Doxygen make pdflatex fail on Debian VM - makefile

I installed Doxygen on a Debian VM on Virtualbox, hosted by a Windows 10 pc. It runs smoothly as creates all the basic documentations, but when I enter into a latex documentation directory and try to run make it gives me the following bash report (roughly translated from italian):
rm -f *.ps *.dvi *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ind *.ilg *.log *.out *.brf *.blg *.bbl refman.pdf
pdflatex refman
make: pdflatex: command not found
Makefile:8: instruction set for target "refman.pdf" failed
make: *** [refman.pdf] Error 127
I searched for this error but I couldn't find anything about. Both the doxyfile and the latex makefile aren't modifed.

Results form generating with doxygen generated Makefile indicates that the pdflatex cannot be found.
Problem appears to be that the installation of TexLive didn't add the directory with e.g. pdflatex to the path.


MinGW make: copy: command not found

I'm trying to compile hp2xx on Windows 10 using MinGW. My makefile is a straight copy of the dosdjgpp.mak file from the makes directory. I have c:\MinGW\bin and C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin in the path.
The make operation fails at the first copy. The makefile line it is failing on is
pbuf.o: picbuf.o
copy picbuf.o pbuf.o
and the error is
copy picbuf.o pbuf.o
make: copy: Command not found
make: *** [pbuf.o] Error 127
From the same command prompt I can use copy OK, so why can't make find it?
I believe that mingw/bin contains the linux style copy command cp so try
pbuf.o: picbuf.o
cp picbuf.o pbuf.o
You may want to add the windows copy path if not already included

Windows 10 make tool from MinGW returns error 2 (e=2)

i'm trying to make the make utility work on windows through MinGW, but i keep getting error 2 while trying to make the make utility perform a task that isn't a command from MinGW.
test: test.cpp
g++ -o test test.cpp
rm ./*.exe
compiling works fine, but when i try to run clean, i get an error.
PS D:\Programs\C++\Test> make clean
rm ./*.exe
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, rm ./*.exe, ...) failed.
make (e=2): Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
makefile:5: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make: *** [clean] Error 2
but typing rm ./.exe directly into the windows powershell works just fine.
all the examples i could find online were about people calling programs that weren't linked in the windows PATH, but here it's not the problem, since make is linked to the PATH and rm ./.exe works on the powershell. any ideas?
thank you in advance.
The commands you use in Powershell aren't avaliable that way. The ones that are available are from the cmd (cmd.exe) command prompt. The command that removes files in the cmd prompt is erase.
All of this is because programs run as if they were launched in cmd.
For more commands, you should run help on the cmd prompt.
Also rm is just an alias for the legacy erase.

compile an android-x86 kernel -- /bin/sh: 1 cd : can't cd to

I am trying to compile the kernel android-x86 ( ics-x86 branches )
I followed this tutorial(1) , but I also paid attention to those link(2)
when I enter the terminal with this command (1)
$ make -C kernel O=/work/config/.config xconfig
I get this :
make: Entering directory '/home/base3/work/a_source/kernel'
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /work/config/.config
Makefile:121: * output directory "/work/config/.config" does not exist. Stop.
make: Leaving directory '/home/base3/work/a_source/kernel'**
If I do (2)
$ make -C kernel O=$OUT/obj/kernel ARCH=x86 menuconfig
I get :
make: Entering directory '/home/base3/work/a_source/kernel'
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/base3/work/a_source/out/target/product/generic_x86/obj/kernel
Makefile:121: * output directory "/home/base3/work/a_source/out/target/product/generic_x86/obj/kernel" does not exist. Stop.
make: Leaving directory '/home/base3/work/a_source/kernel'**
I am in Debian jessie x86-64 , and I want to compile the android kernel to install on a notebook . Android (ics-x86) does not recognize my sata hdd ( SIS chipset )
please do not tell me to use another version of android
I would be very grateful for any hint that would make me go ahead
I can get past this phase using ubuntu 14.04 lts. Using debian jessie, I did not get it, because it made several errors
I used the command in ubuntu:
$Make -C kernel O=$OUT/obj/kernel ARCH=x86 xconfig

"make clean" issue in MSYS/Cygwin

I finally managed to compile a program in Windows, which took a while and would have not been possible without some help from here. It all works now, except: "make clean" yields
/bin/sh: del: command not found
Makefile:44: recipe for target `clean' failed
make: *** [clean] Error 127
In the makefile, the clean command looks like
del /S *.o *~ *.out [...], eliminating all resulting .o and executables resulting from make.
mingw64 is in the path, and I tried with cygwin/bin in the path and without, both with the same result. "Make" was done with mingw32-make in msys. I also tried "mingw-32-make clean" in msys, still no luck; I am also not sure if "make clean" is supported in Cygwin at all. I run the whole thing on Windows 7, 64 bit.
How can I fix this problem?
It seems like you are mixing your platforms. del is a cmd.exe builtin, which is why it cannot be found by Bash. The analog to del is rm.
Try running make under cmd.exe
editing the Makefile, replacing del /S with rm -f
It is also possible to create a file called makefile.defs in you project folder and overwrite the makefile variable RM which is automatically set to "del" by eclipse. The file is included by "makefile" in the [Name of Config] folder
my File just contains:
RM := rm -rf
This works fine for me.

How to generate PDF documentation for my project?

I am using Doxygen for creating documentation of my project. I am able to create Latex file for my documentation, but how to convert it to pdf. I found in the manual of Doxygen that we need to give a make pdf command in outputdir. I tried this but i used to get following error.
$ make pdf
del /s/y *.ps *.dvi *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ind *.ilg *.log *.out refman.pdf
del: not found
make: * [clean] Error 127
Apparently you generated the output on a Windows machine, and are now running make from a Unix/Linux machine. This causes your problem.
I suggest to edit the Makefile in the latex output directory and replace "del" by "rm -rf" and then rerun make. Alternatively, you could generate the latex output using the Unix/Linux version of doxygen. Then doxygen will put "rm -rf" in the Makefile.
cd /to/your/textpath/.tex
then pdflatex refman.tex
