Generate random looking numbers deterministically from a random-access lookup key in O(1) space and time - random

I want to output random looking numbers based on an input. If the same input is put in, the same output is given.
I don't want to pregenerate and store a bunch of random data, and I don't want it to take an O(n) amount of time to recover the nth index.
It does not need to be secure, cryptographically or otherwise, just enough to look random.

If you want a deterministic random-access function from an (index,length) pair to a random looking string of bytes you could use SHA3-N(index)[:length] where N is the first convenient number greater than length.
This would not behave identically to an actual array as reading indexes 1 (with length 10) and 5 (with length 10) would not have any overlap (which you'd expect from an array).
This is going to be slow and very inconvenient for N>512, so if you need longer strings you'll want to do multiple rounds. Something like SHA3-512(SHA3-512(index)[0:256])++SHA3-512(SHA3-512(index)[256:512]) to get something 1024bytes long.
Armed with the multiple rounds part you could use any hash function (e.g. SHA256, MD5) which might be more convenient.
I should note that this is definitely not secure and the output could easily be predicted by an adversary.

Typically, a random number generator will generate the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers given the same seed. For example, such python code might be like so:
for i in range(1, 10):
Will print the same list no matter how many times you invoke that code. Similarly, so will this:
for i in range(1, 10):
If somehow you then describe the sections of your array as a seed (you could use a hash function to do this indeed) you can seed the generator with that value and reliably allow dynamic sizing of the list requested.


Looking for a pseudo random number generation algorithm with specific properties

I'm looking for a pseudo random number generator which has the following properties:
Non-repeating: The returned numbers must be unique until all numbers from 0 to n have been returned once, only then it can repeat each number once more, etc.
Deterministic: If I used the same seed twice it needs to result in the same sequence.
Few allocations: It should not require to allocate a large memory area in order to then mix its data up like sequence permutations would.
My goal is that I could initialize the random number generator with some seed value and then continuously call its function to generate the next number in the sequence, possibly passing it the previous one.
One possible method is a block cypher. Encrypt the numbers 0, 1, 2, ... with a given key and the output is guaranteed unique, and will only repeat once the block size is passed. Each key will generate a different permutation. You just need to keep track of the key and the last number you encrypted.
DES uses a 64 bit block and AES uses a 128 bit block. If those sizes don't suit then you need to look at Format preserving encryption for an appropriately sized block.
One point to note, a non-repeating generator is not random. As more numbers are generated the pool of unused numbers shrinks, until the last number is fully determined. You need to consider if this is important in your application.

Randomness of a hash function

I have read that randomness and uniform distribution are quite important for a hash function.
How do I make a comparison between the randomness property of two different hash functions?
Take two test strings that only differ very slightly, ideally by just one bit: BBBBBB, BBBBBC. Take the hash of each string with a hash function, and see how many bits of the output are changed by a one bit change in the input. An ideally random hash function should switch half the bits in the second output: changing one bit in the input changes half the bits in the output. Cryptographic hash function try to approach this ideal, while other hash function go some way towards it, but sacrifice ideal behaviour for speed.
Repeat for many pairs of almost identical strings to get an average measure of how random the first hash function is. Repeat for the second hash function. The one which gets closest to 50% of the bits changed on average is probably the more random hash function.
This test does not look at other criteria like speed.

Iterative Hash Algorithm for Fast File Check

I want to create a representation of the state of all files in a folder (ignoring order), so that I can send this state to another computer to check if we are in sync. This "state representation" is 3 numbers concatenated by . which are:
sum . product . number of items
The "sum" is the numerical addition all of the file's md5 numerical representations.
The product is the multiplication of all of the file's md5 numerical representations.
The number of items is just the number of files.
The main reason for doing this is that this allows me to create unique states iteratively/quickly when I add or delete a file (a modification being a combination of delete then add). Also, one should end up with the same "state" even if the same set of operations are performed in any random order.
Adding A File
Generate the file's md5
Calculate the md5's numerical value (x).
Add x to the sum
Multiply the product by x
Increment the number of items.
Removing A File
Generate the file's md5
Calculate the md5's numerical value (x).
Subtract x from the sum
Divide the product by x
Decrement the number of items.
Since the numerical representations of hashes can be quite large, I may have to use a library to generate results using strings rather than integers which may be quite slow.
With the limited testing I have done, I have not been able to create "collisions" where a collision is where two different sets of file hashes could produce the same state (remember that we are ignoring the order of the file hashes).
I'm sure that I can't be the first person to want to achieve such a thing. Is there an algorithm or iterative hash function that aims to do the same thing already, preferably in PHP, Java, or Python? Is there a term for this type of thing, all I could think of was "iterative hash"? Is there a flaw with this algorithm that I haven't spotted, such as with "collisions" making generated state representations non-unique?
How many states can your file system take ? infinity for all practical purposes.
How long is your hash length ? short enough to be efficient, finite in any case.
Will I get collisions ? Yes.
So, your hash approach seems fine, particularly if it spreads correctly points that are close, i.e. the state of the fs differing by content of just one file hashes to very different values.
However, you should depend on your hash to produce collisions in the long run, it's a mathematical certainty that probability goes to one that someday you get a collision, given that collision chance is not 0.
So to be really safe, you probably need a full MD5 exchange, if speed and fast updates are the goal your scheme sounds good, but I would back it up with more infrequent exchanges of longer keys, just to be on the safe side if sync is mission critical.

list-of-list vs. hash-of-hashes

I need to store feature vectors associated with string-string pairs. The string-string pairs encode an input-output relationship. There will be a relatively small number of inputs X (e.g. 5), and for each input x, there will be a relatively small number outputs Y|x (e.g. 10).
The question is, what data structure is fastest?
Additional relevant information:
The outputs are generally different for each input, and it cannot be assumed that each X has the same number of outputs.
Lookup will be done "many" times (perhaps 1000).
Inputs will be sampled equally frequently, but for each input, usually one or 2 outputs will be accessed frequently, and the remainder will be accessed infrequently or not at all.
At present, I am considering three possibilities:
list-of-lists: access outer list with index (representing input X[i]), access inner list with index (representing output Y[i][j]).
hash-of-hashes: same as above.
flat hash: key = (input,output).
If you have strings, it's unclear how you would look up the index to use a list of lists efficiently without utilizing hashing anyway. If you can pass around something that keeps the reference to the index (e.g. if the set of outputs is fixed, and you can define an enumeration of them), instead of the string a list of lists would be faster (assuming you mean list in the 'not necessarily linked list' sense, with O(1) element access). Otherwise you may as well just hash directly and save yourself the effort.
If not, that leaves hash of hashes v. flat hash. What's your access pattern like? Are you always going to ask for X,Y, or would you ever need to access all outputs for X? Hash(X+Y) is likely roughly equivalent to hash(X) + hash(Y) (both are going to generally walk over all the letters to generate the hash. So individual hashes is more flexible, at a slight (almost certainly negligible) overhead. From 3, it sounds like you might need the hash of hashes, anyhow.

Hashing - What Does It Do?

So I've been reading up on Hashing for my final exam, and I just cannot seem to grasp what is happening. Can someone explain Hashing to me the best way they understand it?
Sorry for the vague question, but I was hoping you guys would just be able to say "what hashing is" so I at least have a start, and if anyone knows any helpful ways to understand it, that would be helpful also.
Hashing is a fast heuristic for finding an object's equivalence class.
In smaller words:
Hashing is useful because it is computationally cheap. The cost is independent of the size of the equivalence class.
An equivalence class is a set of items that are equivalent. Think about string representations of numbers. You might say that "042", "42", "42.0", "84/2", "41.9..." are equivalent representations of the same underlying abstract concept. They would be in the same equivalence class.
If I want to know whether "042" and "84/2" are probably equivalent, I can compute hashcodes for each (a cheap operation) and only if the hash codes are equal, then I try the more expensive check. If I want to divide representations of numbers into buckets, so that representations of the same number are in the buckets, I can choose bucket by hash code.
Hashing is heuristic, i.e. it does not always produce a perfect result, but its imperfections can be mitigated for by an algorithm designer who is aware of them. Hashing produces a hash code. Two different objects (not in the same equivalence class) can produce the same hash code but usually don't, but two objects in the same equivalence class must produce the same hash code.
Hashing is summarizing.
The hash of the sequence of numbers (2,3,4,5,6) is a summary of those numbers. 20, for example, is one kind of summary that doesn't include all available bits in the original data very well. It isn't a very good summary, but it's a summary.
When the value involves more than a few bytes of data, some bits must get rejected. If you use sum and mod (to keep the sum under 2billion, for example) you tend to keep a lot of right-most bits and lose all the left-most bits.
So a good hash is fair -- it keeps and rejects bits equitably. That tends to prevent collisions.
Our simplistic "sum hash", for example, will have collisions between other sequences of numbers that also happen to have the same sum.
Firstly we should say about the problem to be solved with Hashing algorithm.
Suppose you have some data (maybe an array, or tree, or database entries). You want to find concrete element in this datastore (for example in array) as much as faster. How to do it?
When you are built this datastore, you can calculate for every item you put special value (it named HashValue). The way to calculate this value may be different. But all methods should satisfy special condition: calculated value should be unique for every item.
So, now you have an array of items and for every item you have this HashValue. How to use it? Consider you have an array of N elements. Let's put your items to this array according to their HashHalues.
Suppose, you are to answer for this question: Is the item "it1" exists in this array? To answer to it you can simply find the HashValue for "it1" (let's call it f("it1")) and look to the Array at the f("it1") position. If the element at this position is not null (and equals to our "it1" item), our answer is true. Otherwise answer is false.
Also there exist collisions problem: how to find such coolest function, which will give unique HashValues for all different elements. Actually, such function doesn't exist. There are a lot of good functions, which can give you good values.
Some example for better understanding:
Suppose, you have an array of Strings: A = {"aaa","bgb","eccc","dddsp",...}. And you are to answer for the question: does this array contain String S?
Firstle, we are to choose function for calculating HashValues. Let's take the function f, which has this meaning - for a given string it returns the length of this string (actually, it's very bad function. But I took it for easy understanding).
So, f("aaa") = 3, f("qwerty") = 6, and so on...
So now we are to calculate HashValues for every element in array A: f("aaa")=3, f("eccc")=4,...
Let's take an array for holding this items (it also named HashTable) - let's call it H (an array of strings). So, now we put our elements to this array according to their HashValues:
H[3] = "aaa", H[4] = "eccc",...
And finally, how to find given String in this array?
Suppose, you are given a String s = "eccc". f("eccc") = 4. So, if H[4] == "eccc", our answer will be true, otherwise it fill be false.
But how to avoid situations, when to elements has same HashValues? There are a lot of ways to it. One of this: each element in HashTable will contain a list of items. So, H[4] will contain all items, which HashValue equals to 4. And How to find concrete element? It's very easy: calculate fo this item HashValue and look to the list of items in HashTable[HashValue]. If one of this items equals to our searching element, answer is true, owherwise answer is false.
You take some data and deterministically, one-way calculate some fixed-length data from it that totally changes when you change the input a little bit.
a hash function applied to some data generates some new data.
it is always the same for the same data.
thats about it.
another constraint that is often put on it, which i think is not really true, is that the hash function requires that you cannot conclude to the original data from the hash.
for me this is an own category called cryptographic or one way hashing.
there are a lot of demands on certain kinds of hash f unctions
for example that the hash is always the same length.
or that hashes are distributet randomly for any given sequence of input data.
the only important point is that its deterministic (always the same hash for the same data).
so you can use it for eample verify data integrity, validate passwords, etc.
read all about it here
You should read the wikipedia article first. Then come with questions on the topics you don't understand.
To put it short, quoting the article, to hash means:
to chop and mix
That is, given a value, you get another (usually) shorter value from it (chop), but that obtained value should change even if a small part of the original value changes (mix).
Lets take x % 9 as an example hashing function.
345 % 9 = 3
355 % 9 = 4
344 % 9 = 2
2345 % 9 = 5
You can see that this hashing method takes into account all parts of the input and changes if any of the digits change. That makes it a good hashing function.
On the other hand if we would take x%10. We would get
345 % 10 = 5
355 % 10 = 5
344 % 10 = 4
2345 % 10 = 5
As you can see most of the hashed values are 5. This tells us that x%10 is a worse hashing function than x%9.
Note that x%10 is still a hashing function. The identity function could be considered a hash function as well.
I'd say linut's answer is pretty good, but I'll amplify it a little. Computers are very good at accessing things in arrays. If I know that an item is in MyArray[19], I can access it directly. A hash function is a means of mapping lookup keys to array subscripts. If I have 193,372 different strings stored in an array, and I have a function which will return 0 for one of the strings, 1 for another, 2 for another, etc. up to 193,371 for the last one, I can see if any given string is in the array by running that function and then seeing if the given string matches the one in that spot in the array. Nice and easy.
Unfortunately, in practice, things are seldom so nice and tidy. While it's often possible to write a function which will map inputs to unique integers in a nice easy range (if nothing else:
if (inputstring == thefirststring) return 0;
if (inputstring == thesecondstring) return 1;
if (inputstring == thethirdstring) return 1;
... up to the the193371ndstring
in many cases, a 'perfect' function would take so much effort to compute that it wouldn't be worth the effort.
What is done instead is to design a system where a hash function says where one should start looking for the data, and then some other means is used to search for the data from there. A few common approaches are:
Linear hashing -- If two items map to the same hash value, store one of them in the array slot following the one indicated by the hash code. When looking for an item, search in the indicated slot, and then next one, then the next, etc. until the item is found or one hits an empty slot. Linear hashing is simple, but it works poorly unless the table is much bigger than the number of items in it (leaving lots of empty slots). Note also that deleting items from such a hash table can be difficult, since the existence of an item may have prevented some other item from going into its indicated spot.
Double hashing -- If two items map to the same value, compute a different hash value for the second one added, and shove the second item that many slots away (if that slot is full, keep stepping by that increment until a vacant slot is found). If the hash values are independent, this approach can work well with a more-dense table. It's even harder to delete items from such a table, though, than with a linear hash table, since there's no nice way to find items which were displaced by the item to be deleted.
Nested hashing -- Each slot in the hash table contains a hash table using a different function from the main table. This can work well if the two hash functions are independent, but is apt to work very poorly if they aren't.
Chain-bucket hashing -- Each slot in the hash table holds a list of things that map to that hash value. If N things map to a particular slot, finding one of them will take time O(N). If the hash function is decent, however, most non-empty slots will contain only one item, most of those with more than that will contain only two, etc. so no slot will hold very many items.
When dealing with a fixed data set (e.g. a compiler's set of keywords), linear hashing is often good; in cases where it works badly, one can tweak the hash function so it will work well. When dealing with an unknown data set, chain bucket hashing is often the best approach. The overhead of dealing with extra lists may make it more expensive than double hashing, but it's far less likely to perform really horribly.
