Heroku login error on Ubuntu 16.04 - heroku

Unable to login heroku via terminal after recently installing CLI:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'body' of undefined
at new HerokuAPIError (/usr/local/lib/heroku/node_modules/#heroku-cli/command/lib/api_client.js:12:33)
at Login.login (/usr/local/lib/heroku/node_modules/#heroku-cli/command/lib/login.js:78:19)
tried moving the netrc file, got a message stating it doesn't exist:
mv: cannot stat '/home/rodney/.netrc': No such file or directory

The same mistake occurred to me. The solution I found to be able to login was to write my email in a text file, then copy and paste the moment the email is requested before the error occurs, because in my case the error occurs after running the heroku login at the moment when I am typing the email.


Permission error when logging into Heroku from command line

When I try to login with
$heroku login
I am sent to the browser to log in, but upon return I receive this error:
heroku: Waiting for login...
Logging in... done
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:/Users/<My User>/_netrc'
I tried opening that file and I saw the password was incorrect so I changed it on heroku and in the file. Still have the error. I wonder if it is saying that it doesn't have permission to open that file?
Find the _netrc file. Open settings and toggle readonly to on, save, then turn off.

Joomla Akeeba/Kickstart strange "ajax"? behaviour (error 403)

I want to restore a Joomla! 3.0 site from an Akeeba backup taken from my computer (localhost) to an online web server. I have used many versions of kickstart all giving the same problem. The latest I have used is 4.1.
I upload the kickstart files as well as the .jpa file (via FTP) to the server. The permissions are 744.
The problem is that kickstart screen appears and when I press start it continues with the error:
AJAX Loading Error HTTP Status: 403 (Forbidden) Internal status: error
XHR ReadyState: undefined Raw server response:
You don't have permission to access /kickstart.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to
use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
But kickstart.php was just accessed and used to start the procedure!
As we can see in the Firebug the file is accessed twice before the error occurs.
EDIT: I must also inform you that I completely removed the .htaccess file so that I wouldn't have concerns that it would be the cause of the issue.
The best answer I could give you is that you need to change the permissions to 755:
chmod 755 /var/www/yourserver.com/public_html
and own the files
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/yourserver.com/public_html

Persistent Permission Denied Error

I have seen a few posts on this (and tried the recommended solutions) but they are regarding Laravel 4 - And I am on Laravel 5.
For example;
'Failed to open stream: Permission denied' error - Laravel
I get the Command "dump-autoload" is not defined error and the reason for that is explained here;
In the above post, composer dump-autoload was suggested. I tried it, and again this morning the same error is back;
ErrorException in Filesystem.php line
74:file_put_contents(/vagrant/source/laravel- excel/storage/
framework/sessions/8338f386fc3de7bdc8d1b6dc7ee6790f71516d98): failed
to open stream: Permission denied`
Any suggestions?
Also, try the above comments and do a
composer self update
You Have to set the permission to Read & Write
In Mac We do this by using
**sudo chmod -R o+w storage**
Storage is the name of file U want to change permission
And currently my terminal is in the same folder where my storage folder is present therefore I did not specify its address

Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '<path to src>/includes/php.content-header.php'

I was going through some instructions to set up a mock website through xampp for development purposes, but ran into an issue. The instructions are as follows:
Clone this repository
Install PHP and MySQL, and php5-mysql
Changes to php.ini
auto_prepend_file=<path to src>/includes/php.content-header.php
Get the most recent DB Dump and load it into MySQL
Create user sitename_login with password from includes/class.mysql_db.php
Grant this user permissions to sitename_site
Running local server
Desktop Version
From sitename.com directory run
php -S localhost:8000
As far as I know I followed the instructions as I should have, but when trying to open up php documents in xampp I got this error:
Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in Unknown on line 0
Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '<path to src>/includes/php.content-header.php' (include_path='.;F:\xampp\php\PEAR') in Unknown on line 0
The folder layout in xampp is xampp->htdocs->folderName->includes->php.content-header.php
I've tried changing the location of the folders, but that didn't seem to solve the problem. I tried editing the contents of php.ini, but I was getting the same exact error even if I took out /includes/ out of the auto_prepend_file.
Any clues as to what I could do to get past this issue?
Search for require(<path to src>/includes/php.content-header.php) in your file and change it to require(__DIR__ . "\\includes\\php.content-header.php") (assuming your are on Windows)

Joomla administrator login error

I have a Joomla 3.1 installation on a ubuntu server and it was working fine.
Today, I have downloaded a template and placed the zip file on templates folder, unziped by ubuntu terminal and that's all. Since then, when I try to login on Administrator side, it gives this error:
An error has occurred.
0 SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `<prefix>_users`
I have deleted the zip files considering it was the only change I've made, but nothing happens. I noticed that if I login incorrectly, it gives another error:
An error has occurred.
0 Cannot open file for writing log
Like it has some problem to write the log file, but hours ago it could. Anyway, knowing this, I changed all folders/files permissions to 777.
Thanks in advance.
