DoctrineODM - QueryBuilder: filter on Document Reference field - query-builder

I have 2 Documents that references each others (Series and Chapter).
On the Chapter Document, there is a "visible" property that make the chapter publicly visible.
What I search to do is, having a Query to search for Series that have at least one Chapter visible.
In Series
* #var Collection
* #ODM\ReferenceMany(
* targetDocument="App\Model\Document\Chapter",
* mappedBy="series",
* strategy="addToSet"
* )
protected $chapters;
In Chapter
* #var Series|null
* #ODM\ReferenceOne(
* targetDocument="App\Model\Document\Series",
* inversedBy="chapters",
* )
protected $series;
I took a look at the complex references pages on DoctrineODM page but I don't think it could help me in my case, as I have to query another Document (Chapter) to see if there are at least one visible.
Let me know if something is unclear.

What you're trying to accomplish can't be done with normal queries as MongoDB is not supporting relations per se. What you can do though is take a look at aggregation pipeline and $lookup stage specifically as that's a left join in disguise. ODM has a separate aggregation builder to help you with building stages, it's similar in use to the query builder.


Pagination with JPA and Oracle database

This week i was looking into a sorting issue in a WebApp. Sorting a table in the browser by a selected column did not work properly. It turned out that in the application, we used JPAs CriteriaQuery to create the query and then create a TypedQuery for the pagination as follows:
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<SomeEntity> q = cb.createQuery(SomeEntity.class);
Root<SomeEntity> c = q.from(SomeEntity.class);;
TypedQuery<> query = em.createQuery(q);
query.setFirstResult(pageIx * pageSize);
This is pretty much how the documentation suggests to create queries (see here).
In the logs i saw that this generates an SQL query like this:
select * from (
select lots_of_columns from some_view order by selected_column
) where rownum <= 50
Since Oralce 10 the ordering of the enclosed select has no effect according to the documentation and, if i remember correctly, this also makes sense according to relational algebra. We use Oracle 12c.
So my question is, how am i supposed to takle this correctly?
I have found that offset and fetch should be used but i couldn't find how to tell JPA to generate the SQL accordingly. Also i have found a post that suggested to add the id to the order by clause, however this did not solve the problem either.
Thank you in advance for any thoughts and hints on the topic.

FileNet P8 ACCE Sweep job filter

I'm trying to setup a sweep job that moves a document from one class to a different class, but I only want to test right now -- not move ALL documents.
I was trying to add a filter to only pull over certain documents to test this before I pull the trigger, but it isn't working (ALL documents get listed in the results when I run this as preview).
The current filter I have is:
[DocumentTitle] like '%Z*%'
Any ideas what I need to do to change the filter to only have this run on the subset of documents I want??
Please clarify on below queries to resolve your issue:
1) Is your sweep job based on Java API / .net API? or
2) Is it based on FEM (Enterprise manager) tool
From the Filter : [DocumentTitle] like "%Z%" will filter all documents with the title %Z%, Please try to filter with ID to fetch one record, Once successful, then test with multiple records.
The sweep jobs typically take a condition that is similar to part after WHERE condition in search, the easiest way hence is simply to go to the search view, create your search, move to the SQL view tab, and then take whatever after WHERE condition and then add it to your sweep search filter.
Here are examples of filter conditions:
VersionStatus = 4 //All superseded documents
DateCreated < NOW() - TimeSpan(365, 'Days') //All documents that were created at least a year ago
StorageArea = OBJECT('{5E2BE09A-F4B1-49E2-A229-77FE32E5FEF1}') //All content in a specific storage area
VersionStatus = 4 AND DateCreated < NOW() - TimeSpan(365, 'Days') AND ContentSize > (1024 * 1024 * 500) //Complex logical expression
Final point in regard to your question about
I only want to test right now -- not move ALL documents.
Sweeps has Sweep Mode which defines how the sweep is going to execute, in your case you need to set it to Preview.

How to sort an optimized keys only query

I'm using datastore native api to access to gae database (for well studied specific reasons). I wanted to optimize the code and use the memcache in my requests instead of directly grabbing the values, the issue, is that my query is sorted.
When I do a findProductsByFiltersQuery.setKeysOnly(); on my query, I receive this error:
The provided keys-only multi-query needs to perform some sorting in
memory. As a result, this query can only be sorted by the key
property as this is the only property that is available in memory.
The weired thing is that it starts happening from a certain complexity of the request, for example this request fails:
SELECT __key__ FROM Product WHERE dynaValue = _Rs:2 AND productState = PUBLISHED AND dynaValue = _RC:2 AND dynaValue = RF:1 AND dynaValue = ct:1030003 AND dynaValue = _RS:4 AND dynaValue = _px:2 AND itemType = NEWS ORDER BY modificationDate DESC
while this one passes :
SELECT __key__ FROM Product WHERE itemType = CI AND productState = PUBLISHED ORDER BY modificationDate DESC
Can someone explain me why this is happening and if ordering is not possible when getting the keys, for what is that feature? : since results are paginated, it is useless to get a bad set of keys from the first filtering request. So how is it thought???
Please also notice that when I do non keysOnly very long request I receive this message
Splitting the provided query requires that too many subqueries are
merged in memory.
Can someone explain me how is it possible there is in memory treatment when values are indexed? or is it the devmode server only that does this error?
In-memory queries are necessary when you use OR, IN, and != operators in Datastore. As described in this blog post, queries using these operators are split in the client into multiple Datastore queries. For example:
gets split into two queries:
If you add ORDER BY B to your query, both sub-queries get this order:
While each of these Datastore queries returns results sorted by B, the union of the queries is not. On the client side, the SDK merges the results from the two ordered by B.
In order to do this, the Datastore queries must actually return the ordered property, otherwise the SDK won't know the correct way to merge these together.
If you are writing queries with a large number of filters, make sure to only use AND filters. This will allow all the operations to be performed only in the Datastore, in which case no in-memory sorting is necessary.

how to make CommunityBuilder search functions not case sensitive

especially joomla users and experts...
for anyone who using Community Builder, how do you disable the case sensitive for the search function? i want it to be wildcard
I've never looked at the CB code, but I would believe that you need to change the sql string that is used for the search.
So if the sql query looks like:
SELECT * FROM #__cb WHERE title LIKE '%$search_term%'
Then you should do something like this:
SELECT * FROM #__cb WHERE LOWER(title) LIKE LOWER('%$search_term%')
$search_term = strtolower($search_term);
SELECT * FROM #__cb WHERE LOWER(title) LIKE '%$search_term%'

Business Objects XI Web Intelligence Aggregation Issue (

I've got a multiple tabbed report. On one tab I have the details listed and on another I have a summary table (cross reference) type of aggregation based on the same dimensions utilized in the detail report. I've created a calculated field that takes the product of two measures, I've saved this as a variable. When I try to aggregate that variable on the summary report BOWI is not calculating correctly. Example:
QTY * PRICE = LineTotal
2 * 3 = 6
4 * 3 = 12
TotalOrder = $18
Calculates correctly on the detail report.
When I put this on the aggregate report it is doing the following:
Sum QTY * Sum Price = Total, in other words it is doing
6 * 6 = $36.
My totals on the aggregate are highly inflated. Firstly in what world does that order of precedence make sense? and secondly how can I tell BOWI to sum the TotalOrders instead of breaking it back up into it's components summing those and then multiplying?
Is it a bug?
Further Information
The detail report is Sectioned by Year, Region, State -> Detail lines
The summary report is dimensioned by Year, Region, State
The (QTY * PRICE) component is saved as a variable and utilized in both places.
Am I missing the secret handshake somewhere when calculated fields/variables can't be aggregated and they need to do so in the Universe?
I havent worked with WEBI for a while, I mainly develop DESKI reports, however what you describe sounds similar to the aggregation that occurs in DESKI. If a measure is set to sum aggregation, then it will add all the measures together that relate to the dimension that is added to the report.
For example, if like my details reports, you have the columns order number, qty, price then the aggregation will sum both qty and price at the order level, which is correct. However moving to the summary table then this will cause incorrect data.
To remove the aggregation you can change it from SUM to NONE, I cant recall off the top of my head on how to do this in WEBI (if you cant find out I can check my course materials which are work).
Alternatively, it is best to ensure the dimensions on your summary report are suitable for the data presented.
If you need any further information please let me know.
