In spring should you create beans for existing classes? - spring

I'm creating a spring application and I want to use an unaltered instance of SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler for use in my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class
Is it acceptable to use new SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler in this instance or should I create a bean in my appconfig to return the class? I feel like I should do it via Bean but I can't explain to my colleague exactly why this is.
.failureHandler(new SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler())
//in appconfig
public FailureHandler failureHandler() {
return new SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler();
//back in the class
FailureHandler failureHandler

It may be acceptable, but using a bean enables: declaring it once and injecting it into several clients, hides the decision of which implementation is being used from the web security configuration, and allows for mocking in tests. Whether these concerns apply to your application is up to debate with your colleagues.


How to Fix Could not autowire. No beans of error in Spring Boot

How can I solve this error. I'm New to Spring-boot
As I can see the spring unable to find the bean UserDetailsServiceImpl, there might be couple of reason for it.
First, you might forgot to put #Service annotation on top of the class UserDetailsServiceImpl. Also, as the context is about Spring security so make sure that this class UserDetailsServiceImpl must implement the interface UserDetailsService
public class UserDetailsServiceImpl implements UserDetailsService {
Second, spring might be unable to scan this folder. So make sure spring IOC must scan this package while intialization and configure the bean.
In order to #Autowired a bean instance, a class should be decorated with Spring stereotype annotation like #Component, #Service, #Repository, #Controller or #Indexed. Just by decorating the class with one of these role annotations, you can use #Autowired to bind with the instance.
Otherwise, if none of these annotations are used, your class instances, you have to manually registered to the BeanFactory like this;
public class SomeClass {
public UserDetailsServiceImpl userDetailsService() {
return new UserDetailsServiceImpl()
This answer just talk about your specific question, but you get to find out why #Configuration is used in preceeding example. Define scopes for bindings, singleton (one instance for the application) is the default scope in Spring, you should define scopes for beans if they should be in different scope on your requirements.

Spring MVC #Value/#ConfigurationProperties working on MainConfig but not on SecurityConfig

I have a simple Spring MVC 5 project, with security layer enabled. Everything works good except the properties loading, only on Security Config.
I let you the scenario so you can see it. (located at src/main/resources)
public class MainConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
private String prop;
public MySpecialBean mySpecialBean() {
System.out.println(prop); // output > myprop
return new MySpecialBean();
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private String prop;
public MySpecialSecurityBean mySpecialSecurityBean() {
System.out.println(prop); // output > null
return new MySpecialSecurityBean();
I don't understand why it's happening. I already switched the #EnableWebSecurity annotation to the app class, try to set the PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer myself, but nothing works.
Do you have any idea what's going on?
From official docs about #PropertySource:
Resolving ${...} placeholders in <bean> and #Value annotations
In order to resolve ${...} placeholders in definitions or #Value annotations using properties from a PropertySource, you must ensure that an appropriate embedded value resolver is registered in the BeanFactory used by the ApplicationContext. This happens automatically when using in XML. When using #Configuration classes this can be achieved by explicitly registering a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer via a static #Bean method. Note, however, that explicit registration of a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer via a static #Bean method is typically only required if you need to customize configuration such as the placeholder syntax, etc. See the "Working with externalized values" section of #Configuration's javadocs and "a note on BeanFactoryPostProcessor-returning #Bean methods" of #Bean's javadocs for details and examples.
You should try to add annotation #PropertySource into the your config class.
public class MainConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {}
and then try to access your property in SecurityConfig class
To get full information see official docs
I hope it will help you
This works for me.
I guess you have another class that triggers the application and that is annotated with #SpringBootApplication
Also, your methods mySpecialBean do not return a MySpecialBean instance, so this probably does not even compile.
Is there any other class that you are using? Please advice
Finally got it!
The problem was related with some dependency priorities and unnecessary beans declarations. Getting into details, I'm working with OAuht2 and I started with this tutorial. In the end I've made a mix with this one too (more recent). The problem was related with these #Bean's that don't really need to be declared as beans:
Spring was calling these beans before any other configuration, so any properties was not loaded yet. Maybe changing the priority, dependence or even the order would resolve the issue, but as I was analysing the code I found that these methods are only used on security configuration and not really needed along any other part of the app. So I removed the #Bean declaration and all works nice now! At the time these methods are called inside security config the properties are already loaded.
Hope to help someone out there.

Spring #configure annotation usage without bean definitions

I have some experience with spring dependency injection and transaction management but I am new to spring security. When i was reading an article related to spring security, I found that #Configuration annotation is used in an example but there were no bean definitions to be found.
According to my understanding, #Configuration annotation is used in classes which contain bean definitions. I need to know that what does the #Configuration annotation do in this example.
public class ApplicationSecurity extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
DataSource dataSource;
... // web stuff here
public configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder) {
Thank you
It's not mandatory to have Bean definitions in Spring managed classes.
In this case #Configuration (which wraps #Component) is used to indicate to Spring that this class should be instantiated and all it's dependencies should be injected - in this case that's DataSource and AuthenticationManagerBuilder. This is an example of Inversion of Control principle.
Spring also provides these ConfigurerAdapter hook points, where you can tweak the default configuration of an already instantiated component.
This is exactly what is happening in your Configuration class.

Spring Security - conditional WebApplicationInitializer

The documentation for Spring Security states that in order to use the Java Config we can extend the AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer class which will set up all nesesarry beans for Spring Security to work. This approach is working fine, the initializer is run automatically and Spring Security is initialized correctly during application startup.
But right now i am facing a scenario when this initialization should be depended on a system property. So i would like to include my initializer class only when some system property is set (for example: app.enablesecurity=true) and NOT execute this initializer in any other case.
I failed to come up with any solution for that scenario because:
In AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer the onStartup method is
marked final so i cannot override it and add a condition
If i just extend AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer it is
always automatically picked up by Spring and instantiated (or at least Spring tries to create instance of it, it may fail), even if i
declare it as a private/inner/nested class.
So as far as i know the only possibility of conditionally including this initializer is to use cglib/javassist in order to dynamically create a class that extends AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer.
Is there any other way? Maybe there is some method that will allow me to hide my implementation from being picked up by Spring and run it by hand at a later time?
You can use Config Class like this to configure your security behavior
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private boolean securityEnabled;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
if (securityEnabled) {
} else {
http. ...

Spring: how AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext could not overwrite later beans?

I have a web application that use Sring IoC framework.
I use the Java configuration for Spring, and I only use #Configuration annoted module definition (no DI related tags elsewhere in the code).
The Spring registry is built on web application start-up thanks to (a bit modified version of) Spring context loader listener, and the contextConfigLocation param in web.xml configured to point to the #Configuration annotated class.
All that is good and I get a AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext.
Now, I want to have plugins in my application, that will have their own #Configuration annotated configuration classes, and will use some of the main application services. BUT I don't want to have main application to be modified to load these new modules.
So, I thought that I could simply use the package searching of annotated class for that, but now, it seems that I can use two beans with the same type, even if they have different ids, and clearly AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext doc states that:
Note: In case of multiple #Configuration classes, later #Bean definitions will override ones defined in earlier loaded files. This can be leveraged to deliberately override certain bean definitions via an extra Configuration class.
I don't want that, because modules should be able to contribute alternative version of services, not (alwways) override existing one - especcially if I want to have a "moduleDef" bean.
I tried to use differents approach on that, but the hierachy of Context and related services is just to big for me.
So, does anybody know how I could reach my goal ?
You can have multiple beans of the same type, but You cannot have 2 or more beans with the same ID in a single Spring ApplicationContext - no matter if You use XML or JavaConfig.
The overriding mechanism matches the bean ID's, so all You need to do is to ensure unique ID, i.e.: coreModuleDef, someOtherModuleDef, anotherModuleDef. I don't think You need the ID of each module definition to be identical? What should be sufficient is the type to be the same, but not ID.
You can also turn off the overriding mechanism by setting allowBeanDefinitionOverriding to false on Your AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext to get an exception if You accidentally override a bean:
public class MyDispatcherServlet extends DispatcherServlet {
protected void postProcessWebApplicationContext(
ConfigurableWebApplicationContext wac) {
((AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext) wac)
public class MyContextLoaderListener extends ContextLoaderListener {
protected void customizeContext(
ServletContext servletContext,
ConfigurableWebApplicationContext applicationContext) {
((AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext) wac)
