Makefile Target Pattern with % - makefile

I am new to makefile.
All I want is, when a specific C file will be changed, I want to run one command. And finally from one folder, any of the C file will be changed then I want to run the same command with that filename.
ceedling test:filename
I have simple file called I am not sure the following approach is correct or not.
I am ruinning the following command to run this file.
make -f StartUnitTest
Here is the file:
D:\ModApp\Apps\Paymark\ModApp_Paymark\build\test\out\test_txn_admin.o: D:\ModApp\Apps\Paymark\ModApp_Paymark\test\test_txn_admin.c
echo $(*F)
echo $#
echo $<
#echo Start Unit Test
#echo End Unit Test
When I run this file, it is giving the following error.
Start Unit Test
process_begin: CreateProcess(D:\ModApp\Apps\Paymark\ModApp_Paymark\build\test\out\test_txn_admin.o, D:\ModApp\Apps\Paymark\ModApp_Paymark\build\test\out\test_txn_admin.o, ...) failed.
make (e=193): Error 193
make: *** [StartUnitTest] Error 193
Finally once this will work, actually I want a target pattern with % as the following:
D:\ModApp\Apps\Paymark\ModApp_Paymark\build\test\out\%.o: D:\ModApp\Apps\Paymark\ModApp_Paymark\test\%.c
echo $(*F)
echo $#
echo $<

I have found the issue. I have changed the target "StartUnitTest" to the following and it is working now. Removed the echo messages.
StartUnitTest: $(TEST_OBJS)
Thank you MadScientist. the "make -d" does helped me to find the issue.


How to use shell command in GNU Make to echo string

I have the following lines in my makefile:
.PHONY : clean
#echo "Running Clean"
$(shell if [ -e exe ]; then rm exe; else echo "no files"; fi)
When I run:
make clean
I get the following output on the shell
Running Clean
no files
make: no: Command not found
Makefile:22: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make: *** [clean] Error 127
Any suggestions?
The problem is the use of $(shell ...). What you want is:
.PHONY : clean
#echo "Running Clean"
#if [ -e exe ]; then rm exe; else echo "no files"; fi
As far as an explanation of what's going wrong -- when you first run the clean target, make will expand all make variables and functions in the recipes before it starts running them -- because $(shell ...) only has one $, this is considered a make function. Make runs the command, which outputs no files to stdout, and replaces the call with that string, and then starts executing the recipes... So now make sees the following:
#echo "Running Clean"
no files
When it tries to run no files, due to the lack of a #, it echos the line to the screen, and then passes the command to the shell. Because the shell doesn't recognize the keyword no it outputs the error you're seeing. Make itself then fails because the shell returned an error.
Hey all I'm the same guy who asked this question but I found an answer right after I posted this, I think I'll leave this up (unless this is against stackoverflow etiquette) in case someone else has the same problems. My solution was echoing the string to stdout.
$(shell if [ -e exe ]; then rm exe; else echo "no files" >&2; fi)

GNU Make: "dir not expected at this moment"

I have a makefile including the following lines:
#$(call make-repo)
define make-repo
for dir in $(C_SRCS_DIR); \
do \
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)/$$dir; \
On the line with the commands for dir in $(C_SRCS_DIR); \ I get the following error message:
"dir not expected at this moment"
make: *** [buildrepo] Error 255
I am using GNU make.
Can anybody tell me what is going wrong?
Actually this for ... in ... ; do ... done statement is a Unix command not a GNU make command, therefore I guess you are using a Windows machine (or any other one). You have to find the equivalent for your system.
But GNU make has a foreach function which works like this :
$(foreach dir,$(C_SRCS_DIR),mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)/$(dir);)
Also note that in your very specific case (not related to GNU make but to Windows) you can create all the dirs without a for/foreach loop, just like this :
mkdir -p $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(C_SRCS_DIR))

Delayed Windows cmd echo with GNU Make environment

I have few simple targets which create some files for me.
#echo Building ASM compilation flags file $(notdir $(MAKE_INA))
#$(foreach i, $(sort $(ASMFLAGS) $(PFLAGS) $(ALL_INC_DIR) $(cppGetPreProcessorDefines)), $(shell echo $i >> $# ))
The target works fine, the file is being created and echo text displayed, but in that order (first the file is build then the echo is shown on cmd.exe console).
I guess that is related somehow with output buffering, but I was not able to find the way to flush the echos immediately.
Any hint? Is it even possible?
I am using Gnu Make 4.0
You are mixing up contexts here.
The first #echo line is a recipe line and is run by the shell when the target runs.
The second $(foreach) line is within the rule but is a make context line and is evaluated by make before running the recipe lines. Within that line $(shell) is also a make command and is run during the make expansion of the recipe instead of being run by the shell at recipe execution time.
To do what you want you can just use:
#echo Building ASM compilation flags file $(notdir $(MAKE_INA))
#printf "%s\\n" $(sort $(ASMFLAGS) $(PFLAGS) $(ALL_INC_DIR) $(cppGetPreProcessorDefines)) >> $#
Which does the echoing at recipe execution time (so has the right order) and uses a single call to the printf built-in to output to the file instead of running N calls to echo.
Edit: For Windows cmd.exe compat you need to use echo $i >> $# & as the $(foreach) body so that cmd.exe runs multiple commands correctly.
If you did want to keep the N echo calls then you could use:
#echo Building ASM compilation flags file $(notdir $(MAKE_INA))
#$(foreach i, $(sort $(ASMFLAGS) $(PFLAGS) $(ALL_INC_DIR) $(cppGetPreProcessorDefines)), echo $i >> $#; ))
Which has the $(foreach) output echo XXX >> $#; ....; echo ZZZ >> $#; as the recipe line to then execute during recipe execution.

gnu make reloads includes but doesn't update the targets

I'm trying to create a Makefile that will download and process file a file to generate targets, this is a simplified version:
default: all
.PHONY: all clean filelist.d
#rm -fv *.date *.d
#The actual list comes from a FTP file, but let's simplify things a bit
#echo "Getting updated filelist..."
#echo "LIST=$(shell date +\%M) $(shell date +\%M)" > $#
#echo 'all: $$(LIST)' >> $#
touch $#
-include filelist.d
Unfortunately the target all doesn't get updated properly on the first run, it needs to be run again to get the files. This is the output I get from it:
$ make
Getting updated filelist...
make: Nothing to be done for `default'.
$ make
Getting updated filelist...
I'm using GNU Make 3.81 whose documentation states that it reloads the whole thing if the included files get changed. What is going wrong?
You have specified filelist.d as a .PHONY target, so make believes making that target doesn't actually update the specified file. However, it does, and the new contents are used on the next run. For the first run, the missing file isn't an error because include is prefixed with the dash.
Remove filelist.d from .PHONY. However, remember it won't be regenerated again until you delete it (as it doesn't depend on anything).
By the same token, you should include "default" in .PHONY.
I wrote a shell script rather than lump all this in the makefile:
# Check whether file $1 is less than $2 days old.
[ $# -eq 2 ] || {
echo "Usage: $0 FILE DAYS" >&2
exit 2
[ -f "$FILE" ] || exit 1 # doesn't exist or not a file
TODAY=$(date +%s)
TARGET=$(($TODAY - ($DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60)))
MODIFIED=$(date -r "$FILE" +%s)
Replace X with the max number of days that can pass before filelist.d is downloaded again:
filelist.d: force-make
./less-than-days $# X || command-to-update
.PHONY: force-make
Now filelist.d depends on a .PHONY target, without being a phony itself. This means filelist.d is always out of date (phony targets are always "new"), but its recipe only updates the file periodically.
Unfortunately, this requires you to write the update command as a single command, and space may be a problem if it is long. In that case, I would put it in a separate script as well.

is the common Makefile idiom "> $#" (redirecting output to the target) wrong?

It is hard to believe, but it seems to me that the common Makefile idiom "> $#" is wrong. In particular, a target whose rule has a command that fails but uses this redirection will fail the first time around but not subsequent times. This is because even though the command fails, the redirection "succeeds" in the sense of creating an up-to-date (albeit zero-length) target.
It seems to me that the correct thing to do is to redirect to a temporary and on success rename this temporary to the target.
Here's and example Makefile:
command-that-will-fail > $#
command-that-will-fail > $#.tmp || ( rm $#.tmp; false )
mv $#.tmp $#
rm -f bad-target good-target
And here's a sequence of commands illustrating the problem and its solution:
$ make clean
rm -f bad-target good-target
$ make bad-target
command-that-will-fail > bad-target
/bin/sh: command-that-will-fail: not found
make: *** [bad-target] Error 127
$ make bad-target
make: `bad-target' is up to date.
$ make good-target
command-that-will-fail > good-target.tmp || ( rm good-target.tmp; false )
/bin/sh: command-that-will-fail: not found
make: *** [good-target] Error 1
$ make good-target
command-that-will-fail > good-target.tmp || ( rm good-target.tmp; false )
/bin/sh: command-that-will-fail: not found
make: *** [good-target] Error 1
If you're using GNU make, you may also add the .DELETE_ON_ERROR special target to your makefile. This will cause make to delete the output file if there is an error during execution of the commands for that file:
all: foo.o
echo bogus! > $#
exit 1
Here's an example of this makefile in action:
$ gmake
echo bogus! > foo.o
exit 1
gmake: *** [foo.o] Error 1
gmake: *** Deleting file `foo.o'
This is easier to use than your version, since you need not modify every rule in the makefile.
Perhaps this is an obvious solution, but many common commands provide a -o flag or similar. So instead of output redirection, you should use the rule:
target: target.dep
some_command target.dep -o $#
If the command fails, the output file will not be created. I haven't had many occasions to use output redirection in makefiles.
Yes, this is definitely something to bear in mind.
But sometimes you're OK with the command failing and you don't want to retry it, because the error would only repeat itself.
In that case leaving an empty result is OK. Just don't make subsequent processing count on there being meaningful content in that file.
