Better performance of pattern matching over foldr - performance

Both of these functions are implementations of a dictionary lookup picked out from learnyouahaskell
findKeyPatMatch :: (Eq k) => k -> [(k,v)] -> Maybe v
findKeyPatMatch key [] = Nothing
findKeyPatMatch key ((k,v):xs)
| key == k = Just v
| otherwise = findKeyPatMatch key xs
findKeyFold :: (Eq k) => k -> [(k,v)] -> Maybe v
findKeyFold key = foldr (\(k,v) acc -> if k == key then Just v else acc) Nothing
Since the pattern in the first function is the exact idiom foldr is made for, I expected both of these functions to have the same performance. However, the pattern matching implementation is significantly faster.
foldr short-circuits, so I can't think of any particular reason for this, except for maybe a function call overhead, at a stretch.
testKey = 10^7
testDict = [(i,i) | i <- [1..]]
findKeyPatMatch testKey testDict -- takes ~3.40 s
findKeyFold testKey testDict -- takes ~4.10 s
So my question is - what's the reason for the performance difference, and is there any way to optimize the foldr expression.


Generalizing a combinatoric function?

I've been solving a few combinatoric problems on Haskell, so I wrote down those 2 functions:
permutations :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
permutations [] = [[]]
permutations list = do
x <- list
xs <- permutations (filter (/= x) list)
return (x : xs)
combinations :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
combinations n list = do
x <- list
xs <- combinations (n-1) (filter (> x) list)
return (x : xs)
Which works as follows:
*Main> permutations [1,2,3]
*Main> combinations 2 [1,2,3,4]
Those were uncomfortably similar, so I had to abstract it. I wrote the following abstraction:
combinatoric next [] = [[]]
combinatoric next list = do
x <- list
xs <- combinatoric next (next x list)
return (x : xs)
Which receives a function that controls how to filter the elements of the list. It can be used to easily define permutations:
permutations :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
permutations = combinatoric (\ x ls -> filter (/= x) ls)
But I couldn't define combinations this way since it carries an state (n). I could extend the combinatoric with an additional state argument, but that'd become too clunky and I remember such approach was not necessary in a somewhat similar situation. Thus, I wonder: is it possible to define combinations using combinatorics? If not, what is a better abstraction of combinatorics which successfully subsumes both functions?
This isn't a direct answer to your question (sorry), but I don't think your code is correct. The Eq and Ord constraints tipped me off - they shouldn't be necessary - so I wrote a couple of QuickCheck properties.
prop_numberOfPermutations xs = length (permutations xs) === factorial (length xs)
where _ = (xs :: [Int]) -- force xs to be instantiated to [Int]
prop_numberOfCombinations (Positive n) (NonEmpty xs) = n <= length xs ==>
length (combinations n xs) === choose (length xs) n
where _ = (xs :: [Int])
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial x = foldr (*) 1 [1..x]
choose :: Int -> Int -> Int
choose n 0 = 1
choose 0 r = 0
choose n r = choose (n-1) (r-1) * n `div` r
The first property checks that the number of permutations of a list of length n is n!. The second checks that the number of r-combinations of a list of length n is C(n, r). Both of these properties fail when I run them against your definitions:
ghci> quickCheck prop_numberOfPermutations
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 5 tests and 4 shrinks):
3 /= 6
ghci> quickCheck prop_numberOfCombinations
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 4 tests and 1 shrink):
Positive {getPositive = 2}
NonEmpty {getNonEmpty = [3,3]}
0 /= 1
It looks like your functions fail when the input list contains duplicate elements. Writing an abstraction for an incorrect implementation isn't a good idea - don't try and run before you can walk! You might find it helpful to read the source code for the standard library's definition of permutations, which does not have an Eq constraint.
First let's improve the original functions. You assume that all elements are distinct wrt their equality for permutations, and that they're distinct and have an ordering for combinations. These constraints aren't necessary and as described in the other answer, the code can produce wrong results. Following the robustness principle, let's accept just unconstrained lists. For this we'll need a helper function that produces all possible splits of a list:
split :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
split = loop []
loop _ [] = []
loop rs (x:xs) = (rs, x, xs) : loop (x:rs) xs
Note that the implementation causes prefixes returned by this function to be reversed, but it's nothing we require.
This allows us to write generic permutations and combinations.
permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations [] = [[]]
permutations list = do
(pre, x, post) <- split list
-- reversing 'pre' isn't really necessary, but makes the output
-- order natural
xs <- permutations (reverse pre ++ post)
return (x : xs)
combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
combinations n list = do
(_, x, post) <- split list
xs <- combinations (n-1) post
return (x : xs)
Now what they have in common:
At each step they pick an element to output,
update the list of elements to pick from and
stop after some condition is met.
The last point is a bit problematic, as for permutations we end once the list to choose from is empty, while for combinations we have a counter. This is probably the reason why it was difficult to generalize. We can work around this by realizing that for permutations the number of steps is equal to the length of the input list, so we can express the condition in the number of repetitions.
For such problems it's often very convenient to express them using StateT s [] monad, where s is the state we're working with. In our case it'll be the list of elements to choose from. The core of our combinatorial functions can be then expressed with StateT [a] [] a: pick an element from the state and update the state for the next step. Since the stateful computations all happen in the [] monad, we automatically branch all possibilities. With that, we can define a generic function:
import Control.Monad.State
combinatoric :: Int -> StateT [a] [] b -> [a] -> [[b]]
combinatoric n k = evalStateT $ replicateM n k
And then define permutations and combinations by specifying the appropriate number of repetitions and what's the core StateT [a] [] a function:
permutations' :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations' xs = combinatoric (length xs) f xs
f = StateT $ map (\(pre, x, post) -> (x, reverse pre ++ post)) . split
combinations' :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations' n xs = combinatoric n f xs
f = StateT $ map (\(_, x, post) -> (x, post)) . split

Project Euler No. 14 Haskell

I'm trying to resolve problem 14 of Project Euler ( and I hit a dead end using Haskell.
Now, I know that the numbers may be small enough and I could do a brute force, but that isn't the purpose of my exercise.
I am trying to memorize the intermediate results in a Map of type Map Integer (Bool, Integer) with the meaning of:
- the first Integer (the key) holds the number
- the Tuple (Bool, Interger) holds either (True, Length) or (False, Number)
where Length = length of the chain
Number = the number before him
for 13: the chain is 13 → 40 → 20 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1
My map should contain :
13 - (True, 10)
40 - (False, 13)
20 - (False, 40)
10 - (False, 20)
5 - (False, 10)
16 - (False, 5)
8 - (False, 16)
4 - (False, 8)
2 - (False, 4)
1 - (False, 2)
Now when I search for another number like 40 i know that the chain has (10 - 1) length and so on.
I want now, if I search for 10, not only to tell me that length of 10 is (10 - 3) length and update the map, but also I want to update 20, 40 in case they are still (False, _)
My code:
import Data.Map as Map
solve :: [Integer] -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer)
solve xs = solve' xs Map.empty
solve' :: [Integer] -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer) -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer)
solve' [] table = table
solve' (x:xs) table =
case Map.lookup x table of
Nothing -> countF x 1 (x:xs) table
Just (b, _) ->
case b of
True -> solve' xs table
False -> {-WRONG-} solve' xs table
f :: Integer -> Integer
f x
| x `mod` 2 == 0 = x `quot` 2
| otherwise = 3 * x + 1
countF :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer) -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer)
countF n cnt (x:xs) table
| n == 1 = solve' xs (Map.insert x (True, cnt) table)
| otherwise = countF (f n) (cnt + 1) (x:xs) $ checkMap (f n) n table
checkMap :: Integer -> Integer -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer) -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer)
checkMap n rez table =
case Map.lookup n table of
Nothing -> Map.insert n (False, rez) table
Just _ -> table
At the {-WRONG-} part we should update all the values like in the following example:
--We are looking for 10:
10 - (False, 20)
V {-finally-} update 10 => (True, 10 - 1 - 1 - 1)
20 - (False, 40) ^
| |
V update 20 => 20 - (True, 10 - 1 - 1)
40 - (False, 13) ^
| |
V update 40 => 40 - (True, 10 - 1)
13 - (True, 10) ^
| |
The problem is that I don't know if its possible to do 2 things in a function like updating a number and continue the recurence. In a C like language I may do something like (pseudocode):
void f(int n, tuple(b,nr), int &length, table)
if(b == False) f (nr, (table lookup nr), 0, table);
// the bool is true so we got a length
length = nr;
// Since this is a recurence it would work as a stack, producing the right output
table update(n, --cnt);
The last instruction would work since we are sending cnt by reference. Also we always know that it will finish at some point and cnt should not be < 1.
The easiest optimization (as you have identified) is memoization. You have attempted create a memoization system yourself, however have come across issues on how to store the memoized values. There are solutions to doing this in a maintainable way, such as using a State monad or a STArray. However, there is a much simpler solution to your problem - use haskell's existing memoization. Haskell by default remembers constant values, so if you create a value that stores the collatz values, it will be automatically memoized!
A simple example of this is the following fibonacci definition:
fib :: Int -> Integer
fib n = fibValues !! n where
fibValues = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibValues (tail fibValues)
The fibValues is a [Integer], and as it is just a constant value, it is memoized. However, that doesn't mean it is all memoized at once, since as it is an infinte list, this would never finish. Instead, the values are only calculated when needed, as haskell is lazy.
So if you do something similar with your problem, you will get memoization without a lot of the work. However, using a list like above won't work well in your solution. This is because the collatz algorithm uses many different values to get the result for a given number, so the container used will require random access to be efficient. The obvious choice is an array.
collatzMemoized :: Array Integer Int
Next, we need to fill up the array with the correct values. I'll write this function pretending a collatz function exists that calculates the collatz value for any n. Also, note that arrays are fixed size, so a value needs to be used to determine the maximum number to memoize. I'll use a million, but any value can be used (it is a memory/speed tradeoff).
collatzMemoized = listArray (1, maxNumberToMemoize) $ map collatz [1..maxNumberToMemoize] where
maxNumberToMemroize = 1000000
That is pretty straightforward, the listArray is given bounds, and the a list of all the collatz values in that range is given to it. Remember that this won't calculate all the collatz values straight away, as the values are lazy.
Now, the collatz function can be written. The most important part is to only check the collatzMemoized array if the number being checked is within its bounds:
collatz :: Integer -> Int
collatz 1 = 1
collatz n
| inRange (bounds collatzMemoized) nextValue = 1 + collatzMemoized ! nextValue
| otherwise = 1 + collatz nextValue
nextValue = case n of
1 -> 1
n | even n -> n `div` 2
| otherwise -> 3 * n + 1
In ghci, you can now see the effectiveness of the memoization. Try collatz 200000. It will take about 2 seconds to finish. However, if you run it again, it will complete instantly.
Finally, the solution can be found:
maxCollatzUpTo :: Integer -> (Integer, Int)
maxCollatzUpTo n = maximumBy (compare `on` snd) $ zip [1..n] (map collatz [1..n]) where
and then printed:
main = print $ maxCollatzUpTo 1000000
If you run main, the result will be printed in about 10 seconds.
Now, a small problem with this approach is it uses a lot of stack space. It will work fine in ghci (which seems to use be more flexible with regards to stack space). However, if you compile it and try to run the executable, it will crash (with a stack space overflow). So to run the program, you have to specify more when you compile it. This can be done by adding -with-rtsopts='K64m' to the compile options. This increases the stack to 64mb.
Now the program can be compiled and ran:
> ghc -O3 --make -with-rtsopts='-K6m' problem.hs
Running ./problem will give the result in less than a second.
You are going about memoization the hard way, trying to write an imperative program in Haskell. Borrowing from David Eisenstat's solution, we'll solve it as j_random_hacker suggested:
collatzLength :: Integer -> Integer
collatzLength n
| n == 1 = 1
| even n = 1 + collatzLength (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 1 + collatzLength (3*n + 1)
The dynamic programming solution for this is to replace the recursion with looking things up in a table. Let's make a function where we can replace the recursive call:
collatzLengthDef :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
collatzLengthDef r n
| n == 1 = 1
| even n = 1 + r (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 1 + r (3*n + 1)
Now we could define the recursive algorithm as
collatzLength :: Integer -> Integer
collatzLength = collatzLengthDef collatzLength
Now we could also make a tabled version of this (it takes a number for the table size, and returns a collatzLength function that is calculated using a table of that size):
-- A utility function that makes memoizing things easier
buildTable :: (Ix i) => (i, i) -> (i -> e) -> Array i e
buildTable bounds f = array $ map (\x -> (x, f x)) $ range bounds
collatzLengthTabled :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
collatzLengthTabled n = collatzLengthTableLookup
bounds = (1, n)
table = buildTable bounds (collatzLengthDef collatzLengthTableLookup)
collatzLengthTableLookup =
\x -> Case inRange bounds x of
True -> table ! x
_ -> (collatzLengthDef collatzLengthTableLookup) x
This works by defining the collatzLength to be a table lookup, with the table being the definition of the function, but with recursive calls replaced by table lookup. The table lookup function checks to see if the argument to the function is in the range that is tabled, and falls back on the definition of the function. We can even make this work for tabling any function like this:
tableRange :: (Ix a) => (a, a) -> ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b
tableRange bounds definition = tableLookup
table = buildTable bounds (definition tableLookup)
tableLookup =
\x -> Case inRange bounds x of
True -> table ! x
_ -> (definition tableLookup) x
collatzLengthTabled n = tableRange (1, n) collatzLengthDef
You just need to make sure that you
let memoized = collatzLengthTabled 10000000
... memoized ...
So that only one table is built in memory.
I remember finding memoisation of dynamic programming algorithms very counterintuitive in Haskell, and it's been a while since I've done it, but hopefully the following trick works for you.
But first, I don't quite understand your current DP scheme, though I suspect it may be quite inefficient as it seems like it will need to update many entries for each answer. (a) I don't know how to do this in Haskell, and (b) you don't need to do this to solve the problem efficiently ;-)
I suggest the following approach instead: first build an ordinary recursive function that computes the right answer for an input number. (Hint: it will have a signature like collatzLength :: Int -> Int.) When you have this function working, just replace its definition with the definition of an array whose elements are defined lazily with the array function using an association list, and replace all recursive calls to the function to array lookups (e.g. collatzLength 42 would become collatzLength ! 42). This will automagically populate the array in the necessary order! So your "top-level" collatzLength object will now actually be an array, rather than a function.
As I suggested above, I would use an array instead of a map datatype to hold the DP table, since you will need to store values for all integer indices from 1 up to 1,000,000.
I don't have a Haskell compiler handy, so I apologize for any broken code.
Without memoization, there's a function
collatzLength :: Integer -> Integer
collatzLength n
| n == 1 = 1
| even n = 1 + collatzLength (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 1 + collatzLength (3*n + 1)
With memoization, the type signature is
memoCL :: Map Integer Integer -> Integer -> (Map Integer Integer, Integer)
since memoCL receives a table as input and gives the updated table as output. What memoCL needs to do is intercept the return of the recursive call with a let form and insert the new result.
-- table must have an initial entry for 1
memoCL table n = case Map.lookup n table of
Just m -> (table, m)
Nothing -> let (table', m) = memoCL table (collatzStep n) in (Map.insert n (1 + m) table', 1 + m)
collatzStep :: Integer -> Integer
collatzStep n = if even n then n `div` 2 else 3*n + 1
At some point you'll get sick of the above idiom. Then it's time for monads.
I eventually modify the {-WRONG-} part to do what it should with a call to mark x (b, n) [] xs table where
mark :: Integer -> (Bool, Integer) -> [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer) -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer)
mark crtElem (b, n) list xs table
| b == False = mark n (findElem n table) (crtElem:list) xs table
| otherwise = continueWith n list xs table
continueWith :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer) -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer)
continueWith _ [] xs table = solve' xs table
continueWith cnt (y:ys) xs table = continueWith (cnt - 1) ys xs (Map.insert y (True, cnt - 1) table)
findElem :: Integer -> Map Integer (Bool, Integer) -> (Bool, Integer)
findElem n table =
case Map.lookup n table of
Nothing -> (False, 0)
Just (b, nr) -> (b, nr)
But it seams that there are better (and far less verbose) answers than this 1
Maybe you might find interesting how I solved the problem. Its is pretty functional though it might be not the most efficient thing on earth :)
You can find the code here:
P.S.: Disclaimer: I was doing Project Euler exercises in order to learn Haskell, so the quality of the solution could be debatable.
Since we are studying recursion schemes, here's one for you.
Let's consider functor N(A,B,X)=A+B*X, which is a stream of Bs with the last element being A.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor
, TypeFamilies
, TupleSections #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Data.Int
data N a b x = Z a | S b x deriving (Functor)
This stream is handy for several kinds of iterations. For one, we can use it to represent a chain of Ints in a Collatz sequence:
type instance Base Int64 = N Int Int64
instance Foldable Int64 where
project 1 = Z 1
project x | odd x = S x $ 3*x+1
project x = S x $ x `div` 2
This is just a algebra, not a initial one, because the transformation is not a isomorphism (same chain of Ints is part of a chain for 2*x and (x-1)/3), but this is sufficient to represent the fixpoint Base Int64 Int64.
With this definition, cata is going to feed the chain to the algebra given to it, and you can use it to construct a memo Map of integers to the chain length. Finally, anamorphism can use it to generate a stream of solutions to the problem of different sizes:
problems = ana (uncurry $ cata . phi) (M.empty, 1) where
phi :: M.Map Int64 Int ->
Base Int64 (Prim [(Int64, Int)] (M.Map Int64 Int, Int64)) ->
Prim [(Int64, Int)] (M.Map Int64 Int, Int64)
phi m (Z v) = found m 1 v
phi m (S x ~(Cons (_, v') (m', _))) = maybe (notFound m' x v') (found m x) $
M.lookup x m
The ~ before (Cons ...) means lazy pattern matching. We don't touch the pattern until the values are needed. If not for lazy pattern matching, it would always construct the whole chain, and using the map would be useless. With lazy pattern matching we only construct the values v' and m' if the chain length for x was not in the map.
Helper functions construct the stream of (Int, chain length) pairs:
found m x v = Cons (x, v) (m, x+1)
notFound m x v = Cons (x, 1+v) (M.insert x (1+v) m, x+1)
Now just take the first 999999 problems, and figure out the one that has the longest chain:
main = print $ maximumBy (compare `on` snd) $ take 999999 problems
This works slower than array-based solution, because Map lookup is logarithmic of map size, but this solution is not fixed size. Still, it finishes in about 5 seconds.

Finding unique (as in only occurring once) element haskell

I need a function which takes a list and return unique element if it exists or [] if it doesn't. If many unique elements exists it should return the first one (without wasting time to find others).
Additionally I know that all elements in the list come from (small and known) set A.
For example this function does the job for Ints:
unique :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
unique li = first $ filter ((==1).length) ((group.sort) li)
where first [] = []
first (x:xs) = x
ghci> unique [3,5,6,8,3,9,3,5,6,9,3,5,6,9,1,5,6,8,9,5,6,8,9]
ghci> [1]
This is however not good enough because it involves sorting (n log n) while it could be done in linear time (because A is small).
Additionally it requires the type of list elements to be Ord while all which should be needed is Eq. It would also be nice if amount of comparisons was as small as possible (ie if we traverse a list and encounter element el twice we don't test subsequent elements for equality with el)
This is why for example this: Counting unique elements in a list doesn't solve the problem - all answers involve either sorting or traversing the whole list to find count of all elements.
The question is: how to do it correctly and efficiently in Haskell ?
Okay, linear time, from a finite domain. The running time will be O((m + d) log d), where m is the size of the list and d is the size of the domain, which is linear when d is fixed. My plan is to use the elements of the set as the keys of a trie, with the counts as values, then look through the trie for elements with count 1.
import qualified Data.IntTrie as IntTrie
import Data.List (foldl')
import Control.Applicative
Count each of the elements. This traverses the list once, builds a trie with the results (O(m log d)), then returns a function which looks up the result in the trie (with running time O(log d)).
counts :: (Enum a) => [a] -> (a -> Int)
counts xs = IntTrie.apply (foldl' insert (pure 0) xs) . fromEnum
insert t x = IntTrie.modify' (fromEnum x) (+1) t
We use the Enum constraint to convert values of type a to integers in order to index them in the trie. An Enum instance is part of the witness of your assumption that a is a small, finite set (Bounded would be the other part, but see below).
And then look for ones that are unique.
uniques :: (Eq a, Enum a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
uniques dom xs = filter (\x -> cts x == 1) dom
cts = counts xs
This function takes as its first parameter an enumeration of the entire domain. We could have required a Bounded a constraint and used [minBound..maxBound] instead, which is semantically appealing to me since finite is essentially Enum+Bounded, but quite inflexible since now the domain needs to be known at compile time. So I would choose this slightly uglier but more flexible variant.
uniques traverses the domain once (lazily, so head . uniques dom will only traverse as far as it needs to to find the first unique element -- not in the list, but in dom), for each element running the lookup function which we have established is O(log d), so the filter takes O(d log d), and building the table of counts takes O(m log d). So uniques runs in O((m + d) log d), which is linear when d is fixed. It will take at least Ω(m log d) to get any information from it, because it has to traverse the whole list to build the table (you have to get all the way to the end of the list to see if an element was repeated, so you can't do better than this).
There really isn't any way to do this efficiently with just Eq. You'd need to use some much less efficient way to build the groups of equal elements, and you can't know that only one of a particular element exists without scanning the whole list.
Also, note that to avoid useless comparisons you'd need a way of checking to see if an element has been encountered before, and the only way to do that would be to have a list of elements known to have multiple occurrences, and the only way to check if the current element is in that list is... to compare it for equality with each.
If you want this to work faster than O(something really horrible) you need that Ord constraint.
Ok, based on the clarifications in comments, here's a quick and dirty example of what I think you're looking for:
unique [] _ _ = Nothing
unique _ [] [] = Nothing
unique _ (r:_) [] = Just r
unique candidates results (x:xs)
| x `notElem` candidates = unique candidates results xs
| x `elem` results = unique (delete x candidates) (delete x results) xs
| otherwise = unique candidates (x:results) xs
The first argument is a list of candidates, which should initially be all possible elements. The second argument is the list of possible results, which should initially be empty. The third argument is the list to examine.
If it runs out of candidates, or reaches the end of the list with no results, it returns Nothing. If it reaches the end of the list with results, it returns the one at the front of the result list.
Otherwise, it examines the next input element: If it's not a candidate, it ignores it and continues. If it's in the result list we've seen it twice, so remove it from the result and candidate lists and continue. Otherwise, add it to the results and continue.
Unfortunately, this still has to scan the entire list for even a single result, since that's the only way to be sure it's actually unique.
First off, if your function is intended to return at most one element, you should almost certainly use Maybe a instead of [a] to return your result.
Second, at minimum, you have no choice but to traverse the entire list: you can't tell for sure if any given element is actually unique until you've looked at all the others.
If your elements are not Ordered, but can only be tested for Equality, you really have no better option than something like:
firstUnique (x:xs)
| elem x xs = firstUnique (filter (/= x) xs)
| otherwise = Just x
firstUnique [] = Nothing
Note that you don't need to filter out the duplicated elements if you don't want to -- the worst case is quadratic either way.
The above misses the possibility of early exit due to the above-mentioned small/known set of possible elements. However, note that the worst case will still require traversing the entire list: all that is necessary is for at least one of these possible elements to be missing from the list...
However, an implementation that provides an early out in case of set exhaustion:
firstUnique = f [] [<small/known set of possible elements>] where
f [] [] _ = Nothing -- early out
f uniques noshows (x:xs)
| elem x uniques = f (delete x uniques) noshows xs
| elem x noshows = f (x:uniques) (delete x noshows) xs
| otherwise = f uniques noshows xs
f [] _ [] = Nothing
f (u:_) _ [] = Just u
Note that if your list has elements which shouldn't be there (because they aren't in the small/known set), they will be pointedly ignored by the above code...
As others have said, without any additional constraints, you can't do this in less than quadratic time, because without knowing something about the elements, you can't keep them in some reasonable data structure.
If we are able to compare elements, an obvious O(n log n) solution to compute the count of elements first and then find the first one with count equal to 1:
import Data.List (foldl', find)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
count :: (Ord a) => Map a Int -> a -> Int
count m x = fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup x m
add :: (Ord a) => Map a Int -> a -> Map a Int
add m x = Map.insertWith (+) x 1 m
uniq :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Maybe a
uniq xs = find (\x -> count cs x == 1) xs
cs = foldl' add Map.empty xs
Note that the log n factor comes from the fact that we need to operate on a Map of size n. If the list has only k unique elements then the size of our map will be at most k, so the overall complexity will be just O(n log k).
However, we can do even better - we can use a hash table instead of a map to get an O(n) solution. For this we'll need the ST monad to perform mutable operations on the hash map, and our elements will have to be Hashable. The solution is basically the same as before, just a little bit more complex due to working within the ST monad:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashTable.ST.Basic as HT
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
count :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => HT.HashTable s a Int -> a -> ST s Int
count ht x = liftM (fromMaybe 0) (HT.lookup ht x)
add :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => HT.HashTable s a Int -> a -> ST s ()
add ht x = count ht x >>= HT.insert ht x . (+ 1)
uniq :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => [a] -> Maybe a
uniq xs = runST $ do
-- Count all elements into a hash table:
ht <- HT.newSized (length xs)
forM_ xs (add ht)
-- Find the first one with count 1
first (\x -> liftM (== 1) (count ht x)) xs
-- Monadic variant of find which exists once an element is found.
first :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
first p = f
f [] = return Nothing
f (x:xs') = do
b <- p x
if b then return (Just x)
else f xs'
If you know that there will be only a small number of distinct elements in the list, you could use instead of HT.newSized (length xs). This will save you some memory and one pass over xs but in the case of many distinct elements the hash table will be have to resized several times.
Here is a version that does the trick:
unique :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
unique = select . collect []
collect acc [] = acc
collect acc (x : xs) = collect (insert x acc) xs
insert x [] = [[x]]
insert x (ys#(y : _) : yss)
| x == y = (x : ys) : yss
| otherwise = ys : insert x yss
select [] = []
select ([x] : _) = [x]
select ((_ : _) : xss) = select xss
So, first we traverse the input list (collect) while maintaining a list of buckets of equal elements that we update with insert. Then we simply select the first element that appears in a singleton bucket (select).
The bad news is that this takes quadratic time: for every visited element in collect we need to go over the list of buckets. I am afraid that is the price you will have to pay for only being able to constrain the element type to be in Eq.
Something like this look pretty good.
unique = fst . foldl' (\(a, b) c -> if (c `elem` b)
then (a, b)
else if (c `elem` a)
then (delete c a, c:b)
else (c:a, b)) ([],[])
The first element of the resulted tuple of the fold, contain what you are expecting, a list containing unique element. The second element of the tuple is the memory of the process remembered if an element has already been discarded or not.
About space performance.
As your problem is design, all the element of the list should be traversed at least one time, before a result can be display. And the internal algorithm must keep trace of discarded value in addition to the good one, but discarded value will appears only one time. Then in the worst case the required amount of memory is equal to the size of the inputted list. This sound goods as you said that expected input are small.
About time performance.
As the expected input are small and not sorted by default, trying to sort the list into the algorithm is useless, or before to apply it is useless. In fact statically we can almost said, that the extra operation to place an element at its ordered place (into the sub list a and b of the tuple (a,b)) will cost the same amount of time than to check if this element appear into the list or not.
Below a nicer and more explicit version of the foldl' one.
import Data.List (foldl', delete, elem)
unique :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
unique = fst . foldl' algorithm ([], [])
algorithm (result0, memory0) current =
if (current `elem` memory0)
then (result0, memory0)
else if (current`elem` result0)
then (delete current result0, memory)
else (result, memory0)
result = current : result0
memory = current : memory0
Into the nested if ... then ... else ... instruction the list result is traversed twice in the worst case, this can be avoid using the following helper function.
unique' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
unique' = fst . foldl' algorithm ([], [])
algorithm (result, memory) current =
if (current `elem` memory)
then (result, memory)
else helper current result memory []
helper current [] [] acc = ([current], [])
helper current [] memory acc = (acc, memory)
helper current (r:rs) memory acc
| current == r = (acc ++ rs, current:memory)
| otherwise = helper current rs memory (r:acc)
But the helper can be rewrite using fold as follow, which is definitely nicer.
helper current [] _ = ([current],[])
helper current memory result =
foldl' (\(r, m) x -> if x==current
then (r, current:m)
else (current:r, m)) ([], memory) $ result

Algorithm for type checking ML-like pattern matching?

How do you determine whether a given pattern is "good", specifically whether it is exhaustive and non-overlapping, for ML-style programming languages?
Suppose you have patterns like:
match lst with
x :: y :: [] -> ...
[] -> ...
match lst with
x :: xs -> ...
x :: [] -> ...
[] -> ...
A good type checker would warn that the first is not exhaustive and the second is overlapping. How would the type checker make those kinds of decisions in general, for arbitrary data types?
Here's a sketch of an algorithm. It's also the basis of Lennart Augustsson's celebrated technique for compiling pattern matching efficiently. (The paper is in that incredible FPCA proceedings (LNCS 201) with oh so many hits.) The idea is to reconstruct an exhaustive, non-redundant analysis by repeatedly splitting the most general pattern into constructor cases.
In general, the problem is that your program has a possibly empty bunch of ‘actual’ patterns {p1, .., pn}, and you want to know if they cover a given ‘ideal’ pattern q. To kick off, take q to be a variable x. The invariant, initially satisfied and subsequently maintained, is that each pi is σiq for some substitution σi mapping variables to patterns.
How to proceed. If n=0, the bunch is empty, so you have a possible case q that isn't covered by a pattern. Complain that the ps are not exhaustive. If σ1 is an injective renaming of variables, then p1 catches every case that matches q, so we're warm: if n=1, we win; if n>1 then oops, there's no way p2 can ever be needed. Otherwise, we have that for some variable x, σ1x is a constructor pattern. In that case split the problem into multiple subproblems, one for each constructor cj of x's type. That is, split the original q into multiple ideal patterns qj = [x:=cj y1 .. yarity(cj)]q, and refine the patterns accordingly for each qj to maintain the invariant, dropping those that don't match.
Let's take the example with {[], x :: y :: zs} (using :: for cons). We start with
xs covering {[], x :: y :: zs}
and we have [xs := []] making the first pattern an instance of the ideal. So we split xs, getting
[] covering {[]}
x :: ys covering {x :: y :: zs}
The first of these is justified by the empty injective renaming, so is ok. The second takes [x := x, ys := y :: zs], so we're away again, splitting ys, getting.
x :: [] covering {}
x :: y :: zs covering {x :: y :: zs}
and we can see from the first subproblem that we're banjaxed.
The overlap case is more subtle and allows for variations, depending on whether you want to flag up any overlap, or just patterns which are completely redundant in a top-to-bottom priority order. Your basic rock'n'roll is the same. E.g., start with
xs covering {[], ys}
with [xs := []] justifying the first of those, so split. Note that we have to refine ys with constructor cases to maintain the invariant.
[] covering {[], []}
x :: xs covering {y :: ys}
Clearly, the first case is strictly an overlap. On the other hand, when we notice that refining an actual program pattern is needed to maintain the invariant, we can filter out those strict refinements that become redundant and check that at least one survives (as happens in the :: case here).
So, the algorithm builds a set of ideal exhaustive overlapping patterns q in a way that's motivated by the actual program patterns p. You split the ideal patterns into constructor cases whenever the actual patterns demand more detail of a particular variable. If you're lucky, each actual pattern is covered by disjoint nonempty sets of ideal patterns and each ideal pattern is covered by just one actual pattern. The tree of case splits which yield the ideal patterns gives you the efficient jump-table driven compilation of the actual patterns.
The algorithm I've presented is clearly terminating, but if there are datatypes with no constructors, it can fail to accept that the empty set of patterns is exhaustive. This is a serious issue in dependently typed languages, where exhaustiveness of conventional patterns is undecidable: the sensible approach is to allow "refutations" as well as equations. In Agda, you can write (), pronounced "my Aunt Fanny", in any place where no constructor refinement is possible, and that absolves you from the requirement to complete the equation with a return value. Every exhaustive set of patterns can be made recognizably exhaustive by adding in enough refutations.
Anyhow, that's the basic picture.
Here is some code from a non-expert. It shows what the problem looks like if you restrict your patterns to list constructors. In other words, the patterns can only be used with lists that contain lists. Here are some lists like that: [], [[]], [[];[]].
If you enable -rectypes in your OCaml interpreter, this set of lists has a single type: ('a list) as 'a.
type reclist = ('a list) as 'a
Here's a type for representing patterns that match against the reclist type:
type p = Nil | Any | Cons of p * p
To translate an OCaml pattern into this form, first rewrite using (::). Then replace []
with Nil, _ with Any, and (::) with Cons. So the pattern [] :: _ translates to
Cons (Nil, Any)
Here is a function that matches a pattern against a reclist:
let rec pmatch (p: p) (l: reclist) =
match p, l with
| Any, _ -> true
| Nil, [] -> true
| Cons (p', q'), h :: t -> pmatch p' h && pmatch q' t
| _ -> false
Here's how it looks in use. Note the use of -rectypes:
$ ocaml312 -rectypes
Objective Caml version 3.12.0
# #use "";;
type p = Nil | Any | Cons of p * p
type reclist = 'a list as 'a
val pmatch : p -> reclist -> bool = <fun>
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [];;
- : bool = false
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [[]];;
- : bool = true
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [[]; []];;
- : bool = false
# pmatch (Cons (Any, Nil)) [ [[]; []] ];;
- : bool = true
The pattern Cons (Any, Nil) should match any list of length 1, and it definitely seems to be working.
So then it seems fairly straightforward to write a function intersect that takes two patterns and returns a pattern that matches the intersection of what is matched by the two patterns. Since the patterns might not intersect at all, it returns None when there's no intersection and Some p otherwise.
let rec inter_exc pa pb =
match pa, pb with
| Nil, Nil -> Nil
| Cons (a, b), Cons (c, d) -> Cons (inter_exc a c, inter_exc b d)
| Any, b -> b
| a, Any -> a
| _ -> raise Not_found
let intersect pa pb =
try Some (inter_exc pa pb) with Not_found -> None
let intersectn ps =
(* Intersect a list of patterns.
match ps with
| [] -> None
| head :: tail ->
(fun a b -> match a with None -> None | Some x -> intersect x b)
(Some head) tail
As a simple test, intersect the pattern [_, []] against the pattern [[], _].
The former is the same as _ :: [] :: [], and so is Cons (Any, Cons (Nil, Nil)).
The latter is the same as [] :: _ :: [], and so is Cons (Nil, (Cons (Any, Nil)).
# intersect (Cons (Any, Cons (Nil, Nil))) (Cons (Nil, Cons (Any, Nil)));;
- : p option = Some (Cons (Nil, Cons (Nil, Nil)))
The result looks pretty right: [[], []].
It seems like this is enough to answer the question about overlapping patterns. Two patterns overlap if their intersection is not None.
For exhaustiveness you need to work with a list of patterns. Here is a function
exhaust that tests whether a given list of patterns is exhaustive:
let twoparts l =
(* All ways of partitioning l into two sets.
(fun accum x ->
let absent = (fun (a, b) -> (a, x :: b)) accum
List.fold_left (fun accum (a, b) -> (x :: a, b) :: accum)
absent accum)
[([], [])] l
let unique l =
(* Eliminate duplicates from the list. Makes things
* faster.
let rec u sl=
match sl with
| [] -> []
| [_] -> sl
| h1 :: ((h2 :: _) as tail) ->
if h1 = h2 then u tail else h1 :: u tail
u (List.sort compare l)
let mkpairs ps =
(fun p a -> match p with Cons (x, y) -> (x, y) :: a | _ -> a) ps []
let rec submatches pairs =
(* For each matchable subset of fsts, return a list of the
* associated snds. A matchable subset has a non-empty
* intersection, and the intersection is not covered by the rest of
* the patterns. I.e., there is at least one thing that matches the
* intersection without matching any of the other patterns.
let noncovint (prs, rest) =
let prs_firsts = fst prs in
let rest_firsts = unique ( fst rest) in
match intersectn prs_firsts with
| None -> false
| Some i -> not (cover i rest_firsts)
in let pairparts = List.filter noncovint (twoparts pairs)
unique ( (fun (a, b) -> snd a) pairparts)
and cover_pairs basepr pairs =
cover (fst basepr) (unique ( fst pairs)) &&
List.for_all (cover (snd basepr)) (submatches pairs)
and cover_cons basepr ps =
let pairs = mkpairs ps
in let revpair (a, b) = (b, a)
pairs <> [] &&
cover_pairs basepr pairs &&
cover_pairs (revpair basepr) ( revpair pairs)
and cover basep ps =
List.mem Any ps ||
match basep with
| Nil -> List.mem Nil ps
| Any -> List.mem Nil ps && cover_cons (Any, Any) ps
| Cons (a, b) -> cover_cons (a, b) ps
let exhaust ps =
cover Any ps
A pattern is like a tree with Cons in the internal nodes and Nil or Any at the leaves. The basic idea is that a set of patterns is exhaustive if you always reach Any in at least one of the patterns (no matter what the input looks like). And along the way, you need to see both Nil and Cons at each point. If you reach Nil at the same spot in all the patterns, it means there's a longer input that won't be matched by any of them. On the other hand, if you see just Cons at the same spot in all the patterns, there's an input that ends at that point that won't be matched.
The difficult part is checking for exhaustiveness of the two subpatterns of a Cons. This code works the way I do when I check by hand: it finds all the different subsets that could match at the left, then makes sure that the corresponding right subpatterns are exhaustive in each case. Then the same with left and right reversed. Since I'm a nonexpert (more obvious to me all the time), there are probably better ways to do this.
Here is a session with this function:
# exhaust [Nil];;
- : bool = false
# exhaust [Any];;
- : bool = true
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Nil, Any); Cons (Any, Nil)];;
- : bool = false
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Any, Any)];;
- : bool = true
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Any, Nil); Cons (Any, (Cons (Any, Any)))];;
- : bool = true
I checked this code against 30,000 randomly generated patterns, and so I have some confidence that it's right. I hope these humble observations may prove to be of some use.
I believe the pattern sub-language is simple enough that it's easy to analyze. This is the reason for requiring patterns to be "linear" (each variable can appear only once), and so on. With these restrictions, every pattern is a projection from a kind of nested tuple space to a restricted set of tuples. I don't think it's too difficult to check for exhaustiveness and overlap in this model.

Functional O(1) append and O(n) iteration from first element list data structure

I'm looking for a functional data structure that supports the following operations:
Append, O(1)
In order iteration, O(n)
A normal functional linked list only supports O(n) append, while I could use a normal LL and then reverse it, the reverse operation would be O(n) also which (partially) negates the O(1) cons operation.
You can use John Hughes's constant-time append lists, which seem nowadays to be called DList. The representation is a function from lists to lists: the empty list is the identity function; append is composition, and singleton is cons (partially applied). In this representation every enumeration will cost you n allocations, so that may not be so good.
The alternative is to make the same algebra as a data structure:
type 'a seq = Empty | Single of 'a | Append of 'a seq * 'a seq
Enumeration is a tree walk, which will either cost some stack space or will require some kind of zipper representation. Here's a tree walk that converts to list but uses stack space:
let to_list t =
let rec walk t xs = match t with
| Empty -> xs
| Single x -> x :: xs
| Append (t1, t2) -> walk t1 (walk t2 xs) in
walk t []
Here's the same, but using constant stack space:
let to_list' t =
let rec walk lefts t xs = match t with
| Empty -> finish lefts xs
| Single x -> finish lefts (x :: xs)
| Append (t1, t2) -> walk (t1 :: lefts) t2 xs
and finish lefts xs = match lefts with
| [] -> xs
| t::ts -> walk ts t xs in
walk [] t []
You can write a fold function that visits the same elements but doesn't actually reify the list; just replace cons and nil with something more general:
val fold : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a seq -> 'b
let fold f z t =
let rec walk lefts t xs = match t with
| Empty -> finish lefts xs
| Single x -> finish lefts (f (x, xs))
| Append (t1, t2) -> walk (t1 :: lefts) t2 xs
and finish lefts xs = match lefts with
| [] -> xs
| t::ts -> walk ts t xs in
walk [] t z
That's your linear-time, constant-stack enumeration. Have fun!
I believe you can just use standard functional linked list:
To append element, you can use cons (which is O(1))
To iterate elements in the order in which they were inserted, you can first reverse the list,
(which is O(N)) and then traverse it, which is also O(N) (and 2xO(N) is still just O(N)).
How about a difference list?
type 'a DList = DList of ('a list -> 'a list)
module DList =
let append (DList f) (DList g) = (DList (f << g))
let cons x (DList f) = (DList (fun l -> x::(f l)))
let snoc (DList f) x = (DList (fun l -> f(x::l)))
let empty = DList id
let ofList = List.fold snoc empty
let toList (DList f) = f []
You could create a functional Deque, which provides O(1) adding to either end, and O(N) for iteration in either direction. Eric Lippert wrote about an interesting version of an immutable Deque on his blog note that if you look around you will find the other parts of the series, but that is the explanation of the final product. Note also that with a bit of tweaking it can be modified to utilize F# discriminated unions and pattern matching (although that is up to you).
Another interesting property of this version, O(1) peek, removal, and add, from either end (i.e. dequeueLeft, dequeueRight, dequeueLeft, dequeueRight, etc. is still O(N), versus O(N*N) with a double list method).
What about a circularly-linked list? It supports O(1) appends and O(n) iteration.
