Why is Ruby failing to convert CP-1252 to UTF-8? - ruby

I have a CSV files saved from Excel which is CP-1252/Windows-1252. I tried the following, but it still comes out corrupted. Why?
csv_text = File.read(arg[:file], encoding: 'cp1252').encode('utf-8')
# csv_text = File.read(arg[:file], encoding: 'cp1252')
csv = CSV.parse csv_text, :headers => true
csv.each do |row|
# create model
p model
The result
>rake import:csv["../file.csv"] | grep Brien
... name: "Oâ?TBrien ...
However it works in the console
> "O\x92Brien".force_encoding("cp1252").encode("utf-8")
=> "O'Brien"
I can open the CSV file in Notepad++, Encoding > Character Sets > Western European > Windows-1252, see the correct characters, then Encoding > Convert to UTF-8. However, there are many files an I want Ruby to handle this.
Similar: How to change the encoding during CSV parsing in Rails. But this doesn't explain why this is failing.
Ruby 2.4, Reference: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.4.3/IO.html#method-c-read

Wow, it was caused by the shitty grep in DevKit.
>rake import:csv["../file.csv"]
... name: "O'Brien ...
>where grep
I also did not need the .encode('utf-8').
Let that be a lesson kids. Never take anything for granted. Trust no one!


Problems with Ruby encoding in Windows

I wrote a simple code that reads an email from MS-Outlook, using 'win32ole', and then save its subjects to an CSV file. Everything goes well except the encoding system. When I open my CSV file the words such as "André" are printed as "Andr\x82". I want my output format to be equal to my input.
# encoding: 'CP850'
require 'win32ole'
require 'CSV'
Encoding.default_external = 'CP850'
ol = WIN32OLE.new('Outlook.Application')
inbox = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(6)
email_subjecs = []
inbox.Items.each do |m|
email_subjects << m.Subject
CSV.open('MyFile.csv',"w") do |csv|
csv << email_subjects
O.S: Windows 7 64bit
Encoding.default_external -> CP850
Languadge -> PT
ruby -v -> 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]
It seems a simple problem related to external windows encoding and I tryied many solution posted here but I realy can't solve this.
1) Your file name is missing a closing quote.
2) The default open mode for CSV.open() is 'rb', so you can't possibly write to a file with the code you posted.
3) You didn't post the encoding of the text you are trying to write to the file.
4) You didn't post the encoding that you want the the data to be written in.
When I open my CSV file the words such as "é" are printed as "\x82"
Tell your viewing device not to do that.
The magic comment only sets the encoding the current (.rb) file should be read as. It does not set default_external. Try set RUBYOPT=-E utf-8, open your file with CSV.open('MyFile.csv', encoding: 'UTF-8'), or set Encoding.default_external at the top of your file (discouraged).

Rails parse upload file "\xDE" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8

I try parse upload *.txt file and get some import DB information. But before save it I try get tring in utf-8 format. When I do that I get error:
"\xDE" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
First file characters
Import data \xDE\xE4\xE5
Before parse code
# encoding: utf-8
require "iconv"
class HandlerController < ApplicationController
def add_report
utf8_format = "UTF-8"
file_data = params[:import_file].tempfile.read.encode(utf8_format)
P.S. Also I try do that with iconv but it didn't help
You need to start from a known encoding with valid content (and compatible characters for input and output) before you will be able to successfully convert a string.
ASCII-8BIT doesn't assign Unicode-compatible characters to values 128..255 - it cannot be converted to Unicode.
The chances are that the input - as you say it is text - is in some other encoding to start with. You could start by assuming ISO-8859-1 ("Latin-1") which is quite a common encoding, although you may have some other clue, or know what characters to expect in the file, in which case you should try others.
I suggest you try something like this:
file_data = params[:import_file].tempfile.read.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1')
utf8_file_data = file_data.encode(utf8_format)
This probably will not give you an error, but if my guess at 'ISO-8859-1' is wrong, it will give you gibberish unfortunately.

reading header from a UTF8 CSV file using Ruby

I am trying to read a CSV file in Ruby 1.9.3 (I am not using Rails.)
sessions = CSV.read("c:/scripts/ruby/testcsvencoding.csv", :headers => true,
:encoding => "UTF-8")
sessions.each do | session |
p session['col1'] <-- does not work
p session[0] <--- works
The file contains:
col1, col2
I saw what seems like "Avoding “Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8″ with Ruby and CSV files", but it may not be the same problem as mine.
When I try the workaround there I get an error.
Is there any way to solve this? Is this a known problem?
This is on Windows
That error means there's a bad utf-8 byte sequence in your data. If that bothers you, fix the data. Otherwise try ascii-8bit.

ruby 1.9 wrong file encoding on windows

I have a ruby file with these contents:
# encoding: iso-8859-1
File.open('foo.txt', "w:iso-8859-1") {|f| f << 'fòo'}
puts File.read('foo.txt').encoding
When I run it from windows command prompt ruby 1.9.3 I get: IBM437
When I run it from cygwin ruby 1.9.3 I get: UTF-8
What I expect to get is: iso-8859-1
Can someone explain what's happening here?
Here's a better description of what I'm looking for:
I understand now thanks to Darshan that by default ruby will load files in
Encoding.default _external, but shouldn't the # encoding: iso-8859-1
line override that?
Should ruby be able to auto-detect a file's encoding? Is there any
filesystem where the encoding is an attribute?
What is my best option to 'remember' the encoding I saved the file
You're not specifying the encoding when you read the file. You're being very careful to specify it everywhere except there, but then you're reading it with the default encoding.
File.open('foo.txt', "w:iso-8859-1") {|f| f << 'fòo'.force_encoding('iso-8859-1')}
File.open('foo.txt', "r:iso-8859-1") {|f| puts f.read().encoding }
# => ISO-8859-1
Also note that you probably mean 'fòo'.encode('iso-8859-1') rather than 'fòo'.force_encoding('iso-8859-1'). The latter leaves the bytes unchanged, while the former transcodes the string.
Update: I'll elaborate a bit since I wasn't as clear or thorough as I could have been.
If you don't specify an encoding with File.read(), the file will be read with Encoding.default_external. Since you're not setting that yourself, Ruby is using a value depending on the environment it's run in. In your Windows environment, it's IBM437; in your Cygwin environment, it's UTF-8. So my point above was that of course that's what the encoding is; it has to be, and it has nothing to do with what bytes are contained in the file. Ruby doesn't auto-detect encodings for you.
force_encoding() doesn't change the bytes in a string, it only changes the Encoding attached to those bytes. If you tell Ruby "pretend this string is ISO-8859-1", then it won't transcode them when you tell it "please write this string as ISO-8859-1". encode() transcodes for you, as does writing to the file if you don't trick it into not doing so.
Putting those together, if you have a source file in ISO-8859-1:
# encoding: iso-8859-1
# Write in ISO-8859-1 regardless of default_external
File.open('foo.txt', "w:iso-8859-1") {|f| f << 'fòo'}
# Read in ISO-8859-1 regardless of default_external,
# transcoding if necessary to default_internal, if set
File.open('foo.txt', "r:iso-8859-1") {|f| puts f.read().encoding } # => ISO-8859-1
puts File.read('foo.txt').encoding # -> Whatever is specified by default_external
If you have a source file in UTF-8:
# encoding: utf-8
# Write in ISO-8859-1 regardless of default_external, transcoding from UTF-8
File.open('foo.txt', "w:iso-8859-1") {|f| f << 'fòo'}
# Read in ISO-8859-1 regardless of default_external,
# transcoding if necessary to default_internal, if set
File.open('foo.txt', "r:iso-8859-1") {|f| puts f.read().encoding } # => ISO-8859-1
puts File.read('foo.txt').encoding # -> Whatever is specified by default_external
Update 2, to answer your new questions:
No, the # encoding: iso-8859-1 line does not change Encoding.default_external, it only tells Ruby that the source file itself is encoded in ISO-8859-1. Simply add
Encoding.default_external = "iso-8859-1"
if you expect all files that your read to be stored in that encoding.
No, I don't personally think Ruby should auto-detect encodings, but reasonable people can disagree on that one, and a discussion of "should it be so" seems off-topic here.
Personally, I use UTF-8 for everything, and in the rare circumstances that I can't control encoding, I manually set the encoding when I read the file, as demonstrated above. My source files are always in UTF-8. If you're dealing with files that you can't control and don't know the encoding of, the charguess gem or similar would be useful.

How to copy files with Unicode characters in file names in Ruby?

I can not copy files that have Unicode characters in their names from Ruby 1.9.2p290, on Windows 7.
For example, I have two files in a dir:
(The second name contains Japanese characters if you can not see it)
Here is the code:
> entries = Dir.entries(path) - %w{ . .. }
> entries[0]
=> "file"
> entries[1]
=> "???????????????" # <--- what?
> File.file? entries[0]
=> true
> File.file? entries[1]
=> false # <--- !!! Ruby can not see it and will not copy
> entries[1].encoding.name
=> "Windows-1251"
> Encoding.find('filesystem').name
=> "Windows-1251"
As you see my Ruby file system encoding is "windows-1251" which is 8 bit and can not handle Japanese. Setting default_external and default_internal encodings to 'utf-8' does not help.
How can I copy those files from Ruby?
I found a solution. It works if I use Dir.glob or Dir[] instead of Dir.entries. File names are now returned in utf-8 encoding and can be copied.
Update #2
My Dir.glob solution appears to be quite limited. It only works with "*" parameter:
Dir.glob("*") # <--- Shows Unicode names correctly
Dir.glob("c:/test/*") # <--- Does not work for Unicode names
Not so much a real solution, but as a workaround, given:
Dir.glob("*") # <--- Shows Unicode names correctly
Dir.glob("c:/test/*") # <--- Does not work for Unicode names
is there any reason you can't do this:
It's been a while, but I was looking into the same problem and it was all but obvious how to do it.
Turns out that you may specify an encoding when you call Dir#entries in Ruby >= 2.1.
Dir.entries(path, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8)
