Spring Scheduling Quartz and thousands of jobs - spring

According to the business logic of my Spring Boot application with Quartz Scheduling and MongoDB as Job persistent storage, every user of the system can create the postponed job that must be executed at some point in time. The user chooses the time when it must be executed.
Right now I'm thinking about the approach where every user will create a dedicated JobDetail for every postponed job, something like this:
schedulerFactoryBean.getScheduler().addJob(jobDetail(), true, true);
The issue I can potentially see here, that with this approach I can quickly create thousands of jobs in Quartz scheduler. Previously I never scheduled such amount of jobs in Spring Scheduling with Quartz and don't know how the system will handle it. Is it a good idea to implement the system in such way and will Spring Scheduling Quartz handle such amount of jobs without problems?

Yes, Quartz itself can handle thousands of jobs and triggers without any issues.
If you are going to have many jobs executing concurrently, just make sure that you configure Quartz with a sufficient number of worker threads. The number of worker threads should be typically equal to the maximum number of jobs that can be running concurrently + some small buffer (10% or so) just in case.
From what you write I assume that your jobs will be one-off jobs, i.e. each job will be executed only once. If that is the case, Quartz can automatically discard your jobs as soon as they finish executing unless your jobs are marked as durable. Quartz automatically removes non-durable jobs if they are not scheduled to run in the future. This feature may help you reduce the total number of registered jobs.
I hope this helps. If not, please ask.


Spring Boot: How to schedule and execute tasks concurrently?

What I want to is as follows:
In a Spring Boot application,
Schedule tasks (functions, or a method of a class) with cron expressions (cron expressions can be different for each task).
When it's time to run task, run it, concurrently with other task if neccessary (start time is the same, running periods overlaps etc.) - and without any limitation of the concurrency.
The tasks can take several minutes.
The number of tasks (and its options) and cron expressions cannot be determined at development time. It is end user configurable.
The scheduler must satisfy the following requirements.
It must not have a wait queue. if a scheduled time arrives, the task must be executed immediately (Don't worry about the number of the threads).
When the tasks are not running, the number of idle threads should be minimal - or the number should be controllable.
I've looked at ThreadPoolTaskScheduler, but it seems that it fails to satisfy the above requirements.
Thank you in advance.

Spring Boot, Cron job synchronization

In my Spring Boot application, based on the Cron job(runs every 5 minutes) I need to process 2000 products in my database.
Right now the process time of these 2000 products takes more than 5 minutes. I ran into the issue where the second Cron job runs when the first one is not completed yet.
Is there in Spring/Cron out of the box functionality that will allow to synchronize these jobs and wait for the previous job completion before starting the next one?
Please advise how to properly implement such kind of system. Anyway, the following technologies are also available Neo4j, MongoDB, Kafka. Please advise how to properly design/implement this functionality using the Spring/Cron separately or even together with the mentioned technologies.
1) You may try to use #Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5*60*1000). It will guarantee that next invocation will happen strictly in 5 minutes after previous one is finished. But this may break your scheduling requirements
2) You can limit the underlying ThreadExecutor's pool size to 1 thread, so next invocation will have to wait until previous is finished, but this, again, can break the logic, since it would affect all periodic tasks invoked by #Scheduled
3) You can use Quartz instead of spring's native #Scheduled. It's more complicated to configure, but allows to achieve the desired behaviour via #DisallowConcurrentExecution annotation or via setting JobDetail::isConcurrentExectionDisallowed in your job details

Using Quartz for long running job

I'm planning to use Quartz scheduler to process a one-time job.
My use case is, I need to migrate BLOB from one storage to another and blob's can be as big as 100GB, so a particular job can run really long enough to get the work done.
The reason I'm using Quartz because of its clustering support, fault tolerance and retry capabilities in case job fails etc. Only thing I'm concerned about is, I might have a lot of miss fire trigger scenario and a lot of database lock which can hamper live production traffic on those database hosts. I will probably be scheduling 10s of thousands of job in one shot.
Few of the things that I figured out is
I can set a high value for org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold so that miss fire does not happen. I don't really care about the time when the job get's picked up as it's background job and no SLA as such. Only thing I care about is that eventually job getting picked up and getting work done.
I can also set batch mode properties org.quartz.scheduler.batchTriggerAcquisitionMaxCount and org.quartz.scheduler.batchTriggerAcquisitionFireAheadTimeWindow. I understand the batch max count property should be like equal to the thread pool size which can give the biggest bang on performance but what should be the value of fire ahead of time window be?
I'm using Quartz with Spring boot and will be leveraging org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreCMT. What I understand is execute method of the job get wrapped in the transaction, will this cause any problem since transaction will be open for a long time as the job might take hours to complete? Is this something ok? I will be using Oracle database.
Am I missing something here? Can someone share their experience with a similar use case?

How to write rows asynchronously in Spark Streaming application to speed up batch execution?

I have a spark job where I need to write the output of the SQL query every micro-batch. Write is a expensive operation perf wise and is causing the batch execution time to exceed the batch interval.
I am looking for ways to improve the performance of write.
Is doing the write action in a separate thread asynchronously like shown below a good option?
Would this cause any side effects because Spark itself executes in a distributed manner?
Are there other/better ways of speeding up the write?
// Create a fixed thread pool to execute asynchronous tasks
val executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2)
dstream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val spark = SparkSession.builder.config(rdd.sparkContext.getConf).getOrCreate
import spark.implicits._
import spark.sql
val records = rdd.toDF("record")
val result = spark.sql("select * from records")
// Submit a asynchronous task to write
executorService.submit {
new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
1 - Is doing the write action in a separate thread asynchronously like shown below a good option?
No. The key to understand the issue here is to ask 'who is doing the write'. The write is done by the resources allocated for your job on the executors in a cluster. Placing the write command on an async threadpool is like adding a new office manager to an office with a fixed staff. Will two managers be able to do more work than one alone given that they have to share the same staff? Well, one reasonable answer is "only if the first manager was not giving them enough work, so there's some free capacity".
Going back to our cluster, we are dealing with a write operation that is heavy on IO. Parallelizing write jobs will lead to contention for IO resources, making each independent job longer. Initially, our job might look better than the 'single manager version', but trouble will eventually hit us.
I've made a chart that attempts to illustrate how that works. Note that the parallel jobs will take longer proportionally to the amount of time that they are concurrent in the timeline.
Once we reach that point where jobs start getting delayed, we have an unstable job that will eventually fail.
2- Would this cause any side effects because Spark itself executes in a distributed manner?
Some effects I can think of:
Probably higher cluster load and IO contention.
Jobs are queuing on the Threadpool queue instead of on the Spark Streaming Queue. We loose the ability to monitor our job through the Spark UI and monitoring API, as the delays are 'hidden' and all is fine from the Spark Streaming point of view.
3- Are there other/better ways of speeding up the write?
(ordered from cheap to expensive)
If you are appending to a parquet file, create a new file often. Appending gets expensive with time.
Increase your batch interval or use Window operations to write larger chunks of Parquet. Parquet likes large files
Tune the partition and distribution of your data => make sure that Spark can do the write in parallel
Increase cluster resources, add more nodes if necessary
Use faster storage
Is doing the write action in a separate thread asynchronously like shown below a good option?
Yes. It's certainly something to consider when optimizing expensive queries and saving their results to external data stores.
Would this cause any side effects because Spark itself executes in a distributed manner?
Don't think so. SparkContext is thread-safe and promotes this kind of query execution.
Are there other/better ways of speeding up the write?
YES! That's the key to understand when to use the other (above) options. By default, Spark applications run in FIFO scheduling mode.
Quoting Scheduling Within an Application:
By default, Spark’s scheduler runs jobs in FIFO fashion. Each job is divided into “stages” (e.g. map and reduce phases), and the first job gets priority on all available resources while its stages have tasks to launch, then the second job gets priority, etc. If the jobs at the head of the queue don’t need to use the whole cluster, later jobs can start to run right away, but if the jobs at the head of the queue are large, then later jobs may be delayed significantly.
Starting in Spark 0.8, it is also possible to configure fair sharing between jobs. Under fair sharing, Spark assigns tasks between jobs in a “round robin” fashion, so that all jobs get a roughly equal share of cluster resources. This means that short jobs submitted while a long job is running can start receiving resources right away and still get good response times, without waiting for the long job to finish. This mode is best for multi-user settings.
That means that to make a room for executing multiple writes asynchronously and in parallel you should configure your Spark application to use FAIR scheduling mode (using spark.scheduler.mode property).
You will have to configure so-called Fair Scheduler Pools to "partition" executor resources (CPU and memory) into pools that you can assign to jobs using spark.scheduler.pool property.
Quoting Fair Scheduler Pools:
Without any intervention, newly submitted jobs go into a default pool, but jobs’ pools can be set by adding the spark.scheduler.pool "local property" to the SparkContext in the thread that’s submitting them.

Is hadoop's job ThreadSafe?

Anyone knows if org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job is thread-safe? In my application I create a thread for each job, and then waitForCompletion. And I have another monitor thread that checks every job's state with isComplete.
Is that safe? Are jobs thread-safe? Documentation doesn't seem to mention anything about it...
Unlike the others, I also use threads to submit jobs in parallel and wait for their completion. You just have to use a job class instance per thread. If you share same job instances over multiple threads, you have to take care of the synchronization by yourself.
Why would you want to write a separate thread for each job? What exactly is your use case?
You can run multiple jobs in your Hadoop cluster. Do you have dependencies between the multiple jobs?
Suppose you have 10 jobs running. 1 job fails then would you need to re-run the 9 successful tasks.
Finally, job tracker will take care of scheduling multiple jobs on the Hadoop cluster. If you do not have dependencies then you should not be worried about thread safety. If you have dependencies then you may need to re-think your design.
Yes they are.. Actually the files is split in blocks and each block is executed on a separate node. all the map tasks run in parallel and then are fed to the the reducer after they are done. There is no question of synchronization as you would think about in multi threaded program. In multi threaded program all the threads are running on the same box and since they share some of the data you have to synchronize them
Just in case you need another kind of parallelism on the map task level, you should override run() method in your mapper and work with multiple threads there. Default implementation calls setup(), then map() times number of records to process, and finally it calls cleanup() method once.
Hope this helps someone!
If you are checking whether the jobs have finished I think you are a bit confused about how Map reduce works. You ought to be letting Hadoop do that for itself.
