"/>
When I duplicate the current record, the field [m2m] is keeps the old tag from old record which is not expected.
After clicking the save button, the old tag will disappear.
Try one thing here :
Whatever your third table is there, both fields used in many2many relation, from third table keep them as a copy false.
m2m = fields.Many2many('sale.order','sale_order_another_table_rel', 'sale_order_field','antother_table_field', string="SO", copy=False)
Into new table :
_name = 'sale.order.another.table.rel'
sale_order_field_id = // copy=false
another_table_field_id = //copy = false
Hopefully work.

default_get records from data file

how can i pre load records from data by default_get method.
i have data file with this kind of records data/project_data.xml
<record id="project_document_type_gal" model="project.part.template">
<field name="code">ŪK</field>
<field name="sequence">49</field>
<field name="group_id" ref="project_custom.project_document_kv"/>
<field name="description">UK (UK)</field>
<record id="project_document_type_sem" model="project.part.template">
<field name="code">SEM</field>
<field name="sequence">50</field>
<field name="group_id" ref="project_custom.project_document_kv"/>
<field name="description">SEM (SEM)</field>
class ProjectPartTemplate(models.Model):
_name = 'project.part.template'
_inherit = 'project.object'
class ProjectObject(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'project.object'
_rec_name = 'code'
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')
code = fields.Char('Code', required=True)
description = fields.Char(required=True)
project_default_stage = fields.Boolean(
'Default for new projects',
help='Will be used for new projects', default=True)
and wizard.
class ProjectPartWizard(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'project.part.wizard'
_description = 'Part wizard'
part_ids = fields.Many2many('project.part')
def default_get(self, fields_list):
result = super(ProjectPartWizard, self).default_get(fields_list)
part_ids = []
if self._context.get('active_model') == 'project.project':
project = self.env['project.project'].browse(
project and part_ids.extend(project.project_part_ids.ids)
# TODO load all part from template
result.update(part_ids=[(6, 0, part_ids)])
return result
<xpath expr="//field[#name='task_count']/.." position="before">
<button string="Generate Parts" class="oe_stat_button"
type="action" icon="fa-th">
here is button
so there is a templates and i need to that all templates would be in wizard pre-loaded when i open it. how can i do it with default_get

Unable to use related field in domain filter

Field declaration in odoo v8, team_manager is a new class:
class team_manager(osv.osv):
_name = "team.manager"
_columns = {
'is_manager': fields.related('manager_id', 'manager', type='boolean', relation="hr.employee", string='Managers', readonly=True, store=True)
The xml file code for 'Form View'
<separator string="Team Work" attrs="{'invisible':[('is_manager','=',False)]}"/>
<field name="child_line" context="{'manager_id':id}" attrs="{'invisible':[('is_manager','=',False)]}">
<tree editable="=top">
<field name="employee_id"/>...
While opening the form I am getting the error like
Odoo Client Error
Error: Unknown field is_manager in domain [["is_manager","=",false]]
Can't we use related filed in domain? or Does my syntax need changes?
You need to add is_manager field to the form view.
Add the following line before child_line field:
<field name="is_manager" invisible="True"/>

SharePoint 2013 customize custom field filter

I've created a custom field in SharePoint 2013.
<Field Name="TypeName">CrossSiteLookupField</Field>
<Field Name="ParentType">Text</Field>
<Field Name="TypeDisplayName">Cross-Site Lookup Field</Field>
<Field Name="TypeShortDescription"> Cross-Site Lookup Field </Field>
<Field Name="UserCreatable">TRUE</Field>
<Field Name="ShowOnColumnTemplateCreate">TRUE</Field>
<Field Name="ShowOnListCreate">TRUE</Field>
<Field Name="ShowOnDocumentLibraryCreate">TRUE</Field>
<Field Name="ShowOnSurveyCreate">FALSE</Field>
<Field Name="ShowInFileDlg">FALSE</Field>
<Field Name="Sortable">TRUE</Field>
<Field Name="Filterable">TRUE</Field>
<Field Name="AllowBaseTypeRendering">FALSE</Field>
<Field Name="CAMLRendering">TRUE</Field>
<Field Name="AllowGridEditing">FALSE</Field>
<Field Name="FieldTypeClass">CrossSiteLookupField.CrossSiteLookupField,$SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$</Field>
<Field Name="FieldEditorUserControl">/_controltemplates/15/CrossSiteLookupFieldAdminTemplate.ascx</Field>
My CrossSiteLookupField class inherits from SPFieldText. The method 'public override string GetValidatedString(object value)' returns e.g. '4;#Test' (like a SPFieldLookup). Now the filter shows '4;#Test' but I would like the have 'Test' displayed only.
The second question is: If I have a multivalue separated with '; ', I would like to have two filter rows.
The functionality should be equal to Lookup and LookupMulti.
How can I do this?
I had the same problem.
You can change the Filter.aspx page in C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ microsoft shared \ Web Server Extensions \ 15 \ TEMPLATE \ LAYOUTS.
This page creates the option of select the filter.
Adding the javascript you can change these options.
With this code:
$(document).ready(function ()
var presentText;
$("select > options").each(function ()
var originalText = $(this).text();
if (originalText.indexOf("#") >= 0)
var textElement = originaltext;
if (textElement == presentText)
else {
var newText = originalText.substring(2, originalText.indexOf("#", 2));
if (newText == "")
newText = "Empty";
if (originalText.indexOf("true") >= 0)
newText += "(Validated)";
newText += "(not valid)";
presentText = textElement;
Edit the voices of the filters:
original option
to :
modified option

SOLR sort is not working

Adding sort criteria to SOLR query. First to sort by department_sortable and then by productname_sortable. Does get sorted by department_sortable but not by productname_sortable.
private List<SortField> getSortParameters() {
List<SortField> sortFields = new ArrayList<SortField>();
sortFields.add(generateSortField("department_sortable", SortDirection.ASC));
sortFields.add(generateSortField("productname_sortable", SortDirection.ASC));
return sortFields;
<field name="productname_sortable" type="text" indexed="true" stored="false" />
<field name="department_sortable" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="false"/>
<copyField source="productname" dest="productname_sortable"/>
<copyField source="department" dest="department_sortable"/>
I think, there is only one sort field is set to solrQuery. You can add multiple sort fields by using SolrQuery#addSortFieldMethod
solrQuery.addSortField( "department_sortable", org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.ORDER.asc );
solrQuery.addSortField( "productname_sortable",org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.ORDER.asc );
solrQuery.addOrUpdateSort( "department_sortable", org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.ORDER.asc );
Related post Sorting solr search results using multiple fields (solrj)
`solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause("department_sortable", "asc"));
solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause("productname_sortable", "asc"));`
`solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause("department_sortable", "asc"));
solrQuery.addSortField(new SortClause("productname_sortable", "asc"));`
solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause("department_sortable", "asc"));
solrQuery.addSortField("productname_sortable", "asc");
