Exclude a module or dir or subtask from gradle configuration and execution - gradle

I have a task with name test and code is as below :
tasks {
"test"(Test::class) {
useJUnitPlatform {
excludeTags = setOf("e2e", "integration")
When execute this task with gradle command ./gradlew test --info, gradle is scanning all the modules of my project and generating a configuration with has some tasks from module named data-export-ui-kjs.
I want gradle to exclude the tasks from data-export-ui-kjs module while configuring & executing test task. I have used below code to achieve this but its not successful
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
TaskExecutionGraphListener { graph ->
if(it.name.contains("data-export-ui-kjs")) {
it.enabled = false
Kindly help me to get this done. Thanks in advance

Working as expected. Modified the code. Its syntax issue itseems


Generate Jacoco report for integration tests

I've created a new test suite called integrationTest using the jvm-test-suite plugin.
Now I want to generate a jacoco report just for the integration tests.
I create a new gradle task like this:
tasks.create<JacocoReport>("jacocoIntegrationTestReport") {
group = "verification"
description = "Generates code coverage report for the integrationTest task."
reports {
But the generated HTML/XML report is empty. I have run the integration tests before executing the task and the file integrationTest.exec exists.
It seems the important part of the new JaCoCo report task configuration is to wire the execution data via the integrationTest task instead of the exec-file path. The official docs (see last example here) also imply that the source set must be wired as well.
Here is the full build script (Gradle 7.6) that produces a report with command:
./gradlew :app:integrationTest :app:jacocoIntegrationTestReport
// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
repositories {
testing {
suites {
val integrationTest by creating(JvmTestSuite::class) {
dependencies {
tasks.register<JacocoReport>("jacocoIntegrationTestReport") {
reports {

Error using dependsOn to call task from another gradle file

I am working with a build.gradle file that has multiple ways to specify executions for a task - setup. To call a task from another gradle file - runtests.gradle, I created a task - testTask and added task dependency using dependsOn, but this implementation does not seem to work and giving out an error like :
Could not find property 'testTask' on root project 'GradleFile
My build file looks like this :
task setup(dependsOn: testTask) <<
println "In main execution"
// new task
task testTask(type: GradleBuild) {
if (getEnvironmentVariable('RUN_TEST').equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
buildFile = "../Behave/runtests.gradle"
tasks = ['mainTask']
else {
println "Exiting runTests Task"
setup.doFirst {
println "In first execution"
setup.doLast {
println "In last execution"
D:\>gradle -q GradleFile/build.gradle setup
I am not looking to make much changes to existing tasks, so is there any other workaround I should try?
I have been through many links but could not find anything that suits this scenario. Looking for suggestions please.
Gradle is sensitive to the ordering of tasks in the build script if a task instance is given in the dependsOn. The task setup depends on task (instance) testTask which, at the moment the build script is compiled, doesn't exist yet. The most common options to solve the issue are:
Define task setup below testTask:
task testTask(type: GradleBuild) {
task setup(dependsOn: testTask) {
Use a relative path to the task, i.e. the task's name, in the dependsOn
task setup(dependsOn: 'testTask') {
task testTask(type: GradleBuild) {
Please find more details in Javadoc of Task.

How to run/execute a gradle task?

How to run this gradle task/include it in build task (https://github.com/prashant-ramcharan/courgette-jvm)
task regressionSuite(type: Test, dependsOn: testClasses) {
systemProperty('name', 'value')
include '**/RegressionTestSuite.class'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
When I do gradle clean regressionSuite is always giving me build successful.. but it's not executing the specified class. Specific file is in the path.
I'm new to gradle.. any help much appreciated!!
you need to configure also the testClassesDir and the classpath property of the test task, otherwise the class you define in your pattern can't be found nor the test can be executed:
task regressionSuite(type: Test) {
systemProperty('name', 'value')
include '**/RegressionTestSuite.class'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
testClassesDir = sourceSets.test.output.classesDir

gradle tasks -all throwing error

I have test build.gradle file as follows
task someTask(type: Sync) {
def folder = new File('fold1/fold2/');
if(!folder.exists()) {
throw new GradleException('Folder Absent');
else {
When I do gradle tasks --all it is running the task and throwing exception. I was thinking that only when this task is run that it will check for folder but it is actually running it for any task I run.
Can someone suggest workaround for this?
Thanks in advance.
Your code is executed during the configuration phase and not during the execution phase. You need to put it in a doFirst or doLast block:
task someTask(type: Sync) {
doLast {
def folder = new File('fold1/fold2/');
if (!folder.exists()) {
throw new GradleException('Folder Absent');
else {
See also: Why is my Gradle task always running?

JUnit5 tag-specific gradle task

I use the following annotation to tag my integration tests:
#Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
public #interface IntegrationTest {
This is the filter I use in build.gradle to exclude these tests from gradle build:
junitPlatform {
filters {
tags {
exclude 'integration-test'
So far, so good.
Now I would like to offer a Gradle task which specifically runs my integration tests – what's the recommended approach?
Based on https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/6172#issuecomment-409883128
Amended in 2020 to take lazy task configuration and Gradle 5 into account. See answer's history for older versions.
plugins {
id "java"
def test = tasks.named("test") {
useJUnitPlatform {
excludeTags "integration"
def integrationTest = tasks.register("integrationTest2", Test) {
useJUnitPlatform {
includeTags "integration"
shouldRunAfter test
tasks.named("check") {
dependsOn integrationTest
gradlew test will run tests without integration
gradlew integrationTest will run only integration test
gradlew check will run test followed by integrationTest
gradlew integrationTest test will run test followed by integrationTest
note: order is swapped because of shouldRunAfter
Gradle 4.6+ supports JUnit 5 natively
JUnit 5 deprecated their plugin: https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/issues/1317
JUnit 5 deleted plugin: 'org.junit.platform.gradle.plugin'
JUnit 5 closed junit5#579 (same as OP's question) as won't-fix (due to decommissioning their plugin)
Gradle supports the above feature: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/6172
Note: while the above works, IntelliJ IDEA has a hard time inferring stuff, so I suggest to use this more explicit version where everything is typed and code completion is fully supported:
... { Test task ->
task.useJUnitPlatform { org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.junitplatform.JUnitPlatformOptions options ->
options.includeTags 'integration'
Root project Kotlin DSL drop-in for configuring integration tests in all modules in Gradle 5.6.4
allprojects {
plugins.withId("java") {
this#allprojects.tasks {
val test = "test"(Test::class) {
useJUnitPlatform {
val integrationTest = register<Test>("integrationTest") {
useJUnitPlatform {
"check" {
I filed an issue: https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/issues/579 (as suggested by Sam Brannen).
Meanwhile, I am using a project property as a workaround:
junitPlatform {
filters {
tags {
exclude project.hasProperty('runIntegrationTests') ? '' : 'integration-test'
Consequently, integrations tests will be skipped with:
gradle test
but will be included with:
gradle test -PrunIntegrationTests
Gradle 6
I am not sure if it is because Gradle behavior has changed, but the highest voted answer did not work for me in Gradle. 6.8.3. I was seeing the integrationTests task run along with the main test task. This simplified version worked for me:
test {
useJUnitPlatform {
excludeTags "integration"
tasks.register("integrationTests", Test) {
useJUnitPlatform {
includeTags "integration"
mustRunAfter check
./gradlew test or ./gradlew clean build - Runs tests without
'integration' tag.
./gradlew integrationTests - Only runs test with
'integration' tag.
According to me, the best, current working code to solve this, is the one presented by: TWiStErRob found here.
Note that tests must be tagged with ui in the example below (Junit5 tagging):
task uiTest(type: Test) {
useJUnitPlatform {
includeTags 'ui'
excludeTags 'integration'
Howe ever, I did not managed to get the Junit5 test-suit-thing to be run from gradle directly witch I would think would be an even nicer solution. But I think the solution buy TWiStErRob, is good enough. The down side is that the gradle.build file now also will be bloated with test-suit-things.
Please note that it is fine to create multiple test suites in the gradle file like this:
task firstTestSuite(type: Test) {
useJUnitPlatform {
includeTags 'test-for-first-test-suite'
task secondTestSuite(type: Test) {
useJUnitPlatform {
includeTags 'test-for-second-test-suite'
Then then all could be run separately like this:
gradlew firstTestSuite
gradlew secondTestSuite
gradlew ui
Solution run with Gradle 6.6.1
A similar approach to Rahel Lüthy avoiding the usage of empty strings, in this case to run all tests or just some tags:
test {
useJUnitPlatform() {
if (project.hasProperty("includes")) {
includeTags(project.property("includes") as String)
