Hi I want to format date (05/07/2018 17:04:00) to (20180507) inside jmeter. Please help me.using some sampler. I need to use the date variable to make another JSON call.
You can do this using any suitable JSR223 Test Element and Groovy language like:
vars.put('date', Date.parse('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss', '05/07/2018 17:04:00').format('yyyyMMdd'))
After that you can access converted date as ${date} or ${__V(date)} where required
Add a BeanShell Sampler with the below code in the code area:
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.DateFormat;
SimpleDateFormat source = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
SimpleDateFormat target = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
Date date = source.parse(vars.get("C_ticketcreatedate"));
String newDate = target.format(date);
vars.put("NewDate", newDate);
Now you can use the new date format like this ${NewDate}
You can use Jmeter __time() function to format the date and time .
in your case use ${__time(yyyymmdd,)} to generate the date
enter image description here
For More information
Jmeter __time Function
You can follow this Blogs for information on JMeter
The above code is not working. From the response I am getting as 17-Apr-2020 needs to change as 17/04/2020 and send to the corresponding request.
import java.text.DateFormat;
SimpleDateFormat source = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-YYYY");
SimpleDateFormat target = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/YYYY");
Date date = source.parse(vars.get("C_Date"));
log.info("Date value="+date);
String newDate = target.format(date);
log.info("newDate value="+newDate);
vars.put("NewDate", newDate);][1]][1]
I have used below code to log values to CSV. With this code I am not able to get header names, it directly logging values to firstname, lastname without header. I am expecting the output file with header and values. For example: Can some please let me know whats missing
firstname lastname
Test Jmeter
firstNameoutput = vars.get(“firstName”)
lastNameoutput = vars.get(“lastName”)
resultPath = vars.get(“resultsheetFilePath”)
FileOutputStream file= new FileOutputStream(resultPath, true);
PrintStream printOutputData = new PrintStream(file);
Var responseCode=prev.getResponseCode();
If (responseCode.equals(“200”){
Just write firstname and lastname as the first line of the CSV file somewhere in setUp Thread Group.
As since JMeter 3.1 Groovy is the recommended scripting option add a JSR223 Sampler to the setUp Thread group and put the following code there:
new File(vars.get('resultsheetFilePath')).text = 'firstname,lastname' + System.getProperty('line.separator')
This will create the file with the header at the beginning of the test and you can write the values later.
I'm new in elastic and I need work with date in update-by-query script.
I have docs with field expire which is mapped as date.
I try in my script in update-by-query:
SimpleDateFormat expire = new SimpleDateFormat(\"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss Z\", Locale.getDefault());
long expireTime = expire.parse(ctx._source.expire).getTime();
But there is error: Unparseable date: "2017-07-21T11:19:42+02:00"
Is there a different way, how got date object or UNIX timestamp?
Or is there a way how got mapped formats instead of strings in update-by-query?
Thank you.
There's some documentation on working with dates in scripts. Just do this and it will work:
long expireTime = ZonedDateTime.parse(ctx._source.expire).toInstant().toEpochMilli()
I want to convert the com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate object returned by the API to yyyy-MM-dd format. How can I do that?
I tried below code but it is not working for com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate-
#JsonFormat(shape=JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern="yyyy-MM-dd")
String date;
I am not sure how you can do it using annotation but below is one way of explicitly converting com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate to yyyy-MM-dd format -
java.util.Date dateObj = new java.util.Date(localDate.getMillisSinceEpoch());
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String date = sdf.format(dateObj);
I am using laravel 5.0. I am getting data from controller as json. I am having value like this.
I need to convert this unix timestamp value as Normal Date Like (15-06-2015) or (15-March-2015).
I have used Date(timstamp_date) but it is showing current time only. Not my timstamp date
You could use:
date("d-m-Y H:i:s", 1434360957);
You could try;
var dateTime = new Date(1434360957*1000);
var formatted = dateTime.toGMTString();
Use the date function. You need to specify the format as the first parameter:
date("d-m-Y", $timestamp_date)
Laravel also comes with Carbon you could use that if you wanted to for further manipulation of the data if you so required it.
We have some data in a DataTable and we are using the query like this to get what we need.
IEnumerable<Results> subResult = from query in datatable.AsEnumerable()
select new Results
Name = query.Field<string>("Name"),
Date = query.Field<DateTime?>("Date")
This above query returns what i need but date in full format (Ex: m/dd/yyyy hh:min:sec am/pm) but we need only date part of it(only mm/dd/yyyy need to be pulled in). When looked in the properties of this, couldn't find an implicit way to get it, please help me in getting this result. Thanks.
The DateTime class has all the properties you just mentioned. You should try to fix your display with the ToString("anyformatyouwant") formats.
What about this?
Date = query.Field<DateTime?>("Date").Date
This will give you just the date part:
IEnumerable<Results> sub-result= from query in datatable.AsEnumerable()
where new Results
Name = query.Field<string>("Name"),
Date = query.Field<DateTime?>("Date").Date
However if you just want to display the date somewhere (meaning you're not using this to do date grouping, etc. then I would just specify the display format in your UI layer.
AFAIK there is no Date Class in .net, if you want pure date you should write a Class for that, otherwise you can pull out the part as a string
gives you the current date in string type, but if you get the .Date part it gives you a DateTime object which still has a time part showing AM 12:00:00:0 blah blah