Assembling some code out-of-line with nasm macros - performance

Consider a nasm macro that is used to inject some assembly whenever it is called, in this case to test whether the passed argument is equal to 42:
%macro special_handler_if_42 1
cmp 42, %1
jne %%skip
; some additional assembly to handle the %1 == 42 case
push %1
push 42
call some_func
In the case it is equal we perform some additional action, otherwise we just continue with the code following the macro. So far, so good.
Now I want to write the macro in a way that's functionally identical, except that the "equals 42" case, which happens to be very rare, is moved "out of line", so that the fall-through (no jump) case is the default one, something like (not shown in macro form now):
cmp 42, rax
je equals_42
; the rest of the code that follows the macro
; somewhere outside the current function
push rax
push 42
call some_func
jmp jump_back
This will be more efficient at execution time and also potentially conserve i-cache space. I'm not sure how to write a macro with a non-local effect like that. Ideas welcome.

If you don't mind splitting the macro into two macros, one performing the test and one handling the assertion, then you can use NASM's context stack.
I imagined a system of macros of the form assert_XXX that are all pretty similar and perform specific tests.
A single assertions_handler past the end of the function will generate any handler needed.
Since this system uses the context stack, you should be able to use it multiple times for different functions.
Basically, each assert_XXX function will push a context on the stack and the assertions_handler will consume them all.
assert_XXX will also define context local macros argX to pass its argument to the handler, so there is no need to hardcode anything.
%macro assert_not_equal 2
;Create and push a new context (The name is optional but goodpractice)
%push assert_equal_ctx
%define %$arg1 %1
%define %$arg2 %2
cmp %1, %2
je %$handler
%macro assert_greater 2
%push assert_greater_ctx
%define %$arg1 %1
%define %$arg2 %2
cmp %1, %2
jbe %$handler
%macro assertions_handler 0
%rep 1000
%ifctx assert_equal_ctx
push %$arg1
push %$arg2
call somefunc
jmp %$jump_back
%pop assert_equal_ctx
%elifctx assert_greater_ctx
push %$arg1
push %$arg2
call somefunc2
%pop assert_greater_ctx
assert_not_equal rax, 5
assert_greater rax, 8
; Handler functions
The maximum number of assertions per function is set to 1000, you can increment it up to 262.


Cannot modify data segment register. When tried General Protection Error is thrown

I have been trying to create an ISR handler following this
tutorial by James Molloy but I got stuck. Whenever I throw a software interrupt, general purpose registers and the data segment register is pushed onto the stack with the variables automatically pushed by the CPU. Then the data segment is changed to the value of 0x10 (Kernel Data Segment Descriptor) so the privilege levels are changed. Then after the handler returns those values are poped. But whenever the value in ds is changed a GPE is thrown with the error code 0x2544 and after a few seconds the VM restarts. (linker and compiler i386-elf-gcc , assembler nasm)
I tried placing hlt instructions in between instructions to locate which instruction was throwing the GPE. After that I was able to find out that the the `mov ds,ax' instruction. I tried various things like removing the stack which was initialized by the bootstrap code to deleting the privilege changing parts of the code. The only way I can return from the common stub is to remove the parts of my code which change the privilege levels but as I want to move towards user mode I still want them to stay.
Here is my common stub:
pusha ; Pushes edi,esi,ebp,esp,ebx,edx,ecx,eax
xor eax,eax
mov ax, ds ; Lower 16-bits of eax = ds.
push eax ; save the data segment descriptor
mov ax, 0x10 ; load the kernel data segment descriptor
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
call isr_handler
xor eax,eax
pop eax
mov ds, ax ; This is the instruction everything fails;
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
My ISR handler macros:
extern isr_handler
global isr%1 ; %1 accesses the first parameter.
push byte 0
push %1
jmp isr_common_stub
%macro ISR_ERRCODE 1
global isr%1
push byte %1
jmp isr_common_stub
My C handler which results in "Received interrupt: 0xD err. code 0x2544"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <isr.h>
#include <tty.h>
void isr_handler(registers_t regs) {
printf("ds: %x \n" ,regs.ds);
printf("Received interrupt: %x with err. code: %x \n", regs.int_no, regs.err_code);
And my main function:
void kmain(struct multiboot *mboot_ptr) {
descinit(); // Sets up IDT and GDT
ttyinit(TTY0); // Sets up the VGA Framebuffer
asm volatile ("int $0x1"); // Triggers a software interrupt
printf("Wow"); // After that its supposed to print this
As you can see the code was supposed to output,
ds: 0x10
Received interrupt: 0x1 with err. code: 0
but results in,
ds: 0x10
Received interrupt: 0xD with err. code: 0x2544
ds: 0x10
Received interrupt: 0xD with err. code: 0x2544
Which goes on until the VM restarts itself.
What am I doing wrong?
The code isn't complete but I'm going to guess what you are seeing is a result of a well known bug in James Molloy's OSDev tutorial. The OSDev community has compiled a list of known bugs in an errata list. I recommend reviewing and fixing all the bugs mentioned there. Specifically in this case I believe the bug that is causing problems is this one:
Problem: Interrupt handlers corrupt interrupted state
This article previously told you to know the ABI. If you do you will
see a huge problem in the interrupt.s suggested by the tutorial: It
breaks the ABI for structure passing! It creates an instance of the
struct registers on the stack and then passes it by value to the
isr_handler function and then assumes the structure is intact
afterwards. However, the function parameters on the stack belongs to
the function and it is allowed to trash these values as it sees fit
(if you need to know whether the compiler actually does this, you are
thinking the wrong way, but it actually does). There are two ways
around this. The most practical method is to pass the structure as a
pointer instead, which allows you to explicitly edit the register
state when needed - very useful for system calls, without having the
compiler randomly doing it for you. The compiler can still edit the
pointer on the stack when it's not specifically needed. The second
option is to make another copy the structure and pass that
The problem is that the 32-bit System V ABI doesn't guarantee that data passed by value will be unmodified on the stack! The compiler is free to reuse that memory for whatever purposes it chooses. The compiler probably generated code that trashed the area on the stack where DS is stored. When DS was set with the bogus value it crashed. What you should be doing is passing by reference rather than value. I'd recommend these code changes in the assembly code:
mov ax, ds
push eax
mov ax, 0x10 ;0x10
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
push esp ; At this point ESP is a pointer to where GS (and the rest
; of the interrupt handler state resides)
; Push ESP as 1st parameter as it's a
; pointer to a registers_t
call irq_handler
pop ebx ; Remove the saved ESP on the stack. Efficient to just pop it
; into any register. You could have done: add esp, 4 as well
pop ebx
mov ds, bx
mov es, bx
mov fs, bx
mov gs, bx
add esp, 8
And then modify irq_handler to use registers_t *regs instead of registers_t regs :
void irq_handler(registers_t *regs) {
if (regs->int_no >= 40) port_byte_out(0xA0, 0x20);
port_byte_out(0x20, 0x20);
if (interrupt_handlers[regs->int_no] != 0) {
klog("ISR: Unhandled IRQ%u!\n", regs->int_no);
I'd actually recommend each interrupt handler take a pointer to registers_t to avoid unnecessary copying. If your interrupt handlers and the interrupt_handlers array used function that took registers_t * as the parameter (instead of registers_t) then you'd modify the code:
to be:
Important: You have to make these same type of changes for your ISR handlers as well. Both the IRQ and ISR handlers and associated code have this same problem.

setting a breakpoint in a specific offset inside a function with 'gdb'

I am trying to set a breakpoint to with 'gdb'.
From here I understood how to break specific line of function.
But I want to break specific offset of function.
0xb7eecfa8 <error+184> mov eax, dword ptr [ebx - 0x40]
0xb7eecfae <error+190> sub esp, 4
0xb7eecfb1 <error+193> push dword ptr [eax]
gdb> break error+184
Function "error+184" not defined.
Is there any command to break on 0xb7eecfa8 <error+184>?
(except for just typing b *0xb7eecfa8)
Is there any command to break on <error+184>
Both of these appear to do what you want:
b *(&error+184)
b *(error+184)

How to properly use PUSH and POP

I have a code that has 3 procedures, one to get an input from the user, one to display a multiplication result, and lastly one for an error message. I am trying to implement the PUSH and POP operations and get my code in to the stack. It will seem long but it makes sense to me, here it is...
line BYTE "The answer is ",0
line2 BYTE "Enter a number",0
kline3 BYTE Wrong.",0
int SWORD ?
call ReadInt
mov int,edx
cmp int, 10000
jl 1
jmp end
L1: cmp intVal1, -10000
jg 2
call error
jmp end
2: ret
main PROC
call Val
call Val
imul val, val
main ENDP
END main
All this simply does it call to get 2 inputs twice and then call to display the the multiplied result. My question is how do you implement push and pop in to here to have it all make sense?
I would assume that you need to push in the GetValue procedure to put in input in to the stack and then pop it after each call in the main procedure and maybe do the same with the display procedure?
I am just struggling to figure it out so any help would be great!
PS. This code is an asm file in visual studio 2010
Your first call to GetValue stores its result in intVal. But then your second call to GetValue also stores its result in intVal, so the first result is forever lost.
Your MultiplyAndDisplay function expects one of the operands in intVal, and the other operand in eax. So, what you need to do is push [intVal] after the first call to GetValue, and pop eax after the second call to GetValue.
Note that the square brackets in push [intVal] are in some notation that actually makes sense, but if I remember correctly the microsoft assembler does not support that notation which actually makes sense, so you might have to code push intVal instead, or push dword ptr intVal, or something nonsensical like that to get it to work.
Because your question is tagged MASM, this is a MASM answer:
Your code can be restructured in a way that uses the MASM directive PROC with parameters and the INVOKE directive for parameter passing:
MultiplyAndDisplay PROC val1: SDWORD, val2: SDWORD
mov eax, val1
imul eax, val2 ; signed multiply of val1 by val2
mov edx, OFFSET prompt
call WriteString ; Writes the prompt in edx
call WriteDec ; Writes the value in eax
MultiplyAndDisplay ENDP
main PROC
call GetValue
push [intVal] ; PUSH firstParam to the stack
call GetValue
pop eax ; POP previous param/intVal to EAX
invoke MultiplyAndDisplay, eax, intVal ; MultiplyAndDisplay, firstParam(EAX), secondParam(intVal)
main ENDP

Piping into SET /P fails due to uninitialised data pointer?

Supposing we have got a text file sample.txt:
Now we want to remove the first line:
A quick way to do that is to use input redirection, set /P and findstr1 (I know there are other ways using more or for /F, but let us forget about them for now):
#echo off
< "sample.txt" (
set /P =""
findstr "^"
The output is going to be as expected.
However, why is the output empty when I replace the input redirection < by type and a pipe | :
#echo off
type "sample.txt" | (
set /P =""
findstr "^"
When I replace set /P ="" by pause > nul, the output is what I expect -- the input file is output but with the first character of the first line missing (as it is consumed by pause). But why does set /P seem to consume everything instead of only the first line like it does with the redirection < approach? Is that a bug?
To me it looks like set /P fails to adequately initialise the reading pointer to the piped data.
I watched that strange behaviour on Windows 7 and on Windows 10.
It becomes even more weird: when calling the script containing the pipe multiple times, for instance by a loop like for /L %I in (1,1,1000) do #pipe.bat, and the input file contains about fifteen lines or more, sometimes (a few times out of thousand) a fragment of the input file is returned; that fragment is exactly the same each time; it seems that there are always 80 bytes missing at the beginning.
1) findstr hangs in case the last line is not terminated by a line-break, so let us assume such is there.
When retrieving data, the set /p tries to fill a 1023 character buffer (if they are available) with data from stdin. Once this read operation has ended, the first end of line is searched and once it has been found (or the end of the buffer has been reached), the SetFilePointer API is called to reposition the input stream pointer after the end of the read line. This way the next read operation will start to retreive data after the read line.
This works flawlessly when a disk file is associated with the input stream, but as Microsoft states in the SetFilePointer documentation
The hFile parameter must refer to a file stored on a seeking device;
for example, a disk volume. Calling the SetFilePointer function with a
handle to a non-seeking device such as a pipe or a communications
device is not supported, even though the SetFilePointer function may
not return an error. The behavior of the SetFilePointer function in
this case is undefined.
What is happening is that, while not generating any error, the call to reposition the read pointer fails when stdin is associated with a pipe, the pointer is not moved back and the 1023 bytes (or the number of available read bytes) keep read.
edited in response to Aacini request
The set command is processed by the eSet function, who calls SetWork to determine which type of set command will be executed.
As it is a set /p the SetPromptUser function is called and from this function the ReadBufFromInput function is called
add esp, 0Ch
lea eax, [ebp+var_80C]
push eax ; int
push 3FFh ; int
lea eax, [ebp+Value]
push eax ; int
xor esi, esi
push 0FFFFFFF6h ; nStdHandle
mov word ptr [ebp+Value], si
call edi ; GetStdHandle(x) ; GetStdHandle(x)
push eax ; hFile
call _ReadBufFromInput#16 ; ReadBufFromInput(x,x,x,x)
it requests 3FFh (1023) characters from standard input handle (0FFFFFFF6h = -10 = STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
ReadBufFromInput uses the GetFileType API to determine if it should read from the console or from a file
; Attributes: bp-based frame
; int __stdcall ReadBufFromInput(HANDLE hFile, int, int, int)
_ReadBufFromInput#16 proc near
hFile= dword ptr 8
mov edi, edi
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push [ebp+hFile] ; hFile
call ds:__imp__GetFileType#4 ; GetFileType(x)
and eax, 0FFFF7FFFh
cmp eax, 2
jz loc_4AD10D3D
and, as in this case it is a pipe (GetFileType returns 3) the code jumps to the ReadBufFromFile function
; Attributes: bp-based frame
; int __stdcall ReadBufFromFile(HANDLE hFile, LPWSTR lpWideCharStr, DWORD cchWideChar, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead)
_ReadBufFromFile#16 proc near
var_C= dword ptr -0Ch
cchMultiByte= dword ptr -8
NumberOfBytesRead= dword ptr -4
hFile= dword ptr 8
lpWideCharStr= dword ptr 0Ch
cchWideChar= dword ptr 10h
lpNumberOfBytesRead= dword ptr 14h
This function will call the ReadFile API function to retrive the indicated number of characters
push ebx ; lpOverlapped
push [ebp+lpNumberOfBytesRead] ; lpNumberOfBytesRead
mov [ebp+var_C], eax
push [ebp+cchWideChar] ; nNumberOfBytesToRead
push edi ; lpBuffer
push [ebp+hFile] ; hFile
call ds:__imp__ReadFile#20 ; ReadFile(x,x,x,x,x)
The returned buffer is iterated in search of an end of line, and once it is found, the pointer in the input stream is moved after the found poisition
.text:4AD06A15 loc_4AD06A15:
.text:4AD06A15 cmp [ebp+NumberOfBytesRead], 3
.text:4AD06A19 jl short loc_4AD06A2D
.text:4AD06A1B mov al, [esi]
.text:4AD06A1D cmp al, 0Ah
.text:4AD06A1F jz loc_4AD06BCF
.text:4AD06A25 loc_4AD06A25:
.text:4AD06A25 cmp al, 0Dh
.text:4AD06A27 jz loc_4AD06D14
.text:4AD06A2D loc_4AD06A2D:
.text:4AD06A2D movzx eax, byte ptr [esi]
.text:4AD06A30 cmp byte ptr _DbcsLeadCharTable[eax], bl
.text:4AD06A36 jnz loc_4AD12018
.text:4AD06A3C dec [ebp+NumberOfBytesRead]
.text:4AD06A3F inc esi
.text:4AD06A40 loc_4AD06A40:
.text:4AD06A40 cmp [ebp+NumberOfBytesRead], ebx
.text:4AD06A43 jg short loc_4AD06A15
.text:4AD06BCF loc_4AD06BCF:
.text:4AD06BCF cmp byte ptr [esi+1], 0Dh
.text:4AD06BD3 jnz loc_4AD06A25
.text:4AD06BD9 jmp loc_4AD06D1E
.text:4AD06D14 loc_4AD06D14:
.text:4AD06D14 cmp byte ptr [esi+1], 0Ah
.text:4AD06D18 jnz loc_4AD06A2D
.text:4AD06D1E loc_4AD06D1E:
.text:4AD06D1E mov eax, [ebp+var_C]
.text:4AD06D21 mov [esi+2], bl
.text:4AD06D24 sub esi, edi
.text:4AD06D26 inc esi
.text:4AD06D27 inc esi
.text:4AD06D28 push ebx ; dwMoveMethod
.text:4AD06D29 push ebx ; lpDistanceToMoveHigh
.text:4AD06D2A mov [ebp+cchMultiByte], esi
.text:4AD06D2D add esi, eax
.text:4AD06D2F push esi ; lDistanceToMove
.text:4AD06D30 push [ebp+hFile] ; hFile
.text:4AD06D33 call ds:__imp__SetFilePointer#16 ; SetFilePointer(x,x,x,x)
The short summarize of a long discussion at dostips (mentioned already by Aacini
set /p problems with pipes).
Reading with set /p from a redirect, reads always to the end of the line and removes the \r\n characters.
Reading with set /p from a pipe, reads up to 1023 bytes from the pipe buffer.
It doesn't stop at any \r or \n characters but it drops all content after a \n.
After closing the pipe on the left side, a set /p on the right side will read empty lines.

Assembly - Moving data from Register to Memory in MASM

I am trying to move stuff from a register to a variable in .CODE, but trying to do so makes my program start over in an infinite loop (no crash and no error message, but obviously broken). I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Here is the beginning of my code where I am trying to move data; the program never even gets past this part when I include it:
screenX DWORD 0
screenY DWORD 0
ProcName PROC
mov ebx, edx ;; Copy srcBitmap into ebx
mov eax, edi ;; Take given y-location (edi)
mov edx, (EECS205BITMAP PTR [ebx]).dwHeight
shr edx, 1 ;; Subtract dwHeight/2 to center
sub eax, edx
mov screenY, eax ;; Program jumps back to beginning with no error message
Seems like I'm missing something obvious, anyone have a clue?
Your application's code segment (which is actually it's .text section under Windows) isn't writable. If you want to modify these variables you need to put them in the data segment.
