How to set an $error in Laravel 5.6 - laravel-5.6

How to set an error like the form validator does in laravel 5.6? I am still confused on how to set this manually.

return redirect('redirect-url')->withErrors('Error msg here');


How to Set Session in Form Request Validation Laravel?

I create validation using laravel form request file and I want to set session in laravel request file and send the session with validation error to blade view.. can I do that ?
Thanks :)
Using Laravels validation whether that be within the App\Http\Requests or in the controller itself using
$this->validate($request, [
'name' => 'required
Will automatically return errors back to the view itself for you to display within the $errors variable.
If you're calling the Validator::make() method yourself and wish to check the errors manually and redirect. You can do this by using
$validator = Validator::make($request, [...]);
if($validator->fails()) {
return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator->errors());

Laravel 404 Not Found - But Route Exists

Hello im trying to get information about user on my view.
Here is my UserController
public function getUser(Request $request, $id)
$user = User::findOrFail($id);
return view('admin.user', ['user' -> $user]);
here is my web.php
Route::get('admin/user/{id}', "UsersController#getUser");
and my user view
<h1>User {{ $user }} </h1>
I am trying to display user information in this view, like name etc, but im recives 404
Not Found page. What im doing wrong. Im using Laravel 6
404 error may refer to a User not being found, since you have a findOrFail() query. It may have nothing to do with your routes.
Just double check with:
php artisan route:list
just to make sure the route is being registered correctly.
I think you firstly use any prefix for this route.For this it will give you an error.To check route list.
php artisan route:list
it will give you all route.
And Here you don't need (Request $request) because here you just need the not the problem..i give you just this suggestion
public function getUser($id)
$user = User::findOrFail($id);
return view('admin.user', ['user'=> $user]);
why you use '-> ' you should use '=>'

Redirect to another route with data Laravel 5.8

Good day everyone. I am encountering an error in my code. I am trying to redirect to another route and passing data with it.
Controller code:
return redirect()->route('customer.success', compact('data'));
Route::get('success-customer', 'CustomerController#showSuccess')->name('customer.success');
Your assistant: {{Session::get($data['assistant'])}}
Now my error is, it shows the error of undefined data yet I used the compact function.
Answers and advices are highly appreciated!
In laravel 5.8 you can do the following:
return redirect('login')->with('data',$data);
in blade file The data will store in session not in variable.
{{ Session::get('data') }}
You can use this:
return redirect()->route('profile', ['id' => 1]);
To redirect to any controller, use this code
return redirect()->action('DefaultController#index');
If you want to send data using redirect, try to use this code
return Redirect::route('customer.success)->with( ['data' => $data] );
To read the data in blade, use this one
// in PHP
$id = session()->get( 'data' );
// in Blade
{{ session()->get( 'data' ) }}
Check here for more info
TRy this
return Redirect::route('customer.success')->with(['data'=>$data]);
In blade

Laravel: View::share(...) with $response->assertViewHas(...) in phpunit

I share my params with view like this:
\Illuminate\Support\Facades\View::share('params', $params);
view()->share('params', $params);
and testing it with phpunit like so
$response = $this->actingAs($user)->get($url);
And I'm getting this FAILURE
Failed asserting that an array has the key 'params'.
When I share like so, phpunit is green
return view('account', compact('params'));
How can I test variables shared with view()->share('params', $params); ?
I'm using Laravel 5.8

Laravel 5.1 Mail::send doesn't work - gives 500 internal server error

I took an example from the Laravel 5.1 documentation for Mail and replaced it with my send and receiver email ids.
Mail::raw works in the controller and if I use Mail::send in tinker it works. However, if I use Mail::send in the controller it doesn't work.
Everything is set up as described on the Laravel 5.1 mail page. . I have also cleared app cache, config cache and view cache.
public function sendEmailReminder(Request $request, $id)
$user = User::findOrFail($id);
Mail::send('emails.reminder', ['user' => $user], function ($m) use ($user) {
$m->from('', 'Your Application');
$m->to($user->email, $user->name)->subject('Your Reminder!');
The error could be from the email you are trying to send from, in order to send the email successfully this email has to be a valid email address and the one register as your MAIL_USERNAME
It was a permissions issue for the storage/frameworks directory. Once I changed the permissions it worked fine..
