SpringBoot 1.5 : #SpringBootTest and memory Database - spring-boot

I have a SpringBoot application with spring data/jpa to connect for database.
And a propertie file yml where defined the database connection.
Everything works very well.
I create a test like that :
#SpringBootTest(classes = MyMicroServiceApp.class, webEnvironment=SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class MyMicroServiceAppTest {
public <T> void postConnex() {
//Create Object connexCreate
// Create POST
ResponseEntity<Udsaconnex> result1 = this.restTemplate().postForEntity("http://localhost:" + port + "/v1/connex",
connexCreate, Udsaconnex.class);
id = result1.getBody().getIdconnex();
assertEquals(result1.getBody().toString().isEmpty(), false);
For my test, i have not configured properties for database connection but the test work and i view in console that :
Hibernate: drop table connex if exists
I don't understand why, #SpringBootTest mock database like #DataJpaTest automatically ??
It's possible but i don't find anything about that in spring boot documentation.
Thanks for your help.

If you have application.yml file specifying DB location, then SpringBootTest will obviously use the same configuration and will use your configured DB.

From the title of your question I guess you have an in-memory database in your build dependencies. Spring-boot has some autoconfiguration for certain database (H2, HSQL, Derby) if they are found on the classpath. See this link for a list of the supported databases:
Spring Boot Embedded Database Support


Spring Boot - application creating open, orphan DB connections

In our Spring boot application, we have set the following properties in application.properties
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://<IP:Port>/<DB Name>
//Interface using JpaRepository
public interface UserlicensesRepo extends JpaRepository<Userlicenses, Integer> {
Optional<Userlicenses> findById(Integer us);
Optional<Userlicenses> findByUsernameAndUserToken(String user, String token);
//Using the repo instance to make DB call
Optional<Userlicenses> ul=userlicensesRepo.findByUsernameAndUserToken(userName, userTokenEncrypted);
The application is functionally working well but over a period of 4-5 days it is creating a lot of orphan DB connections leading to memory leak. We tried setting the "release_mode", please check if we have missed anything or made a mistake in the above configuration. Appreciate your help.

How to configure Liquibase ObjectQuotingStrategy (via Spring Boot) globally for all changelogs?

How can I configure Liquibase(3.8) (via Spring Boot) to use a certain ObjectQuotingStrategy without touching all changelog files?
What about using some sort of parameter? Let's say you will create a parameter objectQuotingStragegy and then in spring boot you will pass this parameter to changelog like:
objectQuotingStrategy: QUOTE_ALL_OBJECTS
and in your change logs you will use this:
<changeSet author="veryGoodAuthor" id="1" objectQuotingStrategy="${objectQuotingStrategy}">
I didn't tested that, but that's how I would do that if that works.
Maybe if you need to modify liquibase globally, this could help you. But you have to tweak the autoconfiguration. I didn't tested that.
public class CustomSpringLiquibase extends SpringLiquibase {
protected Database createDatabase(Connection c, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) throws DatabaseException {
final Database database = super.createDatabase(c, resourceAccessor);
return database;

How does springboot JPA knows which database will be used?

I got to know Java spring JPA a couple days ago and there is one question which really makes me confused.
As I create a repository and use 'save()' method to save some objects into it. How does it know what type of database I am using and which local location to save.
I know I can config database (h2) like:
Then JPA will know: ok you are using h2 database and url is "jdbc:h2:mem/mydb"
However, some people said this config is not mandatory. If without this config, how does JPA knows which database I gonna use?
From the spring-boot documentation:
You should at least specify the URL by setting the spring.datasource.url property. Otherwise, Spring Boot tries to auto-configure an embedded database.
The following class is responsible for providing default settings for embedded DB: org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties
public String determineDatabaseName() {
if (this.embeddedDatabaseConnection != EmbeddedDatabaseConnection.NONE) {
return "testdb";
This answer can also be helpful: Where does the default datasource url for h2 come from on Spring Boot?

springboot + JDBTemplate (No datasource specified error even though specified in application.properties

i placed this application.properties in resources folder.
Java Class
public class data{
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public void queryData(){
String sql = "select * from DEPOSIT";
jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate();
I am getting
java.lang.Illegal Argument Exception:No Data Source Specified
I am getting this error message even though i specified data source in application.properties
I am using Spring Boot for this task. I Have added almost all the dependencies required in POM.
Not sure why i am not able to access data source. basically trying to access data from DB using Spring boot, MySQL, jdbcTemplate.
Not sure whats wrong here.
Do i have to add anything in the code so that data source can be specified in java class?
Add below properties to your application.properties file. This specifies the data source for your application. Do check if mysql is running on your machine before starting your application.
For additional information refer to below link:

How to disable H2's DATABASE_TO_UPPER in Spring Boot, without explicit connection URL

I'm aware that H2 has a boolean property/setting called DATABASE_TO_UPPER, which you can set at least in the connection URL, as in: ;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false
I’d like to set this to false, but in my Spring Boot app, I don’t explicitly have a H2 connection URL anywhere. Implicitly there sure is a connection URL though, as I can see in the logs:
o.s.j.d.e.EmbeddedDatabaseFactory: Shutting down embedded database:
So the question is, what's the easiest way to tell H2 to disable DATABASE_TO_UPPER in this scenario? Can I do it in code when creating the H2 datasource with EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder (see below)? Or in application properties maybe?
This is how the H2 database is explicitly initialised in code:
public class DataSourceConfig {
public DataSource devDataSource() {
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
.addScripts("db/init.sql", "db/schema.sql", "db/test_data.sql")
Also, I'm telling JPA/Hibernate not to auto-generate embedded database (without this there was an issue that two in-memory databases were launched):
You can't w\ the generateUniqueName, but if you call setName("testdb;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false") you can add parameters. I doubt this is officially supported, but it worked for me.
The spring code that generates the connection url is like this:
String.format("jdbc:h2:mem:%s;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=false", databaseName)
You may want abandon using explicit creation via EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder. Spring Boot creates H2 instance automatically based on configuration. So I would try this in application.properties:
