Opening webpage, look for content and give notification once found it - bash

I want to be open up chrome, go to a webpage, and the check that a specific content ie, title, subtitle... is there, and then give me a notification if the content is present, ideally on a loop until it has found it. What is the best way to do that?
I have done a fair amount of this a few years ago, but now I have completely forgotten it all, and I just need help starting up again.
I don't have any software install, (in pretty sure with how basic this is I wont need any).
I have saved a bash file on notepad which I wrote " start ". This will open up the bbc website, but I don't know how to check for example the title says "Welcome to the BBC". This is just an example, I want to try it on different website, but if I know how to do this then I can change the rest myself. I know how to use inspect element, I just don't know how to implement it in a script.
If there is another software/language thats easier than bash im happy to change over.
I know this sound very trivial and easy, I just want to start off and any help is much appreciated.
Thank you very much


How to run Google Keep as an App in Windows

How does one run Google Keep or other websites like an app or kiosk on a Windows PC.
Since I figured this out and nobody seems to of had a response, I made my own question and answered it. Credit to OurCodeWorld for helping figure out some of the fine tuning. He had a --chrome-frame flag, but I believe that is depreciated, so I am looking into it. But it seems to work fine without it
TLDR: Create a shortcut to chrome and add --app= this to the end of it. like this --app=
Now if you want it to have a specific size window? Well, you will have to add --window-size=WIDTH,LENGTH. But... Chrome saves the size of the last window closed, which If you use Chrome as a browser, this will change frequently. To solve this, we create a separate user-data directory --user-data-dir="C:\ExampleDir". This folder is around 50mb of who knows what...
So the whole thing put together, like this.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="%localappdata%\GoogleKeep\User Data" --window-size=950,1000 --app=

Writing a c# or c++ application which can detect if browser is going to download a file

I am going to write an application which runs in the background on windows platform. If user is working on any browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc) and any of the user action results in downloading activity, the background program should take control. The background program pop-ups a window asking user, if they want to download. If user proceeds with OK, then background program sends signal to browser to stop its download process and the background program will do download. If user rejects download by the background program, then default download of browser can go on.
For this please suggest if any working model is there in c#/VB.NET/C++ or how to achieve this activity.
Will very much appreciate your kind help.
Thanking you very much in advance.
I don't think you understand the whole notion of downloading. Any resource you get from the Internet is downloaded. Hence, anything would trigger your application. You can, however, try to "parse" URL to see the extension but this does not have to mean nothing, since you can give any file an arbitrary extension (well not exactly arbitrary, but you know.. ). Another option is detecting FTP downloads ( i assume this might be of more interest ). This way you'd "only" have to check for a specific protocol. The reason i quoted only in the last sentence is that none of these tasks is a simple one.
You basically want to write a Proxy, or use an existing one.
You might wanna take a look at WinPcap
Finally, none of this options really give you the infromation whether user is going to download a file. But if you write a proxy, you could stop the endpoint application of obtaining that file once you download it.

Open an application in a space using applescripts

I am trying to create a script that will open an application in a specific "space". So let's say I am on space 1 working in the terminal and then I want to be able to open safari in space 4. Is there a way to do this?
I have done some searching and found only ways to set the system profile options. Maybe I should tell you my end goal in case what I am attempting is not possible.
I use a laptop and plugin in to multiple stations, home, office, and travel. I want to create different window layouts for each one. So I will need an apple script telling it to open applications in varios spaces and different dimensions. I hope this makes sense. Ask me for clarification if it doesn't thanks!
PS the answer doesn't necessarily have to be any applescript I just thought that would be the easiest way :)
Here's a list of applescript commands for Spaces. There's a couple things there that might help you.
It is possible to do some scripting of application Space preferences by using the scripting interface to the System See the answer to a similar question here.
The easiest way I've found is via GUI scripting. Make sure the Spaces menu is active on the upper right of your computer. That lists the spaces by number. You can then just write a GUI script to select the menu item of the space you wish. That will switch to that space. Then do an activate Applescript to open the application there.
Let me know if you need sample code demonstrating this. I have some in Python + Appsscript that does this but I should be easily able to convert it back to Applescript proper if you need it.

Is there a simple way to change the text of the 'Open' button on the windows file dialog to 'Select'?

We're using the file picker dialog to allow users to add documents into our application. The word 'Open' doesn't make a lot of sense in this case.
I would browse the code found here, which shows how someone extended the OpenFileDialog. Admittedly, this is overkill for you. But I think there is code within to change the button label.
Not really no.
Given the standardization of this dialog it's extremely likely that your users will have used it many times in the past to "add" files to applications. The chances are they will be quite familiar with the implications of the word, changing it may be more confusing to them.
The standardness of the dialog is why it's called a "Common File Dialog". If you want to change it for your app, you'll have to write your own dialog.
Having said that, there are apps out there that can pull a form out of a DLL, modify it, and stick it back in. However, this is a per-machine hack and downright bad form.

Is there a library / api for reading the contents of a .hlp help file?

I have a help file for my program and was asked to add a description of the menus in a toolbar as the user browses them. So I thought I could just use the beginning of the menu's description of the help but just cant find how to access the contents of it.
I saw WinHelp has a macro language, so I figured maybe through this, but I couldnt find any references on this around.
Anybody now some pointers or examples of hot to do this?
the winhelpcgi utility contains library code that can read .hlp files. The source is here: link
I haven't used it so I can't vouch for its usage.
First, your help system should have an Index on each topic that permits you to open help and have that topic appear (if not, then check out Help & Manual - it'll help you build more complete help files). However, this doesn't directly solve your problem since, as I understand it, you want this to pop up in a toolhelp Window.
Thus, you'll need to go under the surface and figure out how the Help system uses the key to pull the appropriate information. However, it is not a trivial undertaking (as far as I can tell) to directly access a specific, indexed chunk of text in a WinHelp file. You may find some information here that is of use. You might also want to browse the forums on the Help and Manual web site.
Here's a bigger question though: does it really make sense to pop up an entire help topic (even if short) when a user just hovers over a menu item or button? It doesn't to me and I spent years in a UI design group at Bell Labs. It is A) simply too much information and B) going to be visually distracting (and thus incredibly irritating) to experienced users. The accepted practice here is to pop up a toolhelp window with a very short (1-4 words) descriptor of the button ("Open" or "Open File").
If you want the help to be available for each menu item or button, I would suggest one of two alternatives.
First, consider having a "Help Cursor mode" where the cursor uses the help icon (an arrow with a question mark). The user accesses it via a Help button on the button bar. When in Help Cursor mode, a user click on any item will take them to the help topic for that item. I'm kind of lukewarm to this approach since it is modal but I've certainly seen it done.
Second, you might simply beef up your help system a bit. That is, create a topic in your Help system that features a screen shot of your application. On this screenshot, create hot spots for each menu item and/or button and permit the user to go to the appropriate topic by clicking on it. Done right, this gives the user a visual key to the topics they wish to learn about without interfering with the normal operation of your program.
Most importantly: before doing all of the work necessary to implement your current plan, be sure it is the right plan!
