Rest template getForObject() mapping only camel case fields - spring

Having a rest web service that returns the below xml response.
This is the dto
import java.util.Date;
public class PersonInfoDto implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long ttId;
private String NationalityValue;
private String Sex;
private String FirstName;
//getters and setters
Using Spring Boot, When I try to consume using code it returns only one value(which is in camel case). Do I need to add any Naming strategy to make it work ?
String uri = apiPath;
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
PersonInfoDto personInfoDto = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, PersonInfoDto.class);
//Here the object will contain only one value
ttId = 1408
rest values are returns null.
Is there any dependency is required for this ?
This is pom file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>MQA project</description>
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Oracle JDBC driver -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Orika -->

You should use #XmlElement. Try this
public class PersonInfoDto implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long ttId;
#XmlElement(name = "NationalityValue")
private String nationalityValue;
#XmlElement(name = "Sex")
private String sex;
#XmlElement(name = "FirstName")
private String firstName;
//getters and setters
Another option is to write custom Http Message Converter. Have a look at this

Removed the below entry from the pom.xml. It worked.


Spring Boot (version 3.0.2) - Validation not working

I am using #NotBlank and #Size in the command object.
Partial code below:
enter mport javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
public class WatchlistItem {
#NotBlank(message="You cannot leave it empty")
private String title;
private String rating;
#NotBlank(message = "cannot leave blank")
private String priority;
#Size(max = 50, message = "The maximum characters are 50")
private String comment;
Part of the controller class:
public ModelAndView submitWatchlistItemForm(#Valid WatchlistItem watchlistItem,
BindingResult bindingResult ){
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()){
return new ModelAndView ("watchlistItemForm");
WatchlistItem updateItem = getWatchListItemById(watchlistItem.getId());
And the pom file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
But when I run the application, I can leave the title field blank and still works, whereas it should stop and ask me to enter the title.
Please advice.

Spring Data JPA intelligence not working in Intellij for OneToMany relation

I have setup new spring boot project with Spring Data JPA and would like to use auto-completion feature to find all records by nested property.
intellij hint for repository method is missing nested properties
I want to retrieve Customers that have matching zipCodes. Declared entities:
public class Customer {
private long id;
private String firstName;
#OneToMany(targetEntity = Address.class, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Address> addresses;
public class Address {
private long id;
private String streetName;
private String zipCode;
It should work out of the box like in article here:
but it does not work. I tried it with following pom config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
Tried on IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 (Ultimate Edition)

Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' error in a Spring boot web application

I'm a beginner in Spring boot coding
When I run my spring boot web application, I got the following error.
Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConfiguration.class]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.mapping.SingleTableSubclass cannot be cast to org.hibernate.mapping.RootClass
I am using STS Eclipse and MySql Database
My Connection string in Application.Properties is
and this is my pom.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
here's my entities class:
this is patient entity:
public class patient implements Serializable{
private int id;
private String nom;
private String prenom;
lit lit;
medecin medecin;
and this is User entity:
#DiscriminatorColumn(name="fonction" , discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING,length=10)
public class User implements Serializable {
private String UserName;
private String Password;
#Column(name="fonction", insertable = false, updatable = false)
protected String fonction;
and this is medecin entity:
public class medecin extends User implements Serializable {
#Id #GeneratedValue
private UUID idM;
private String nom;
private String specialite;
List<patient> patients;
I tried many solutions proposed in stackoverflow but it didn't worked
Apparently there's problem with mappings of User and medecin, you cannot have #Id in superclass and another #Id in subclass. Removing #Id from idM in subclass (medecin) should prevent the exception.

jackson-data-format doesn't convert when using with restTemplate getforObject()

This question is related to [Rest template getForObject() mapping only camel case fields
Having a rest web service that returns the below xml response.
This is the dto
import java.util.Date;
public class PersonInfoDto implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long ttId;
private String NationalityValue;
private String Sex;
private String FirstName;
//getters and setters
Using Spring Boot, When I try to consume using code it returns only one value(which is in camel case). Do I need to add any Naming strategy to make it work ?
String uri = apiPath;
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
PersonInfoDto personInfoDto = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, PersonInfoDto.class);
//Here the object will contain only one value
ttId = 1408
rest values are returns null.
This is pom file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>MQA project</description>
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Oracle JDBC driver -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Orika -->
When I removed the below entry from it worked.
But to map the RequestBody with XML data this dependency is required.
How can I solve this, which converter does rest template is using ? Can I force rest template to use a particular converter. ?
Hi Try adding #XmlRootElement on the PersonInfoDto class. And try once in web browser giving the URI which you are passing.

Why Spring Boot 1.4.0.RELEASE doesn't support LocalDateTime of Java 8 automatically

I have a Spring Boot application and I use LocalDateTime but I need to explicit configure the converter of Jsr310 for my LocalDateTime property:
Application.class (the main class)
#EntityScan(basePackageClasses = { Application.class, Jsr310JpaConverters.class })
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Entity example:
public class News {
private Long id;
#JsonFormat(pattern = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime datetime;
public interface NewsRepository extends JpaRepository<News, Long> {
#Query("DELETE FROM News n WHERE n.datetime < :datetime")
void deleteByDatetimeBefore(#Param("datetime") LocalDateTime datetime);
Pom file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Not should be automatic? Why I need configure this?
#EntityScan(basePackageClasses = { Application.class, Jsr310JpaConverters.class })
And why I need to write the delete Query:
#Query("DELETE FROM News n WHERE n.datetime < :datetime")
void deleteByDatetimeBefore(#Param("datetime") LocalDateTime datetime);
This should not be automatic like:
Long deleteByDatetimeBefore(LocalDateTime datetime);
