How to use % or ! in batch script - windows

I write script like this:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "remove=ABC"
echo. %remove%
Set FILENAME="456_789_ABC00011092_789_EFGHIK_56893.mpg"
for %%a in (%FILENAME:_=" "%) do (
set TEN=%%a
echo. %AB%
set "remove_1=ABC"
echo. %remove_1%
Set _TEN=!TEN:%remove%=!
echo. %_TEN%
Set i=0
set /A i+=1
set "String[!i!]=%%~a"
Why echo. %AB% echo. %remove_1% result is
I replace % by !. It's work fine but command Set _TEN=!TEN:!remove_1!=! not run
Edit - (from the additional question currently posted as an answer)
When I use FindStr command like this:
for %%a in (%FILENAME:_=" "%) do (
echo %%a | findstr /I /R /C:"ABC" >nul
ECHO %errorlevel%
if "%errorlevel%" equ "0" (
set /A i+=1
set "String[!i!]=%%~a"
Why errorlevel always = 0

%AB% has not been defined within your posted script, so as it has no value will not be echoed, you will just get an empty line due to the . after echo. Because remove_1 is being set within the loop, (code block), you should be using the delayed expansion syntax, Echo !remove_1!. It is the same for echo. %_TEN%, i.e. Echo !_TEN!, and would have been Echo !AB! had it previously been defined. In order to get the double expansion needed to Set your _TEN variable, you could use a pseudo Call:
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "FILENAME=456_789_ABC00011092_789_EFGHIK_56893.mpg"
For %%A In ("%FILENAME:_=" "%") Do (
Set "TEN=%%A"
Echo. !AB!
Set "remove_1=ABC"
Echo !remove_1!
Call Set "_TEN=!TEN:%%remove_1%%=!"
Echo !_TEN!
Set "i=0"
If "!_TEN!" NEq "!TEN!" (
Set /A i+=1
Set "String[!i!]=%%~A"
Exit /B
In your second related question, initially posted as an answer and now added as an edit to your original question; because the error level is being set within the loop, (code block), you should be using the delayed expansion syntax, !errorlevel!
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "FILENAME=456_789_ABC00011092_789_EFGHIK_56893.mpg"
For %%A In ("%FILENAME:_=" "%") Do (
Echo %%A | FindStr /IRC:"ABC" >Nul
Echo !errorlevel!
If "!errorlevel!"=="0" (
Set /A i+=1
Set "String[!i!]=%%~A"
Set String[
Exit /B
Or if you don't need to Echo each error level to the screen, you can use a conditional statement &&:
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "FILENAME=456_789_ABC00011092_789_EFGHIK_56893.mpg"
For %%A In ("%FILENAME:_=" "%") Do (
Echo %%A | FindStr /IRC:"ABC" >Nul && (
Set /A i+=1
Set "String[!i!]=%%~A"
Set String[
Exit /B


log file of script batch

#echo off
call :checkFTP1 %* > all_log_all_log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log 2>&1
call :checkFTP2 %* >> all_log_all_log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log 2>&1
call :checkFTP3 %* >> all_log_all_log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log 2>&1
call :doCommands1 %* >> all_log_all_log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log 2>&1
call :doCommands2 %* >> all_log_all_log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log 2>&1
call :doCommands3 %* >> all_log_all_log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log 2>&1
call :doCommands4 %* >> all_log_all_log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log 2>&1
exit /b
#echo off
:: Is folder empty
set _TMP=
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b "C:\test\folder1"') do set _TMP="%%a"
IF {%_TMP%}=={} (
goto :Exit1
) ELSE (
goto :checkFTP2
#echo off
:: Is folder empty
set _TMP=
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b "C:\test\folder2"') do set _TMP="%%a"
IF {%_TMP%}=={} (
goto :Exit2
) ELSE (
goto :checkFTP3
#echo off
:: Is folder empty
set _TMP=
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b "C:\test\folder3"') do set _TMP="%%a"
IF {%_TMP%}=={} (
goto :Exit3
) ELSE (
goto :doCommands1
call script1.bat
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (goto :doCommands2 ) Else ( ECHO error on script 1 ,2,3,4)
call script2.bat
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (goto :doCommands3 ) Else ( ECHO Script 1 Completed Successfully , ERRORS on 2,3,4)
call script3.bat
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (goto :doCommands4) Else ( ECHO Script 2 Completed Successfully , ERRORS on 3,4)
call script4.bat
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (goto :completed1) Else ( ECHO Script 3 Completed Successfully , ERRORS on 4)
Echo Today Date %DATE% at %Time%
Echo ###################FTP-1 FILES MISSING #########################
Echo Today Date %DATE% at %Time%
Echo ###################FTP-2 FILES MISSING (#########################
Echo Today Date %DATE% at %Time%
Echo ###################FTP-3 FILES MISSING #########################
Echo Today Date %DATE% at %Time%
Echo ###################all scripts Completed Successfully#########################
I have above batch file which calls multiple bat files. I have tested the script and it worked fine.
My only issue is that the log file generated contains all information, and it's a large file.
Is it possible to just log comments and echo, and exclude what executed in screen?
For example I don't want 1 file moved to be showing in log file.
I've taken your code and re-written it to use generic functions which deduplicates the code into an a more easily managed form and allows you to add or remove any steps to FTP and Script sections as needed by editing the list of variables.
I also only return output that does not include the "file(s) moved".
Alternatively if you really only want the status lines to print you could change this to just have those print to the log and not have all info print to the log (this is being done because you are putting the redirection to the log on the calls to other steps.
Also the way this was written before it was actually going through all the goto commands and not needing the calls to each at the top.
Here is the refactored code, I haven't tested it but it should be fine I have to step out for a few hours and you can ask any questions and I'll be happy to answer when I have time.
#( Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo off
SET "_FolderList="C:\test\folder1" "C:\test\folder1" "C:\test\folder1" "
SET "_ScriptList="c:\test\script1.bat" "E:\script2.bat" "C:\Path\To\script3.bat" "C:\Path\To\script4.bat" "
SET "_Scripts_Failed=1,2,3,4"
SET "_Scripts_Completed="
SET "_Continue=0"
CALL :GetDateTime
SET "MasterLog=all_log_all_log_!IsoDate!_!IsoTime!.log"
CALL :Main
( Endlocal
SET /A "_Counter=0"
FOR %%_ IN (%_FolderList%) DO (
IF DEFINED _Continue (
SET /A "_Counter+=1"
CALL :CheckFTP_List %%~_
)>> "%MasterLog%"
SET /A "_Counter=0"
FOR %%_ IN (%_FolderList%) DO (
IF DEFINED _Continue (
SET /A "_Counter+=1"
CALL :DoCommands_List %%~_
)>> "%MasterLog%"
IF DEFINED _Continue (
Echo Today Date %DATE% at %Time%
Echo ###################all scripts Completed Successfully#########################
REM Is folder empty
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /A-D "%*') do (
set "_Continue=%%a" )
IF NOT Defined _Continue (
Echo.Today Date on %DATE% at %Time%
Echo.###################FTP-%_Counter% FILES MISSING #########################
call "*%" | FIND /I /V "file(s) moved" &REM only outputs lines that don't contain files moved.
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
SET "_Continue="
SET "_Scripts_Completed=%_Scripts_Completed:,1=1%"
SET "_Scripts_Failed=!_Scripts_Failed:%_Scripts_Completed%=!"
Echo Today Date %DATE% at %Time%
ECHO. Error encountered on Script %Counter%! -- Completed Scripts: !_Scripts_Completed! -- Failed Scripts: !_Scripts_Failed!
) ELSE (
SET "_Scripts_Completed=%_Scripts_Completed:,1=1%,%Counter%"
FOR /F "Tokens=1-7 delims=MTWFSmtwfsouehrandit:-\/. " %%A IN ("%DATE% %TIME: =0%") DO (
FOR /F "Tokens=2-4 Delims=(-)" %%a IN ('ECHO.^| DATE') DO (
SET "%%~a=%%~A"
SET "%%~b=%%~B"
SET "%%~c=%%~C"
SET "HH=%%~D"
SET "Mn=%%~E"
SET "SS=%%~F"
SET "Ms=%%~G"
SET "IsoTime=%HH%.%Mn%.%SS%.%Ms%"
SET "IsoDate=%yy%-%mm%-%dd%"

Single line nested loop

I am experimenting with a single line cmd /c to get an inner loop without branching. (Actually i have the showLines routine which performs the loop.) I know its worst for performance but i want to know if its possible to get it run without quotes. Currently it raises "%G was unexpected at this time" error. So, it needs some correct escaping or expansion of variables.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "param=%~1"
netstat -aonb | findstr /n $ > tmpFile_Content
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('type tmpFile_Content ^| findstr /r /c:"%param%" /i') do (
SET line=%%A
for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%I in ("!line!") DO (
set /a LineNum=%%I
rem set /a NextLineNum=LineNum+1
set /a lineNum=!LineNum!-1
if !lineNum!==0 ( set param="tokens=*" ) else ( set param="tokens=* skip=!lineNum!" )
cmd /q /v:on /c "#echo off && setlocal enableDelayedExpansion && set cnt=2 && for /F %%param%% %%B in (tmpFile_Content) do ( echo %%B && set /a cnt-=1 >nul && if ^!cnt^!==0 exit /b )"
rem Following does not work even though cmd should take the rest of arguments after /c
cmd /q /v:on /c setlocal enableDelayedExpansion && FOR /F "tokens=*" %%C IN ('echo !param!') DO ( for /F %%C %%G in (tmpFile_Content) do ( echo %%G && set /a cnt-^=1 >nul && if ^!cnt^!==0 exit /b ))
rem call :showLines !LineNum!
del tmpFile_Content
goto :eof
set /a lineNum=%1-1
set cnt=2
for /F "tokens=* skip=%lineNum%" %%B in (tmpFile_Content) do (
echo %%B
set /a cnt-=1
if !cnt!==0 goto exitLoop
exit /b
to construct for loops with variable parameters, you essentially need to define and execute them as a macro. Eg:
#Echo Off & Setlocal ENABLEdelayedExpasnion
Set param="tokens=* delims="
Set "test=string line"
Set For=For /F %param% %%G in ("^!test^!") Do echo %%G
Of course you could go even further, and build the entire for loop with another for loop macro on the fly.
Method for defining conditional concatenation of commands now exampled
Syntax simplified to allow the same usage form for regular expansion and within codeblocks by having the constructor macro call a subroutine to expand the new for loop once it's constructed.
delayed concatenation variable usage simplified to avoid the escaping requirement
#Echo off
::: { Macro Definition
Setlocal DisabledelayedExpansion
(set \n=^^^
%= This creates an escaped Line Feed - DO NOT ALTER =%
::: [ For Loop Constructor macro. ] For advanced programmers who need to use dynamic for loop options during code blocks.
::: - usage: %n.For%{For loop options}{variable set}{For Metavariable}{commands to execute}
::: - use delayed !and! variable to construct concatenated commands in the new for loop.
Set n.For=For %%n in (1 2) Do If %%n==2 (%\n%
Set FOR=%\n%
For /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 Delims={}" %%1 in ("!!") Do (%\n%
Set "FOR=For /F %%1 %%3 in ("!%%2!") Do (%%~4)"%\n%
Call :Exc.For%\n%
)Else Set
Set "and.=&&"
Set "and=!and.!"
::: } End macro definition.
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion& rem // required to expand n.For constructor macro
::: - Usage examples:
Set "example=is a string line"
%n.For%{"tokens=* delims="}{example}{%%G}{Echo/%%~G}
%n.For%{"tokens=1,2,3,4 delims= "}{example}{%%G}{"Echo/%%~J %%~G %%~H %%~I !and! Echo/%%~I %%~G %%~H %%~J"}
Set "example2=Code block example"
For %%a in (1 2 3) do (
%n.For%{"Tokens=%%a Delims= "}{example2}{%%I}{"For /L %%# in (1 1 4) Do (Set %%I[%%#]=%%a%%#) !and! Set %%I[%%#]"}
Pause > Nul
Goto :EOF
Exit /B
Example output:
is a string line
line is a string
string is a line
Finally, i came up with following to execute code given in string for anyone interested experimentally and may be for some insight about escaping and expansion.
I use macro instead of cmd which will be much more faster i think(not sure because its said that "call" also causes launch of cmd).
So, it is a simple one-liner without a lot of extra code. But things easily become complicated and when extra escaping and special characters used then #T3RR0R's macro routine would be a necessity.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "param=%~1"
netstat -aonb | findstr /n $ > tmpFile_Content
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('type tmpFile_Content ^| findstr /r /c:"%param%" /i') do (
SET line=%%A
for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%I in ("!line!") DO (
set /a LineNum=%%I
rem set /a NextLineNum=LineNum+1
set /a lineNum=!LineNum!-1
if !lineNum!==0 ( set "param="tokens=*"" ) else ( set "param="tokens=* skip=!lineNum!"" )
rem cmd /q /v:on /c "set cnt=2 && for /F ^!param^! %%B in (tmpFile_Content) do ( echo %%B && set /a cnt-=1 >nul && if ^!cnt^!==0 exit /b )"
rem For reading !cnt! use !x!cnt!x!.
rem Only one extra variable used, and in routine its replaced with !(exclamation) for our "cnt" variable.
set "x=^!x^!"
call :ExecCode "set cnt=2 && for /F ^!param^! %%%%B in (tmpFile_Content) do (echo %%%%B && set /a cnt=!x!cnt!x!-1 >nul && if !x!cnt!x!==0 (exit /b) )"
rem call :showLines !LineNum!
del tmpFile_Content
goto :eof
rem Replace with exclamation for variable
set "x=^!"
set "s=%~1"
exit /b
set /a lineNum=%1-1
set cnt=2
for /F "tokens=* skip=%lineNum%" %%B in (tmpFile_Content) do (
echo %%B
set /a cnt-=1
if !cnt!==0 goto exitLoop
exit /b

how to compare numeric variables in batch files

why doesn't this work?
FOR %%F IN (dir *.png) DO (
ECHO "%%F",
It sets FIRST to the last *.png because the IF condition fails, because COUNT - although is incremented by set /A, the IF %COUNT% doesn't ever work. Very frustrating.
Don't need to count, just do goto skip after echo line.
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b *.png') do (
rem :: you can use "echo %%f" instead of "set first=%%f"
set first=%%f
goto _skip
echo %first%
you mixing two things to scan folder.
Here is the second way:
#echo off
for %%f in (*.png) do (
set first=%%f
goto _skip
echo %first%
exit /b 0
If you need absolutely to count, here is the way to skip with count. As stated in comment, you need to enable delayedExpansion
#echo off
set count=1
for %%f in (*.png) do (
set first=%%f
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "!count!"=="1" goto _skip
set /a count+=1
echo !first!

nested for loops with variable used in the nested loop windows batch

I have a first loop and a second loop but the variable from the first loop always stays the same in the second loop. how do i get the actual value of the second loop?
REM #echo off
set fastestserver=none
set fastestresponse=99999999ms
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (fileservers.txt) do (
for /F "skip=8 tokens=9 delims= " %%B in ('ping -n 3 %%A') do (
echo %%A
echo %%B
set fastestresponse=%%B
set actualpingserver=%%B
if /I "%fastestresponse:~,-2%" GTR "%actualpingserver:~,-2%" (
set fastestresponse=%%B
set fastestserver=%%A
REM #echo on
echo %fastestserver%
echo %fastestresponse%
in the fileserver.txt there are some servers inside, each get pinged and i want to get the average ping, if the ping is smaller then of the one before it should replace the 2 variables (fastestserver , fastestresponse ).
Problem now is that if i debug the script it always takes for
if /I "%fastestresponse:~,-2%" LSS "%actualpingserver:~,-2%"
so somehow from the second for the fastestresponse does not get filld because the value is always 999999999ms.
Thanks already for a hint/helping answer
try this:
REM #echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set fastestserver=none
set fastestresponse=99999999ms
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (fileservers.txt) do (
for /F "skip=8 tokens=9 delims= " %%B in ('ping -n 3 %%A') do (
echo %%A
echo %%B
set actualpingserver=%%B
if /I "!fastestresponse:~,-2!" GTR "!actualpingserver:~,-2!" (
set fastestresponse=%%B
set fastestserver=%%A
REM #echo on
echo %fastestserver%
echo %fastestresponse%
more info about delayed expansion

Windows Batch File can't use variable in for syntax

I want to use a variable skip parameter in for loop, but it won't let me do it.
Here is my code
#echo off
set /p testcase=<testcases.txt
set /a end=%testcase%*13
for /L %%P IN (1,13,%end%) DO (
set skip=skip=%%P
echo !skip!
set vidx=0
for /f "%skip%" %%A in (testcases.txt) do (
set /a vidx=!vidx! + 1
set var!vidx!=%%A
Here skip is skip=1, but it doesn't skip any line. When I replace it with skip=1. then it works fine, but I want to skip variable no. of lines in each iteration. Please help.
I think with this logic the only option is a subroutine:
#echo off
set /p testcase=<testcases.txt
set /a end=%testcase%*13
for /L %%P IN (1,13,%end%) DO (
set skip=skip=%%P
echo !skip!
set vidx=0
call :innerFor %%P
exit /b 0
for /f "skip=%~1" %%A in (testcases.txt) do (
set /a vidx=!vidx! + 1
set var!vidx!=%%A
exit /b 0
parametrization of FOR /F options is a little bit tricky..
Though I have no the content of your files I cant test if this works correctly .
