I have a table with a bunch of columns, some visible, but the most invisible. The invisible Columns are all sorted alphabetically, using a comparator that ignores the visible columns and it all works fine (yay!).
But I would like to have the visible columns in a specific order.
Say I have the visible columns 'pain', 'gain', 'sprain', 'rain' and 'lame' which are by default not ordered or sorted in any defined way and I want them in the specific order 'gain', 'rain', 'sprain', 'lame' and 'pain'
How can I accomplish that?
You can put the order into a map:
Map<String, Integer> columnOrder = new HashMap<>();
String[] order = new String[] {"gain", "rain", "sprain", "lame", "pain"};
for (int i = 0 ; i < order.length ; i++) {
columnOrder.put(order[i], i);
And then just use the Comparator API to provide a comparator for the ordering. It seems to me it really doesn't matter what the order of the invisible columns is, since you can't see them, but you can do something like
Comparator<TableColumn<?, ?>> columnComparator =
.thenComparing(col -> columnOrder.getOrDefault(col.getText().toLowerCase(), Integer.MAX_VALUE));
Defaulting to MAX_VALUE just ensures that any column with text not in the map goes at the end.
I'm pulling data from a third party api. The api runs multiple times in a day. So, if the same data is present in the table it should ignore that record, else if there are any changes it should update that record or insert a new record if anything new shows up in the json received.
I'm using the below code for inserting any new data.
var input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<DeserializeLookup>>(resultJson).ToList();
var entryset = input.Select(y => new Lookup
lookupType = "JOBCODE",
code = y.Code,
description = y.Description,
isNew = true,
lastUpdatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow
await _context.Lookup.AddRangeAsync(entryset);
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
But, after the first run, when the api runs again it's again inserting the same data in the table. As a result, duplicate entries are getting into table. To handle the same, I used a foreach loop as below before inserting data to the table.
foreach (var item in input)
if (!_context.Lookup.Any(r =>
r.code== item.Code))
//above insert code
But, the same doesn't work as expected. Also, the api takes a lot of time to run when I put a foreach loop. Is there a solution to this in .net core 3.1
List<DeserializeLookup> newList=new();
foreach (var item in input)
if (!_context.Lookup.Any(r =>
r.code== item.Code))
//above insert code
await _context.Lookup.AddRangeAsync(newList);
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
It will be better if you try this way
I’m on my phone so forgive me for not being able to format the code in my response. The solution to your problem is something I actually just encountered myself while syncing data from an azure function and third party app and into a sql database.
Depending on your table schema, you would need one column with a unique identifier. Make this column a primary key (first step to preventing duplicates). Here’s a resource for that: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_primarykey.ASP
The next step you want to take care of is your stored procedure. You’ll need to perform what’s commonly referred to as an UPSERT. To do this you’ll need to merge a table with the incoming data...on a specified column (whichever is your primary key).
That would look something like this:
Table_1 AS T1
Incoming_Data AS source
T1.column1 = source.column1
/// you can use an AND / OR operator in here for matching on additional values or combinations
UPDATE SET T1.column2= source.column2
//// etc for more columns
INSERT (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (source.column1, source.column2, source.column3);
First of all, you should decouple the format in which you get your data from your actual data handling. In your case: get rid of the JSon before you actually interpret the data.
Alas, I haven't got a clue what your data represents, so Let's assume your data is a sequence of Customer Orders. When you get new data, you want to Add all new orders, and you want to update changed orders.
So somewhere you have a method with input your json data, and as output a sequence of Orders:
IEnumerable<Order> InterpretJsonData(string jsonData)
You know Json better than I do, besides this conversion is a bit beside your question.
You wrote:
So, if the same data is present in the table it should ignore that record, else if there are any changes it should update that record or insert a new record
You need an Equality Comparer
To detect whether there are Added or Changed Customer Orders, you need something to detect whether Order A equals Order B. There must be at least one unique field by which you can identify an Order, even if all other values are of the Order are changed.
This unique value is usually called the primary key, or the Id. I assume your Orders have an Id.
So if your new Order data contains an Id that was not available before, then you are certain that the Order was Added.
If your new Order data has an Id that was already in previously processed Orders, then you have to check the other values to detect whether it was changed.
For this you need Equality comparers: one that says that two Orders are equal if they have the same Id, and one that says checks all values for equality.
A standard pattern is to derive your comparer from class EqualityComparer<Order>
class OrderComparer : EqualityComparer<Order>
public static IEqualityComparer<Order> ByValue = new OrderComparer();
... // TODO implement
Fist I'll show you how to use this to detect additions and changes, then I'll show you how to implement it.
Somewhere you have access to the already processed Orders:
IEnumerable<Order> GetProcessedOrders() {...}
var jsondata = FetchNewJsonOrderData();
// convert the jsonData into a sequence of Orders
IEnumerable<Order> orders = this.InterpretJsonData(jsondata);
To detect which Orders are added or changed, you could make a Dictonary of the already Processed orders and check the orders one-by-one if they are changed:
IEqualityComparer<Order> comparer = OrderComparer.ByValue;
Dictionary<int, Order> processedOrders = this.GetProcessedOrders()
.ToDictionary(order => order.Id);
foreach (Order order in Orders)
if(processedOrders.TryGetValue(order.Id, out Order originalOrder)
// order already existed. Is it changed?
if(!comparer.Equals(order, originalOrder))
// unequal!
// remember the changed values of this Order
processedOrder[order.Id] = Order;
// else: no changes, nothing to do
// Added!
processedOrder.Add(order.Id, order);
Immediately after Processing the changed / added order, I remember the new value, because the same Order might be changed again.
If you want this in a LINQ fashion, you have to GroupJoin the Orders with the ProcessedOrders, to get "Orders with their zero or more Previously processed Orders" (there will probably be zero or one Previously processed order).
var ordersWithTPreviouslyProcessedOrder = orders.GroupJoin(this.GetProcessedOrders(),
order => order.Id, // from every Order take the Id
processedOrder => processedOrder.Id, // from every previously processed Order take the Id
// parameter resultSelector: from every Order, with its zero or more previously
// processed Orders make one new:
(order, previouslyProcessedOrders) => new
Order = order,
ProcessedOrder = previouslyProcessedOrders.FirstOrDefault(),
I use GroupJoin instead of Join, because this way I also get the "Orders that have no previously processed orders" (= new orders). If you would use a simple Join, you would not get them.
I do a ToList, so that in the next statements the group join is not done twice:
var addedOrders = ordersWithTPreviouslyProcessedOrder
.Where(orderCombi => orderCombi.ProcessedOrder == null);
var changedOrders = ordersWithTPreviouslyProcessedOrder
.Where(orderCombi => !comparer.Equals(orderCombi.Order, orderCombi.PreviousOrder);
Implementation of "Compare by Value"
// equal if all values equal
protected override bool Equals(bool x, bool y)
if (x == null) return y == null; // true if both null, false if x null but y not null
if (y == null) return false; // because x not null
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y) return true;
if (x.GetType() != y.GetType()) return false;
// compare all properties one by one:
return x.Id == y.Id
&& x.Date == y.Date
&& ...
For GetHashCode is one rule: if X equals Y then they must have the same hash code. If not equal, then there is no rule, but it is more efficient for lookups if they have different hash codes. Make a tradeoff between calculation speed and hash code uniqueness.
In this case: If two Orders are equal, then I am certain that they have the same Id. For speed I don't check the other properties.
protected override int GetHashCode(Order x)
if (x == null)
return 34339d98; // just a hash code for all null Orders
return x.Id.GetHashCode();
Iterator<Rate> rateIt = rates.iterator();
int lastRateOBP = 0;
while (rateIt.hasNext())
Rate rate = rateIt.next();
int currentOBP = rate.getPersonCount();
if (currentOBP == lastRateOBP)
lastRateOBP = currentOBP;
how can i use above code convert to lambda by stream of java 8? such as list.stream().filter().....but i need to operation list.
The simplest solution is
Set<Integer> seen = new HashSet<>();
rates.removeIf(rate -> !seen.add(rate.getPersonCount()));
it utilizes the fact that Set.add will return false if the value is already in the Set, i.e. has been already encountered. Since these are the elements you want to remove, all you have to do is negating it.
If keeping an arbitrary Rate instance for each group with the same person count is sufficient, there is no sorting needed for this solution.
Like with your original Iterator-based solution, it relies on the mutability of your original Collection.
If you really want distinct and sorted as you say in your comments, than it is as simple as :
TreeSet<Rate> sorted = rates.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(() ->
new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparing(Rate::getPersonCount))));
But notice that in your example with an iterator you are not removing duplicates, but only duplicates that are continuous (I've exemplified that in the comment to your question).
It seems that you want distinct by a Function; or in simpler words you want distinct elements by personCount, but in case of a clash you want to take the max pos.
Such a thing is not yet available in jdk. But it might be, see this.
Since you want them sorted and distinct by key, we can emulate that with:
Collection<Rate> sorted = rates.stream()
(left, right) -> {
return left.getLos() > right.getLos() ? left : right;
On the other hand if you absolutely need to return a TreeSet to actually denote that this are unique elements and sorted:
TreeSet<Rate> sorted = rates.stream()
(left, right) -> {
return left.getLos() > right.getLos() ? left : right;
map -> {
TreeSet<Rate> set = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparing(Rate::getPersonCount));
return set;
This should work if your Rate type has natural ordering (i.e. implements Comparable):
List<Rate> l = rates.stream()
If not, use a lambda as a custom comparator:
List<Rate> l = rates.stream()
.sorted( (r1,r2) -> ...some code to compare two rates... )
It may be possible to remove the call to sorted if you just need to remove duplicates.
I'm new to Java so if this has already been answered somewhere else then I either don't know enough to search for the correct things or I just couldn't understand the answers.
So the question being:
I have a bunch of objects in a list:
try(Stream<String> logs = Files.lines(Paths.get(args))) {
return logs.map(LogLine::parseLine).collect(Collectors.toList());
And this is how the properties are added:
LogLine line = new LogLine();
How do I sort logs so that I end up with list where objects with same "uri" are displayed only once with average requestDuration.
object1.uri = 'uri1', object1.requestDuration = 20;
object2.uri = 'uri2', object2.requestDuration = 30;
object3.uri = 'uri1', object3.requestDuration = 50;
object1.uri = 'uri1', 35;
object2.uri = 'uri2', 30;
Thanks in advance!
Take a look at Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.averagingDouble. In your case, you could use them as follows:
Map<String, Double> result = logLines.stream()
The Collectors.groupingBy method does what you want. It is overloaded, so that you can specify the function that returns the key to group elements by, the factory that creates the returned map (I'm using TreeMap here, because you want the entries ordered by key, in this case the URI), and a downstream collector, which collects the elements that match the key returned by the first parameter.
If you want an Integer instead of a Double value for the averages, consider using Collectors.averagingInt.
This assumes LogLine has getUri() and getRequestDuration() methods.
I'm learning Processing for the first time and I've been tasked to deal with data but it's been terribly confusing for me.
For every line of a CSV file (apart from the header), I want to compare two specific columns of each. i.e. ListA vs ListB
For example, with the data below:
And for example, I want to check for all instances that a value in ListA is "Male" AND that the corresponding value in ListB is "Yes". In this scenario, I should get the value "2" for the two rows this is true.
How would I do that?
For now, I have a 2D String array of the data in the CSV file. From that I managed to assign specific columns as ListA and ListB. I tried using sort but it would only sort one list and not both at the same time.
Current relevant code:
for (int i=1; i<lines.length; i++) {
listA[i-1] = csv[i][int(whichA)];
listB[i-1] = csv[i][int(whichB)];
lA = Arrays.asList(listA);
lB = Arrays.asList(listB);
Not sure if this code really helps makes things clearer though. :/
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
So something like this should do what you need it to. Pseudocode:
int numRows = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (array1[i] equals "Male" AND array2[i] equals "Yes") {
//add to new collection here if you need the data
I have a program with multiple int variables where individual counts are added to the specific variable each time a set fail condition is encountered. I want the user to be able to track how many failures of each category they have encountered by a button click. I want to display the range on a datagridview in order from highest value integer down to lowest. I also need to display in the adjacent column the name of the test step that relates to the value. My plan was to use Array.sort to order the integers but i then lose track of their names so cant assign the adjacent string column. I tried using a hashtable but if i use the string as a key it sorts alphabetically not numerically and if i use the integer as a key i get duplicate entries which dont get added to the hash table. here is some of the examples i tried but they have the aforementioned problems. essentially i want to end with two arrays where the order matches the naming and value convention. FYI the variables were declared before this section of code, variables ending in x are the string name for the (non x) value of the integer.
Hashtable sorter = new Hashtable();
sorter[download] = downloadx;
sorter[power] = powerx;
sorter[phase] = phasex;
sorter[eeprom] = eepromx;
sorter[upulse] = upulsex;
sorter[vpulse] = vpulsex;
sorter[wpulse] = wpulsex;
sorter[volts] = voltsx;
sorter[current] = currentx;
sorter[ad] = adx;
sorter[comms] = commsx;
sorter[ntc] = ntcx;
sorter[prt] = prtx;
string list = "";
string[] names = new string[13];
foreach (DictionaryEntry child in sorter)
list += child.Value.ToString() + "z";
int[] ordered = new int[] { download, power, phase, eeprom, upulse, vpulse, wpulse, volts, current, ad, comms, ntc, prt };
for (int i = 0; i < sorter.Count; i++)
int pos = list.IndexOf("z");
names[i] = list.Substring(0, pos);
list = list.Substring(pos + 1);
First question here so hope its not too longwinded.
Use a Dictionary. And you can order it by the value : myDico.OrderBy(x => x.Value).Reverse(), the sort will be numerical descending. You just have to enumerate the result.
I hope I understand your need. Otherwise ignore me.
You want to be using a
Dictionary <string, int>
to store your numbers.I'm not clear on how you're displaying results at the end - do you have a grid or a list control?
You ask about usings. Which ones do you already have?
EDIT for .NET 2.0
There might be a more elegant solution, but you could implement the logic by putting your rows in a DataTable. Then you can make a DataView of that table and sort by whichever column you like, ascending or descending.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.dataview(v=VS.80).aspx for example.
EDIT for .NET 3.5 and higher
As far as sorting a Dictionary by its values:
var sortedEntries = myDictionary.OrderBy(pair => pair.Value);
If you need the results to be a Dictionary, you can call .ToDictionary() on that. For reverse order, use .OrderByDescending(pair => pair.Value).