How to create view using dynamic action in APEX oracle? - oracle

I created a procedure to create a view dynamically using a shuttle item in APEX that returns the colon separated values. Here's the code to create it.
create or replace procedure create_temporary_view (input_employees in varchar2) is
execute immediate 'create or replace view temp_batch_id as with emps(shuttle_item) as
(select '''||input_employees||''' from dual)
select regexp_substr(shuttle_item, ''[^:]+'', 1, level) batch_id from emps connect by level <= regexp_count(shuttle_item, '':'') + 1;';
And inside the Execute PL/SQL code dynamic action i added the code something like
where :P12_EMPLOYEES is the shuttle item giving the colon separated values.
Apparently this piece of code works when i do it from the SQL Commands tab in Oracle APEX but the procedure isn't getting called from the EXECUTE PL/SQL code dynamic action. Is there a specific reason for it? If yes, what is it? If not, what could be the possible errors? Thanks in Advance.

I'm not sure what's your final goal, but I wouldn't create any table or view from APEX like that.
I think you actually want to populate a collection.
Have a look at how to create/populate collection in APEX and I think you'll find whatever you're trying to do.

It looks like you're trying to tokenize your P12_EMPLOYEES variable. This is not the right way to do this. Apex has a built-in PL/SQL function for doing this:
apex_string.split( :P12_EMPLOYEES, ':' )
this will give you a apex_t_varchar2 collection, split by colons.
Why your approach is a bad idea, consider what happens if two users are using your application at the same time. You'll create a view visible to both users with data from only one.


BI Publisher - Can't implement cursor logic inside data model

I want to use cursor logic inside the data model's script in order to select some data from tables based on different conditions, but I can't do it from the data model's query script also I can't invoke already stored procedure from db, is there any better option to accomplish this
here are options that I have already tried but got some errors:
I have tried to create procedure and then invoke it from data model as well but it is not possible to call procedure from inside data model's script and i need to reflect procedure's data into data model structure, so i belive this scenario is not good for me.
I have used following solution Anonymous blocks (Procedural Call) data model in Oracle BI Publisher (Oracle Fusion): it is perfect when we need simple 'select' but can't run more complicated logic like this:
type refcursor is REF CURSOR;
xdo_cursor refcursor;
OPEN :xdo_cursor FOR
FOR c IN (select t.* from test t where t.VERSION=2) LOOP
FOR d in (select c.* from record d where CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF = 0 start with = connect by prior = loop
select * test
end loop;
when i trying to run this i am getting similar errors:
Please share your thoughts/Ideas
Try a Pipelined Table Function if you want to use a procedure to generate data.
If you can get away with just doing select statements with unions and where clause filters, that may be the cleanest way to go.
I'm not sure what the end goal is, but the grouping functionality for templates may help you. There's quite a bit of documentation in the user guides. look for for-each-group in the guide. It's used to take a single flat series of rows/elements, and then create a hierarchy of them, on the fly.

Problems inserting data into Oracle table with sequence column via SSIS

I am doing data insert into a table in Oracle which is having a sequence set to it in one of the columns say Id column. I would like to know how to do data loads into such tables.
I followed the below link -
It's possible to use OleDbConnections with the Script Component?
and tried to create a function to get the .nextval from the Oracle table but I am getting the following error -
Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01019
I realized that manually setting the value via the package i.e. by using the Script task to enumerate the values but is not incrementing the sequence and that is causing the problem. How do we deal with it? Any links that can help me solve it?
I am using SSIS-2014 but I am not able to tag it as I don't due to paucity of reputation points.
I created a workaround to cater to this problem. I have created staging tables of the destination without the column that takes the Sequence Id. After the data gets inserted, I am then calling SQL statement to get the data into the main tables from staging table and using the .nextval function. Finally truncating/dropping the table depending on the need. It would still be interesting to know how this same thing can be handled via script rather having this workaround.
For instance something like below -
insert into table_main
select table_main_sequence_name.nextval
from (
select *
from table_stg
ORA-01019 may be related to fact you have multiple Oracle clients installed. Please check ORACLE_HOME variable if it contains only one client.
One workaround I'm thinking about is creating two procedures for handling sequence. One to get value you start with:
create or replace function get_first from seq as return number
seqid number;
select seq_name.nexval into seqid from dual;
return seqid;
Then do your incrementation in script. And after that call second procedure to increment sequence:
create or replace procedure setseq(val number) as
execute immediate 'ALTER SEQUENCE seq_name INCREMENT BY ' || val;
This is not good approach but maybe it will solve your problem

Select All records from a table using SP in Oracle SQL Developer

I'm using SQL Oracle to build a stored procedure. I'm trying to build a stored procedure of the SQL-query below.And I want to return those data to a C# program.
select * from employee_master
I have tried following. Is this correct?
OPEN p_recordset FOR
If you wish to build a stored procedure that return such resultset first of all you should check if you really need to do this. It's incidental and not recommended way for Oracle. But if you really need so, you should use REF CURSOR.
after executing your stored procedure in SQL Developer, it automatically brings back any output for you to view, including one or more ref cursors.
Example code and screenshots here

Construct and debug a PL/SQL simple or complex select view statement in a procedure

How do I perform a select on a rather simple view in oracle pl/sql using a stored procedure.
Lets say the view looks like this:
FirstName LastName
-------- -------
Bob Jones
James Kay
To me its should be so simple:
Procedure SuperSimple()
select FirstName, LastName from SuperSimple
However I've been told that this will not work.
So I tried to use a PL/SQL cursor. Still scratching my head trying to figure out why I am using cursors. But it appears to be necessary in 11g.
Procedure AlphaPrime(Results OUT Ref CURSOR) IS
OPEN Results for
select FirstName, LastName from SuperSimple;
Now I was hoping this would work but I'm doing something like this with select statements and it appears to be not working.
Do I also need to add a fetch and another open and a close command to make this thing work? What is the idea behind all this? I've noticed that trying to find info on how to add a very simple select statemetn to a procedure appears to be missing from most documentation that I've read. Is there a reason for this like its too simple to add a select statement to a procedure as it would be better to add it to a view. Something along those lines.
The problem I'm having is I want to start out really simple and tac on a little bit more complexity to the sproc over time... where time ~ 1 to 2 hours. Can someone point me to some docs in Oracle PL/SQL that shows how to add a simple table or view. Also If the permissions for a specific view or table is not allowed does it just fail for that user or does it give an empty result set.
It is not clear from your question what are you intending to do with the query result inside your procedure. So here I make some examples with dbms_output which prints to screen out some message and data from your query. Probably you will replace it with your logic.
Let's have some view (actually it doesn't matter here whether you are querying view or table, but I would stick to your question)
create table some_simple_table(firstname varchar2(30), lastname varchar2(30));
create or replace view supersimple_view as select firstname, lastname, 'whatever1' whatever from some_simple_table;
The following code does select into variable, this will work only if query returns exactly one row.
create or replace procedure supersimple1 is
vfirstname supersimple_view.firstname%type;
vwhatever supersimple_view.whatever%type;
vsupersimple supersimple_view%rowtype;
select firstname, whatever into vfirstname, vwhatever from supersimple_view;
dbms_output.put_line('I''m doing some logic with this'|| vwhatever );
select * into vsupersimple from supersimple_view;
dbms_output.put_line('I''m doing some logic with this'|| vsupersimple.firstname);
Perhaps you can implement implicit cursor loop through results and do some logic.
create or replace procedure supersimple2 is
for rec in (select * from supersimple_view)
dbms_output.put_line('I''m doing some logic with this record '|| rec.firstname);
end loop;
Another option is cursor (particularly in case when you will reuse the same select) loop through results and do some logic.
create or replace procedure supersimple3 is
cursor cur is (select * from supersimple_view);
vsupersimple cur%rowtype;
open cur ;
FETCH cur INTO vsupersimple;
dbms_output.put_line('I''m doing some logic with this record '|| vsupersimple.firstname);
end loop;
close cur;
You can fetch result of your query to collection
create or replace procedure supersimple4 is
type supersimple_colt is table of supersimple_view%rowtype index by pls_integer;
vsupersimple_col supersimple_colt;
select * bulk collect into vsupersimple_col from supersimple_view ;
for i in 1 .. vsupersimple_col.count
dbms_output.put_line('I''m doing some logic with this record '|| vsupersimple_col(i).firstname);
end loop;
Instead of PL/SQL type declared in supersimple4 you can create standalone database SQL types and used them to fetch results into. This aproach gives you various features like: possibility to query collection in select statement in table like fashion, converting it to xml by xmltype, etc.
I think I found the answer. For each column that is selected on, it needs a view or table column type, which is sort of like the list of parameters used for the final output. That way when you declare on it you can better know what you are getting, which sorta makes sense.
So if you have two tables or views which were used to generate the output columns, you would need both of those tables or views in your descriptive OUT variables to describe better what you are outputting in the final output result.
See this link.
I'm taking an educated guess with this next part as I'm just beginning to understand it:
This query should work. But if its not it may be due to insuffiecient priviledges. Try a table that you know you have access and select it in a procedure in debug mode. Then try a view.
Procedure AlphaPrime(Results OUT Ref CURSOR) IS
OPEN Results for
select FirstName, LastName from SuperSimple;
Also there is a possibility with Debug mode and your assigned user roles that you may have insufficient priviledges to debug all the objects in the view and they may not be accessible. Sometimes you can just hit the "Ignore" button in Toad to skip over debugging inside a stored procedure. Also you may have priveledges to view the results the object just not view its structure which may also give you insufficient priviledges errors. Again just ignore them to skip over those types of issues and see the results while in debug mode. If you don't debug this, then you should not see any errors and just get the results.

Quick-n-dirty results: View results of Procedure OUT cursor in SQL Worksheet?

Platform: Oracle
Language: PL/SQL
Issue: Want to output a procedure OUT cursor into the SQLDeveloper SQLWosksheet.
Anyone know how to use the Oracle "Select * from Table( PipelinedFunction( Param ) ) " to check procedure code output cursors?
I am using Crsytal Reports off of an Oracle stored procedure. Crystal requires that a procedure return a cursor, which it fetchs and reads.
The procedure code I have is currently working, but I want to find the easiest way to view the effects of changes to the procedure code. I have SQLDeveloper available, and I'm doing my creation and sql testing in that. I would like to get a quick result visible in the SQL Developer Query Result window ("SQL Worksheet").
Is there a (simple) way to use a Function to read the cursor from the procedure? (and pipe that out to the Table function?)
Convoluted, I know, but I deal best when I can just see the results of code changes. If I can view the record results directly, it will speed up development of the report.
I know of the Table function and a little about pipelining in Oracle. I know a little about cursors in general and sys_refcursor. I know diddly about types and why I need them. (Isn't sys_regCursor supposed to get us away from that?)
The current procedure does an adequate but ungraceful series of queries, inserts to global temp tables (GTT), joins from GTT and original tables, more inserts, and more self-joins and then SELECTS the results into the OUT cursor. I might be able to do better relying on just cursors and such, but the current method is good enough to get results to the report.
I think I can handle SQL pretty well (for our purposes), but I am not an Oracle-specific developer... but I need help.
Anybody run across this? The whole idea was to speed my development for the procedure code, but I've spent a couple of days looking for a way to just get at the output... not what I had in mind.
I have tried some hare-brained schemes based on slivers that I've seen on the web... such as
Create or replace FUNCTION GET_BACKPLANE (
Open Results for
Select Backplane(Results, Node) from Dual ;
... etc.
Create or replace Function GET_BACKPLANE (
I don't think that Oracle is even considering letting me re-reference the output cursor from the procedure ("Results" is a sys_refcursor that holds the results of the last SELECT in the procedure). I don't know how to define it, open it, and reference it from the procedure.
I never got to the place where I could try
Sorry for any typos and bad Oracle Grammar... it's been a long several days.
SQL Developer allows us to use SQL*Plus commands in the Worksheet. So all you need to do is define a variable to hold the output of the ref cursor.
I may have misinterpreted the actual code you want to run but I'm assuming your actual program is a procedure Backplane(Results, Node) where results is an OUT parameter of datatype sys_refcursor and node is some input parameter.
var rc refcursor
exec Backplane(results=>:rc, Node=>42)
print rc
The output of the print statement is written to the Script Output pane.
Note that the use of SQL*Plus commands means we have to use the Run Script option F5 rather than execute statement.
Thanks for the help. In the end, I wound up brute-force-ing it...
Step by step:
Make a query, test a query,
create a global temp table from the structure,
add code to make another query off of that GTT, test the query,
create a global temp table from the structure,
In the end, I wound up running (anonymous block) scripts and checking the GTT contents at every stage.
The last part was to use the same last query from the original procedure, stuffing everything into the Cursor that crystal likes...
tomorrow, I test that.
But, I'll just force it through for the next procedure, and get it done in a day and a half instead of 2+ weeks (embarrassed).
