Calling internal (Endpoint) function in WebAPI -

I am using Hangfire to execute recurring jobs in my web API and I use System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath in the "RoutineMethod" function.
But the problem is it throws object null exception.
I searched the problem and found that recurring jobs don't use http threads, they use background threads.
Now to resolve this problem I need to call my internal (endpoint) using httpclient.
But to do that I need to give URL of the Web API (to generate URI). So is there any other way to call internal function using httpclient.
My current code:
public static async Task<IHttpActionResult> RoutineTask()
//It was like this before.
//await new DemoController().RoutineMethod();
//await new DemoController().RoutineMethod2();
//I am planning to do this.
using (var client = new HttpClient())
//But I need to give URI which I don't think is a good idea.
var uri = new Uri("http://localhost/DemoApp/api/DemoController/RoutineMethod");
await client.GetAsync(uri);
return new DemoController().Ok();

The short answer is no. The HttpClient, as its name implies, requires an http connection.
There are no smell issues with storing service connection information in a configuration file.
However, to expand on Nkosi's comment, it appears that since your code can create an instance of DemoController, that it must have a reference to that controller's project or even be in the same project. I would extract the interesting code into a library or service that all areas needing the information can reference.


RetryPolicy on Web Api causes timeout

I have a Web Api that invokes another web api call to get some information. In order to make the app more resilient, I implemented a HttpTransientErrorDetectionStrategy following the steps at:
After that, I use code like below to invoke the other web app:
RetryPolicy _retryPolicy = new RetryPolicy<HttpTransientErrorDetectionStrategy>(
new ExponentialBackoff(retryCount: 2, minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), deltaBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)));
var _httpClient = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = new Uri("")
HttpResponseMessage response = _retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () => await _httpClient.GetAsync($"", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead)).Result;
The _httpClient.GetAsync call gets stuck, and I have no idea why. If I remove the _retryPolicy, and just use _httpClient.GetAsync directly, it returns in a matter of seconds.
I have similar code on a console app, to invoke the same web app, and that is working fine, so this seems to be specific to the way I am using it in my web API. This is intended to be an app on Azure, but it happens when I debug locally as well. Does anybody have any idea why this is getting stuck? How can I debug this?
Thank you!
I have similar code on a console app, to invoke the same web app, and that is working fine, so this seems to be specific to the way I am using it in my web API.
The code you posted is blocking right here:
HttpResponseMessage response = _retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(...).Result;
Don't block on async code. Instead, use await:
HttpResponseMessage response = await _retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(...);
If I remove the _retryPolicy, and just use _httpClient.GetAsync directly, it returns in a matter of seconds.
If your original code is blocking, and you must block on asynchronous code (for some reason), then you can either use the ConfigureAwait(false) hack:
HttpResponseMessage response = _retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () => await _httpClient.GetAsync($"", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead).ConfigureAwait(false)).Result;
or elide async/await:
HttpResponseMessage response = _retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(() => _httpClient.GetAsync($"", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead)).Result;
P.S. Check out DecorrelatedJitterBackoffV2.

Does ServiceStack Cache Internal Requests?

If I use the .ToOptimizedResult (documented here) from a "bare" request like so:
var svc = new MyService();
var svcResul = svc.Any(new requestDTO() {..});
Will the performance of svcResult benefit from caching, or must it be called from Http/Messaging/Client ?
Note: app is actually running a servicestack container.. but caller above is not invoked from inside a service.
ServiceStack doesn't do any Request Caching by default, you have to opt-in to Caching using one of the caching strategies.
You shouldn't use ToOptimizedResult() in Services that you wish to call directly, for cached Requests it returns a serialized compressed byte[] result which isn't accessible as a Typed Response DTO from C# API.
For caching Services that you want to call via C# you can use the CacheResponse Attribute instead.
Calling Other Services
Note: The recommended way to call other Services is to use the Service Gateway, e.g:
var result = Gateway.Send(new RequestDto());
If you want to call the C# method on the Service directly you should use ResolveService to resolve an autowired Service and call the method within a using statement, e.g:
using (var service = base.ResolveService<MyService>())
var result = service.Any(new RequestDto());

Using HttpClient to make a call within a Web API

I've been working on a .NET 4.6.1 Web API project. As part of this project, I need to call another Web API and I want to use the HttpClient to do so.
From my research online, you can't rely on just doing a normal HttpClient within a using clause as it doesn't garbage collect correctly and can lead to memory leaks.
E.g., I'm currently using it as follows:
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CONTENTFUL_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS) } )
responseText = await client.GetStringAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext:false);
But as suggested in other articles from Stack Overflow and others, this leads to memory leaks, and the way around this is to share a single instance of the HttpClient.
E.g., check HTTPCLIENT DESTABILIZING YOUR SOFTWARE and HttpClientHandler/HttpClient Memory Leak.
I'm not sure however how to setup a shared "single" instance of the HttpClient from within an WebAPI itself?
You should have a look on how to implement singleton pattern. Refer to this.
Then you can create a singleton of HttpClient and make it responsible for all HTTP calls from your API.

Google Drive SDK 1.8.1 RedirectURL

Is there any way to provide RedirectURL then using GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker?
Here is the sample code in C#:
Task<UserCredential> credential = GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(secrets, scopes, GoogleDataStore.User, cancellationToken, dataStore);
Or we have to use different approach?
I have an "installed application" that runs on a user's desktop, not a website. By default, when I create an "installed application" project in the API console, the redirect URI seems to be set to local host by default.
What ends up happening is that after the authentication sequence the user gets redirected to localhost and receives a browser error. I would like to prevent this from happening by providing my own redirect URI: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob:auto
This seems to be possible using Python version of the Google Client API, but I find it difficult to find any reference to this with .NET.
Take a look in the implementation of PromptCodeReceiver, as you can see it contains the redirect uri.
You can implement your own ICodeReceiver with your prefer redirect uri, and call it from a WebBroker which should be similar to GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.
I think it would be great to understand why can't you just use PrompotCodeReceiver or LocalServerCodeReceiver.
And be aware that we just released a new library last week, so you should update it to 1.9.0.
UPDATE (more details, Nov 25th 2014):
You can create your own ICodeReceiver. You will have to do the following:
* The code was never tested... sorry.
public class MyNewCodeReceiver : ICodeReceiver
public string RedirectUri
get { return YOU_REDIRECT_URI; }
public Task<AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(
AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url,
CancellationToken taskCancellationToken)
// PromptCodeReceiver AND LocalServerCodeReceiver
and LocalServerCodeReceiver.
Then you will have to do the following
(instead of using the GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync method):
var initializer = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
ClientSecrets = secrets,
Scopes = scopes,
DataStore = new FileDataStore("Google.Apis.Auth");
await new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(initializer),
new MyNewCodeReceiver())
.AuthorizeAsync(user, taskCancellationToken);
In addition:
I'll be happy to understand further why you need to set a different redirect uri, so we will be able to improve the library accordingly.
When I create an installed application the current PromptCodeReceiver and LocalServerCodeReceiver work for me, so I'm not sure what's the problem with your code.

MiniProfiler with Web.API 2; is there a global magic request context object?

I'm trying to setup MiniProfiler on my web api site, and having a hard time getting MiniProfiler.Current to work.
I followed the directions at, and have the following in global.asax:
protected void Application_Start()
// other setup
protected void Application_BeginRequest() {
// need to start one here in order to render out the UI
protected void Application_EndRequest() {
This uses the default WebRequestProfilerProvider, which stores the actual profile object in HttpContext.Current.Items.
When I ask for MiniProfiler.Current, it looks to HttpContext.Current.
When I make a request for one of my web api URLs:
Application_BeginRequest creates the profiler, store it in HttpContext.Current
in a web api MessageHandler, I can see HttpContext.Current
in a web apu IActionFilter, HttpContext.Current is now null, and my attempt to MiniProfiler.Current.Step("controller:action") fails
my EF queries run from various services do not get recorded, as that miniprofiler hook relies MiniProfiler.Current, which relies on HttpContext.Current, which is null right now
Application_EndRequest fires, and HttpContext.Current is magically back, and so it wraps up the profiler and tells me how long it's been since the request began
I dug through the code, and I can create my own IProfileProvider, to store the profiler object somewhere more reliable than HttpContext.Current, but I don't know where that could be.
I spent a few hours trying things out, but couldn't find a workable solution. The problems:
the IProfileProvider is a global variable; all worker threads in either the MVC or Web API pipeline all have to use the same IProfileProvider
I can dig around in web api RequestContext.Properties to pull out the HttpContext for that request, but that doesn't really help because my IProfileProvider is global across the entire app; If I tell it to store the profile in HttpContext A, then any simultaneous requests for other HttpContexts are going to pollute the profile
I can't rely on any kind of threadstorage because of async/await re-using threads dynamically
I can't stick the profiler object in an Ninject binding with InRequestScope because InRequestScope doesn't seem to work with web api 2.1, but even if I could
everyone says HttpRequestMessage.Properties is the new HttpContext.Current.Items, but again, IProfileProvider is a global variable and I don't know of a way to ensure each request is looking at their version HttpRequestMessage. MiniProfiler.Current can be called from anywhere, so I guess a global IProfileProvider would have to somehow inspect the call stack to and find an HttpRequestMessage there? That sounds like madness.
I'm at a loss. What I really want is a special variable.
The process of putting the question together I figured it out. HttpContext.Current can get lost when you async/await things: Why is HttpContext.Current null after await?
I had to make the web.config change listed there, and adjusted my filters to use Miniprofiler.Current before any awaiting.
Also discussed at
