Accessing Microsoft Dynamics 365 - API - dynamics-crm

I want to access Microsoft Dynamics 365 online.
It is the first time I am working with this tool.
I want to access this through API.
I have gone through the following links :
Link 1
Link 2
It shows that AUTHORIZATION_URL or clientid or tokenendpoint
are needed.
I have a simple MSD 365, I only have username and password with me.
So I am not able to understand how to connect to MSD 365.
My simple question is, is it possible to access/connect using username and password?
Or is it mandatory to have all these details?

If you are planning to use Dynamics CRM 365 web api inside CRM context like Javascript web resource then no need.
If planning to use it in any external app (developed using nodejs, python) then need to register App in Azure AD to get App client Id and get login token for accessing web api.
Second link example uses adal.js to get token directly using username & password without clientid.


I want to integrate Dynamics CRM with Postman without AAD registration

I want to integrate Dynamics CRM with Postman with the help of username and password and without Azure AD registration.
It is purely dependent on your environment. If it is CRM online or IFD then OAuth is the only choice. The documentation says “must”. Read more
When you use the Web API for Customer Engagement or an on-premises Internet-facing deployment (IFD) you must use OAuth as described in Use OAuth with Dataverse.
If it is on-premise then you have to use username/password. Read more
When you use the Web API for on-premises deployments you must include the user’s network credentials.
In case if you are having difficulty with AAD App registration - then you can use the example readymade client Id in documentation for development purpose. Read more

CDSWebApiService not working with MFA enabled

I am trying to connect to PowerApps WebApi using CDSWebApiService provided by microsoft.
I have used the sample code that Microsoft provided to connect to Web API of Power Automate and that works fine for the normal users.
But when we turn on the MFA for the user that its giving authentication errors to call API.
Basically I am trying to call WorkFlows API.(
Or is there any other way to call Power Automate Web API? Using CRM Service client or something else?
you should use Application user to make API calls, especially when your company has MFA enabled.
With Application user you can have clientID and secret and that can be used.
Also I think application user does not use MFA.

retrieve specific columns from crm dynamics built in entity using Talend Open Studio

I have a requirement to integrate CRM dynamics 365 with MySQL db. The available tool is Talend Open Studio. So I have a few queries
-I need to retrieve a few columns from accounts, leads,opportunities, but I could not find a way to restrict the columns returns. Is there any way we can do it using tMicrosoftCrmInput? I am getting all the columns now.
How to do an incremental/delta data sync using Talend Open studio? I need to get the newly created and updated items
I tried to use tRestClient as well. but basic authentication getting failed with 401 error. How the headers and auth setting should be done?
Also,under basic settings when we use Authentication Type as : Online;ApI Version as:v2016(odata); Registered application type as:Web app with delegated permissions, why we need to give username,password along applicationid and secret?
It could be quite tough to get data from CRM Dynamics with talend.
To connect to Microsoft CRM Dynamics, i used tRESTClient , i didn't manage to get all i wanted with tMicrosoftCRMinput component.
Firsty you have to authenticate. My advice : try first to do it with a software like Postman. If you succeed with postman, you will be able to do it with talend (and if you don't, then problem is not talend).
You have to use a tRESTClient to connect to the auth service (
Here is an exampleof my tRESTClient config. You'll need clientid and secret, i think user/password is not mandatory if you have id and secret. "resource" is the url to your dynamics crm. When connection is OK, retrieve token with a json extraction.

Bypass the login in Dynamics CRM

I am currently in the process of trying to get the data from Dynamics CRM (Office 365 - E5) using the Web API query method like$select=accountid,name,new_gl_exp,new_autol_exp
I will include this api within the external application (Developed using HTML & Javascript) & hosted in on-premises IIS
I have done the basic setting in both CRM & Azure and got the token after logged it in
How can we get authenticate without enter the username & password in the
Is there way to bypass this login (like passing client,tenet, client secret id as parameter to or any REST API?
We are using separate login for application so we will have to use two login
Application login for Dynamics CRM
Web API authentication patterns
There are three different ways to manage authentication when using the Web API.
With JavaScript in web resources
When you use the Web API with JavaScript within HTML web resources, form scripts, or ribbon commands you don’t need to include any code for authentication. In each of these cases the user is already authenticated by the application and authentication is managed by the application.
With on-premises deployments
When you use the Web API for on-premises deployments you must include the user’s network credentials. The following example is a C# function that will return an HttpClient configured for a given user’s network credentials:
private HttpClient getNewHttpClient(string userName,string password,string domainName, string webAPIBaseAddress)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler() { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password, domainName) });
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(webAPIBaseAddress);
client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0);
return client;
With Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) or internet facing deployments
When you use the Web API for Dynamics 365 (online) or an on-premises Internet-facing deployment (IFD) you must use OAuth as described in Connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 web services using OAuth.
If you’re creating a single page application (SPA) using JavaScript you can use the adal.js library as described in Use OAuth with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing to connect a Single Page Application to Microsoft Dynamics 365.

CRM 2016:Using Web API for CRM IFD to connect CRM Web Service

I'm new to Web API and trying to build a CRM Web Service application with C# by using Web API. Here is the sample code I'm using: C# application which authenticates against Azure AD using ADAL and communicates with Dynamics CRM.
This code works perfectly for AD authentication on premise CRM environment. But my environment is IFD, which means I have to use OAuth. it says method calls to the web services must be authorized with the identity provider for that service endpoint. However all the example point to Microsoft Azure Active Directory. but for real case, do we have to register a CRM app with Azure Active Directory?
Then how can I define the 'Client ID', 'RedirectUrl', 'Authority' in my code, where is my endppoint? We're using ADFS authentication.
Can anyone share some sample codes for this?
